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The short story is set in the same universe as my long story, 'The Power He Knows Not'. You don't need to read that story to read this one but this'll be a lot more fun if you do! This was a fun way to get my brain working on that story again.

Harry's hurt and in St. Mungo's. Daphne thinks she has the perfect way to help him feel better. What's in the bag, and why did she promise Susan she'd be the perfect 'nurse' for Harry?

Content Warnings: BJs, Costumes, Teasing, Cum Play, Roleplay, Lingerie.

“Hey! Where were you?”

“I stopped and did a little early morning shopping on my way here.” Daphne reached out and grabbed Susan’s hand to help her off the couch. “How is he?”

“Much better. His arm is very itchy but you cannot let him take the bandage off,” Susan murmured. She pressed her hand against her mouth to cover up a yawn and stretched. “I’ll get a pillow when I swing by after lunch. Mungo’s couches are not comfortable in the slightest.”

“You’d think with the amount of money Greengrass Potions donates to Mungo’s every year they’d have given us a better waiting room.” Daphne leaned in and kissed Susan’s cheek. “Don’t you dare come until evening. You need your rest. Speaking of, why didn’t you crash in Harry’s room?”

“It just has a couple of stools and his bed. They still haven’t gotten the armchair I requested. Where would I sleep?”

Daphne stared at Susan.


“Don’t worry,” Daphne said with a smirk. “I’m very good at playing nurse. I won’t do anything to make our boyfriend’s condition worse. I promise to behave,” she added, holding up her pinky.

“Somehow I get the feeling that our definitions of ‘behave’ are wildly different,” Susan muttered but smiled and locked her pinky with Daphne’s. “What’s in the bag?”

“A little present for Harry. I bought it to cheer him up.” Daphne subtly turned the bag in her left hand to make sure it was covered by her legs as much as possible. “Now, you need to go and rest.”

“Yes ma’am.” Susan yawned again and rubbed her eyes. “Send Dobby to me or Hermione if you need anything.”

Daphne watched Susan amble off to the fireplace and grab a handful of powder from the stand kept by the brick wall. She tossed it into the fire and waited for the blazing flames to turn green before stepping inside.

“Professor McGonagall’s office,” Susan said, crossing her arms over her chest just seconds before the flames engulfed her and she disappeared from view.

Daphne pushed open the door to Harry’s hospital room slightly and slipped inside. It was dark. The curtains were pulled shut and the only source of light in the room was the dying embers in the fireplace. She walked over to the fireplace and tossed in a few logs before lighting them with a quiet spell.

“Hey, Daph.”

Daphne turned around at the sound of the quiet voice. Harry was propped up on a mountain of pillows and covered with the maroon fleece blanket Narcissa had brought for him.

“Nice blanket, Potter.”

“Thanks. Narcissa thought I needed a break from all the white.” Harry gestured around the room with his uninjured left hand. “My father gifted it to her and she kept it safe all these years,” Harry said softly.

“Maroon with a golden trim? I see your father was just as subtle as you.” Daphne smiled and rolled her eyes. “Potter men aren’t satisfied with bagging the hot Slytherin, hmm? Gotta let the whole world know.”

Daphne sat down at the edge of Harry’s bed. She lay down next to him and rested her head on his shoulder, gently tracing patterns on his bare chest.

“How are you feeling?” she whispered.

“Much better now that my hot Slytherin is here.”

“Your cute Hufflepuff was here seconds ago,” Daphne teased.

“Susie wouldn’t sleep in bed with me. She worries too much. Please tell me you sent her to sleep in a proper bed.”

“Don’t worry. I did. Until Narcissa arrives with breakfast it’s just the two of us.”

“I like the sound of that,” Harry murmured. He grunted and bent to capture Daphne’s soft lips.

“I… nuh uh! Nope!” Daphne groaned as she pressed her palms against Harry’s chest and reluctantly pushed him away. “I spent all night helping the Twins rig Filch's office with dungbombs. I’m gross. Let me freshen up.”

She slid out of the bed, immediately missing his warmth.

“Why were you-”

“Don’t ask. Let’s just say I owed them a favor.”

“I have a feeling I shouldn’t ask anything further.”

“You’re absolutely right.” Daphne picked up the bag from the floor and walked over to the bathroom. “A girl’s gotta have her secrets.”

Daphne winked at Harry and shut the door. She walked over to the sink and stood in front of it, studying her reflection in the mirror.

“Makeup. Lingerie. Costume,” she muttered and freed her hair from its ponytail. She rummaged through the contents of her bag, checking each item against the list in her mind to make sure she hadn’t forgotten anything. She studied her face in the mirror and groaned.

“Scrub and brush. This is the last time I help those two idiots,” she muttered as she arranged the toiletries from her bag on the sink. She spent a good ten minutes brushing her hair and scrubbing her face and hands clean, removing all evidence that she had handled thirty dungbombs just a few hours ago.

Once she was reasonably clean she stripped, kicking her discarded shirt, jeans, and underwear to one corner of the room. She slowly twirled in front of the mirror, admiring her reflection.

“Vanity is a sin my ass,” Daphne murmured, admiring the gentle bounce of her butt as she turned.

She pulled out the maroon panties with the golden trim and pulled them up her slender legs. The frilly lace maroon bra with golden straps was next and she twirled again, half tempted to step out of the bathroom dressed in just her lingerie.

I promised Susie I’d play nurse, she reminded herself.

With a theatrical groan, she bent and fished out the much too-short nurse’s costume she had picked up from the Muggle store on her way to Mungo’s. The white skirt barely covered the curve of her ass, leaving her tapering, slender legs on full display. She pulled on translucent white stockings that didn’t actually cover anything and secured the white lace garter belt around her waist. The white blouse was next and it was so tight she gave up trying to button it fully. The top two buttons remained open, offering a tantalizing view of her unblemished long neck and just a hint of cleavage.

Her make-up was next and she settled for a gentle dusting of foundation and mascara before applying a generous coat of blood-red lipstick and smacking her lips.

Daphne adjusted the cap that had come with the uniform on her head and left her hair free. She then sauntered out of the bathroom and made her way to his bed

“I think it’s time for your medicine, Mister Potter,” she whispered seductively.

“Daphne-” Harry’s voice died in his throat and his green eyes widened as he turned to look at her. “What are you doing?” he rasped, unable to tear his gaze away from her playful smile.

“I promised Susie I’d play nurse and take care of you. That’s what I am doing,” Daphne replied. She climbed onto the bed and straddled his waist, tugging the blanket under her and tossing it safely onto the nightstand. Harry was dressed in soft cotton pajamas and was shirtless. Daphne took a second to admire her boyfriend’s toned muscles and the battle scars littering his tanned skin.

He’s a warrior, Daphne thought, a trickle of wetness staining her knickers at the raw strength radiating from Harry.

“I also promised her that I wouldn’t let you strain your body.” Daphne leaned over Harry’s body and laced her fingers with his. She gently pushed them against the pillows and kissed his forehead. “So stay put and let me take care of you, sir,” she whispered, slowly kissing down his cheek. She smirked and bent for a quick kiss, cheekily swiping her tongue against his chapped lips. Harry deepened the kiss without hesitation and playfully struggled against her hands.

“Brat,” Daphne teased and tightened her hold on his hands.

“Now you know how it feels,” Harry murmured against her lips.

“Don’t move. You’ve taken care of me all year and I want to return the favor.” Daphne straightened and leveled her gaze on his face, her lips curved into a playful smirk. Her stormy gray eyes twinkled playfully and she blew Harry a kiss. Her nimble fingers shifted to her blouse to lazily unbutton it, popping open one button after another until the white blouse was limply hanging off her shoulders. Daphne trapped her lower lip between her teeth and batted her eyelashes innocently. “Can I take care of you please?”

Harry groaned and closed his eyes. His manhood throbbed in his pajamas and stiffened within seconds, the slowly rising tent brushing against the curve of Daphne’s firm ass. She moaned and leaned back, trapping the turgid shaft between her cheeks.

“Yes,” Harry whispered.

“I love you,” Daphne whispered, leaning in for another quick kiss. She withdrew before Harry could deepen it, however, and shifted her lips to his jaw. She slowly kissed along his jawline. Her hands freely explored the firm muscles of his chest, carefully skirting free of the bandages.

“How much?” Harry asked in a breathy whisper.

Daphne mulled over his question for a moment, then grinned.

“Let me show you,” she whispered and continued her journey down to his chest, leaving a trail of red lip imprints on his neck. She kissed along each collarbone and then scooted down his body until she was face-to-face with his brown areolas and the tiny stiff nubs that crowned them.

“If it came between saving you or the world, I would let the world burn,” Daphne whispered and gently nipped his nipple. Harry groaned and his legs trashed under Daphne’s body, his cock twitching against her thigh.

“My love is my service and it will never end as long as I am with you.” Her fingertips danced on his warm skin as she kissed down his abdomen, following the trail of hair that disappeared under his pajamas. She scooted even lower and settled in the space between his spread legs. His pajamas were pulled down to his knees with a quick tug.

“I think you just want me for my cock,” Harry teased, poking open an eye.

“That’s a definite plus. But I do think my affection runs deeper than that.” Daphne arched her back and pushed her chest out for him, causing the blouse to fall away and reveal her bra. “If I’m going to sport House pride, I’ll be doing it using something much better than a blanket.”

“Wrong colors, babe.”

“Not really. This a sign that I’m yours, sir. I’ll always be a Slytherin.” She tilted her neck to show him the snakeskin collar around her neck. The clasp was a silver snake with an emerald for an eye.

“I’m not sure if I trust a Slytherin with my health,” Harry teased with a crooked smile.

“Tough luck. I’m the only healer that’s available.”

“And what’s the prognosis, Healer Greengrass?”

Daphne stroked her chin and pretended to think, using his question as an opportunity to shamelessly admire Harry’s manhood. The thick, veiny girth put most dildos in the Muggle store to shame.

“I’m afraid it’s quite serious,” Daphne said gravely. “But there is a cure. You will need… extensive oral therapy.”

“Oh, Merlin. Surely it’s not that bad?”

“Don’t worry, sir. I’m very proficient in it. Wait, I’ll show you.” Daphne adjusted herself until she was kneeling between his legs, her back arched and her ass pushed high in the air for his pleasure. “First, the healer starts with her patient’s balls. They hold a lot of tension and need to be milked regularly. Blue balls should never be ignored.”

Daphne wrapped her hand around the base of Harry’s shaft and pushed it upwards, making space for her lips. She gently took one orb into her mouth and then the next, sucking on both in turn. She ran her tongue across the sensitive skin and hummed gently.


“Sometimes…” Daphne said, her voice muffled. “One needs extra stimulation.” She gently sank her teeth into his skin, applying the barest hint of pressure on his cum-engorged orbs.

Harry groaned and lost control. A squirt of precum shot out of his tip and the drops rained onto Daphne’s blonde tresses, a few even hitting her forehead and cheek. A steady trickle kept leaking out of his tip, coating it with precum.

“Once appropriate stimulation is achieved we move onto the taste test.” Daphne removed her hand from around his shaft. Her tongue took its place and she ran it up his shaft, following the pulsating thick vein that traversed the length of his manhood. She paused when she reached his tip and once she was sure his attention was focused on him, made a show of licking it clean.

“How would you rate my services, sir?” Daphne asked, playfully smacking her lips.

“A nine, definitely,” Harry said, breathing heavily.

“A nine?!” Daphne huffed. “Very well, sir. You drive a hard bargain. I guess your healer will just have to redouble her efforts.”

“What’s the next step?” Harry asked with a grin, feeling better than he had in days.

“Vigorous oral therapy.”


Vigorous.” Daphne gathered up her hair and pushed them over her right shoulder and tilted her head the same way to make sure he’d have an unobstructed view of her worshiping his cock. “Twice a day until you feel better.”

Daphne kissed his tip and pulled away, letting him stare at the trail of precum that connected her plump lips to his cockhead. She traced the rim of his tip with her lips. Every soft groan and twitch of his legs spurred her and she kept going until Harry couldn’t control himself any longer and brought down his uninjured left hand and buried it in her hair. He tugged, clearly intending to guide her lips to his tip.

“Sir,” Daphne bit her lip to hold back her giggle as she was pulled up and put on a stern expression. “I’m going to need you to keep your hands away until the therapy is finished.”

“Yes, ma’am,” Harry smirked and pulled his hand away, resting it by his side.

Daphne ignored the sudden pang of need in her chest that came with the lack of pressure in her hair. She kept her eyes locked with Harry’s, looking up at him as she wrapped her lips around his shaft and slowly swallowed inch after inch. She paused when his tip hit the back of her throat and took a deep breath. Her tongue swirled around his girth, playfully tracing the veins crisscrossing his skin. She teased him but didn’t go any further, not until she heard a frustrated groan escape his parted lips.

She hummed happily and took him deeper. Her walls clamped around his shaft and gently massaged his length as it entered her throat. Her playful gray eyes stayed on his face even as her breathing grew ragged.

“Da… fuck… Daphne!”

Daphne playfully grazed her teeth against his skin in response, enjoying the surprised groan her action elicited. She was just about to swallow the last couple of inches when the sound of the door opening made her freeze.

“Good morning, Harry! I brought-”

Narcissa’s voice died in her throat when her eyes rested on Daphne hunched over Harry’s body, obscuring him from view.

“I’ll give you two a minute,” she said in an amused voice and walked out of the room.

Daphne pulled free of Harry’s cock with a quiet POP at the exact moment the door shut with a THUD.

“This is not good,” she muttered. She quickly helped Harry with his pajamas and covered him with the blanket before starting to work on herself. “Let me do the talking.”

“What’s the matter?”

“Look, people like Narcissa are traditional, okay?”

“People like her?” Harry raised an eyebrow.

“Pureblood ladies of a certain age,” Daphne explained as she quickly and haphazardly did up the buttons of her blouse.

“You talk like she’s two hundred. She dated my dad and hung out with Sirius, Daph. Besides, she didn’t have a clear view of what we were doing.”

Daphne whipped her head around and glared at her boyfriend.

“Okay, she might have a slight clue. I don’t see why it’s such a big deal.”

“Because ‘proper’-” Daphne framed the word using air quotes “-Pureblood ladies don’t spend their mornings choking on their future husband’s cock. We leave that to mistresses and concubines. I’m sure she’s embarrassed by our behavior. Let me take the blame.” Daphne ran her fingers through her hair and tossed the cap on her head onto the nightstand. “She’s getting close to you and I don’t want to ruin that.”

The door opened before Harry could answer or she could retreat to the bathroom to change out of her costume.

“All respectable?” Narcissa asked, a smile playing at the corner of her lips. “Good.”

“Miss Black-”

Narcissa held up a finger to shush Daphne.

“Breakfast first. I’m sure you two have worked up an appetite.”

Both Harry and Daphne blushed.

If she didn’t know better, Daphne could have sworn the older woman was teasing them.

“You’re lucky I ran into Healer Berwick on my way up and convinced him to delay his assessment of Harry by an hour so he could eat,” Narcissa murmured. She set the box in her hands on the bed before picking up Harry’s breakfast tray from the floor and setting it down across his lap.

“Don’t you want to help your patient sit up, Healer Greengrass?” Narcissa asked, her blue eyes twinkling with suppressed mirth.

“I… uh… I’m…”

Harry exchanged a glance with Narcissa and schooled his expression to a neutral one. “Healer Greengrass prefers to stick to activities that can be done lying down, I’m afraid.”

Harry ignored Daphne’s glare and sat up with Narcissa’s help. He let her create proper support against the headboard using pillows before leaning against it.

“I think you broke her, darling.” Narcissa carefully laid out the breakfast she had brought onto the tray on Harry’s lap. She prepared a plate for him and smiled when he waved away her attempt to feed him.

“I’m not! Harry is being impertinent, Miss Black,” Daphne said with an annoyed huff. “We got carried away, that is all.”

“Understandable. I remember the first year of my courtship. James could barely keep his hands off my ass.”

Harry choked on the tea he was drinking. He pressed a hand against his mouth as he coughed, not wanting to ruin the blanket draped across his lap.

“Would you like some tea, honey?” Narcissa asked, looking at Daphne. Daphne nodded mutely and stared at Narcissa with a confused expression. Narcissa was entirely unfazed as she set about pouring two more cups of tea, handing one of them to Daphne. She grabbed a stool for herself and sat down before picking up her cup and taking a sip. “I always told him it’s a good thing we didn’t become animagi together. If I had performed the ritual with him we’d have become bunnies.”

Harry turned red and Daphne stared at the woman across the bed with wide eyes, unable to believe what she was hearing.

“It’s so adorable when youngsters think you have a monopoly on kinky fun,” Narcissa said, primly sipping her tea. “I spent a year walking with a limp and bruises on my back. I can’t remember a wall in Hogwarts James hadn’t managed to pin me against.”

“We get it,” Harry choked out. His face was completely red. “You aren’t offended by what you saw.”

“Oh, please.” Narcissa waved him off. “You thought I was offended by something that tame?”

“I didn’t. Daphne did.”

Tame?!” Daphne spluttered, forgetting her plan entirely.

Had she just…


“It’s a costume and a blowie, sweetie. Hardly groundbreaking.”

“A costume that I smuggled into St. Mungo’s. I made sure it’s appropriate to the setting,” Daphne said indignantly. “Are you telling me this isn’t sexy?”

“I didn’t say that.” Narcissa grinned and surreptitiously winked at Harry. “I just said that you don’t need to be worried about offending me. I’ve seen kinkier things. Morgana, I did kinkier things on a nearly daily basis. James and Lily were so creative. If you knew what they liked… oh, Harry,” Narcissa sighed dreamily.

“I think I’m quite okay with not knowing, thank you,” Harry muttered.

“We’re kinky as hell. We just had to tone it down because Harry’s part-mummy and bedbound. Tell her, Harry.”

“I don’t think it’s a-” Harry paused when Daphne shot him a look “-we are. Daphne and I visit Club Black weekly.”

“Jamey provided the initial investment needed to start the place,” Narcissa revealed with an amused smile. “We were good friends with the dominatrix who owns it. She was a couple of years above us at Hogwarts.”

“… oh.”

“You’ve inherited a lot from your parents, darling.” Narcissa reached out and patted Harry’s cheek. “None of it is anything to be ashamed of. Including their taste for morally questionable Slytherins,” she said, winking at Daphne.

Daphne blushed and busied herself with her cup of tea.

“It helps when the morally questionable Slytherin in question is as gorgeous as an angel and only slightly murderous,” Harry teased. He yelped as Daphne reached out and playfully pinched his side. “Hey! I said slightly, didn’t I?”

Harry reached out to take his revenge but Daphne swatted his hand away and nodded to Narcissa.

Harry’s smile died when he turned to look at the older woman. She was staring into her cup with a sad smile and appeared to be on the verge of tears.

“You must miss him a lot,” Harry said softly.

“Both of them,” Narcissa softly. “It’s worse now. You’re the best of James and Lily. I can’t look at you without seeing them and…” She shrugged and shook her head. “They’d want me to focus on the good memories. Your words reminded me of the night me and Jamey finally got together with Lily. It was the happiest day of my life.”

“Can you tell us how it happened? Professor Snape told Harry that his mother hated Mister Potter’s guts.”

“That’s an exaggeration. Everyone could see there was something there. They were just too stubborn to acknowledge it. Plus, hate sex is a lot of fun.” Narcissa wiped her eyes with her thumb and chuckled. “James swept me off my feet in our fifth year. I had never met a man as amazing as him. We started dating that year itself. That’s when they started hooking up too.”

“You didn’t mind?”

“I always knew there was a possibility he’d need to take two wives. I didn’t mind sharing him, his heart was big enough for both of us. Just as Harry’s heart is big enough for all of you. My only concern was who his other partner would be. I lucked out with Lily. She was kind, generous, and beautiful. I didn’t have to fight for James’ affection and attention. There were no schemes or backstabbing. All of us loved each other equally.”

Daphne nodded. She understood that sentiment very well.

“I shudder to think what would have happened if Harry had decided to marry someone like Parkinson,” Daphne muttered. “No hate sex either,” she warned, glaring at Harry.

“I’m quite happy with who I have.” Harry smiled and reached out to take Daphne’s hand.

“Can you tell us how it happened? Nobody’s ever told me anything about them. All I know is that they loved each other very much and that I look like my father but have my mother’s eyes,” Harry said softly.

“I’d love to.” Narcissa pulled her stool closer to the bed. “It all started with a costume party Sirius threw to celebrate our final year in Hogwarts…”


There will be another chapter to this story. It was a fun way to explore a side pairing in one of my stories that I couldn't add in the main story because of plot reasons. This story is also a fun little RomCom, just two Slytherins trying to one up each other and poor Harry stuck in the middle! We see so few Daphne and Narcissa interactions in fics, I think I will include some more in the main story because other than Gabrielle I think only Narcissa has the capacity to stun Daphne into silence. It's fun to read and even more fun to write!



Love the Daphne/Narcissa dynamic and looking forward to the next chapter. Looking forward to an update on the main story as well.