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Jill looked up at Isla with her jaw dropped, then returned to her phone.

Jill: NO WAY? HOW?

Isla blushed hot and bright but kept her head low down with her gaze locked on her phone.

Isla: I don’t know. Must’ve just relaxed at some point without giving it much thought?

“Are you two actually gonna get a coffee or talk to me, or are you just going to sit there and text each other?” Kennedy asked with snark.

Isla and Jill looked up from their phones, embarrassed.

“I think I’ll get an iced coffee; what about you, Isla?” Jill asked.

“Sure, let’s go,” Isla responded, and the pair stood up carefully, both not eager to reveal their diapering to anyone else. The pair walked past Heather, who was already waiting for her drink, to the counter and waited for the barista to approach.

“So you didn’t feel anything at all?” Jill whispered.

“I don’t know, honestly. Maybe I did, and it was so small that I didn’t notice? Or maybe I really did just…go,” Isla responded.

“I don’t know if that’s better or worse,” Jill chuckled.

“What do you mean?”

“Well, on the one hand, it’s a bit concerning that you’ve only been in them for a day, and you’re already going without realizing, but on the other hand, it’s kinda…hot,” Jill gradually lowered her voice.

Isla blushed, not sure how to respond, but the barista approached the till before she could.

“What can I get you girls?” she asked.

“I’ll have a large iced caramel latte, please!” Jill asked.

“Same, please,” Isla added.

“Two iced lattes with caramel. That’ll be $11.50, please!”

“I got it,” Isla butted in, her card already in hand. Jill scowled at her with a disapproving glare. When the payment went through, and the barista started making the drinks, Jill began to whisper again.

“I was supposed to pay,” she teased.

“And why’s that?” Isla smiled. “I thought you weren’t Mommy anymore.”

Jill blushed and looked around. “I’m not. But still…”

“Nope. No buts. If you’re in charge, you’re in charge. If you’re not, you’re not. No picking and choosing!”

“I’ll show you who’s in charge,” Jill threatened suggestively. Isla raised an eyebrow.

“After coffee, you wanna….”

“Ditch? Definitely.”

Once the girls had their drinks, they sat back down with Kennedy and Heather.

“So, what’s everyone looking forward to the most about school?” Kennedy asked.

“Can we not talk about that?” Heather groaned. “I don’t like being reminded that at the end of all this, I’m not going to see any of you ever again.”

“Ever again?” Isla protested. “Don’t be so dramatic. I’ll see you all the time when I come home for holidays and stuff!”

“Maybe once or twice, but eventually you’ll get new friends, get a boyfriend, and the visits will slowly stop,” Heather said before sucking back the last of her coffee already.

“Geez, someone’s being a bummer. We’re two days into this road trip. Can we at least try to keep the mood light?” Kennedy said. Jill smiled along with the conversation, but what Heather was saying was playing on her mind, and she couldn’t help but make casual glances over to Isla.

“Heather, you know I’m not going to forget about you. Don’t be dumb. And besides, you’ve got all this incredible photography and film stuff lined up, right? Maybe you’ll be the one who’s too busy to hang out with us high-brow university kids.

“I’m teasing Isla; I know you won’t forget about me,” Heather started. “Ken, on the other hand, is probably gonna get pregnant during orientation week and be too busy raising her child to hang out with us.”

“Rude!” Kennedy laughed.

The girls continued to banter, and before long, their coffee was gone. Jill and Isla announced their departure back to the hotel, and the group decided to meet in the lobby in a few hours so they could leave for the carnival. Heather and Kennedy were going to continue shopping once Heather realized there was a cool photography store near.

Jill and Isla walked back with urgency, both eager to get back to the hotel but both also eager for a different kind of release.

“Well, I haven’t lost all my control,” Isla said in somewhat of a panic.

“What makes you say that?” Jill asked.

“I need to pee pretty bad for one, but also….” Isla bit her lip and began to blush.

“Oh my god,” Jill whispered. “Number two?”

Isla nodded, and her cheeks brightened in their red flush.

“Me too!” Jill announced excitedly.


“Yes! I feel it coming.” Jill asked before noticing the strained look on Isla’s face. “Are you okay?”

“I haven’t lost my control, but it is getting really, really hard to hold…ah!” Isla yelped and froze for a moment.

“I’m peeing,” she announced bluntly.

“Well don’t make it a scene,” Jill said, grabbing Isla’s arm and pulling her along to the hotel entrance.

“I don’t think I’ll make it to the toilet to do the number two,” Isla groaned.

“We’re at the hotel; just hold a few more minutes,” Jill encouraged.

The girls walked into the hotel, ignoring the concierge Heather chatted with earlier and briskly pressed the up button on the elevator. Isla shifted from side to side, her diaper now full and heavy with her double accident. The elevator dinged, and the two rushed in. Just as they were about to go up, the same family that nearly caught Jill fingering Isla in the elevator earlier pushed in. It was a father, a mother, a ten-year-old daughter and a toddler son.

“Same floor,” the dad said to Jill and Isla with a smile. Jill forced a smile in return, and Isla continued rocking back and forth. As the doors closed and they started to move, Isla stopped moving and went pale. Jill, still holding Isla’s arm, looked at her and saw the horror on her face. She heard a soft crackling from Isla’s backside, but then she smelt it. She did her best not to react, hoping the family wouldn’t either.

“Oh god, Tyson, did you poop?” The mom asked the toddler.

“No!” The child bluntly responded. Isla’s and Jill’s heart rates increased rapidly.

“Check him please, hun,” the wife asked her husband. He picked up the boy put his nose to his butt, and shrugged. “Not him.”

“Well, Dani, you didn’t have an accident, did you?” The mother asked her daughter. Jill and Isla stared at the floor number, which was seemingly going slower than usual.

“Mom! I’m not a baby. I didn’t poop my pants,” the young girl responded.

“Well, that’s not a fart; that was a poop. I know a poop when I smell one,” the mother continued. Finally, the elevator dinged, and the doors opened. The family exited, but before they could go too far, the mother turned to look at Jill and Isla.

“Sorry about…that…” the mother started to apologize before seeing the look on both girls' faces and raised an eyebrow.

“It’s fine. Thanks,” Jill said and pushed her way out of the elevator, towing Isla behind her. They rushed over to their hotel room, and Jill opened the door.

“You really have something against that elevator, don’t you?”


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