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For the next two weeks, we continued training every other night as the doctor had instructed. Every night was the same: after some foreplay, she’d lube the spot and rub it until I came, usually all over myself. Each night she used a stopwatch and kept track of the improvement, and each night she flashed me right as I was about to cum. Though after a week, she stopped showing me her bare breasts and just flashed her bra. I didn’t question it. Her tits were great to look at, regardless.

We started to settle into that as our routine, and each time I offered if she wanted me to pleasure her in some way, she always declined. I also asked to see the times as I wasn’t sure if there was that much change happening, but she just said not to worry about it and trust the process. Eventually, I stopped asking questions and just laid back and let her handle it. It was nice in a way, just getting my pleasure taken care of on a regular, scheduled basis, and I started to always look forward to our sessions.

I even noticed that my mind stopped wandering to the wetting accidents, and I stopped having unexpected premature accidents in my diaper, so it must’ve been working. Either that or my initial theory that it was just her accidents that were causing my accidents was true, and we had created enough distance between the initial rush of a lot of accidents for me to settle down and keep it out of my mind.

With two weeks passed, it was time for Hazel to report her training progress to the doctors. It had been a while since I saw her have an accident or saw a diaper leak, so it must’ve been working. I didn’t ask; she still seemed to be sensitive about the topic despite seemingly showing improvement.

But as we got in the car to drive to the doctor’s office, I could tell she was off. “Everything okay, baby?” I asked.

“Mhm!” She made sounds through her lips to convince me, but I wasn’t easily convinced.

“Are you sure? You seem a little off,” I asked.

“Nope. All good.”


I sat silently for a moment while we drove, pondering. Was she worried about what the doctor would say? Maybe I should’ve been more involved in her progress as she was in mine, but then I would have risked worsening my progress.

“Shit!” Suddenly Hazel cursed and looked down at her crotch. I stopped the car at a red light and looked over at her.

“What’s wrong?” I asked her, following her gaze.

“I just fucking leaked into my pants,” she explained, feeling around her crotch.

“Are you sure? I can’t see any leaks!” I said, hopeful that maybe she was just overreacting after a big accident. But suddenly, she turned her hips to the side, revealing her ass to me, and I could see two orange-sized wet spots that formed in the spots where her diaper had failed to hold.

As soon as I saw it, I quickly looked away. I didn’t want to set myself off after all that progress. But even so, I couldn’t help but feel the heat gather in my crotch, and my dick started to press against my diaper.

“Well, we can go back if you want,” I suggested. “Not a problem.”

“My appointment is in 15 minutes, we’re not going to get home and back in time without showing up late, and you know when I show up late, they just move on to the next person, and I could be waiting forever!” Hazel complained, her rage showing on her face.

“Well, what do you suggest?” I asked.

Hazel thought for a moment and looked around the car. I know for a fact we didn’t have a spare set of clothes in here, but she was thinking.

“Give me your pants,” she finally said as more of a demand than a question.

“What am I going to wear then?” I said, laughing at the suggestion. “Your pants aren't going to fit me, and they’re wet anyways.”

“Just give me your pants and drive home. Then you can kill some time while I’m in there anyways.”

We finally pulled up to the doctor's office, and I couldn’t believe that she was serious, but as I looked at her expression, she wasn’t wavering.

“Give me your pants, Bo, now! I’m going to be late!”

“What am I supposed to do? I can’t drive home in just my boxers and a diaper!” I protested.

“Yes, you can! What’s stopping you?”

“What if I get pulled over or in an accident? Then what am I supposed to do? Get out of the car and exchange my information in just a diaper and my boxers?”

“Well, drive carefully!”

“What about when I get to the house? I have to run in and risk the neighbour seeing me!”

“I’m not asking anymore. Be a good boy, and give me your pants.”

The works ‘good boy’ sent a chill down my spine, and I froze.

“Now!” Hazel commanded. Finally, I gave in. I couldn’t believe it. There in the parking lot of the doctor's office, Hazel and I were both stripping our pants. My eyes dashed around, hopeful that no one would walk by and see.

“Shit, I forgot diaper change,” Hazel said as she sat in the car seat naked from the waist down, holding her soaking wet diaper. Her eyes looked over at me and saw my diaper under my boxers containing my frustrated erection. She didn’t need to ask me. I just pulled down my boxers and diaper, handed her the dry diaper, and pulled my underwear over my embarrassing erection.

Despite covering up to the best I could, I could tell Hazel had seen it by the smirk on her face. Finally, Hazel, wearing a bigger diaper and my baggy pants, got out of the car and rushed into the doctor's office, kissing me on the cheek before she left. After watching her enter the building, I sat there, wondering how I had just agreed. But then, I looked over to her seat and saw her wet pants and thick, yellowed diaper resting there.

A chill of arousal rushed over me, and I put the car in gear, eager to get home. I drove as quickly as I carefully could, a pulsating erection maintaining its struggle against my boxers the whole way.

Finally, I got to the last red light before our place, and I couldn’t help but look over to the passenger seat one more time. Her pants were just lying there, perfectly displaying the wet spots that seemed to perfectly outline where a diaper was. And the diaper itself was completely soaked, and I couldn’t resist the urge to reach over and grab it.

My arousal spiked as the padding hit my hand, and I felt myself nearing the edge. I quickly let go and put my hands back on the wheel, eager for the light to change. But as I watched the red light, my mind couldn’t escape it. The wet pants. The heavy diaper. Her having an accident. Her fantastic tits in a bra…

The image of her tits entered my mind, and as soon as the light changed to green, I came in my boxers. My foot hit the gas pedal in a fury, and my body clenched and spasmed with the orgasm. I didn’t look down until I got home, where I saw the substantial sticky stain on my pants.

“You really are pathetic, aren’t you?” I asked myself as I put the car in park. “Hopefully with a few more weeks of training, this never happens again.”


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