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Content Warnings: Multiple Orgasms, Semi-Public, Toys, Teasing, Breast Play, Creampie.

Chapter 13

“Kingsley, I can explain,” Harry said, glancing at Wednesday.

She was lounging in the chair next to him, studying the tall man in powder-blue robes in front of her with a calculating gaze. Whatever she was trying to do didn’t work and she gave up with a frustrated sigh.

“I’m listening.” Kingsley steepled his fingers and stared at Harry with a serious expression. “The explanation better be good, Mister Potter. I have nearly fifty Inferi in a secure facility that no amount of fire can destroy. I’ve had to resort to having Unspeakables destroy them one by one.”

“They didn’t reanimate?”

“Thank Merlin, no,” Kingsley said in response to Wednesday’s question. “The place is heavily warded. Nobody knows its location except me and a handful of Unspeakables. Your Necromancer won’t be able to find their toys again.”

“About the Necromancer…”

Kingsley narrowed his eyes suspiciously.

“You told my Auror you didn’t remember anything except a sea of bodies. And you-” he turned to Wednesday “-all you saw was a hooded figure on a rooftop.”

“That wasn’t entirely true,” Harry murmured, unable to look his old friend in the eye.

“You lied to me?!”

“We didn’t tell you everything we knew. There’s a difference.”

“This isn’t the time for technicalities, Miss Addams,” Kingsley gritted out. “What did you hide?”

Harry glanced at Wednesday. She sighed and placed the bag she was carrying on the desk.

“This has all the evidence we have gathered. Would you like a condensed version?”

“If you’d be so kind,” Kingsley muttered.

“We think Voldemort has a daughter,” Wednesday said, deciding to get straight to the point. “Narcissa Black thinks he impregnated her sister. The baby was presumably carted off to America after Voldemort’s first fall. Now she’s back and she wants revenge.”

Kingsley leaned into his chair and stared at the couple seated across the table with wide eyes, stunned into silence.

“Revenge…” he said after a few seconds of awkward silence. “Against you, Harry?”

“Yep. And Wednesday too, but we don’t know why.”

“How do you know all this?”

“She told me,” Wednesday said.


“I had a vision. I’m a seer. And then on the rooftop. I told you I saw her. I neglected to mention that I went to confront her.” Wednesday shrugged. “She wants me and Harry to suffer for what we’ve done.”

“And you kept this from me?!”

“We needed to put all the pieces together. Nobody wants another war. If you went public without proof they’d have kicked you out of office before the day was over,” Harry pointed out.

“I could have done other things! Professionals need to handle this, Harry!”

“There’s only one person in this room who has defeated a Dark Lord. The professionals rolled over without a fight last time,” Harry said coldly. He shook his head and sighed. His nerves were frayed. They were no closer to catching their mystery woman. The longer they took, the more time she had to gather allies. “I’m sorry,” Harry said softly. “I’m frustrated and I’m taking my anger out on you. Kingsley, we didn’t know who we could trust. You don’t know who you can trust!”

Kingsley considered Harry’s words.

“You have a point. But we need to bring the old guard into the fold. The only way to prevent this from turning into another war is by nipping the problem in the bud.”

Harry nodded. “Who will you tell?”

“Members of the Order of the Phoenix.” Kingsley chuckled bitterly. “Those of us who are left, that is. People in the Ministry that I trust. The new Head of DMLE is a good woman.”

Harry’s lips twitched. “That she is.”

Wednesday watched Kingsley push his chair away from the desk. She waited until he had walked out of the office before leaning close to Harry and whispering, “Who is she?”

“Andromeda. Narcissa’s sister. We can trust her.”

“Good. You’re tense,” Wednesday murmured. She buried her face in the crook of his neck and gently kissed his jaw. “Why?”

“You saw how Kingsley reacted. Maybe we made a mistake hiding this from him.”

“You had your reasons. He has his for being upset.” Wednesday pushed a hand between Harry’s thighs. “Stop worrying about people so much. You can’t keep everyone in the world happy.”

“Wednesday, what are you doing?” Harry asked, his breath hitching as her slender fingers toyed with the zipper of his pants. His body reacted almost immediately. The bulge under her hand grew, pushing into her palm.

“Making sure you’re relaxed. We don’t want you fighting with the woman who’s raising your godson,” Wednesday said innocently. She wrapped her hand around the tent in Harry’s trousers and began to pump it, keeping an eye on the half-ajar door.

“Wednesday, stop,” Harry hissed. He groaned softly. His cheeks turned pink and he was certain Kingsley and Penelope had heard him.

“What if I don’t?” Wednesday smirked and ran a finger over the bracelet on Harry’s wrist. “Will you punish me?”

“Wednesday, I swear-”

“I will happily take a punishment for you, sir,” Wednesday whispered. Her hot breath caressed his skin and she grinned when she felt his cock twitch against her palm.

“Andromeda.” Kingsley’s deep baritone was easily audible in the office.

“Kingsley. What’s so urgent that you had to pull me out of a departmental meeting?”

“She’s here, sir,” Wednesday whispered. She grabbed Harry’s zipper and tugged it down excruciatingly slowly. “You’re still so tense.”

“Wednesday,” Harry growled. He turned around and stared at the door, desperately praying Kingsley and Andromeda would have their discussion outside the office.

“You’ll see. Harry and Wednesday Addams are waiting for us in my office. I’d better let them explain.”


“Wednesday,” Harry groaned. Her fingers were dancing over his throbbing shaft over the thin fabric of his boxers.

“I’m sure they won’t notice me under the desk. You can tell me I had to leave,” Wednesday teased. She squeezed his shaft once and then withdrew.

“Everything alright?” Kingsley asked as he strode into the office. He sank into his seat with an annoyed grunt and began to massage his temples.

“Absolutely,” Wednesday, her dark eyes alive with suppressed mirth. Teasing her dominant had quickly shot up to the top of her list of favorite activities.  “Harry is still recovering. He was feeling weak so I gave him a hug.”

“Do you feel better after the ‘hug’, Harry?” Andromeda asked, staring at Wednesday’s hand. It was still resting on Harry’s crotch, covering his open fly.

“Y-yea. Pretty much.”

“Good,” Andromeda smirked and walked over to stand behind Kingsley’s chair. She leaned against the windowsill and crossed her arms over her chest, studying Harry and Wednesday with a small smile.

“Can we stop talking about hugs?” Kingsley grumbled.

“Absolutely,” Harry, Wednesday, and Andromeda said together. All three of them were trying and failing to keep a neutral expression and Andromeda gave her oblivious boss an affectionate pat on the shoulder.

“I heard you and Hermione paid a visit to my sister, Miss Addams.”

“I did. Did she tell you why?”

Andromeda shook her head. “She thought it was best if I heard it directly from you. Since it happened a few days after the Inferi attack in London and you’re here now I presume it had something to do with the attack on Harry?”

“Yep,” Harry nodded. Andromeda had easily settled into her new role despite no formal training. He was glad she had an outlet for all that anger. Losing her husband and daughter…

And now he was about to tell her that their sacrifice had quite possibly been in vain.

“You see-” Harry cleared his throat awkwardly, unable to bring himself to share their suspicions.

“You have a niece,” Wednesday said flatly. “Her father is Voldemort and her mother is your deceased sister.”

“We think,” Harry added quickly. “We think you have a niece.”

“That woman looks just like her, Harry. If you replace that smile with a sneer and add a mountain of melodrama I wouldn’t be able to tell you the difference.”

“And I look just like my sister,” Andromeda said in a horrified whisper. “You mistook me for her the first time we met, Harry.”

“I remember,” Harry murmured, rubbing the back of his neck. “I’m sorry. We didn’t want to come to you and Kingsley until we were certain.”

“I… you’re certain?” Andromeda asked, clenching and unclenching her fists. She fought hard to keep her anger off her face but it was a losing battle. Old wounds reopened and the grief she had kept bottled up threatened to consume her. “How did you learn of her presence?”

“Hogwarts has the only unicorn sanctuary in Britain. We found a hurt unicorn on the grounds. Given my history, we thought Voldemort had somehow returned.”

“That cannot be possible. I thought you destroyed all the shards of his soul,” Kingsley interjected.

“I did. Hermione found a ritual and Wednesday used her seer powers to confirm it. We tried to find the presence of his soul but-”

“My powers led me to that woman,” Wednesday chimed in softly.

“And she attacked you.”

Harry nodded to confirm Andromeda’s observation.

“This bag contains the memory of my meeting with your sister.” Wednesday pushed the bag towards Kingsley’s side of the desk. “It also has all the information we’ve collected but it is disappointingly little.”

“We know what she looks like and her background. She won’t escape,” Andromeda vowed. “She won’t be able to attack you again, Harry. You have my word.”

“Don’t worry, Mrs. Tonks,” Wednesday said with a venomous smile. “If she manages to get close enough to be in a position to hurt Harry again I’ll gut her myself. My pet piranhas haven’t been fed in a while. They’re hungry.”

Kingsley stared at Wednesday in disbelief. “You’re joking, right?”

“About the gutting?”

“I think both of us believe you’re quite capable of that, Miss Addams,” Andromeda said with a small smile. Something about the girl reminded her of her daughter. Adventurous, carefree, and fiercely protective of those she loved. In a different world, she and her Dora would have been the best of friends. “I think Kingsley was expressing his disbelief about your preferred choice of pet.”

“I never joke about my pets.”

“Her familiar is a disembodied hand called Thing.”

“My daughter would have loved you,” Andromeda said with a bittersweet chuckle. “You two should come by someday. Harry, you won’t believe how much Teddy has grown.”

“We’d love to,” Harry said softly.

“Well.” Andromeda dabbed at the corner of her eyes. “I better get cracking. Harry, Teddy and I miss you. Miss Addams, it was a pleasure.”

Andromeda shook Wednesday’s hand and picked up the bag, slinging it across her body. She was halfway out the door when Kingsley stopped her.

“Be discreet. We don’t know who to trust.”

“Understood.” Andromeda nodded and left, closing the door behind her.

“Are you sure it was wise to involve her, Kingsley? She’s too close to this.”

“I know you don’t want anyone to get hurt but you can’t do everything by yourself, Harry,” Kingsley said. “I trust Andromeda to put her feelings aside and do her job.”

“He does too. He just enjoys being a knight in shining armor,” Wednesday murmured. Her hand strayed to Harry’s crotch again and she slipped it through the open fly. Harry shot her a glare but she ignored it, focusing her attention on the Minister once she had made sure her hand was hidden by the desk. “It can be quite infuriating.”

“Oh, I think…” Kingsley paused when he noticed Harry squirming in his chair. “Harry, are you alright?”

Wednesday squeezed Harry’s shaft and Harry could only groan in response to Kingsley’s question.

“I… my wounds are still sore,” Harry muttered, breathing heavily. He gently rotated his wrist and the clamps around Wednesday’s nipples tightened. He noticed her bite her lip from the corner of his eye and jerked his wrist again to get the clamps and the ring vibrator around her clit to start vibrating.

Two can play this game.

“It hurts to sit for too long,” Harry murmured. He reached out and locked his ankle around Wednesday’s, pulling her leg away and preventing her from rubbing her thighs together. In response Wednesday pressed the long nail of her thumb against his tip and dug into it, causing him to hiss.

“Do you need me to call a healer?!” Kingsley asked, alarmed.

“Just a tiny twinge. I’m sure Harry has handled worse,” Wednesday said. Her nipples pebbled under her blouse and she slouched to hide them. They were two throbbing pinpoints of delicious pain and the gentle buzzing of the metal clamps sent currents racing down her spine to her very core. Her folds glistened with the arousal leaking out of her. It ran down her thighs in thin trickles and she was certain if they waited much longer both men in the room would be able to smell her arousal. “But I think we should leave. We need to visit the seers in the Department of Mysteries.”

Her arousal was only for Harry. No other man had or ever would lay claim to it.

“Are you sure this is a good idea?” Kingsley asked. “They are a strange lot.”

“Then I’ll fit right in.” Wednesday dragged the zipper so Harry wouldn’t accidentally flash the Minister with his erection, pulled out her hand, and stood. “Thank you, Minister. We shall get in touch if we have any more information.”

“No more secrets. And no going after her alone, Harry.”

Harry nodded and stood, turning away immediately to make sure Kingsley didn’t notice the bulge in his pants.

“Harry, promise me.”

“I promise,” Harry said. He hurried out of the room and Wednesday followed him, winking at a bemused Penelope on her way out of the office.

“Harry, wait!” Wednesday called out, running to catch up with him.

“You’re a cheeky little shit,” Harry growled playfully. He slowed to a brisk walk but was still too fast for her.

Wednesday groaned as the clamps kept getting tighter with every step they took down the hallway. The lifts were in sight but she didn’t think she’d last that long. The pain from her throbbing nipples clouded her thoughts and she struggled to breathe. Every breath pushed her breasts against her blouse. Her stinging nipples pressed against the fabric with every breath. Her pussy was glistening and her thighs were drenched, with streams of arousal slowly making their way down to her knees.

“And what do you plan to do about that?” Wednesday chuckled breathlessly. She turned her hand to let him grab it with ease. He threaded their fingers together and then jerked his wrist, delivering a gentle shock right to her clit.

“Oh, goddess!” Wednesday groaned and doubled over. Her vision darkened and she concentrated on Harry’s hand, using it to keep her balance.

“She twisted her ankle. It’s very painful,” Harry lied smoothly to the middle-aged woman who was waiting in front of the lifts. A lift dinged to a halt on their floor. “Why don’t you go ahead and take this one?”

The woman stared at Wednesday and climbed into the lift. Only once she was out of view did Harry tug on Wednesday’s hand, pulling her to the rightmost elevator and pressing the button to call it to their floor.

“Why this one?” Wednesday gasped. She pressed her thighs together, rubbing them furiously. She was so, so close but the tiny part of her brain that wasn’t a brat and wanted very much to be Harry’s perfect hellcat prevented her from pushing herself over the edge. Which meant she was reduced to rubbing her thighs furiously, only to instinctively stop the moment she got too close. She wouldn’t cum without his permission but was too stubborn to ask for it, which meant all she could do was hope no one walked in on her in her current state.

She stared at the floor number for the lift, breathing a sigh of relief when it shuddered to a halt on their floor and she saw that it was empty.

“No doorman.” Harry tugged on her hand and pulled her into the lift. He waited until he had closed the door to cut out the charms.

“F… fuck,” Wednesday moaned as the buzzing around her aching nipples and clit died down.

Harry pressed the button for the ninth floor and the lift shuddered and started to descend deeper into the building. Harry stayed by the switchboard and waited until the lift was between floors before pressing the stop button.


Wednesday raised an eyebrow at Harry’s playful murmur. The lift shuddered to a halt in between the fifth and sixth floors and her dark eyes flickered to the hand pressing the big red stop button.

“Looks like there’s something wrong with the lift.”

“Is there?” Wednesday smirked. “Whatever shall we do?”

“I can think of a few things,” Harry murmured. He whirled around and pinned her against the wall of the elevator. “Nobody can see us but there are a lot of people who can potentially hear us,” Harry whispered. His hands shifted to her hips and he tugged on her skirt, pulling it up her legs.

“Be as loud as possible, got it.” Her slender fingers made quick work of his pants and boxers. Within seconds they were pooled around his ankles. His throbbing manhood sprang free and brushed against her legs, leaving a streak of precum on her black skirt.

“Wednesday,” Harry growled.

The low growl sent heat pooling in the pit of her belly.

“Remember what I told you when Penelope was ogling you?”

“She wasn’t ogling me.”

“You’re mine,” Wednesday whispered. She grabbed his shoulders and hoisted herself up into his arms, wrapping her slender legs around his waist for support. “And the whole world needs to know what.”

Her skirt was bunched up around her waist and every tiny movement caused her wet folds to brush against the tip of his cock, drawing a needy whimper from her lips. She was trapped between his body and the wall of the lift and the position made her arch her back. Her breasts pressed against her blouse. Her sore nipples throbbed underneath her shirt and Wednesday bit her lip to stop herself from moaning as the buzzing intensified.

“Who’s my perfect hellcat?” Harry asked in a whisper as he used his hands on her hips to guide her onto his shaft. His cock split her glistening lips and pushed into her tight wetness. Her arousal coated his length as he buried inch after inch inside her.

“I am, sir.” The words tumbled out of her mouth before she could stop herself. She groaned and bore down on his shaft, far too impatient for his slow approach. She needed him deep in her belly. Her walls ached as his girth stretched them, her tiny body still not used to her partner’s impressive manhood. Harry rewarded her for her insolence by restarting the ring vibrator. It buzzed violently, overstimulating her already sore clit. Wednesday buried her face in the crook of his neck to muffle her desperate moans.

Perfect hellcat.

She was his perfect hellcat.

She pressed feverish kisses onto the skin of his neck, urging him to go deeper, to claim her fully.

“Who doesn’t cum without my permission?” Harry asked through gritted teeth. His balls gently smacked against her as he sheathed himself fully inside her. He moved his arms, wrapping them around her petite body. He held her firmly against him and stepped away from the wall of the elevator before beginning to rock his hips. He went as fast as he could, pistoning in and out of her tight pussy with enough force to make her bounce in his arms.

“M-me, sir!” Wednesday moaned against his skin. Her firm breasts bounced with every hard thrust, causing the chain connecting the clamps to jingle.

Harry pulled her free of his cock with a grunt. He ignored her disappointed groan and set her down on unsteady feet, flipping her around and pinning her against the wall of the lift.

“Who do you belong to?” Harry asked, slamming the stop button again to buy them some more time.

“Y-you, sir,” Wednesday moaned.

Harry grabbed her pigtails and pulled her flush against his chest. Her hands moved to grab his muscular thighs for support, fingers sinking into his skin.

“Will you tease me again?”

“Yes, sir,” Wednesday whispered breathlessly.

Harry pressed a hand over her mouth. His other hand mauled her breast, alternating between kneading the soft mound and tugging on the clamp secured around the stiff peak that crowned it. He kicked her legs apart and impaled her wet folds with his cock, thrusting in and out of her with the strength of a bull.

She wasn’t going to cum.

She wasn’t going to cum!

She wasn’t going to-

“HARRY!” Her scream was muffled by his hand. Her body went limp as a gush of arousal squirted around the shaft pistoning in and out of her, coating her thighs and Harry’s cock. Just as she was starting to come down from her high Harry thrust deep inside her. He erupted with a relieved groan. The sensation of being filled to the brim with his warm seed was too much for her poor body and she came again, her body trembling violently as she squirted all over his cock.

“I need to start teasing you more often,” Wednesday whispered hoarsely once she had found her voice. She was still impaled on Harry’s cock, her legs dangling uselessly in the air. Sometime during their tryst Harry had grabbed her hips and lifted her and she hadn’t even realized it had happened. She leaned against his chest and looked up at him with a tired smirk. “It leads to spectacular results.”

“I’m hoping this was a one-off,” Harry murmured as sanity replaced the place lust had been occupying in his brain just moments ago. “These lifts are not soundproof. And we’re between two floors…”

“Relax. Whoever heard us probably rubbed one out themselves,” Wednesday said. She squirmed and resisted his efforts to pull her free. But he was much stronger than her and in the end, she had to settle for voicing her disappointment through a groan as his cock pulled out of her, leaving her sore and empty.

Well, not entirely empty, she thought as she focused her attention on the trickle of cum leaking out of her.

Harry had already pulled his boxers and pants up his legs by the time the lift started moving again. He secured the button of his trousers and checked his fly before wrapping an arm around Wednesday and pulling her closer.

Wednesday sighed happily and leaned into Harry’s side.



“I could get used to this life.”


Diagon Alley:

The blonde woman paused in front of the stroller being pushed by a humming house elf.

“My, what an adorable baby,” she said with a smile that did not reach her cold eyes.

She kneeled in front of the stroller and reached out to tickle the chubby toddler’s cheek.

“And what’s your name, little one?”

“Teddy,” Winky answered from behind the stroller with a toothy grin. “Teddy Lupin.”

“Well, Teddy Lupin, you’re a special little man. I hope you have a good day. You never know when it’ll be your last.”

The woman stood and adjusted the purse on her arm.

“Take care of him. These are uncertain times.”

“He’s Miss Black’s grandson. Harry Potter sir’s godson!” Winky said indignantly. “Nobody can do anything to him while Winky is around.”

“And what if you aren’t around?”

“That never happens, Miss,” Winky said stiffly. “Winky is a good house elf, she is. She will fight them off! Miss Black ma’am and Harry Potter sir will come for them and they’ll be sorry they tried to harm the young master.”

“Oh, that’s exactly what I’m counting on,” the woman whispered as she walked away and disappeared into the crowd.

Chapter 14

Wednesday pulled free from Harry’s embrace when the lift dinged again, announcing its arrival at the lowermost floor in the Ministry building.

“Do you need a minute?” Harry asked. He glanced at her and grinned, feeling a twinge of pride at what he had done. Wednesday’s lips were curved into a lazy smile and she was absentmindedly fixing her pigtails. Her mascara was smudged, not enough to be ruined but definitely noticeable by someone who knew what they were looking for. Her lips were swollen and her blouse was completely crumpled. The outline of her stiff nipples and the clamps around them were visible against the fabric. Harry gently tugged on her shirt to pull it away from her chest and hide the toys underneath.

“Mind doing something for my skirt?” Wednesday asked, sucking on her finger shamelessly.

Harry lowered his gaze. Her skirt was still bunched up around her waist. Her slender legs were on full display, as was the stream of white that was running down her pale skin. Harry sniffed, his cock twitching in his pants at the scent of her arousal.

“I have half a mind to take you inside like this, insolent brat,” Harry growled fondly.

Wednesday smirked. “Since when do you make empty threats? We both know you won’t do that.”

“Oh? And why not?”

Wednesday leaned closer and grabbed his hand. She guided it between her thighs and pushed his palm against her wet, cum-stained folds.

“Because,” she whispered, her hot breath tickling the skin of his neck. “You love that you’re the only one who gets to see me like this. You’re not going to share that with anyone else, not even Hermione and Enid.”

“You’re a pain in my ass,” Harry muttered, digging into his pocket with his free hand. He pulled out his wand and pointed it at Wednesday’s legs, cleaning them with a gentle scourgify. He removed the mess they had made on the floor of the lift with a stronger spell before turning his attention to Wednesday’s skirt. There was nothing he could do to fix it so he simply tugged it until it fell past her knees and called it a day.

“The feeling is mutual, sir,” Wednesday said with a hint of a smile.


“Not in the slightest. I can’t control my powers and they don’t always show me what I want to see,” Wednesday murmured, seeking out his hand for comfort.

Harry marveled at how much the relationship had changed both of them as he pulled open the door to the lift. He was running around fucking in lifts and she was being vulnerable without being at death’s door. Both, he thought, had changed for the better.

Harry took her hand as they stepped out into the dark corridor. Unlike the rest of the Ministry, the hallway walls were made from pitch-black stone. Torches with green fire were placed in brackets at regular intervals, flooding the entire place with an eerie glow.

“I like this.”

“I thought as much. Maybe you can be an Unspeakable if they don’t let you be a Healer,” Harry said with a quiet chuckle.

“And why won’t they let me be a Healer?”

“I can think of a few reasons. Your stellar bedside manner, for example.”

“I didn’t hear any complaints when I was nursing you back to health.”

“Most patients aren’t like me.”

“I’d have to agree with you on that, Potter. Most men aren’t self-sacrificing nutcases.”

Harry’s smile grew at the sound of Daphne’s lazy drawl.

“Since when are you a seer, Greengrass?” Harry asked, letting his old friend pull him into a hug.

Wednesday narrowed her eyes at the low placement of the tall blonde’s hands. She knew of their history. Wednesday cleared her throat and smiled frigidly at the girl when she pulled away.

Daphne responded with an amused smile.

“I’m not. But I am a trainee and we are the ones who have to escort visitors around the department. I volunteered when I heard who was coming.” Daphne’s stormy gray eyes flickered to Wednesday for a brief moment. “Couldn’t pass up the chance to meet the legendary Wednesday Addams.”

Wednesday narrowed her eyes. “You know who I am?”

“The woman who tamed the Boy-Who-Lived? The terror of Nevermore? Of course.” Daphne grinned. “I need you to tell me how you dealt with that marsh hag. If I can capture one they’ll give me my own team here.”

“What’s happening?” Harry asked in a bemused tone. “How do you know so much about Wednesday?”

“I have friends who attend Nevermore, Potter.” Daphne rolled her eyes. She turned around and offered her arm to Wednesday. “He’s always been slightly dense. I think it’s an unfortunate side effect of spending seven years in close proximity with Weasley.”

“I like to think he’s lovably oblivious. It’s frankly adorable.” Wednesday locked her free arm with Daphne’s. “As for the marsh hag, you just need a lot of fresh water and very few morals.”

“I think I can manage both.”

Harry followed the two girls deeper into the Department of Mysteries, a bemused smile on his face. They walked down the hallway until they reached a familiar black door. It was one Harry had never wished to encounter again.

Wednesday could feel the undercurrent of tension through their connection and looked back at him with a frown.

“You must be tired,” she murmured, giving him an out if he needed it. “Why don’t you wait in the Minister’s office? I’m sure I’ll be alright in Daphne’s capable hands.”

“Absolutely not. I can’t risk Greengrass filling your head with nonsense,” Harry said, giving his girlfriend a reassuring smile. “She has a bad habit of fibbing when it comes to me.”

“I embellish. There’s a difference. Plus, there’s nothing I can tell Miss Addams that’s more scandalous than what you’ve done to her.” Daphne slowly looked Wednesday up and down. “The Ministry, Potter?”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Harry said smoothly. He tensed as they walked into the cavernous room with many doors. Old memories pushed their way to the forefront and threatened to overwhelm him.

Wednesday quietly slipped out of Daphne’s grasp and reached out to take Harry’s hand, gently squeezing it.

“We don’t have to do this,” she whispered as Daphne watched on with an inscrutable expression on her face.

“Yes, we do. You need to understand your powers. Trewlawney and Firenze were of no help. The 3 seers working here are the only other seers present in Britain.”

“Okay.” Wednesday turned to Daphne and the blonde ex-Slytherin quickly averted her gaze. “Lead the way, Greengrass.”

Daphne led the now silent couple to an ornate oak door on the right side of the room. It had a three-headed bird carved into it. She raised the brass knocker attached to the door and rapped it against the frame three times.

“Enter,” a voice rasped.

Daphne pushed open the door to reveal a bare stone cave. The walls were roughly hewn stone covered with dirt and moss. The room was completely empty with the exception of a stone bench set in the very middle on which sat three old women wearing white cloaks.

The middle crone raised her head and her hood fell away to reveal stringy white hair and a deeply wrinkled face. Her cloudy eyes turned towards the door and she gripped the staff in her hand tightly. The other two women remained silent and sat as still as a statue, their heads bowed.

“Who enters?” she rasped. Her tongue swiped over her thin purple lips.

“It is I, Unspeakable Greengrass. I bring to you a seer who seeks your wisdom.”

“A seer?” The crone on the left raised her head and spoke. “There is no new seer born in the last decade. This is a fraud, a charlatan. Cast her out!”

Wednesday bristled and reached for her knife but Daphne placed a warning hand on her arm, stopping her.

“She is not from here, oh wise one. She is from across the ocean, brought here by love and duty.”

“And she seeks our wisdom?” the old woman on the right asked. She thumped her staff on the rocky floor and cackled. “Our wisdom. And what cost will she pay?”

Daphne turned to Wednesday. “You have to tell them what you’re willing to pay. If they find it acceptable they’ll answer three questions.”

“Just three?” Harry asked with a frown.

“Three seers, three questions. One question per seer,” Daphne explained.

Wednesday freed her hand from Harry’s and stepped closer to the door. A blast of frigid air slammed into her as she stepped onto the threshold of the room. She shivered but stayed undeterred, studying each of the seers seated inside in turn.

“Will they tell her what she needs to know?”

“It depends on the questions she asks. Oracles are a tricky business, Harry. I avoid this room as much as possible,” Daphne answered in a worried whisper.

Wednesday pulled out her knife and before either Harry or Daphne could react, she sliced her palm open in one fluid motion. She turned her hand, letting her palm drip blood into the stone floor.

“This blade is cursed. Only I can determine the cure and the cure stands behind me. For the answers I need I am willing to part with my blood. My pain and my suffering shall be my payment.”

“You must be desperate or mad, silly girl. I can smell the curse.” The middle crone licked her lips again. “Horrible. Horrible!” she cackled.

“I know. I tweaked it for a special someone. I’ll use it to carve her heart out soon,” Wednesday said with a strained smile. She could feel Harry’s worry rising and she took another step, walking inside the door.

“Mad…” the woman rasped, staring at Wednesday with her milky eyes.

“Isn’t love a form of madness?” Wednesday asked with an ironic smile. “Do you accept my payment?”

“Wednesday what are you-” Harry lunged forward but the door slammed shut in his face before he could reach in and pull her out. The last thing he heard was the cackling of the three seers.


Daphne placed a reassuring hand on Harry’s arm. “There’s nothing I can do. There’s nothing you can do. That door won’t open until the seers have answered her questions.”

“How long will that take?!”

“Dunno. It’s different for everyone.”

“Daphne I’ve already lost someone I love to this blasted place. I won’t lose Wednesday too!”

Daphne gently grabbed Harry’s hand and led him to one of the benches placed in the middle of the large room.

“You love her, huh?” she asked with a small smile as she sat down next to him.

“Don’t try to distract me.”

“I’m not. I know you love her but do you trust her?”

“Of course!”

“Then I think you should understand that she knows what she’s doing. Not everyone needs saving, Potter.” Daphne reached out and patted Harry’s thigh. “I think that’s why you love her. She doesn’t need you to save her. I needed you. Weasley and Chang needed you. So did Luna. Wednesday doesn’t.”

“And you think that’s why I love her? Hardly solid logic. Why would I love someone who doesn’t need me?” Harry challenged with raised eyebrows.

“Because she wants you. All of us needed you, Harry. That meant we’d stop needing you one day. Our relationship had an expiration date the moment it started,” Daphne explained with a smile. She reached out and took Harry’s hand, gently squeezing it. “Wednesday will never stop wanting you. That’s why she could look those old bastards in the eye when half the people who come to meet them run away screaming. There’s no line she won’t cross for you.”

“Why are you telling me all of this?”

“Because I need you to understand that not everything is your responsibility. She made a choice. Now, if you truly love and trust her, you respect that choice.”

“When did you get so wise?” Harry asked after a few seconds of silence. He leaned in and bumped his shoulder against hers. “The Daphne I knew hexed first and asked questions later. She wasn’t much for philosophy.”

“Since I realized I was in love with Tracey and started dating her. Someone has to keep that walking disaster in check,” Daphne said with a chuckle.

“You’re also an Unspeakable.”

“Yep. Touching things first and asking questions later in this Department is the fastest route to a quick and gruesome death.”

“Are you sure she’ll be alright?”

“From what I’ve heard about Wednesday Addams… I’m more worried about our seers,” Daphne said with a chuckle. “How did the two of you ever become an item?”

“She seduced me.”

“With a knife to your throat?” Daphne asked in an amused voice. “You certainly have a type. Remember our first time? When I pressed my wand against your-”

“Yeah, yeah,” Harry cut her off with a fond shake of his head. “Don’t remind me. And no, it wasn’t a knife. It was actually drawings.”

“Of you?”

“Some of them.”

Daphne smirked and nodded in understanding. “You still have a type. Me. Weasley. Wednesday. You just needed to meet the perfect fit.”

“Yeah, my perfect fit is apparently an adorable murder muffin,” Harry muttered under his breath.

“Is that what you call her?”

“Only when she isn’t around to hear it.”

“I’m jealous. All you ever called me was ‘princess’. No creative nicknames for me.” Daphne paused and grinned. “I wonder what your ‘adorable murder muffin’ will think about your nickname.”


“Secrets aren’t good in a relationship, Harry,” Daphne said seriously.

“You keep everything you do in your job a secret from your girlfriend!”

“Do as I say, not as I do.”

Harry sighed. “Name your price. What pound of flesh do you want from me?”

“A double date. You and your murder muffin. Me and Tracey. I’m tired of hanging out with Blaise and his girl of the week.”


Harry turned his head at the sound of a hiss. The door that led to the seer’s cave opened in a puff of smoke and Wednesday stumbled out, collapsing to the ground the minute she stepped clear of the cave. The door behind her shut with an ominous THUD.

Harry jumped to his feet and rushed to Wednesday’s side. He knelt and pulled her head into his lap, his frown growing at the sight of her paler-than-usual face and the white streak running through her sleek black hair.


“Hey, Harry,” Wednesday rasped. She licked her dry and chapped lips. “Can you kiss me?”

“The curse. Let me take care of the curse first. What’s the cure for it?”

“You are,” Wednesday giggled deliriously. “Your kiss. True love’s kiss. That’s the cure!”

She giggled again and reached up to cup Harry’s cheeks.

“You’re perfect.”

“It’s affecting her mind,” Daphne said, walking up to stand behind Harry.

“Why, because she said I was perfect?”

“Obviously. Only a girl out of her mind would think that.” Daphne snarked. “You better kiss her before the curse causes permanent damage.”

Harry wrapped an arm around Wednesday to support her. He gently cradled her petite body and bent to capture her lips for a short and sweet kiss.

“Did it work?” Harry murmured, pulling away and studying Wednesday with a worried expression.

“I think it did,” Daphne said as Wednesday's breathing evened out. She went limp in Harry’s arms and Daphne walked away from the couple to give them their privacy.

Harry gently caressed Wednesday’s cheek for what felt like an eternity. She finally stirred and looked up at him with a confused expression.


Never do that again,” Harry hissed, pulling the confused girl into a bone-crushing hug. “And if you do, tell me the cure of the curse beforehand!”

“It was a spur-of-the-moment thing, love,” Wednesday murmured tiredly. She wrapped her arms around him and rested her head on his chest. “And I did, didn’t I? I said the cure was behind me.”

“Sorry to be pedantic but I was standing behind you. No offense but I wouldn’t have kissed you. Adorable murder muffins aren’t my type,” Daphne said with a smirk.

“Adorable what?”

“Nothing,” Harry said hurriedly. He glared at Daphne and guided Wednesday’s head back to his chest. “What took you so long?”

“They wouldn’t answer my questions until the curse kicked in.”

“Did you get what you were looking for?”

“I think so. All of them spoke in riddles. I think I know what they mean but I’ll need some time to decipher them.”

“Okay.” Harry stood, carrying Wednesday bridal style.

“Harry, what are you doing?”

“Taking us home.”

“You’re not carrying me through the Ministry,” Wednesday growled, wriggling out of his arms. She landed on her feet but her knees buckled immediately and she collapsed onto the floor with a groan.

“You can’t walk.”

“Then I’ll just sit here until I can,” Wednesday muttered with a scowl.

“Good. Because I have something for Harry,” Daphne interjected before Harry could say anything else. “It’s in my office. Don’t go anywhere, I’ll be back in a minute.”

“Trust me, I have no desire to touch any of these doors,” Harry muttered as he looked around at the variety of doors set into the walls around them.

He sat down on the stone floor and pulled Wednesday into his lap. He wrapped an arm around her waist and enveloped her slender body with his arms. They silently watched Daphne exit the room through one of the doors.

“She’s pretty,” Wednesday said after a few seconds of comfortable silence. She snuggled deeper into Harry’s chest, reluctantly enjoying the warmth radiating from his body. The curse had left her limbs ice-cold. “Tall. Blonde. Curvy. Conventionally attractive. She could model for Witch Weekly if she wanted to.”

“She’s also madly in love with a woman called Tracey. Before you came out we were making plans for a double date,” Harry said with a quiet chuckle.

“Oh, so that’s the only impediment to you rekindling your romance with her?”

“Are you feeling threatened, Wednesday Addams?” Harry asked with an amused grin.

“Absolutely not.”

“I love you,” Harry whispered. He leaned and brushed his lips against Wednesday’s forehead.

“Are you sure you don’t want someone with tits as big as melons?”

“I’m quite happy with your tits, Miss Addams. I’m happy with your everything.”

Wednesday turned and pressed her lips into his shirt right above his heart. “I love you too,” she admitted quietly.

“What did the seers tell you?”

“I’ll tell you later,” Wednesday whispered, watching Daphne enter the room from the corner of her eye.

“Hold out your hand,” Daphne said, coming to a halt in front of Harry and Wednesday.

“The last time you asked me to do that you placed a shriveled goat penis on my palm,” Harry said with a frown.

“Not my fault you don’t know the difference between goat dick and bloodworth root. I was just trying to teach you,” Daphne said, smiling innocently.

“I like you. We should be friends.”

“I would love that Wednesday. I’m sure you’d love to hear about the time Harry stuck his fingers up a troll’s nose. Those hands? They once caressed troll boogers.”

“That doesn’t even make any sense!”

“Sure it does.”

Harry groaned. “Is your gift embarrassing stories from my Hogwarts days? If so, I can live without it.”

“Nah. I’ll save those for our double date. Hold out your hand,” Daphne urged.

Harry slowly did as she asked, his eyes widening at the sight of the golden watch she dropped in his palm.

“Is that-”

“Yep. It’s one of nine that survived the battle. We are making more but it’ll take half a decade before the first ones are ready.”

“Why are you giving this to me? Can you even do something like that?”

“It’s mine, actually. Once upon a time, families had their own time turners. The Ministry mandated every family turn theirs in. Mine survived and I’m taking that as a sign. Use it, things are such a mess here that nobody will notice it’s missing for a while. It’s my way of saying thank you for all that you’ve done for me.”

“How far back can I go? I’ve used one only once.”

“A week. Seven days. That’s the limit. I know what you’re thinking and I’m sorry that you can’t do that but maybe it’ll help you in other creative ways,” Daphne said with a glance at Wednesday.

“Thanks, Daphne.” Harry slowly stood and helped Wednesday to her feet. She stumbled and gripped his arm for support but managed to stay upright.

“You’re welcome. I should get back to my project. You can leave through the door you came.” Daphne pointed at the lone door set into the north wall of the room. “Don’t forget about our plans for a double date, murder muffin.” Daphne winked at Wednesday and left before she could react.

“What did she call me?!”

“Forget it. Winding people up is her favorite pastime,” Harry said hastily. He led Wednesday to the door, eager to leave the ominous place as soon as possible.

“You have strange friends,” Wednesday muttered. She leaned into his shoulder and silently walked down the hallway with him, tired in both body and spirit. The revelations of the seers weighed heavily on her but she wasn’t in the mood or in a condition to discuss them.

“Your closest friends are Enid and Luna,” Harry pointed out with a small smile. He pressed the button to call a lift, opting for one with a doorman this time. “How badly does your hand hurt?”

“Not too bad.” Wednesday studied the cut on her palm. “I wasn’t stupid enough to make a deep cut.”

She followed him into the lift and ignored the doorman, her mind taking her back to her encounter with the seers.

A fickle twig, they had called her.

An oddity. A tool.

A sacrifice, they had demanded. A sacrifice to pay for the sins of the mother and the hubris of the father.

Had they been talking about her parents? Harry’s?

Or were they talking about Voldemort and Bellatrix?

It felt patently unfair to have to sacrifice something for their sins, but such was the way of the world.

It will end with six new lives and a lost one, they had told her.

Was that the sacrifice? Someone’s death? Whose death? Every answer prompted more questions. Questions that the old women would not answer.

She had paid the price for three questions and those were all she’d gotten.

“Did you figure out how to use your powers?” Harry asked in a whisper as they exited the lift and walked past the security guard’s booth into the crowded Atrium.

Wednesday stayed silent until they had rounded the golden fountain placed in the center of the Atrium and entered the hubbub of the crowd.

“I did,” she whispered. “It was my last question. They said I need a conduit.”

“Like a wand.”

“Yep. But I can only use you.”

To one you are bound and to him you shall remain, they had told her.

“You’re my wand, Harry. The wand chooses the magic user, right? You bound me to you.”

Harry frowned. “That wasn’t my intention.”

“I know. It was pure instinct. The magic is mine but I have to channel it through you.”

“Are you saying I’m the one who’ll have the visions?” Harry asked, the furrow on his forehead deepening. He led her to the telephone booth that would allow them to exit to Muggle London. He turned to her while they waited for the booth to descend. “I don’t think that’s such a good idea.”

“No. I’m the seer. But my powers will work best when we’re connected.”

“Guess I’ll have to learn Legilimency,” Harry muttered reluctantly. He walked into the booth and waited for her to enter before shutting the door. “I’m shit at it but I can try,” he said as he punched six three times on the dial of the phone.

“You might not have to. We need Hermione to make us a runebed. And we need my blood and your seed. The last time we connected physically, not mentally,” Wednesday reminded him. Her lips were pursed in grim determination. “There’s no reason to think that won’t work again.”


A few cliffhangers, nothing too bad so don't break out the pitchforks just yet. The seers and Harry being a conduit for Wednesday are fun ideas that I had and thought they'd make the story much more interesting. As for the time turner, that's for a scene I've wanted to write for a while and should be fun too! I hope you like my world-building, I have tried to include novel and interesting elements in this story. Anyone want more Daphne and Wednesday interactions? I feel the snark potential there is off the charts. 


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