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Content Warnings: Dry Humping, Bath Scene, Teasing.

“Harry!” Fleur squealed, squirming playfully in Harry’s arms. Harry had pinned her to the floor the minute Hermione and Gabrielle left and attacked her without warning, peppering her face with playful kisses.

“Hmm?” Harry murmured. He lazily kissed Fleur’s perfect jawline.

“As much as I hate to admit it… oh, mon dieu!” Fleur moaned. Harry’s lips found their way to her sensitive pulse point and his teeth sank into her soft skin. Heat pooled in her belly. She spread her legs instinctively, giving him greater access to her body. “We need to work on our clues!” she gasped.

Harry pulled away from her and looked down at his beautiful girlfriend with a crooked smile.

“Do you really want me to stop?”


“Y-yes,” Fleur whispered, breathing heavily. “We really need to work on them. We have just thirty days left. Plus, I know my sister. She’ll be back in ten minutes hoping to tease us some more,” she muttered. She rolled her eyes and continued, “She likes making my life as difficult as possible.”

“She loves you. She just wants your attention,” Harry said with a laugh. He climbed off Fleur and walked to the shut door on unsteady feet. He pulled the bolt. “There. She won’t interrupt us now.”

“I could do with a little less attention.” Fleur had taken advantage of Harry’s absence to get up. She secured her hair into a ponytail again and turned to Harry with an amused smile. “Although I have to confess this wouldn’t have happened without her extreme encouragement.”

“This?” Harry raised an eyebrow. “Nothing’s happened yet, love.”

“You’re already breaking up with me? This will be the shortest relationship in Veela history,” Fleur said, pretending to sniffle.

“Brat,” Harry said fondly. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer. He blushed when Fleur kissed his cheek, still unused to her affectionate nature. Fleur wrapped her arms around him and let him hold her. He tightened his hold around her, resisting the urge to free her hair again and run his fingers through her silky golden tresses.

He reluctantly pulled away from her and glared at the golden eggs sitting innocently next to the empty bath. “I suppose you have a point,” he said with a sigh. “I haven’t forgotten my promise to help you win.”

“You haven’t changed your mind? It’d be more fun if you were competing seriously.” Fleur watched as he walked over to the bath and began turning the taps arranged around it.


“I’d have some real competition,” Fleur teased. “We’re tied for first place, after all. Cedric is second but he’s already six points behind us.”

“What if I win? Fate has a habit of giving me the opposite of what I want. Take this year, for example. I was looking forward to a quiet year of cheering you on from the stands.” Harry studied the two taps in front of him. “Do you want a bubble bath? Strawberry or Citrus?”

“Strawberry, please,” Fleur said. She reached behind her and grabbed the zipper of her swimsuit, tugging it down her back. “If you win, you win. I’m not so insecure that I’ll let you winning the Tournament affect our relationship, Harry.”

“What if I want you to-” Harry’s words died in his throat when he looked up and noticed Fleur wriggling out of her swimsuit. He watched with wide green eyes as she tugged the straps down her arms and pushed the bunched-up white and black striped swimsuit down her slender legs. She stepped out of the pooled swimsuit and sauntered over to the rapidly filling bath, her hips swaying with every step.

“I thought I’d take Gabby’s suggestion and swim without the suit,” Fleur said, a pretty blush coating her normally pale cheeks. Harry was staring at her unashamedly. His eyes roved over her curvy figure and she suddenly felt self-conscious.

What if he didn’t like how she looked like naked? She wasn’t like the Veela he’d heard about or seen at the World Cup, after all.

Fleur crossed her arms over her heavy, teardrop-shaped breasts. She turned away from him slightly, trying to shield her naked body from his gaze.

“Sorry,” she mumbled before he could speak. “Auntie Mimin always told me to start dieting so I’d look more like a proper Veela but I never listened to her.”

“Your auntie is bloody wrong. I’m glad you didn’t listen to her,” Harry said hoarsely. He stepped into the bath, partly to hide the tent forming in swimming trunks and partly because it was the quickest path to his drop-dead gorgeous girlfriend.

Fleur was frozen in place, watching Harry swim towards her with wide eyes. He paused when he reached the edge she was standing on and extended his hand.

“Climb in. The water’s the perfect temperature.”

“What if I sink?”

“You won’t,” Harry promised. He wiggled his fingers and smiled. “I’ll keep you safe, I promise.”

“Okay.” She extended a trembling hand towards him and let him pull her into the warm water. She squealed as she sank into the water and wrapped her arms around him in a desperate effort to stay afloat.

Fleur Delacour dies while trying to seduce her boyfriend. Just my luck!

Her heartbeat slowed down when her feet hit the marble floor of the bath. She was submerged up to her chest in the water but wasn’t in danger of drowning anytime soon.

“The water’s not that deep,” Harry murmured reassuringly. He stepped forward and gently pushed her against the wall of the bath.

Fleur still clung to him, finding comfort in the fact that she was pinned between him and the marble wall behind her.

“You’re tense,” Harry whispered. He gently grabbed her trembling hands and made her lock her arms around his neck. “You can’t learn how to swim if you’re this tense.”

“Can’t help it,” Fleur whispered. She trembled in his arms, unsure what she was more nervous about. It had to be him, she decided.

What if she was horrible in bed?! What man would want the only unsensual Veela in the world?

“Don’t worry,” Harry whispered in that authoritative tone that made her heart skip a beat. “Close your eyes.”

She obeyed and before she knew it his lips were on hers, making her completely forget her surroundings. He playfully nipped at her lower lip as they kissed. The gentle sting made her moan and Harry slipped his tongue past her parted lips. He explored the warm wetness of her mouth without any hesitation, gently coaxing her to rise to the challenge. Her tongue shyly dueled with his, playfully resisting for a few seconds before submitting to his advances. Her eyes flew open in shock when she felt his hands on her chest. He was freely exploring her curves, touching her in places no man ever had before!

Fleur moaned and arched her back, eagerly trying to press more of her soft flesh into his waiting palms. Her eyes widened when she realized it was his shaft that was poking her soft belly. He was big, the throbbing tent pushed against her creamy skin promising her unimaginable pleasure.

“Brat,” Harry whispered hoarsely when he pulled away for air.

A trickle of drool connected his lips to her swollen ones. Her lower lip throbbed. An unfamiliar coil of tension formed in her belly and she squirmed in his arms, her body subconsciously yearning for release.

“I told you to close your eyes,” he whispered fondly, leaning in to kiss her eyelids.

“Sorry,” Fleur mumbled. She felt like a chastised schoolgirl when he spoke to her in that tone. A trickle of arousal seeped out of her folds at the mental image of her modeling her old, much too short Beauxbatons uniform for her ‘professor’.

“Your punishment is a million kisses, Miss Delacour.”

“A million?!”

“One every day for the rest of our lives.”

“I think I can manage that, sir,” Fleur whispered, biting her lower lip seductively. She gasped when Harry’s cock twitched against her stomach. “You’re so hard,” she whispered. Their proximity trapped his poor member between their bodies and she could feel every tiny movement and twitch.

“An unfortunate side effect of being in a relationship with the most beautiful girl in the world,” Harry said with a grin. The tightness in his trunks was starting to grow uncomfortable but he wasn’t about to rush her just because he couldn’t control his own body. “I think I’ll need to get used to it.”

“Is there anything I can do to help?” Fleur asked innocently. She wanted her first time with him to be in a bed but surely there was something they could do other than that.

“Are you sure?”

Fleur nodded. “I just want to wait for…” she trailed off and blushed. “You know… I imagined we’d do it in a bed if that’s alright-”

Harry shushed her with a gentle kiss.

“You don’t apologize for your desires, my precious flower,” Harry murmured against her lips. “Let’s make a promise. We’ll both help each other explore our desires without shame.” He held up his pinky.

“A pinky swear?”

Harry grinned and nodded.

Fleur giggled and locked her pinky with Harry’s, immediately set at ease. Maybe there was some merit to her fantasy of him as a professor. He would be an amazing teacher one day.

Harry reached down and grabbed her thighs, gently lifting her legs and making her wrap them around his waist. She tightened her hold around his neck, clinging onto him for support. He stepped forward and pinned her against the wall of the bath.

The water rippled around them but Fleur didn’t even notice, completely forgetting that they were in the pool.

Harry’s shaft was wedged between her spread thighs. Every step he took caused the tent in his trunks to brush against the inside of her thigh, the smooth polyester providing disappointingly little friction to the needy girl.

Harry started to grind against her, slowly at first but quickly picking up speed.

“Harder!” Fleur gasped, a melodious moan escaping her parted lips. It echoed around the room. Harry’s cock throbbed and she bit back a gasp as she felt it push against her tight core.

“Are you sure?” Harry asked breathlessly. His eyes searched her face for any signs of discomfort but only found eagerness and wanton desire.


Harry adjusted his grip on her waist and began to thrust. His covered tip split her plump, slick lips and pushed shallowly inside her with every thrust.

Fleur began to rock her hips in time with his thrusts. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head and she lost all sense of her surroundings as she bounced on his cock. The tightness in her belly grew with every passing second.

Harry pushed her away from him and her hands had to scramble to grab the edges of the bath for support. The position forced her to arch her back, pushing out her heavy breasts towards Harry’s waiting lips.

“Harry!” Fleur moaned.

Harry grinned and kissed the tip of her stiff, pink nipple again. He wrapped his lips around it and took as much of her creamy mound into his mouth before beginning to suck.

“H-harry!” A strangled shriek escaped Fleur’s lips and her vision began to blur. Her hands scrambled to find support, knocking one of the eggs into the water in the process.

The egg hit the water with a loud SPLASH but they didn’t even register the sound. It sank to the bottom of the pool, the impact opening the clasp. A song started to play from the open egg, its muffled melody intermingling with Fleur’s melodious and increasingly desperate moans.

Harry’s thrusting grew erratic and he tensed. His battle to stay in control was a losing one and he erupted without warning, his groan muffled by Fleur’s breast.

Fleur wasn’t too far behind him. It took her a few more thrusts but the coil of tension in her belly exploded and the poor, inexperienced Veela saw stars.

“Harry, Harry, HARRY!” Fleur chanted his name like a prayer, her body trembling violently as her first proper orgasm rocked her to her very core. Her arousal stained her thighs and Harry’s cum-stained shorts, only to be washed away by the water.

She collapsed in his arms, her head slumping on his shoulder. They stayed like that for a very long time, both of them trying to prolong their respective highs for as long as possible.

“Never thought my first time with a girl would be this good,” Harry murmured. He lazily twirled a stray golden strand of Fleur’s hair around his finger. “I had imagined a lot more fumbling. I suppose that’ll come with the actual act.”

“You were perfect, Harry,” Fleur whispered. Her hands moved to his bare chest, curious fingers tenderly shifting from one scar to the next. “Thank you.”

“I’m pretty sure I should be saying that, flower,” Harry teased with a chuckle.

“You sing well,” Fleur murmured tiredly. She didn’t move her head from his shoulder. Her limbs were jelly and she had no energy left to do anything except cling to him like a koala. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

“That’s not me,” Harry murmured. “I thought the mermaid had come back.”

Harry turned to the painting but the frame was still empty. He looked around the room, trying to find the source of the haunting melody. He frowned when he turned his attention to the hazy water and noticed the golden egg lying on the floor of the bath. The impact had unlocked its clasp. But the egg was emitting a song and a melodious tune instead of its usual screeching.

“It’s the egg. You accidentally knocked one into the water.”

“It’s not screeching?!” Fleur asked, the shock of the revelation dispelling the haze of pleasure surrounding her mind.

“Nope. I guess this is why Cedric wanted us to take a bath. Although why he thought it’d occur to us to dunk our eggs in water…”  Harry shook his head. “What kind of thing screams outside water but sings inside it?”

Fleur’s face lost all color.

“Merfolk. Madame Maxime warned me and Gabrielle not to venture too close to your lake because a colony lives there. The Second Task will be in the lake, Harry,” she whispered. She shivered, suddenly feeling very cold and very scared despite the fact that she was enveloped by his arms.

“Fuck,” Harry hissed. “Don’t worry,” he murmured, acting braver than he felt. He had to be brave for both of them. “We have thirty days, love. Professor McGonagall will help us come up with a plan. And I’m going to make sure you know how to swim. Come on.” He pulled away from her and gently tugged her to the middle of the bath. “Let’s start with a basic breaststroke.”

“What about the clue?” Fleur asked, feeling slightly better once his arm wrapped around her waist. He’d teach her. He was with her. Everything would be alright. “Don’t you want to hear the song?”

“I do. But the water is getting cold. I’ll dive in and listen to it once we’re done for the night,” Harry said with a reassuring smile. “Don’t be afraid,” he whispered, kissing her forehead. “I’ll be right by your side.”


The days passed by quickly. They told Professor McGonagall about what they’d discovered the very next day and Harry could have sworn she was proud of them. She didn’t say it outright but the glint in her eyes and her pleased smile gave it away.

She shifted the focus of their lessons from that day. They spent half their time reading about the various creatures that called the lake their home and the other half learning and practicing charms that they could use underwater.

The biggest issue in front of them was their need to breathe. The simplest solution was a Bubble Charm and they spent hours in lessons and then in the Prefect’s Bathroom practicing the spell until they were both perfect with it.

There were still issues. Chief among them were Harry’s human physiology and Fleur’s barely passable swimming. There was nothing Professor McGonagall could do about either except to urge them to keep practicing.

The Bubble Charm worked perfectly for Fleur because of her stronger and more efficient lungs but Harry had to tap out after half an hour, the stale air in the bubble around his head making him drowsy. Harry knew losing consciousness in the lake was a death sentence so he kept pushing himself to the limits of his endurance but even after twenty days of continuous practice, he found himself unable to stay underwater for more than forty minutes.

Fleur, meanwhile, didn’t have an issue with breathing. She could easily last the full hour underwater but found herself surfacing much sooner most of the time. The panic that came with the sheer quantity of water surrounding her was too much for the Veela to bear.

“We have ten days. What are we going to do?!” Hermione asked one sunny Sunday.

She, Gabrielle, Harry, and Fleur were seated in the library, trying to find a workaround to the problems they faced.

“Go out and enjoy the first bit of sun we’ve gotten in a long time like everyone else in the castle?”


“What? Do you really think we can come up with a better plan when even Professor McGonagall thinks this is the best shot they have?” Gabrielle challenged her girlfriend.

Hermione shushed her and turned to her best friend. “What about Transfiguration?”

Harry shook his head. “I don’t know the first thing about human transfiguration and Professor McGonagall doesn’t have enough time to teach me. It’s some of the hardest magic there is and both of us know how bad things can get if I make a mistake.”

Hermione nodded glumly. They’d both watched Marcus Flint walk around with a chicken wing for an arm for two full days before Professor McGonagall had managed to reverse his mistake.

“To be fair you aren’t as dumb as Flint. I doubt you’d make a mistake that’s so bad that even Professor McGonagall doesn’t know how to fix it immediately.”

“Are you asking me to rely on my amazing, amazing luck, Mione?” Harry asked with a small smile. “What if we try to get Muggle diving gear?”

Hermione huffed and slumped back in her chair. “Won’t work. Where will be buy it from? There’s also no guarantee that it will work in Hogwarts. Transfiguration is still our best bet.”

“What about you, Fleur?” Hermione asked, turning to the Veela seated next to Harry.

“I only know the basics of human transfiguration. Our teacher isn’t as good as Professor McGonagall and nobody in Beauxbatons takes the subject too seriously.”

“Our Transfiguration Professor is about as competent as your Divination teacher.”

“Got it,” Harry muttered with a grimace.

“So our only option is to hope Harry can complete the Task in under forty minutes and pray that my sister becomes a good enough swimmer by the day of the task to navigate the lake on her own. I’ll be honest, I don’t like your odds.”

“What other option do we have?” Harry asked.

“Tap out?” Gabrielle suggested. “You two outsmarted nesting dragons. That alone should give you bragging rights for the rest of your lives.”

“No!” Harry and Fleur exclaimed in unison. They exchanged glances and blushed.

“We are going to win this Tournament,” Harry said with an awkward cough.

We?” Gabrielle smirked and raised an eyebrow.

“One of us,” Fleur said, reaching out to take Harry’s hand. “We’re having our own little competition. One of us will win.”

“And what does the loser give the winner?” Gabrielle asked shrewdly. She cackled at the sight of the red faces in front of her. “Come on. Spill!”

“It won’t matter if we can’t get through the Second Task,” Harry said hastily. “Mione, you’re awfully quiet all of a sudden.”

“Gabby said Fleur can’t traverse the lake on her own,” Hermione murmured, her brow furrowed. She had a contemplative look on her face. “Why does she have to be alone?”

“She doesn’t. There’s no rule that says two champions can’t complete the task together. I’ll be with her,” Harry answered.

“She can’t swim as fast as you. If you stay with her there’s no way you’ll be able to complete the task within forty minutes.”

“Who says Harry has to finish in forty minutes? The riddle said they had an hour.”

“Now you’re the one who’s talking in riddles, Mione. I only have enough air in my bubble to stay underwater for thirty minutes. Anything past that is me pushing my body to its limits. I doubt I can stay inside the lake for more than forty minutes without passing out.”

“What if you expanded the bubble?” Hermione said, her eyes glinting with excitement. “Look, it’s simple. The bigger the bubble the more air you’ll have. Get a big enough bubble and you’ll have the fresh air you need to last an entire hour inside the lake!”

“So instead of a bubble that surrounds their heads…”

“I’m asking them to make one that surrounds both of them entirely,” Hermione said, finishing for Gabrielle. “It’ll be big enough for both their needs and Harry can stay with Fleur the entire time they’re under the lake.”

“Maintaining a stable bubble that big is going to be tricky.” Fleur chewed her lower lip, deep in thought. “Whoever casts it can only concentrate on maintaining the bubble. They won’t be able to do any other magic as long as the charm is active.”

“You should do it,” Gabrielle said, uncharacteristically serious for once. “We know the lake has merfolk. They’re less likely to react to a human using magic in their territory. They might tolerate your presence in the lake because of whatever agreement the Tournament organizers have with them but that doesn’t mean they’re happy about it.”

Fleur nodded. “The tribe might change their mind at any time. The thought of it has kept me up at night for many days now.”

Harry reached out and squeezed Fleur’s hand. She leaned against him and rested her head on his shoulder without hesitation.

“You two should go have a quickie in the Forbidden Section and get it out of your system so we can be productive for the rest of the day,” Gabrielle said, pretending to gag.


“What?! You told me yourself how much more productive you’ve gotten ever since I instituted the rule of making sure you start your day with an orgasm!”

“Gabby!” Hermione hissed, her cheeks turning maroon. She coughed awkwardly and turned to Harry and Fleur. “There’s no rule. Gabby is just making things up.”

“Okay,” Harry said with a barely suppressed smirk.

“What’s the deal with the merfolk?” Hermione asked before Gabrielle could say anything else. She desperately wanted to change the topic of conversation to anything that wasn’t their love life.

“Veela dislike large bodies of water not just because of their aversion to water but also because most of them are home to a colony of merfolk. We don’t get along.”

“That’s putting it mildly,” Gabrielle snorted. “Legend has it that a Merking married a Veela Matriarch. They were both found dead the morning after their wedding night and both groups blamed the other for it. We’ve had half a dozen extremely destructive wars over it. Right now we have a peace that’s only held because we’ve avoided each other’s territories like the plague for the last three hundred years.”

“Fleur going into the lake threatens to upset that balance.”

“Yes,” Fleur said with a sigh. “It’ll be worse if I use defensive magic or hexes underwater. Using them against anything else is dangerous enough but casting magic on merfolk would basically be a declaration of war. They're hot-headed creatures.”

“So are we.”

Fleur simply shrugged in response to Gabrielle’s observation.

“Then don’t. Divide and conquer.”

“What does that mean?” Harry asked.

“Harry, you’re the better duelist. It comes naturally to you. Fleur is amazing at Charms. Let her maintain the Bubble Charm while you’re in the lake and you be in charge of fending off anything that attacks you.”

“What if the spells burst the bubble?” Gabrielle asked.

“They shouldn’t. Not if I cast it right and concentrate on maintaining it.”

“Those are big ifs, sister.”

“I have ten days, I’ll start practicing.”

“Doesn’t change the fact that you’ll be in the water for a long period of time, possibly in hostile territory. What if you panic? What if your concentration slips and the bubble bursts?”


“Mione, do you want them to have this conversation as they’re sinking to the bottom of the lake? That thing is deep! Maybe Harry makes it to the surface in time if the bubble bursts but I know my sister won’t! Not with her swimming.” Gabrielle glared at Fleur and Harry and crossed her arms over her chest. “You two are idiots of the highest order but I’ve grown fond of you. Yes, even you, Harry. I don’t want my sister or her boyfriend dying because they think they have something to prove.”

“That won’t happen, Gabrielle,” Fleur said softly.

“I just want you to have a backup.”

“We tried to find a solution, Gabrielle,” Harry said with a frustrated sigh. “If we’re not with Professor McGonagall, we’re in the bath. When we’re not there, we’re here. We’ve torn this place apart and read every book we think is relevant. There is no alternative to our current plan.”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to eavesdrop. I was just returning a book for Ginny. She’s not well and it’s already overdue. You know how weird Madam Pince can be about overdue books,” Neville said, leaning around the rack of books behind Harry and Fleur to look at the group. His cheeks were pink but he continued with a nervous smile, “I might have a solution.”

“Hey, Neville. Fleur, Gabrielle, this is Neville. He’s a good friend,” Harry said with a smile.

“Oh, I know him. Mione and I hung out with him during the Yule Ball while you two were off shaboinkin in the woods.”

“Who taught you what that means?” Harry asked, rolling his eyes fondly. He didn’t bother correcting her. There was no point. His new friend was a bloody menace.

“Neville’s girlfriend. She’s a delight!”

“She’s not…” Neville blushed. “We’ve been on a couple of dates but we haven’t labeled anything yet.”

“Don’t mind my sister. She’s a terror who sees lust and romance everywhere,” Fleur said kindly. She patted the empty chair next to her. “Take a seat and tell us about your solution.”

“Okay.” Neville nodded and sat down next to Fleur. He wasn’t affected by the Allure of the two Veelas to the same extent as Ron, Seamus, and a few other men of the castle. But he found himself staring at Gabrielle for just long enough for her to notice and smirk. He shook his head and snapped out of it after a couple of tries. “Do you remember the book Professor Moody gave me?”

“After he traumatized you with that horrifying lesson?” Hermione asked venomously. “Yes. What about it?”

“It’s a book on rare magical plants and herbs. I was reading about one of them a couple of days ago… Gillyweed.” Neville paused and looked expectantly at Hermione.

“I’m sorry, Neville. I don’t know what that is.”

Neville deflated a little.

“But we’d love to hear more about it. What is it?” Harry asked.

“It’s a rare herb that is only found in Greece. Herbologists and Potioneers there use it to retrieve ingredients from the sea. It’s also used to make the antidotes for certain venoms.”

“How does that help us?” Fleur asked.

“Because of its properties. If you chew a handful of Gillyweed you will have gills, and webbed hands and feet for about an hour. You can breathe underwater and your swimming will improve too!” Neville said, vibrating with suppressed excitement. “It solves all your problems!”

“Except one,” Gabrielle pointed out. “You said that Gillyweed is extremely rare. What’re the chances we can get some of it within ten days?”

“Even if we order some… and it will cost a fortune to do so-”

“Money isn’t a problem,” Harry and Fleur interjected together, then exchanged glances.

“I’m paying for it,” they said together again.

“Don’t mind them, they’re morons. Morons in love,” Gabrielle muttered and rolled her eyes. “I’ll pay for it. Go ahead and order some, Neville.”

“Even if I find the right dealer and order some I can’t guarantee it’ll get to Hogwarts in time,” Neville said nervously. “All foreign herbs and plants need to be cleared by the Ministry. I asked Professor Sprout the procedure to get plants from outside Britain last year and she told me the process takes fifteen days to a month.”

“Damnit,” Hermione muttered. “Any chance she has some lying around? I’m sure Harry and Fleur won’t mind replacing the amount they use.”

“She doesn’t. But someone else in the castle does have some,” Neville said, his nervousness growing. He wrung his hands together and squirmed in his chair. “Professor Snape has some in his private supplies. I saw it while cleaning his office during my last detention. There’s just one tiny problem.”

“Of course there is,” Gabrielle groaned. “What is it?”

“There’s just enough Gillyweed for one person. If Harry and Fleur share the quantity Professor Snape has in his cupboard the effects will only last thirty minutes.”

“Why don’t we go ahead with our Bubble Charm plan and keep the Gillyweed as a backup?” Hermione suggested quickly, trying to forestall the inevitable argument between Harry and Fleur. She knew them both well enough to know both would want the other to have the herb. “That way if something goes wrong you can both eat your half of the Gillyweed and you’ll have enough time to get to the surface.”

“That works. Gabrielle?”

Fleur frowned at the smirk on Harry’s face. She’d seen it enough times to know her boyfriend was planning to do something brave, dangerous, or as was most often the case, both.

“Yes, Harry?” Gabrielle asked innocently.

“Are you up for some late-night burglary?”

“You want my help to rob the most unpleasant man in the castle?” Gabrielle grinned. “Hell, yes!”


I bet a lot of you are happy now that the slow burn is paying off. Both the main couples in this story are so adorable. Flowerpot and Gabimione, who knew that was what a story needed? I won't be able to include Harry and Gabrielle stealing from Snape because I need to move the plot forward, but let me know if you'd like to read it! It's a fun scene and it will make for a great Drabble or Short Story Outtake. I already have most of the scene, but I can't always include everything I want in the main story because of plot reasons.



Awesome Chapter


This was a fun chapter. Though the idea that Harry can't get gillyweed quickly could probably be solved if he just thought about. Throw money at it. Ask gred and forge (who seem to have no trouble whatsoever smuggling complex goods) or just as bagman or the Weasleys. But I get that robbing snape is more fun


Given how corrupt the ministry is, throwing money at the problem does seem like it would work. But i do want to see the great dungeon bat burglary.