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As I lay on the bed, blushing as my mother poured baby powder over my private parts, I started to really question my reality. Maybe this was all in part of their gaslighting April Fools Joke, but everything felt off. I felt smaller even though my body still looked like my 18-year-old self. My room looked like it had when I was a toddler and not like how I remember it from yesterday. And despite knowing that my family commits hard to their April Fools jokes, something about their actions didn’t feel like jokes; they felt genuine.

“There,” my mother said calmly as she taped the thick diaper to my waist. “All ready to go!”

“Is this really necessary?” I cautiously asked. “I’m sorry for talking back, and I know you like April Fools and all, but…this has gone a little far.”

“You think this is a joke?” she responded in a snap. “What’s a joke is you wetting the bed then pissing yourself all over my legs and thinking this is going too far.”

“Mom, be real for a second, please. I need you to give me a sign that this is all a joke, and I’ll…I’ll play along for a little while,” I begged.

“Yeah, this is a joke,” she replied sarcastically. I sat up in a huff.

“Seriously. Stop playing for just one minute. This is next-level messed-up what you’re doing. Please, just tell me you’re pulling a joke, and I swear I’ll play along for a little while.”

“Alright, honey, this is a joke,” She replied sincerely.

“Really?” I asked. “Like, this whole thing? All the room decorations and changing my clothes and bathroom stuff…it’s all part of it?”

“Of course, April, it’s all just a little fun and games,” she replied, and suddenly I picked up a hint of sarcasm.

“Okay, I actually can’t tell if you’re being serious or not,” I replied, my anxiety building.

“I told you what you wanted to hear; now you have to play along. That was the deal, right?”

“Ye...yeah?” I replied hesitantly.

“Alright, good. Now finish getting ready and come outside. It’s your birthday, and your siblings are waiting!”

She finally left the room and closed the door. I looked down at my diapered crotch and felt the padding with both hands. It was thick and crinkly but familiar; comfortable. I finished putting on the outfit she had selected and, after a deep breath, walked outside into the living room.

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” All my siblings cheered as I walked into the room. I blushed and chuckled, and they all surrounded me for a hug.

“You look so big!” May said.

“Seriously, did you grow overnight?” August added.

“Well, she’ll always be the baby no matter how big she gets,” June said snarkily.

Finally, with June’s comment, it all clicked. They were treating me like a baby because I had finally become an adult, despite being the “baby” of the family. And because it was my 18th, they had to go all out, obviously. I couldn’t help but smile mischievously as I figured out their angle, and finally, I started playing along.

“Nope! I’m a big girl now,” I claimed triumphantly.

“Yeah yeah, such a big girl,” my mom said with a wink towards the siblings, who laughed and made casual glances at my diapered crotch, which was thankfully hidden by my pink dress. “Now come on, we have birthday breakfast!”

I became suddenly aware of how hungry I was and eagerly sat down at the table for food. It really was a great birthday breakfast; pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausages, fruit, everything I could have wanted for a special breakfast.

“Who wants some coffee?” My dad asked, bringing the pot around.

“Me!” I announced and shot my hand up. Everyone laughed.

“Maybe when you’re older,” my dad replied.

“I’m old enough for coffee,” I said. “I have been for a while. Please don’t deprive me of my caffeine on my birthday!”

My dad stood for a second before looking over to my mom, who gave him a shrug.

“Alright,” he said hesitantly. “But if you go nuts and crash before dinner, I’m gonna eat all your birthday cake.”

“I’ll be fine!”

He finally poured the dark, hot liquid into my cup. I poured in my usual amount of cream and sugar and took a sip. My whole family watched as I brought the cup to my lips.

“What?” I asked them; they just chuckled again. Finally, I got a sip in…and nearly spat it out. It was awful and bitter. Everyone laughed as I coughed up the coffee.

“Maybe in a few years, we’ll try again, yeah?” My dad said.

“No!” I replied firmly. “I’ll finish it.”

I looked at the coffee, and after a quick moment to hype myself up, I downed the whole cup in a few gulps. The taste it left in my mouth was rancid, and I quickly drank a full cup of orange juice to chase it.

“Wow, look at you, April!” August said playfully.

“I’m not going to clean it up if she throws up,” June replied.

The rest of the breakfast went down delightfully, but I was really feeling the coffee for some reason. Maybe it was stronger than usual, but I felt wired, and my tummy was starting to grumble. Once we had finished eating, it was time for presents. We all sat down around the living room table, and one by one, they handed me a gift. The first was from May.

“Here, I hope you like it!” She said. I eagerly ripped the wrapping off and revealed…a little girl’s playset. Everyone “ooo’d” and “awe’d,” but I could only raise an eyebrow.

“She hates it,” August teased.

“Don’t say that! Do you have that one already, April?” My mom asked.

“I…uh, no? I don’t think so?” I replied, my tummy rumbling. I realized I would soon need to poop and raised an eyebrow and an awful, no-good, disgusting plan that would be horrible to enact but worth seeing the looks on their faces. I was going to “have an accident.”

“Say thank you then!” My mom continued

“Thanks, May,” I replied.

“I can return it if she doesn’t play with it, I-” May started.

“It’s fine, May. She’ll play with it.” My dad cut her off.

Next, August and June went together on a present. When I ripped off the wrapping, it was a Magic Mixies Magical Misting Cauldron, which I will admit was pretty cool but still out of my age range, and they were likely planning on returning them all once the joke was over.

“Thank you- oh!” I started to reply, playing up that a sharp pain struck my tummy.

“Are you okay, April?” My mom asked.

“I’m fine,” I said, brushing it off. Gas bubbled in my stomach, and I couldn’t resist.


The sound of gas escaping my bottom broke the silence of the room. Even though it was intentional, I couldn’t do anything but blush.

“Ew! April!” May screamed.

“Do you need to go number 2?” My mom asked.

“No! I’m fine. Next present, please!” I replied.

“April, you know you can use the potty now for these things. Just because we put you in a diaper doesn’t mean you can just forget about your potty training,” My mom continued.

“Oh my god, she’s in a diaper? Isn’t she too old for that?” August laughed.

“Well, she wet the bed last night and then wet herself while we had a little disagreement earlier.” Mom continued.

“Mom!” I protested, but pain struck again. It was time; as much as I was playing it up, I knew I couldn’t hold it much longer.

“Doesn’t she wear nighttime diapers?” June asked.

“Not for a while!” I replied in anguish. The pressure built rapidly.

“No, but tonight we’re going to have to again, unfortunately,” Dad replied.

“I…I don’t need…diapers!” I gasped and finally pushed. A warm mass escaped my backside, and I held my breath as I pushed it all out. My diaper filled rapidly until it sagged below the skirt of my dress, and without warning, my bladder gave too. The hissing of the stream hitting the thick padding was heard over the dead silence of the shocked room. My face was as red as it could get, and I couldn’t look any of them in the eye.

“Wait, did she actually…” May asked.

“April, did you…use your diaper?” June continued.

“Hey!” Mom whispered. “Shh.”

“C’mon Mom, the jig is up; she’s playing along and taking it too far; it’s not fun anymore,” August said.

“Playing along?” I asked coyly.

“Yeah, April fools?” May said. “We changed up your whole room and everything and made you wet the bed. What, you thought that was real? Damn, you did a good job, Mom and Dad!”

“But, but, I just…I couldn’t….” I said in mock disbelief. “I genuinely couldn’t hold it!”

“Wait, really? Like that wasn’t a bit?” August laughed.

“No, I just…I don’t know!” I sat down in my mess, and everyone groaned in disgust. My mom stood up and walked over to me.

“Come with me, now!”

I nodded, took her hand and stood up. My siblings and dad looked on in shock as my mom led me to my bedroom. I looked up at her and smirked.

“Got ya!” I whispered.

“What do you mean?” She asked.

“I knew the whole thing was a ruse, and I made that whole ‘accident’ thing up!” I claimed.

“You really think I believe that?” She replied sternly.

“Huh? Oh, come on mom, give it up. August even said this was all an April Fools joke-”

“You wet yourself on my lap this morning without any indication of control. Yes, the bedwetting and redecorating were part of the April Fools, but you had that accident all on your own. Now you expect me to believe you ‘faked’ a number two accident? No, and now I’ve realized something,” She replied.

“What?” I asked timidly as we entered my room, and she closed the door behind us.

“That maybe you need diapers after all.”


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