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  • I’m officially going to be applying for a Marriage and Family Therapy master’s program at National University, California :D The program will be online, however, so I don’t need to move. I will keep you updated as things progress.

  • We have our first video decided! I’m going to be making a smaller video on what lifting has taught me. Planning on including a little information on my program I’m following now, as well as showing those lifts off! I was surprised to see both the tier 2s here and twitch chat in agreement on that video as the subject matter, thank you to everyone that put in their 2 cents :) I’m nervous, but excited to work on this project. The goal is to start working on a recording and editing process. I expect that the project will take a month to a month and a half, with the bulk of it just being timing on getting actual good video of my lifts and then allowance for editing. I’m going to shoot at a couple private locations, I don’t want to make people uncomfortable at the gym with my recording, so I explored other options that I think will work.

  • In the meantime, I’ll keep up with my writing projects here and my monthly body progress pictures (more for this month posted for paid patrons). We are officially on month 3/12 for our year of bulking, and I’m so excited to see the progress on that!

  • I went to see Love Lies Bleeding (lesbian film featuring Kristen Stewart and a body builder), looking forward to talking about it on stream tomorrow<3




Oh! I forgot to mention, based on voting, I'm also working on a write up of my impression of 12 Rules. Thank you again to everyone who voted<3