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  • Frankie Strip v1.webm



Got inspired to make this last night while I was looking for references for the Jean anim. I figured I've been working on the same anim for so long it would be nice for a change of pace, even if just for a few hours. Plus it's nice to have something to release.

It's just a quick showoff scene that I think is cute and cheeky. It's a bit stiff but I think  it's pretty cute for just a few hours of effort. The setup time for making scenes is actually significantly shorter than it used to be thanks to the new "shallty utils" plugin, which modifies timeline features and allows for the quick creation of a folder system. It used to be that I couldn't pump out an anim quickly because the setup alone takes 30min to 60min per character. With the utility plugin it takes about ~5-10 minutes per character. Huge timesaver and allows me to just make something real quick if I'm inspired to do so.

I made 2 variants. The one with chika is more compatible with being replaced, and of course the original scene.

Scene-data and webm is attached below!




DAMN! I'm really loving these quick animation of yours 👀


Tyvm. They usually come from a burst of inspiration, so I actually tend to like them a lot. They can be a lot less formal and satisfies my itch to complete an animation.


Yo! These Short anims have been killer. Your ass spank one has been one of my favorites for a bit now. I hope you can find more time to do these short ones. Especially for a breather break from some of your long projects.