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It's here! July's build is ready for download for all $5+ patrons. See my next post for the changelog.

Download it here, and enjoy!

As always, thank you very much for your support. I've got a lot of surprises in store for the next few builds, and I hope you'll continue to look forward to seeing what comes next!




As always, let me know if you encounter any serious bugs or crashes, and I'll patch them out right away.


Hello! Here's my feedback for this version (So far): Combat is a lot better now, especially due to the introduction of Stances; Messaging app is pretty cool; I'd like to see more lewd events on the field; Bugs: If you alt+tab out of the game, when you return to it, you'll get some weird slowdowns, not sure why. Running the game on fullscreen. After the slowdowns, the game returns to normal speed, but eventually slows down again. I manage to stop this "bug" by putting it into windowed mode (Alt+Enter) and reverting it; When I am going to leave a Haremon on the Ranch, I get a weird bug where if I try to select any Haremon other than the first on my party a number "1" appears, selecting it or selecting the first Haremon results in a crash; Here's the crash error: ___________________________________________ ############################################################################################ FATAL ERROR in action number 1 of Other Event: User Defined 1 for object obj_vncontroller: DoAdd :: Execution Error at gml_Script_scene_action_resetranch ############################################################################################ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- stack frame is gml_Script_scene_action_resetranch (line -1) gml_Object_obj_vncontroller_Other_11 called from - gml_Object_obj_vncontroller_Step_0 (line -1) - <unknown line="" source=""> I also took a screenshot in case you need it. Keep up the good work, I'm loving the game since 0.3 release!</unknown>


Thanks for the report! I'll look into it right away. If you could post the screenshot on our Discord, or tweet it to me on Twitter (@haremondev), that'd be great.