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 just a heads up Me and my family doing Ok at the moment other than my dad who got hit with covid the most but he is currently doing alright. I m trying to work but i get very tired easily, I dont seem to have breathing problem. But yeah slowly working on momiji anim. Hopefully to get back in full work mode soon



As long as everybody is safe. Keep ya head up king


You need sugar bro! Sounds like low sugar but I ain't no dr. Glad ya fams is doin okay too. Yo eat a cake get dat energy 😂


Man, you're still working!? That's fantastic! Remember to hydrate very often, rest a lot and to eat well. Strength king!


Glad to hear you and yours are doing good. I'll keep you all in my prayers & rest well


take care of your health


All the best wishes for you and you'r fam 💪😁


Glad you & your family are doing well. Your health comes first, don't worry too much about work. 👍

Larile Millvet

Don't try to work right now. Just wait a couple of weeks.


We love you bro and God speed for a fast recovery for you and the fam.

thomas d bontempo

Take your time Best wishes for your family and a speedy recovery


honestly health comes first don't worry about work so much if things aren't good with health and feel better


Glad to hear it. Remember to pace yourself. Your health is the priority.

Steven B.

Still praying for you but seriously dude just take a break man. You've done alot already we'll be fine with koikatsu or something


nice to hear!

Luke Pandora

I wish you health always, stay safe always


smoke weed man shit helps


Take your time man. Personal health is waay more important .


Glad to hear it. Take care and no worries. We can wait. Family first.


I wish a good recovery for you and your family. Family always first


Good luck dude, your own well being is more important than work.


I wish you and your family well.


use of levander oil for air diffuser to kill off the airboune virus/stop the spread of the virus. Second, your tiredness is due to your kidney working hard to filter out those Metabolites, just take it easy for now, don't let your kidney to produce too much of Adrenal gland. So no gaming, no porn, or television for a while please. You just need to let your Body to rest enough, and detox hard! Since most virus replicate real fast, your body needs to catch up the attack, that's why it's on stress mode now. So please chill, detoxing and hang in there mate.


Come back to us with Health & Magics ! Take care


Just wondering, do u live in the states??


Family comes first take care man hope to see more of your work


Take care fam keep up the good work.


Get well champ


you are legend bro, legend never die... and yeah take care of your self brother