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As soon as I heard the water running, I fell back into bed in pure bliss. I couldn’t get over how well that worked, and it only took him 6 minutes on his first time. I switched to a new tab on my phone where a spreadsheet I had made earlier awaited his first time. I entered it, then tossed my phone aside and closed my eyes. The smell of the lube on my fingers was enough to have a wave of heat wash over me, and I could feel my pussy aching for pleasure. I closed my eyes, reached down my pants and slowly guided my hand under my diaper…

“Oh shit,” I said, opening my eyes and sitting up. My hand felt what my body clearly didn’t; a massive accident had filled my diaper to the max. It was totally saturated with pee, and I quickly rolled over to my side to see that it had leaked out the back and left a nice grapefruit-sized wet spot on my pants.

I laid back and sighed, wondering when it happened. ‘Probably pissed the whole time I was getting him off,’ I thought to myself; my diaper was dry at the dinner table, after all. But despite my accident, I couldn’t shake the overwhelming arousal from the first training session and knew that if I didn’t get off now, I probably wouldn’t have a quiet moment until tomorrow.

So I reached back between my legs and into my soaked diaper and started gently caressing my clit. The pleasure was immense and instant, like a sudden shock to my system. I couldn’t help but moan as I sped up the pace, closing my eyes and imagining Bo’s face as he stared at my bare tits and came all over himself.

The sound of the running water in the bathroom stopped just as another moan escaped. I couldn’t help it; I was so close. I needed to cum before Bo walked in…

“Ah!” I gasped as I climaxed. My whole body trembled in pleasure, and I felt more warm liquid escape my body and wet my hand before soaking into the diaper. Unfortunately, I didn’t have much time to enjoy it as Bo opened the bathroom door and walked into the room.

Before he could enter, I pulled my wet hand from my diaper and laid back casually, doing my best to hide the lingering trembles and my shaky breath.

“How long until that starts to show results?” Bo asked as he walked in, drying his hair with a towel.

“At least a month, maybe more. Apparently, it might also get worse before it gets better,” I fibbed.

“Well, that’s annoying, but I’ll trust the process,” Bo replied. I knew I couldn’t move. The additional squirt, pee, whatever came out of me during my orgasm, had without a doubt gone right out the side of the diaper. It had nowhere else to go, after all. No more padding was dry enough to absorb it.

“I’m glad you’re so willing,” I smiled.

“But do let me know if you want something as well,” Bo dropped his towel and started putting his pyjama’s on. “I want to make sure you feel good as well.”

“I’ll certainly let you know. How about next time?”

“Sure, baby. Tomorrow?”

“Nope, every other day!” I reminded him.

“I was optimistic,” He joked, then walked over to me for a kiss.

“You coming to watch TV?” he asked, pulling my hand to get me off the bed.

I tugged away and blushed. “I’ll come in a bit; I just wanna look at my phone for a bit.”

“Alright,” Bo started to walk away when he noticed how awkward I was acting. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine!” I said, wanting desperately for him just to leave the room.

“You sure? You’re a little red.”

“Just warm. Going to change into my PJs now….”

Bo wasn’t entirely convinced, but he wasn’t going to push. “Alright then.”

Finally, he left the room. I waited to move until I heard the TV turn on, but as soon as I did, I sprung into action to quickly change my pants. I pulled them off and looked at the back. Completely soaked, yet again. I was even more doubtful of the kegels than before. I at least thought that some exercise would show a minor improvement, but the accidents are just getting worse and worse. This was a full-blown accident that I didn’t feel at all. I understand getting caught up in the moment, but there shouldn’t be any reason for my bladder to void that much without my noticing, distracted by premature training or not.

With my pants off, I pulled off my top and looked at myself in the mirror, just diaper and bra. The diaper was yellowed and sagging, and I could see the sheen of wetness on my butt from the leaks.

“Hey, have you seen my charger?” Bo said, walking into the room abruptly.

“Get out!” I screamed, covering myself as best as I could.

Bo laughed. “What? I’ve seen you naked hundreds of times!”

“Not…while you’re training! You can’t be aroused now!” I quickly came up with an excuse.

“Alright, alright…have you seen my charger, though?”

“Yes, it’s just in the wall there,” I pointed next to the bed, frustrated.

“Can I…?”

“I will grab it!”

“Okay! Thank you!” Bo said, raising his arms defensively and leaving the room. I exhaled and lowered my arms, resuming my examination of my diapered body in the mirror. Finally, I grabbed the waistband and slowly lowered the heavy diaper to the floor, careful not to spill any pee that might be lingering inside unabsorbed. Then, I wrapped it in some tissue and tossed it in the garbage.

Finally, I released my breasts from the confines of their bra, grabbed my PJs from the dresser, and went to the bathroom to get a new dry diaper. I quickly hurried out of the room, carefully hiding my nude body in case Bo decided to look in my direction.

As I grabbed a new diaper from the pack, I noticed it was getting low and that I would probably have to buy some more soon. I pulled the padding through my legs and over my waist and sighed, feeling defeated.

“C’mon Hazel,” I said to hype myself up. “Just like Bo’s training, it’s going to take some time, but you’ll have your bladder back in no time!”

As the whispered words came out of my mouth, I tried to believe them, but with the diaper securely wrapped around my waist, it was hard not to feel pessimistic.

“It’s gonna be okay,” I continued. “Even if we have to wear diapers, even if we can’t control our pee, Bo won’t be able to control himself around you. That’s what’s important.”



Loving every word