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Once again, a new monthly build is ready for download. If you pledge as little as $5, you can play it right now!

Click here for the download! 

Here's what's changed since last time:
- Added the Star Shard system. After each battle, you'll gain a number of Shards based on the stats of the enemies you defeated. These shards can be used (on the new Techniques page of the Haremon app) to level up your techniques, unlock new ones, and Upgrade techniques into more powerful ones (for example, Scratch can become Claw or Shred)
- Along with the addition of Star Shards, many new techniques have been added, with each Haremon getting at least one new move to learn.
- Added two new alternate outfits (Holstaurus and Monarch). Now all 6 current Haremon have an alternate outfit! In addition, the quests "When the Cows Come Home" and "Ipmish Antics" now reward you with a Golden Voucher, as do all 4 rank-up quests, so you can now obtain all outfits on the same playthrough.
- Added the Phone app. Whenever you meet a new NPC or Haremon, they'll be added to your Contacts. You can call a character in order to invite her to your room, allowing you to interact with NPCs and non-party Haremon in the bedroom (The "Call a Haremon" option in the bedroom has been removed). This means that you can now give gifts to NPCs. However, none of them have CGs yet, so they can't be bedded. The only real reason to raise their Affection at the moment is to increase the Shopkeeper's discount.
- Added a teaser scene where you can meet the new NPC, the Lady in Black. You can trigger this event by exploring the Caverns with the Catgirl in your party.
- Added elemental weaknesses, strengths, and resistances to all Haremon and monsters, affecting damage dealt to them by attacks
- Added a new guild rank with 10 new quests
- Added enemy healthbars and portraits. Scent-ed enemies will now display their healthbar, as well as their positions on the Mood Meter and the Wait bar, for the rest of battle. Using "Check" now shows their elemental weaknesses and strengths.
- Added a victory fanfare to winning a battle, to accompany the new Results screen
- Added music to the bedroom
- Changed when and how Ranch activities update, hopefully improving the process quite a bit. Doing things like questing, reaching an Exit tile, defeating monsters, and even getting a Game Over adds to the ranch's progress, and the success of each activity depends on the current progress level when you pick them up. Of course, this is all under the hood, but you can now check on ranch progress by calling Delilah on the Phone app.
- Monsters now have a level of adaptive difficulty; specifically, their stats and starting HP increase based on several factors, such as the number of Haremon you've tamed, the number of Haremon in your party, and the number of times you've levelled up/upgraded/unlocked techniques. This prevents battles from becoming too easy as you power your team up.
- One Handed Mode: you can now use the mouse to perform QTEs in battle. You can activate this setting on the Settings menu.
- Added clickable buttons to the VN textbox, allowing you to use skip, auto, log, and settings without using the keyboard
- Added a Battle Prompts option to the settings menu. This has three states: Off (no QTEs, but no extra damage), Slow (gives you more time to react, but less bonus damage), and Normal (the default setting). Note that this setting affects blocking as well, so turning it Off will result in your Haremon taking more damage from attacks.
- Added spinners to the "Tight Squeeze" event to prevent unavoidable Affection loss.
- Failing to Manipulate an enemy now increases the chance of that manipulation technique succeeding next time by 10% (this resets after battle)
- The monarch has been reduced in size to make her more fairy-like and to reduce the amount of space she takes up in battle
- You will receive extra Shards from battle if you are playing in Active mode.
- You can now change a girl's activity at the Ranch without withdrawing her
- Added a confirmation to skipping turns in the dungeon
- Added an option to use the "simple" textbox style, in case the fancy ones are causing lag
- Various minor tweaks, bugfixes, and crash fixes

I hope you enjoy the new build as much as I do. As always, thanks so much for your support!




I have a question, I met the monarch before rabbit-girl, but didn’t activated that quest at guild, so how can I complete it?


Which build are you playing? It should be impossible to recruit the Monarch before activating that quest, unless you imported your save from an earlier version

reiter, i didnt recruited Monarch, but she doesn't appear again at fields


So you already fought her? Now you need to buy the Sunflower from the rancher (in the Flower Girl event) and then you can encounter the monarch again, give her the flower, and add her to your team. It's pretty confusing, so I'll add a better description to the quest in a future build.


The game chrash if i try to "Serum" the cowgirl


And when the Monarch's sex scene and CG will be added?


The new combat system adds a nice level of depth to the game, but the nerf to both power and speed to the characters can lead to some really bad playing experiences. In the plains, the frog encounter is REDICULOUSLY tedious, because since you are no longer able to even 2 shot the frogs, it requires SIGNIFICANT timing to kill both of the last frogs before they can move, since if one is left it will always SOS. I literally just spent 30 minutes in that stupid fight.


Quest at the 1st rank passed, but 2 is closed and still in Invintare, where did the outfit on which I did not change the voucher for a voucher for 1 rank in Invintare


And I realized this is an old outfit, but this does not eliminate the problems with closed rank