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Besides the sound of heavy, exhausted breathing, the car went silent as Kennedy awaited an answer to her question.

“One of you has to be. I heard it. Someone was peeing their pants, and nothing was coming down their legs,” Kennedy pushed.

“Really? We just escaped mom, and this is what you’re going on about?” Jill replied harshly.

“So it’s you then? Or is it Isla, and you’re just defending her?” Kennedy continued, getting more agitated.

“What is actually wrong with you?” Jill matched Kennedy’s rising voice.

“Nothing’s wrong, actually! I don’t wear diapers. I don’t turn on my location settings when I know my psychotic mother is tracking us-”

“It was a simple mistake, Ken,” Isla tried to add.

“Simple mistake? Simple mistake?? It was the ONE thing I told her she couldn't do if she wanted to come with us because I knew she could use it to find us.”

“And I’m sorry, okay? Can we drop it now? We got away!” Jill replied.

“No! We got away then, but do you seriously think she’s going to stop now? She literally had us. And it won’t take a genius to figure out that we’re staying at a hotel in the nearest town. A town, I might add, has maybe three hotels total,” Kennedy’s argument silenced Jill. “Now we have to rush back to the hotel, quickly grab our stuff, check out, and hopefully be back on the road before she can figure out where we are.”

The rest of the group sat and thought about what Kennedy was saying. No one could deny that she was right, but no one wanted to admit when she was right.

“You know what? I don’t even know why we helped you!” Kennedy snapped.

“What?” Jill and Isla replied, and Heather raised an eyebrow as she looked out the window, trying to avoid the escalating argument.

“She isn’t after any of us. She’s just after you. If we just let her take you home, we wouldn’t have to stress about it anymore.”

“Kennedy, don’t say that,” Isla added.

“Why not? It’s true! And neither of you wanted her on this trip anyway, so don’t act like you wouldn’t prefer her gone.”

Isla’s mouth dropped, and a fire started burning in her stomach. “I wouldn’t prefer that!”

“Well, of course, you two are all buddy buddies now. Does one of you change the other's diaper? I can literally smell the pee.”

“Alright, maybe we should-” Heather tried to calm the tension in the car, but Isla was emerging into a level of rage she had never entered before in defense of Jill and cut her off.

“I think you need to stop being such a… such a bitch!” Isla said, still uncertain in her rage.

“Wow, look at you with the fighting words! How cute,” Kennedy said, condescending Isla. “Maybe it is you wearing the diaper! Look how flustered you are right now!”

“Okay, Kennedy, seriously, chill the fuck out,” Heather warned, but Isla reached her boiling point.

“You know what, Ken? Fine. I am wearing a diaper, alright? I’ve been wearing them since we started because I THOUGHT everyone was going to wear them with me,” Isla blurted out but immediately blushed with regret.

“Wait, you were serious?” Kennedy chuckled. “You can’t have been serious.”

Isla hunched into the back seat and refused to answer, her hands trembling from the anger and embarrassment and her eyes forming tears. Jill reached out and grabbed one of Isla’s hands, settling them down.

“I’m also wearing a diaper,” Jill added and lifted her skirt to reveal the thick diaper underneath. “I’m the one who peed during the carnival.”

Kennedy was flabbergasted, and her mouth was wide open in disbelief. She turned to Heather and whispered, “Did you know about this?” Heather just looked away, which was all Kennedy needed to see for her answer.

“Well, I mean, it makes sense,” Kennedy laughed. “I just, I can’t believe you diapered yourselves! Here I was threatening to diaper you if you peed your pants again. Ha!”

“I like it,” Jill said definitively. “Isla and I-”

“Well, you would; it keeps your pants dry!” Kennedy cut Jill off and continued to joke. Isla looked over to Jill and gave her a glance that warned her to calm down and not reveal too much more.

“You don’t have to like it, but you don’t have to make fun of us either,” Jill said instead.

“Like it? I love it! This is the funniest shit that I’ve seen in years. Two grown women pissing in their pants, thick, wet diapers under their dresses. It’s too good!” Kennedy’s disbelief turned to hysterics, and her furious mood from the carnival chase had disappeared. “Hey, maybe if we just tell mom that you wear diapers now, she won’t be bothered with sending you off to school! Because clearly, you’re too little for that.”

Kennedy wiped a tear away from her laughter as they pulled up to a stop light, and suddenly, Jill opened the door and exited the vehicle.

“Jill!” Isla called out and left the car as well to chase after her. The light changed, and cars behind Kennedy started honking. Kennedy just pulled off and drove away.

“What the fuck are you doing? Go back!” Heather demanded as Kennedy drove.

“If they want to get caught, fine. I’m sick of worrying about it.”

“Jill, wait!” Isla shouted, running to catch up with Jill. Jill was getting used to moving in her full diaper and was quick, but finally, Isla managed to grab her hand to halt her. Quiet tears ran down Jill’s cheeks, and she averted her eyes from Isla’s. “Hey, look at me,” Isla urged. After some hesitation, Jill met Isla’s eyes.

“I just-” Jill started.

“You don’t have to explain yourself, not to me,” Isla comforted. “You don’t have to let her get to you either.”

“It’s not just her, though,” Jill explained. “It’s everything. It’s her, it’s my mom, it’s you….”

“Me?” Isla replied, taken aback in worry. Jill nodded.

“You’re so kind to me, and I’ve really, really loved these last few days, no matter how strange.”

“I’ve loved them too,” Isla smiled.

“But…I just know that at the end of the week, you’ll be gone, and I’ll be back in that nightmare,” Jill explained.

“I know,” Isla said, hanging her head. Isla thought for a moment; then, she whispered when an idea came to her. “Come with me.”

“What?” Jill replied, confused.

“Come with me,” Isla raised her head and said louder. “Come with me to my school.”

“What? How?” Jill replied.

“I don’t know. I don’t care. I don’t want to think about the how right now. I just know I don’t want this to end, and I can’t let you return to that nightmare.” Isla put her hands on Jill’s face and wiped away her tears. “Come with me.”

Jill smiled and nodded. “Okay.”


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