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After a thorough clean of it, Jill once again presented the remote vibrator to Isla.

“What does it feel like?” Isla asked, a little nervous.

“It’s wonderful. I love it.” Jill gushed.

“Have you ever…used it in public before?” Isla asked with a smirk. Jill laughed nervously.

“Well, yes, but unfortunately, I was controlling it for myself. It’s always been my biggest fantasy to let someone else control it or control it for someone else.”

“You’re very kinky, aren’t you?” Isla teased.

“I thought this public play was my one sort of kink, but after all the diapers and accidents…maybe I’m kinkier than I thought,” Jill answered, blushing.

“Alright,” Isla said, laying back. “Let’s do it.”

Jill bit her lip and nervously approached Isla’s clean-shaven pussy with the toy. She felt its heat against her hand and exhaled heavily as she finally inserted half of the c-shaped toy into Isla.

Isla responded with a pleasured sigh, closing her eyes as Jill positioned the toy correctly. The toy hooked inside of Isla but had a bulbous side that rested against her clit. That was where the vibration came from.

“Alright, now I just gotta diaper you and keep it in place,” Jill explained.

“You know what? Maybe instead of the big diapers, I’ll use a pull-up. It will probably have a snugger fit,” Isla suggested.

“Good idea.” Jill began searching through Isla’s bags until she found the flowery goodnites tucked into the side of her suitcase. “Are you sure this will hold an accident?”

“I’m gonna have to be careful,” Isla replied. “Probably actually have to try and make it to the bathroom once or twice.”

Jill chuckled and worked Isla’s legs through the goodnite and pulled it all the way up. Isla jolted slightly as the vibrator pushed snugly against her clit, giving her a quick spike of pleasure.

“You wanna feel it?” Jill asked, a naughty grin growing across her lips. Isla stood up and looked down at her pull-up.

“Do it.”

Jill opened an app on her phone and activated the vibrator beneath Isla’s padding. A soft buzzing sound emanated from the goodnite, and Isla buckled inwards.

“Oh my god,” she moaned. “That’s so quiet, but….”

“But you feel like you’re going to cum instantly, right? Isn’t it amazing?” Jill finished Isla’s thought as Isla was too caught up in the feeling to formulate words. Her orgasm built quickly, and before Jill could even think to stop the vibration to tease her, Isla came in her pull-up.

“Fuck!” She screamed, trembling from the overwhelming sensation. Finally, Jill stopped the vibrator.

“Right?” Jill said, so pleased with herself.

“I don’t know if I’m going to be able to act normal with that going,” Isla confessed.

“Well, I’m not going to have it constantly running. And besides, that was the max vibration setting. Here,” Jill explained and re-activated the device. “This is low.”

Isla reacted with a quick shake but slowly settled into the pleasure. “That’s better, but holy moly, that hits.”

“I know. It’s amazing. And so quiet! No one can hear it, especially outside.” Jill finally stopped the device, and Isla took a breath.

“Oh shit, we really got to go!” Isla said, noticing the time. The pair sprung into action and got dressed in their selected outfits. They both examined their butts in the mirror to ensure proper diaper coverage, and when they were satisfied, they left the hotel room.

Both girls couldn’t help but chuckle as they entered the elevator they had each done some bathroom business in, but Jill activated the vibrator, and Isla’s smile quickly became an open mouth moan. Isla promptly slapped her hand to her face to stop herself from verbalizing her pleasure, and just as the elevator dinged to open the doors, Jill stopped. Isla looked at Jill with a raised eyebrow and nervously exited the elevator.

“There you are, jeez!” Kennedy complained as Jill and Isla came into view. “We have to go!”

“We’re only like, a minute late,” Jill said, checking her phone time.

“She had us come down 10 minutes ago just in case you were ready early,” Heather explained, exasperated. “I told her there wasn’t a chance, but alas.”

“Well now we’re behind, so can we get a move on?” Kennedy urged. Heather stood and rolled her eyes at Jill and Isla, who chuckled. When Kennedy was a few steps ahead of the other three, Heather turned to Isla and Jill and whispered.

“Are you two…” She asked. Jill and Isla blushed and looked at Kennedy, walking further away in a huff. Finally, Isla answered with just a nod. “Really?” Heather continued. “Even though we’re meeting the guys?”

“Come on; you can chat in the car!” Kennedy called out as she reached the vehicle.

“We’re not really planning on anything happening,” Isla replied.

“Well, not if Kennedy has anything to say about it. She’s been talking about playing matchmaker since you two left the cafe!”

“For fuck’s sake,” Jill groaned. The girls arrived at the car, and without hesitation, Heather got in the front and Jill and Isla got in the back together.

“What were you talkin’ about?” Kennedy asked.

“Nothing,” Isla replied.

“Uh-huh. Well, it’s about a short drive; I thought once we get there, we could meet up with the guys, get some food, and then just kinda see what direction the night takes us?” Kennedy asked as she pulled out of the hotel.

“Works for me; I’m starving,” Heather complained. “What kind of food do they have there anyway?”

“The boys suggested this Pizza place. They’ve been there before, and I told them we’d meet them there.”

“We don’t care about the boys, Ken. Do we have to meet up with them AGAIN?” Jill complained.

“Yes, and I’m not gonna listen to another complaint about it.”

“Why are you so keen on this anyway? You’re clearly the only one interested,” Jill continued.

“Because if this is going to be our last trip, then I will do everything in my power to ensure Isla finally loses her virginity!”


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