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Hello Patrons!

Thanks once again to all those who participated in the last poll. I loved the feedback!

This will likely be the FINAL brainstorming session going into the story following Sabotage, and it’s the most important one.

Below I have three choices. These are story pitches taking into consideration the feedback from the previous polls. You can only pick ONE, but don't sweat! I like all these ideas and will return to the other two after the next writing journey should enough of you show an interest.

This is ideally going to be another long story with 30+ chapters like Sabotage, which means a lot of time commitment, so choose wisely!

Option 1: On The Road Again

Last year, Kennedy, Isla and Heather went on a road trip they'd never forget. After a terrifying encounter with a sketchy group of bikers, they all wet their pants in Kennedy's car! Following that, the trio vowed to wear diapers the next time they returned to the road. Or, so Isla thought. When the trio, now joined by Kennedy's younger sister Jill, gather to embark on their last road trip before they all go separate ways to college, Isla is the only one to show up padded! Will the other girls stay true to their word and pad-up as they drive across the country? This story will be a coming-of-age tale featuring some hardly age-appropriate underwear and bladder/bowel control.

Will include: Genuine Accidents, Humiliation, Diaper Punishment, and more.

Option 2: Private School

For every one of her 18 years on this earth, Luna has been homeschooled by her mother. Her father never saw the point of it, but her mother was a teacher and deeply dedicated to her daughter, so he allowed it. He was never around enough to care anyway; he worked in the UK, and Luna and her Mom lived in Canada. The only problem was that Luna was now 18 and only just starting the curriculum for high school. Her mother was patient but also a little complacent with the pace of her daughter’s education, instead focusing on more exciting and rewarding activities. Her father has had enough though and has decided that it's time Luna got a real education. To him, that meant a Private School in England: St. Mary's Girls Academy.

There, Luna will discover other ways her mother's nurturing ways didn't prepare her for the real world. Her social strengths aren't the best, she scares easily, especially to the creepy nature of St. Mary's, and her bladder control is...minimal.  We will follow Luna as she faces these challenges, including a bratty group of preppy girls and a mysterious supernatural force that has taken an interest in her.

Will include: Weak Bladder, Genuine Accidents, Humiliation, Blackmail, Fear Wetting, and Diaper Punishment.

Option 3: In This Together

Robert (Bo) and Hazel have been together for a year now, and some problems are starting to emerge. Not necessarily in their romantic partnership, but with their control over their bodies. You see, Hazel, despite being a very strong-will, hot-headed, somewhat controlling free-spirit, has been recently showing signs of a growing incontinence problem. She has trouble holding it, will pee when she laughs too hard or sneezes, and has begun to wet the bed.

This has been a terrible experience for her but has also affected Bo in an unexpected way. Bo has long been into ABDL and omorashi but has largely kept it to himself. So when Hazel starts having accidents, his arousal becomes intense. So intense that he is experiencing a different kind of accident: Premature Ejaculation. Suddenly, he can't last in bed, has wet dreams, and worse: cums in his pants.

Hazel, with her rage at her growing issue, takes Bo's problems into her hands in the same way she takes her own: with protection.

Will include: Weak Bladder, Genuine Accidents, Diaper Punishment*, Premature Ejaculation, Male Wetting, Dominant Girlfriend*, Humiliation.

* - Kind of but not really



Wow, 3 really great options! I absolutely love the concept for #2, but I had to give the edge to #3. Thank you for being willing to consider PE as a story element.


They all sound awesome


I’m happy that people seem interested in it! I like two as well, and all of these will probably get there time someday!