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Hey everyone! Here is the FINAL MASTER for my metal cover of STICKERBUSH SYMPHONY from Donkey Kong Country 2!

(I also realized that I misspelled the original WIP post calling it Stickerbrush. It's funny how there are 2 universally accepted titles for this. I believe Stickerbush is the official technically correct spelling though!)

This one was a WILD ride to put together! It was actually SUPER challenging to try and nail this one with it's amazing atmosphere. I wanted to definitely bring out the atmospheric clean guitar parts and I ended up laying down a TON of clean guitars on top of each other to try and capture that immense wall of sound that the original has. It was tricky but I think I nailed it!! 

As far as when the metal kicks in, I had SUCH a blast with the metal guitar riffage here as well. It makes me feel really good about my guitar tones when they can just fit right in this huge wall of sound of clean guitars (the clean guitars are going throughout the whole song even during the metal) and I think everything kind of has a space in this soundcape to shine. 

I hope you enjoy how this arrangement and mix turned out. Let me know what you think cause it was definitely a challenge for this one!

Thanks so much for listening and I hope you enjoy!

~ Jack


Jack Sibert

I've been waiting for the day you did this one. Didn't disappoint. Pleeeease do tabs for this one 🙏


I'm no music analyst, so chalk what I'm about to say up to just the random ramblings of a panda on the internet. Stickerbush is such an important piece in gaming music to me because of the feeling it instills in me. Feelings of a terrifying journey, of longing to see someone, and of getting the courage to finally take that journey with your head held high. I've heard a LOT of metal covers of this song, and I can say that this one does NOT disappoint in the slightest. The weight that came through with the drums for me, the guitar instrumental, even the bass, all of this came together to form something that honestly brought a tear to my eye, and I can't wait for everyone else to hear this piece. Thank you Jack for the beautiful composition. I can't wait to listen to this one for a very long time to come.