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I was going to do a WIP update today but my family came over to my house and told me today was my birthday. I totally lost track of time and thought it was tomorrow. They took me out to get food and we just hung out for the day which was nice and relaxing. As a result I didn't get to render a video out so I snuck a screenshot in of my current progress. I actually quite like the camera angle.

Not that there's much to show as far as new animation tricks. It's mostly more of the same but it's practical application of skills I've been learning and practice makes perfect or so they say! I've got 50s of the ~2 minutes made so I'm approaching the halfway point!

Small update again today~ Hopefully I'll be less busy in the coming days since I'm itching to animate all the time.




Happy birthday


Happy birthday !!


Happy birthday, hope you had a good one


Happy birthday 🎁