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I honestly can't believe I haven't done this sooner. A convincing paizuri animation is actually quite hard to make in studio as I don't have access to any soft-body physics. So trying to get that soft feeling in the breasts is quite the manual process. The actual animation was just an hours work and then it was 2 days of just tweaking the settings around to get it to look right.

But that's a lot less manual work than what I'm about to do. I want to glaze this woman like a donut and that means manually animating quite a few strands of coom. Similar to how I did my Lina tease animation but trying to avoid off-camera tricks.

It's a bit of a grind but hopefully the end-result is a pretty good climax animation (well, as good as I can get without fluid simulation).

Enjoy the preview. Next post should be the release as I intend to keep it relatively short.




I don't remember seeing such a convincing paizuri in KK. Sure there are others making it before but making the breasts squeeze with the rod and hand motions like this is pretty rare. Good Job! By the way, are the breast bones linked to folders or are the bones keyframed individually? I am just thinking what will happen if I swap characters. Or should I expect that I probably need to use Lina's body for swapping?


I think the breasts will just automatically inflate to whatever my settings are. This would be true with linking to a sphere or folder as well. Since I'm manipulating both the scale AND rotation. I could try to create a watered down version of the animation without any of the scale adjustments. It wouldn't look as convincing but it would be more friendly to model swaps. I did however not touch the bust0 bone, which can be scaled down to give closer match your character. I'll try and run some testing on my end once I finish the animation to see if I can come up with a more elegant solution