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Haremon 0.7 is ready for download! 

See my next post for the changelog. I spent all day yesterday running through the game and fixing bugs, so this should be a stable build.

As always, thanks so much for your support! I couldn't do this without you all <3

NOTE: I highly recommend you start a new save file instead of loading one from a previous build. The new Star Shards system and adaptive difficulty are meant to build from the beginning of the game, so you won't get the intended experience if you load an old save. Additionally, due to this build rearranging a lot of Guild quests, importing an old save will completely reset your Guild progress and cancel any active guild jobs. I'm sorry for any inconvenience this may cause, but it's the only way to prevent the new build from completely breaking old saves! 




There was a bug in version 0.6 to which a player would become unable to select Rank 2 quests when the options would appear. Specifically, they would only be able to see, but not actually move the selection cursor to it. It happened later in the game after having completed all but the last quest.


The game always crash when the Fairy attaks white pleasure bomb.


___________________________________________ ############################################################################################ FATAL ERROR in action number 1 of Step Event0 for object obj_battlecontroller: Push :: Execution Error - Variable Index [3,1] out of range [3,-1] - -5.girlCondition(100213,96001) at gml_Script_auto_target_enemy ############################################################################################ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- stack frame is gml_Script_auto_target_enemy (line -1) gml_Script_perform_added_effect gml_Object_obj_battlecontroller_Step_0