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Started as a one shot...had WAY too much for one. I'll finish this next month!


Today was April 1st, a day that’s always brought me mixed feelings. On the one hand, it’s my birthday, which means presents, my favourite foods, cake, etc. On the other hand, it’s April Fool’s Day, which in my house is always celebrated. I’m the youngest of four kids; August, my only brother, is the oldest at 24. Then it’s my sisters May and June, who are 22 and 20 respectively, and then me, April, who’s just turned 18 today. Yes, our parents named us after the month we were born in. It’s weird, but then it’s even stranger to think about how after May, they planned to conceive, so their next two would be due in June and April, but I don’t like to think about that.

So yeah, I’m April, born on the first of April and am the youngest of 4, making me the prime target for all sorts of jokes on my birthday/April Fools. In fact, as long as I can remember, I’ve been the ONLY target of April Fools jokes on behalf of my whole family. It’s become a big deal for them over the years, even going so far last year as to try and convince me (successfully, unfortunately) that a global pandemic had erupted and we all had to stay inside or else we would get sick. I can usually sus out that they are joking, but their commitment, especially my mom and dad’s, is astounding.

So today, when I woke up in a wet bed, I knew the tricks had started before my eyes even opened.

“Ha Ha,” I shouted into the halls so they could all hear me. “Very funny!”

“What’s funny, hun?” My dad said as he walked into the room. I lifted my blanket to show him my wet pyjamas and sheets. “Oh no, not again!”

“Good one, dad. I know you guys poured water on me,” I replied, shifting slightly in the cold, wet sheets.

“April, I know you don’t like to confront this issue, but it’s serious. I can smell; that’s not water. That’s pee,” he replied sternly.

I leaned in and sniffed my legs. He was right, it did smell like pee, but that wasn’t going to deter me from them calling them out on their games. “Well, then you guys did the hand in warm water trick!”

“This is the last night in a while that you go to bed without protection,” my dad said definitively.

“Protection? Oh man, you guys are really going for it today!” I laughed.

“Come on. Get out of bed and have a bath. We need to clean these sheets, and you need to be ready for when your older siblings come for your birthday.”

I rolled my eyes. “Fine!”

The sheets squished as I rolled out of my bed, which for some reason, felt higher from the ground than usual. I rubbed my eyes and walked across the hall to the bathroom. When I turned on the light, something seemed…off. It was the same bathroom as usual, but there were weird, babyish items littered throughout. There was a kid’s potty-training seat resting next to the toilet, a little pink stool in front of the sink, and little bath toys laid on the side of the tub. As my eyes adjusted more, I realized my toothbrush had been replaced with a pink princess one, the cup on the side was a sippy cup, and my shampoo had been replaced with the “No Tears” ones for kids.

“Mom?” I called out, and my mother came running to the bathroom door.

“What’s wrong, Hunny? You need help?” She asked.

“What? No! What happened to all my stuff?!” I asked angrily.

“What do you mean, baby? All your stuff is here?” She reassured.

“Uh, no, it’s not!” I replied. “My toothbrush, my shampoo, my cup, it’s all different!”

“Well, as you got older, you didn’t need the baby versions anymore, so we got the toddler ones, remember?” She replied softly.

“I’m not a toddler! I’m an adult!” I yelled, starting to actually get frustrated with their games.

“Awe, baby. Just because you’re a year older doesn’t mean you’re an adult! And besides, adults don’t pee their bed, do they?”

“I didn’t!!”

“Okay. Sure. Come on, enough of this fit. Let’s get those wet clothes off and get you into the bath,” my Mom started grabbing at my clothes.

“I don’t need your help, mom!” I replied, batting her hands away.

“Hey! You watch your tone with me, little lady. Just because it’s your birthday doesn’t give you the right to be nasty!” She scolded me loudly.

I hung my head and blushed, long unfamiliar with this type of scolding. “Yes, mom…”

“Good. Now give me your wet clothes.”

“Can…you close the door first?” I asked timidly. She didn’t answer.

After a moment of awkward silence and averted eye contact, I started to remove my clothes.

“This is so weird….” I whispered. As I dropped my wet pyjama bottoms, my panties caught my eye. “Hey, these aren’t mine!” I said, repulsed. The underwear I went to sleep in, or at least what I thought I went to sleep in, was not around my hips. Instead, a thick, white pair of childish panties hugged my crotch, with pink flowers speckled across them.

“Your toothbrush isn’t yours, your shampoo isn’t yours, and now your underwear isn’t yours,” my mom sighed, exhausted. “Those were the ones you put on last night, I promise you. Can you please just give them to me so I can wash them?”

“Did you guys change my underwear in my sleep?” I asked, disgusted.

“Oh, so we changed your underwear AND made you wet the bed?” My dad added from the other room.

“This is getting a bit ridiculous. Any more of this, and we will have to cancel your birthday events!” Mom said firmly.

“Fine! Fine!” I said and stripped off the last bit of my clothes before handing them to my mom. “Geez, you guys are really committing to this one….”

Finally, I closed the door and ran a bath. I’m not sure why I ran a bath instead of a shower in hindsight. Typically, I would’ve had a shower in the morning, but all their talk of baths made me just instinctively run one. As I lay in the warm water, I looked at the toys on the side and picked up a little rubber ducky. I smiled; it was cute, after all. I began bobbing it up and down in the water next to my hairless body when suddenly my mom barged in. I covered my breasts with my hands and dropped the ducky into the water.

“MOM!” I complained.

“Awe! Are you feeling better after playing with your ducky? Well, hurry up and finish; your older siblings will be here in 25 minutes,” she said, then closed the door again. I pouted, not wanting to leave the warm bath, but ultimately pulled the plug, got out and dried off. I brushed my teeth with the princess toothbrush and had a big glass of water out of the sippy cup. Then, with the towel wrapped around me, I left the bathroom and walked to my bedroom.

As I closed the door behind me, I dropped the towel and opened my dresser. However, what I saw wasn’t what I expected. Instead of my underwear in the top drawer, there were various childish, thick panties and some goodnites training diapers. I let out an exasperated sigh and considered calling them out on this too, but decided to just roll with it until they finally gave up. I knew it was a joke, and it wasn’t worth the effort of arguing anymore.

But then I went into another dresser drawer, and another, and another. All four had been changed. All four had different clothes, childish clothes, and thicker diapers in each drawer.

“You can’t be serious,” I whispered. Suddenly, my mom barged in again.

“Hey! Your older siblings are here. Pick an outfit quick!” She urged.

“Mom! Stop barging in!” I groaned as I covered my private parts. “All my clothes are different! It’s all baby shit!”

“You watch your language!” My mother walked in; an angry finger pointed at me, leaving the door completely open behind her.

“No! This is bullshit; I’m not wearing this baby shit on my 18th birthday!” I cursed.

“The next thing that comes out of your mouth better be ‘I’m sorry, mommy,’ or you’re in big trouble….” My mother warned.

“No! I’m not putting up with this shi-”

Before I could finish my swear, my mom had grabbed my wrist and pulled me to my bed over her knee.

“What the fuck?!” I yelled, confused. But then, her hand came down on my buttcheck. SMACK!

“OW!” I screamed and screamed, but she was much bigger and stronger than me, and I couldn’t move. The hand continued to come down, over and over and over again, until suddenly…

“April!” She gasped.

“What?” I said through angry tears. But then I felt it. The wet warmth trickling down my bare legs and dripping onto the floor. I was peeing.

“Can you stop it?” My mom asked.

“Uh, I…” I tried to stop the flow with all my might, but the strength in my bladder was gone. I blushed as my mother lifted me off her legs and placed me onto the towel I dropped so I could finish my accident in a contained place. Finally, she closed the door, and I could hear my sibling giggling in the hall.

While my bladder finished voiding, I could hear my mother rummaging through my dresser. I didn’t look up, but when her hand extended down, and she lifted me to my feet, I could see what she was preparing. On my stripped bed was a pretty pink dress, some white stockings and a thick, flowery diaper. My jaw dropped.

“Since you can’t be good, can’t keep bad words out of your mouth, and clearly can’t hold your pee, you’re going to put on this for the rest of the day,” my mother explained.

“But…” I started through a sniffle.

“No more buts. You will lay on the bed so I can dress you now, and then we are going to celebrate your birthday without any more issues. Agreed?”


To be continued…


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