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“Excuse me, ma’am,” Peter approached Carmen with false sincerity as she entered the park, fresh from having to buy a ticket. “I couldn’t help but overhear.”

“I already told you guys, I don’t want your help,” Carmen snapped before Peter could continue.

“Oh, I’m not with them. It’s just, the story somewhat sounded familiar. How old were they? 18 and 22?” Peter continued, trying to get her to stop her raged charge toward Isla, Jill and the rest.

“Yes. What, have you seen them?” Carmen finally paused to ask.

“Possibly. A friend of mine took an interest in a girl who told him that she and her sister are currently on the run from their mom. Do you have a picture of them?” Peter asked. Carmen paused, raised an eyebrow, and dug into her purse for her phone. When she finally got it out, she quickly flipped through and then presented Peter with a photo of Jill and Kennedy.

“Oh yeah, that’s her!” Peter said excitedly. “You see, I really didn’t like what I was hearing. That they would run away like that. You see, I have a pretty close relationship with my mom, and maybe this is my bias, but I believe the relationship between a mother and child is the most important relationship someone can have. You see…” Peter began rambling as best he could, trying his best to delay Carmen.

“Excuse me,” Carmen tried to interrupt the ramblings. “EXCUSE ME!”

Finally, Peter stopped. “Sorry, I’m studying psychology, and these things fascinate me.”

“Are they here or not?” Carmen snapped. Peter’s phone buzzed, and he pulled it out of his pocket to read the text from Isla.

Isla: That’s the only way in or out. Can you lure her away?

Peter put his finger up to have Carmen wait a silent second while he replied, to which she groaned exhaustedly.

Peter: You got it. I’ll take the west side; you take the east. Use the booths as your cover.

“Yes! They’re here; I just got word from my friend exactly where they are. Will you follow me?” Peter urged. Carmen hesitated but begrudgingly followed him.

“Well, let’s make sure that doesn’t happen,” Isla reassured Jill, whose desperation was building rapidly. Everyone walked slowly with their heads on swivels.

“Be careful,” Kennedy warned. “Sooner or later, we’re going to pass them, and while there’s stuff in the way, she may still see us.”

Jill’s heart was beating out of her chest, partially from fear and partially from desperation. Her bladder wanted instant relief, and she knew the moment she stopped clenching, the pee would flow. The diaper lightly rustled under her skirt as she pushed her legs together even tighter as they walked.

“It’s a shame we can’t use the thing anymore,” Isla whispered to Jill, referring to the vibrator.

“I should’ve known it was a bad idea,” Jill replied.

“It wasn’t a bad idea,” Isla replied. “We were both excited about it; it’s just unfortunate. Don’t blame yourself.”

“How can I not? I was like a dude, too horny to even think straight,” Jill replied, careful not to be heard by the rest of the group.

“I love how I have that effect on you,” Isla teased, trying desperately to distract Jill and better her mood. Jill managed a smile, but it quickly faded as her eyes caught Peter’s through a concession stand. Jill immediately grabbed Isla and pulled her down to the ground.

“Ken!” Jill called in as hushed a tone as possible. Kennedy heard, and before she could even ask Jill what she called for, she saw her mother. Kennedy quickly ducked behind the concession with Jill and Isla.

“Do you think she saw us?” Jill asked.

“I don’t think so. Where’s Heather?” Kennedy asked. Isla and Jill looked around, but they couldn’t see her until suddenly…

“HEATHER!” Carmen called out as she saw Heather walking away with the guys, oblivious to the missing three girls.

“Shit shit shit shit,” Kennedy whispered, and the three repositioned themselves to be better hidden.

“Where are they?” Carmen asked Heather.

Heather stumbled over her words, actually not sure where the other three had gone. “They left like, a day ago….”

“Don’t bullshit me, Heather; I know they’re here with you and Isla,” Carmen continued.

“Look, ma’am, I don’t-” Cuba started to try and help, but Carmen simply put out her finger to hush him.

Behind the concession, Jill’s squatting position made holding even harder. She squeezed her thighs together as tightly as she could and bit her lip. Finally, her muscles began to give. One spurt of hot piss shot violently into the inner padding under her skirt and tights. Isla heard the impact and looked at Jill, who was bright red.

That spurt was closely followed by another, and another, until the spurts became a stream, and Jill conceded her control. She closed her eyes, let out a heavy sigh, and let the pee flow. A heavy hissing sound could be heard in the tight confines the girls were sharing, and Kennedy raised an eyebrow and turned her eyes away from her mother towards the curious sound.

“What is that?” Kennedy asked, hardly whispering. Isla and Jill refused to answer. “Is someone wetting themselves?”

Kennedy’s face washed over in disgust before she looked towards the ground beneath Isla and Jill, expecting a puddle.

“Wait, what the fuck?” Kennedy asked, confused, but suddenly…

“KENNEDY MARIE LANSON!” Carmen yelled as she spotted Kennedy, Jill and Isla from a distance.

“Run!” Kennedy announced to Jill and Isla, and they all leapt to their feet and bolted to the entrance. Isla’s run was awkward and, unfortunately, pleasurable as the motion rubbed the nullified vibration device in her pull-up in all the right ways. Jill’s run was part wobble as the bulk of her soaking wet diaper forced her legs further apart than she was used to.

Carmen tried to give chase, but the boys quickly formed a blockade to delay her.

“Hey!” she screamed at them. “Let me go!”

“Go, Heather!” Cuba instructed. “We got this!”

Heather nodded and sprinted after the other three.

“No, you do not ‘got this.’ Heather! You get back here! I’m telling your mother!” Carmen threatened, but Heather didn’t look back and caught up with Isla, Jill and Kennedy.

“Hurry!” Heather urged. Isla looked behind her; they had made some distance thanks to the boys, but Carmen finally broke free of their blockade.

“She’s coming!” Isla announced. The girls hustled to the car, and Kennedy fumbled with her keys.

“Ken!” Jill urged.

“I’m trying, I’m trying!” Kennedy said. Finally, she unlocked the car, and everyone eagerly hopped in. Kennedy started the car and quickly backed out of the stall. Carmen ran into the parking lot as fast as her furious legs could take her, but as she saw the girls pull out and away, she slammed her keys to the ground. Isla watched as Peter and the other boys caught up with Carmen. Peter caught Isla’s eyes and waved. Isla waved back and smiled softly with disappointment.

“That was close,” Jill panted.

“Yeah,” Kennedy said, and everyone took a moment to catch their breath. “So, which one of you is wearing a diaper?”


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