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So im currently going through a lot of trouble my all family member's is suffering from corona. my test result did come negative but i probably have it by now

 i might be extremely slow because i genuinely cant work with the mental pressure. I Tried hiding it but its not working, I love my parents and my sisters and kinda having Panic attack atm .

i will still try working time to time since there nothing i can do other than wait it out and consult with doctors and stuff but i hope u guys can understand my situation. Thanks for being with me



Dude take care of yourself. Maybe take Dec as a little hiatus. Good time for it.


Stay strong brother! You'll get through this, take all the time you need, we'll be here when you get back!


your family will get through this and after that your patreons will rejoice in coom!


Do what you need dude.


Dont push yourself man if you feelin fatigue lay down for a while and shit, dont be workin so hard


Omg, I'm sorry to hear that. Don't push yourself. Just take it easy.


Damn what a bad year hopefully everything works out for you and your family best of luck mate!


Its all good! Stay hydrated, and rest, pushing yourself will make you feel worse. We all love your content and will wait.


Good luck bro. Hope everyone gets better


We can wait. Content is out of this world good, but we can wait. Take care of yourself!


Take care dude. All the best to you and your family. I hope everyone gets better soon.

A Lois

Health matters the most take good care of yourself

Larile Millvet

Definitely put everything on hiatus for now. Hope your family members get better. 🤗

Talia Rock

Health comes first bruv. This'll be here. Also stress makes it easier to get sick, so stay free.


Take care man, personal health is what’s important. Feel better my dude .


courage for you and your family, take time for yourself and rest


I'm an on and off patron here but please take care of yourself! Don't worry about content creation and just focus on staying healthy!


Take care.


Take ur time gb, stay safe

Purple Mantis

Take care of you and yours first and foremost man.


May the god bless you 🙏


Bless you and your family hope you guys all recover

Zephyr E. Levin

I also had a close call, back in the summer (since someone in my immediate family came out positive, but got well out of it). Do what needs to be done, chief. 👍


Take all the time you need take care of yourself and family


GB take all the time you need. Hope everything works out. Maybe head on hiatus for a bit. We'll be right here.

Theo Northman

We all with you. Be easy


Don't stress about work now, your and your family's health is more important, take your time!


Damn, sorry to hear about that, take care of yourselves, after all health is more important than anything else.


Damn man, sorry too hear that. Hopefully you and your family pull through it.

thomas d bontempo

Sorry to hear Family comes first take care


Stay safe and stay healthy, my friend. We will see you and your DOODs very soon after you and your family recovering from this. Take care! :)

Azure Kazeryu

Your health and your family comes first so no worries. Take as much rest as you need and take care.


take care of your self and family first

Tevin Banks

God Bless, we're with you.

Void Abyss

Hold on bro, supporting would be continue. Good luck~


Wishing for a speedy recovery. Take all the time you need, you health is the most important thing.


Take your time.

Erick Cedeno

We all love ya! Don’t push yourself and move at your own pace :3


Take care of you and your fam first! Don’t worry about us, we’ll be aite.


Sorry to hear about your troubles. Hope everything works out well and everyone gets better quickly. We all understand, don't worry about it...take your time, All will be well.


Hang in there!


Get plenty of rest and encourage each other. Stay positive! Don't stress yourselves out.

Anorath Neltiar

I get what you're going through, I'm in the same boat. Put yourself first, give your family your time, no one is rushing you. Stay safe, hope everyone comes out okay


Your health come first and formost Gb, hope you can adjust to working less and allowing yourself ample time to recover


im sorry duder, hope everyone makes it ok


Don't worry. Stay safe.


Get well.


Take care of yourself first and foremost. Prayers to you and your family for a full recovery.


Was in a similar position a few months back. You have to do your best to take things one moment at a time. It's hard...believe me, I know. But I also know that allowing your mind to take things and run with them will always make a bad situation even worse. Don't worry about content, just take care of yourself and your family.

Duai Y

Dude sry to hear that. Please don't pressure urself on making animation. Hope all of u recover soon.


No worries man your health is first I Hope everything gets better.

Steven B.

I'll be praying for you every day my friend. Things WILL get better! Don't worry bout things here. We understand life hits like a kick in the nuts but we have the strongest balls so hang in there!

Midnight Slasher

been a lurking supporter, hope you and your family get better. Family first,,,, BBWs can wait.


Take care of yourself and family mate. Hope things get better soon.

Shaggy Baggums

Don't stress over work, worrying about family is plenty. I hope you all have a speedy and complete recovery.


yo, focus in taking care of yourself & the family! the rest comes later


Your work is wicked good. I ain't goin' nowhere. Take your leave and handle your business. Family is all we have.


hey, it's treatable, my friend's mom got that as well, but she recovered, so you still have a fighting chance, go checkout the Herbalist doctor. They have formula to suppress the virus. May god bless you and your family.


Take all the time you need, family comes first, hoping the best for you and your family.

Luke Pandora

I wish you safety always be careful and do not try to mix with others, stay away from the others and you will be fine soon "safety first" muzzle & sterilizers.


Just take care of you and your family now. We’ll be here supporting, don’t worry about anything else but your health and family’s.


Take care man. Nothines more important than ones health both physically and mentally.


I'm a new fan, but focus on yourself right now. I'm not leaving any time soon.


All my best wishes go towards you and your family. I don't know you personally but you do amazing work that you should be proud of, hope everything ends up well.


No worries. Take care of yourself and those you care about most. The work you have already done is outstanding. We can wait for more when you are feeling better. But as always, thank you for your amazing material. Best wishes to you and yours.


One Love, keep going and best whishes! <3