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“Why the fuck would I go anywhere with you?” Breanna spat at Serina while planting her feet in place.

“Look, you just shit your pants, right?” Serina asked her casually. Breanna blushed and looked around at the onlooking students, who definitely heard their every word. “Okay, I’ll take that as a yes,” Serina assumed. “Well, you were just at the nurse’s, so do you want to go right back? Or do you want to come with me?”

Breanna glared at Serina, but as she caught Tyler turn to walk away in the corner of her eye, she eased. She turned to watch him walk to the end of the hallway and turn, only looking back once. Breanna held her stare to the hallway long after he was gone until Serina snapped her out of it.

“Hey, c’mon, I have to change before class too, you know,” Serina urged Breanna along, and finally, Breanna followed behind her.

Breanna blushed harder with every step she took behind Serina. Her diaper was full to the brim with shit, and not only was the increased size protruding out the back, but the smell was beginning to waft through the hall behind her. The mass made it difficult to walk, and not to mention the padding itself being foreign and strange. In under an hour, Breanna had been given a quick perspective on her treatment of Serina, and she hated how it felt.

Finally, Serina and Breanna arrived at the quiet, second-floor bathroom. Serina turned around to face Breanna when the door closed behind her and started digging through her backpack.

“Doesn’t feel very nice, does it? The shit pushing up against your ass. And before that, the total lack of control over your own body? I mean, I guess you did say the phrase, so technically you did control your own body…” Serina started, irritating Breanna.

“Can you get on with it, please?” Breanna asked impatiently, constantly looking behind her to make sure no one had snuck into the bathroom.

“Let me ask you first, why the hypnosis? Where did the idea even come from?” Serina asked.

“I don’t know, probably from Tyler using it to stop smoking weed?” Breanna answered.

“And then my genuine accidents gave you the inspiration to make the hypnosis pee-related. Nice. Very nice,” Serina said sarcastically.

“Look, it was fucked up, and I’m sorry. Can you give me a change, please and tonight I’ll play the removal track?”

“So you can remove the conditioning?” Serina asked.

“Yes, and I’ll do it tonight. Just please give me the change and please, don’t tell my mom.”

Serina stood up and removed a thick diaper from her back. She took a few steps towards Breanna.

“Why should I do anything you ask me to do?” Serina asked.

“Because you’ve turned this back on me now, so like, you’re kind of just as bad.”

Serina laughed. “Seriously? You can’t really believe that.”

“Well, what was your dad saying, that you should just kill the confrontation, right? Why didn’t you just kill it and tell me to stop when you found out?”

Serina tried laughing some more, but she suddenly became amazed and somewhat terrified of Breanna’s disillusionment. “Tell you what,” Serina started. “I’ll give you this diaper, and you’ll play the removal tracks tonight. If that all works out, we don’t have to mention any of this to the parents, and we can go back to living our lives hating each other normally. No Hypno shit. Deal?”

Breanna’s eyebrow raised as she thought it was all too easy. “Really? That’s it?”

“Well, I guess there is one thing,” Serina said. “You can have this diaper, but you can’t remove the other one.”

“What? No way, that’s gross. I’m not doing that,” Breanna crossed her arms. Serina pulled her phone out of her pocket and started dialling a number. “What’re you doing?” Breanna asked. “Who are you calling?”

Serina pulled the phone up to her ear. “Your mom.”

“Wait, wait, wait, stop!” Breanna lunged forward and grabbed Serina’s hand before she could complete the call. “Please, don’t.”

“Then you know what you have to do, huh?” Serina asked. Breanna looked at the thick diaper and hesitated. “You don’t want to leak, do you? Baby Bladder?

As Serina spoke the phrase, Breanna felt a small dribble of residual pee start to flow out of her into the padding. “Okay, okay! I’ll wear both,” Breanna conceded.

“Good. Go on then,” Serina said, handing her the thick adult diaper. “I’m going to change too.”

Serina stepped into a stall and started to drop her pants. Breanna was hesitant at first, still acutely aware of the large mess in the back of her pants that would remain there for the rest of the day. When Serina’s dirty diaper hit the floor with a loud PLOP, Breanna knew she had to head in. Serina had grown more prepared in the time since she started having accidents. Ally had provided her with wipes and sprays that would remove the smell, whereas Breanna was likely going to smell the rest of the day.

“So, what, just tape it on overtop?” Breanna asked.

“Yep!” Serina replied chiperly as she finished wiping off her dirtied butt and started placing the new diaper under her butt.

Breanna dropped the donated sweatpants and had a hard time not taking off the diaper below them. She twisted to get a look at the damage in the back, which just made her cringe with disgust on sight. Then, she started unfolding the large, thick adult diaper that Serina had handed her. She marvelled at the size of it, amazed not only at how big it was but also how well Serina had managed to hide it.

“How do you get this thing on?” Breanna asked.

“I find it easier if you sit down!” Serina replied, well aware of what she was asking Breanna to do. Breanna looked back at her mess, then back at the diaper. She shoved it between her legs and did her best to try and secure it to her waist while standing, but it was no use. It was too large, and the stall didn’t provide her with enough room to spread out enough and get it on.

Finally, after a few failed attempts, Breanna knew what she had to do. She took another look down at her mess and then at the hard, split flat-topped toilet lid that would be her throne. Breanna exhaled, then inhaled deeply, and while holding her breath, placed her poop-filled ass on the toilet seat. The mess squished and cracked under her bum and spread all over the inside of the diaper.

“Eeewwwwww,” Breanna moaned, and Serina laughed. After a moment of stillness, frozen in disgust, Breanna tapped up the diaper the right way, securing it and the mess within it to her body for the next several hours. Then, she pulled up the sweatpants and opened the stall door. When Breanna stepped out of the stall, Serina was there waiting for her.

“Took you long enough; looks good!” Serina joked. Breanna looked in the mirror and nearly cried. The sweatpants may as well have been tights the way they hugged her lower body. The diaper was so big and so visible that she wondered why she even would wear the sweats at all. Serina couldn’t help it; she burst out laughing.

“This isn’t funny!” Breanna complained just as the bell rang for class.

“No? You seemed to think so,” Serina said as she started to leave the bathroom. “Oh, and by the way. If you take that diaper off at all today, I have a text message to your mum explaining everything, with evidence. So unless you want to be grounded into eternity, I suggest you stay padded.”

Serina left the bathroom, and Breanna stayed, staring at herself in the mirror. Finally, when she knew she didn’t have much time left before class, she took a deep breath and stepped outside. ‘Maybe no one will notice?’ she thought to herself.


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