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Content Warnings: Threesome, Cum Play, Deflowering, Teasing, Size Difference, Spanking.

“Two rooms, please.”

Tom blinked at Narcissa, who continued to smile politely at him until he acquiesced and pulled out two keys from below the table.

“Thank you,” Narcissa said, swiping the keys from the table. She glanced back and smirked at Tonks. Her expression softened as her gaze shifted to Harry and his young paramour. They were quietly nuzzling each other and Harry’s hand was protectively wrapped around Hermione’s shoulders.

“Come on,” she murmured, her forest green heels clacking against the wooden floor as she gracefully walked across the room to the staircase.

Tonks, Harry, and Hermione silently followed her up the stairs and to Room 12.

“Fitting,” Narcissa murmured, pushing the key in the lock and turning it. One day, if everything went according to plan, Harry and Hermione would enter the real number 12 as husband and wife, as the new Lord and Lady Black. For now, this room would have to do.

“Why did you book two rooms?” Tonks asked as they all followed her into the small but cozy room. It had a window overlooking Diagon Alley but the blinds were drawn. A large bed with red sheets occupied most of the space in the room. It was flanked on either side by nightstands and had a door on the opposite wall that led to the attached bathroom. Narcissa flicked the door shut and locked it with a wave of her newly bought wand. Harry had bought it for her, but what had surprised her was not his generosity (she was slowly getting used to her young master’s kindness) but that her new wand was so different from her old one. Oak and Phoenix feather. Symbols of warmth and renewal.

She walked over to the fireplace and lit the logs arranged in it with a quiet spell, flooding the room with light and warmth.

“I mean… we’re all a nice entangled mess aren’t we?”

Harry looked at Hermione questioningly. She simply blushed and ducked her head to hide her face in his chest.

“Tonks has been… she’s been… teaching me stuff.”

Harry shot her a crooked grin. “Like Cissy’s been teaching me?”

Hermione squeaked and nodded.

“I’m pretty sure you’re the one who has been teaching me.” Narcissa tried to ignore the feeling of genuine affection that gripped her heart every time she looked at Harry. “But I get your point. There’s a sense of… poetic beauty to all of this. Now you must both use what you’ve learned to make a happy life for yourselves.”

“What about you?” Hermione asked, giggling nervously.

“I already have everything I need to be happy. Both of us do,” Narcissa murmured, glancing at Tonks. She had safety, security, and the attention and affection of a kind man. That was more than enough for her, even though a part of her still held out hope for children of her own. A new start, a proper family with Harry.

She pushed the thought out of her mind.

“Come darling, I’ll help you get ready,” Narcissa said with a small smile. Before either Harry or Tonks could react she had grabbed Hermione’s wrist and pulled her away from Harry.

They were nearly inside the bathroom when Tonks spoke up.

“You planned all of this. You set it up. How?!”

“You’re the Auror, Nymphadora,” Narcissa smirked, the wily, playful girl she had once been resurfacing. “Figure it out.”

With that, she pulled Hermione into the bathroom and shut the door behind them.

“Did you?”

“Did I what, darling?” Narcissa asked, setting her purse down on the shut lid of the toilet. She snapped it open and rummaged inside it, pulling out everything she’d need for Hermione’s transformation.

“Plan all of this?”

“Yes. Tonks and I had a bet and I’m not one for losing.”

“How did you…” Hermione sucked in a breath. “The book.”

“That copy is from the Black Library. I saw you searching for it.” Narcissa smirked as she pulled out a nightgown from her larger-on-the-inside purse. “Last night I secreted a Black family heirloom in the dust jacket. A golden chain with a small amulet. It gives whoever possesses it the courage to go after what they desire the most.”

“Oh.” Hermione’s cheeks turned a dark red as she digested the implications of Narcissa’s revelations. “That means I-”

“Want Harry more than anything else in the world, yes.” Narcissa grinned as she straightened. She carefully arranged everything she had grabbed from her purse on the sink.

“How did you know that was the case?”

“Everyone can see the way you look at him, honey. Well, almost everyone. Harry has many strengths but picking up on the feelings of those around him is not one of them.” Narcissa moved to stand behind Hermione and studied her in the mirror. “He still thinks I fuc… sleep with him every night out of a sense of duty.”

“Every night?!” Hermione asked, her eyes wide.

“Trust me, once you get a taste you’ll struggle not to jump him every hour. He’s…” Narcissa blushed and trailed off.

“You have feelings for him.”

“Does it matter?”

“You should tell him.”

“I’m his concubine, darling. You’re the one he falls in love with. You get the happy ending. I get the occasional night wrapped up in his arms.” Narcissa bent and kissed Hermione’s cheek. “And truth be told I’ll be happier with that than I ever was as a wife. Now come on, let’s get you ready.”

Narcissa worked quickly to take off Hermione’s blouse and jeans, kicking them to one corner of the bathroom. Her bra was next and Hermione resisted the urge to cover up her pert breasts with her arms.



“I know it’s not the same thing, but how was your first time with Harry?” Hermione asked, chewing her lower lip nervously. Narcissa was kneeling behind her, pulling her panties down her legs and she couldn’t see the older woman’s expression.

“It was… I don’t have words,” Narcissa said honestly as she stood up. She waited for Hermione to step out of her panties before kicking it away to the same corner that held the rest of her clothes. “It was like a part of me had been missing my entire life. And once I had him, that moment when his seed was spilling in my belly; I was whole,” Narcissa murmured with a dreamy smile.

“I’ve imagined how it would be for nearly two years now,” Hermione whispered. She shivered as Narcissa’s intense gaze swept over her, studying her body through the mirror.

“Straight, dear.” Narcissa placed her hand on Hermione’s lower back and corrected her posture. “You are smart, fierce… beautiful. You have a lot to be proud of.”

“Beautiful?” Hermione tilted her head to look up at the taller woman in disbelief.

“Hmm.” Narcissa’s hands slowly shifted until they came to rest on Hermione’s hips. She was a tiny thing, barely reaching up to her chin and perfectly proportioned with a smaller bust, wide hips, and a firm bum that Narcissa was certain was the envy of many a woman. She gently squeezed Hermione’s firm asscheeks, chuckling at her surprised squeak. Her gaze shifted lower and Hermione watched with wide eyes as Narcissa Black stared at her breasts unashamedly.

“My… the man I was bound to before Harry.” Narcissa swallowed the bile that rose up in her throat. Every day she spent with Harry made her previous life feel more and more distasteful. “He made me entertain his lady guests as a way to humiliate me. I know Harry is not that kind of man but if he asked me to take care of you I’d actually enjoy my time with you,” Narcissa said with a playful wink.

“Arms over your head,” Narcissa instructed, picking up the nightgown she had pulled out from her purse.

Hermione silently obeyed, still too shocked to ask all the questions burning a hole in her mind.

Narcissa pulled the nightgown over her head and stepped back to study Hermione with a critical eye. The nightgown wasn’t one of the sexier pieces of clothes she had picked out from her hidden stash.

It was, rather, what she had been expected to wear to bed with her husband after marriage. Every Pureblood woman had a variation of it in her closet.

It extended from Hermione’s neck to her ankles, covering her entire body while at the same time hiding absolutely nothing. The sheer white fabric was completely transparent, putting Hermione’s petite body on full display. The nightgown clung to Hermione’s gentle curves, accentuating them.

“Perfect,” Narcissa murmured, her smile turning into a small frown as she looked down at the V that pointed to Hermione’s womanhood. “Although, from what I’ve learned he would prefer it if you were shaved.”

“Oh!” Hermione blushed and glanced down at her neatly trimmed bush. She had started to take care of her body once her encounters with Tonks became a regular thing but it had never occurred to her to remove the entire thing. It seemed she had a lot to learn and in a way, she was thankful that Narcissa had taken it upon herself to get her ready for Harry.

“I can remove it. I’ll just need a minute.” Hermione looked around the bathroom, trying to search for her jeans so she could get her wand.

“Let him do it,” Narcissa said. She grabbed Hermione’s chin and refocused her attention on the mirror. “He likes taking care of his women.” Narcissa giggled, feeling like a young girl again.

He treated her like his precious princess in the streets and his dirty little concubine in the sheets. She loved the duality.

Hermione fidgeted as Narcissa scrubbed her face and patted it dry with a napkin. Once her skin was dry Narcissa began to work on her makeup.

“I don’t usually wear makeup,” Hermione muttered nervously as Narcissa leaned closer to apply mascara.

Narcissa simply tutted and dusted Hermione’s face with the perfect amount of foundation and blush. “You know the best part about makeup?” Narcissa asked as she picked up a tube of blood-red lipstick. She continued before Hermione could speak. “It rubs off on your man’s skin. He goes out in public with your lip print on his neck and every woman who thinks they have a chance with him knows he belongs to you,” Narcissa murmured as she carefully applied the lipstick before making Hermione smack her lips.

Hermione thought back to all the times Harry had stumbled into the dining room of Grimmauld Place, his neck covered with hickeys and red lip imprints, and how angry it had made Mrs. Weasley. She giggled.

Narcissa took a step backward and pushed her hand in Hermione’s hair, freeing it from the ponytail it was secured in.

“Do you have any Sleakeazy?” Hermione asked, looking at the products on the sink.

“You don’t need any,” Narcissa replied, gently pushing her fingers through Hermione’s luscious brown curls. “Your hair is perfect the way it is. Keep it open.”

“Okay,” Hermione whispered, shivering as she studied her reflection in the mirror. She felt like an entirely different woman, one that felt confident in her own body.


“Not in the slightest,” Hermione whispered. She sucked in her lower lip and began to chew on it nervously again.

Narcissa smiled and gently freed the lip before Hermione managed to ruin her makeup. “My first night with Harry… I was utterly terrified. By the end of it, I didn’t want to leave his arms and you will feel the same way.” Narcissa winked and grabbed Hermione’s hand, threading their fingers together.

She led the younger girl out of the bathroom only to find Harry seated on the edge of the bed, tapping his foot on the wooden floor nervously. Tonks was nowhere to be seen.

“Where’s Tonks?”

“She went to the other room with that book. She told me she’s going to prove that you’re up to no good.”

Narcissa smirked. “I’ve been very naughty, master. But you can punish me for it later. For now-”

Harry’s words died in his throat as Narcissa stepped aside to reveal the vision standing behind her. He gazed into Hermione’s big brown eyes. The shy, innocent expression on her face caused his cock to twitch in his pants. His eyes shifted to her modest bust. Her breasts weren’t as big as Narcissa’s but they had large pink areolas the size of galleons and cute little nipples that hardened under his gaze and poked through the thin fabric of her nightgown.

“Miss Granger would like you to share a bed with her,” Narcissa announced formally.

“I… it would be my pleasure,” Harry whispered, his voice hoarse.

Narcissa glanced back at Hermione with an expression that clearly said; ‘told you’.

She led the younger girl to the bed and made her sit down next to Harry. But before he could do anything she grabbed his wrist and pulled him to his feet.

“What’re you doing?” Harry asked, frowning as Narcissa’s nimble fingers quickly unbuttoned his shirt. There was no hint of jealousy or sadness in her expression. If anything, she appeared to be quite pleased.

“Getting you ready.”

“Cissy, you don’t have to. If you’re uncomfortable-”

“Uncomfortable?” Narcissa laughed. “This makes me happy. You, finding the partner that is perfect for you instead of being manipulated into marrying someone who would have made you miserable makes me happy.” Narcissa smiled. “I know nothing between us will change, Harry, because you’re not that kind of man. And I know Hermione won’t stop you from taking care of me.”

“Never,” Hermione vowed seriously. “Narcissa was here first, besides, I’m reading the history of the Black family and it’s tradition for Heads of the Family to have at least two concubines in addition to their wives. Thuringian Black had thirty, although how he got anything done with that many partners…” Hermione trailed off and giggled.

“And it is also tradition for his favorite concubine to prepare him for a night with his wife.”

“I’m not his wife,” Hermione pointed out. “And Harry’s not Lord Black yet.”

“They didn’t really have the concept of dating when the book was written, darling.” Narcissa pulled Harry’s shirt free from his arms and tossed it away.

Hermione shamelessly stared at Harry’s muscular back, blushing when Narcissa caught her ogling and smirked.

“And you’re my only concubine,” Harry teased.

Narcissa playfully scowled at her master as she sank to her knees in front of him. She grasped the rapidly growing tent in his pants and gently squeezed his shaft.

“And my favorite,” Harry gasped, groaning quietly.

“Hmm.” Narcissa stared up at Harry through thick lashes as she undid his pants and pulled them and his boxers down to his ankles. She waited for him to step out of them before pushing the clothes out of the way. Harry’s massive shaft gently smacked her cheek as she straightened and she bit her lip to stifle her moan. Her fingers ghosted over her skin, smearing the precum all over her cheek.

“H-how will you prepare him?” Hermione asked curiously. She fidgeted on the bed, resisting the urge to kneel next to Narcissa. She liked rules and traditions and had every intention of respecting them as much as possible.

“I do anything and everything he needs.” Some concubines did it out of a sense of duty, others because they had no choice. Narcissa knew she was going to enjoy every second of it.

She kept her gaze on Harry, looking up at him through half-lidded eyes as she leaned in and gently kissed his sensitive tip. She grasped the base of his shaft with her right hand, her slender fingers struggling to wrap around his thick girth. Harry groaned loudly as she leaned in and began to kiss along his shaft, coaxing his cock to life.

His manhood twitched in her hands and hardened and grew to its full size within seconds. Narcissa pulled away, ignoring both Harry’s disappointed grunt and the urge to swallow his throbbing manhood, push his hands in her hair, and have him fuck her face.

Tonight was not about her, she reminded herself as she pulled away and stood. She retreated to the fireplace once Harry had turned to face Hermione.

Hermione stared at Harry in stunned silence, her lips curved into a perfect ‘O’. He had grown into his once tall, scrawny body, a result of the proper food he got in Hogwarts and the physical labor he did for the Dursleys every summer. His lean, muscular body was everything she had imagined in her fantasies and so much more.

A small gasp escaped her lips when her gaze shifted lower to his throbbing manhood. She was a tiny sparrow and he was the hungry, hungry hunter who was going to impale her with his massive spear. She kept staring at him, unable to pull her eyes away even as he walked closer and pushed his hands under her arms, effortlessly picking her up and dropping her in the center of the large bed.

The mattress creaked under his weight once he had climbed onto the bed. He slowly crawled over to her, his eyes fixed on the gentle bounce of her firm breasts.

“Hi,” he whispered, pausing when his face was mere inches away from hers.

“Hi,” Hermione breathed. She shivered as Harry placed a hand on her shoulder and gently pushed her down on the bed. He towered over her, his hands on either side of her body. She watched as he unashamedly stared at her, almost like he was truly looking at her for the first time.

“You’re so beautiful.” Harry reached out and tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear. He was slow and measured, taking his time to enjoy the moment and her body.

Hermione grinned, all her worries and fears suddenly forgotten. Harry was looking at her like she was his, like she was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen and it made her feel powerful.

“What took you so long to realize that?” she teased, playfully sticking her tongue out at him.

“Not all of us can be as intelligent as you, Mione.” Harry grinned, then glanced back at Narcissa. “Some of us need a little help to see what should have been obvious.”

“What’s obvious?” Hermione asked, swallowing the knot in her throat. She looked up at Harry with wide eyes, her heart pounding in her chest.

Harry leaned in until his lips brushed against her ear. His hot breath tickled her skin. “That I want you,” he whispered. “That I’ve wanted you for so long.”

“I’m yours,” Hermione moaned. She spread her legs, allowing him to settle in between them. As his fingers grabbed her nightgown and pulled it up her legs she remembered what Narcissa had told her.

“Na-Narcissa told me you’d prefer it if you shaved me yourself,” Hermione said, blushing at the implication of her words.

“Only if you’re comfortable with it, Mione.”

Hermione nodded firmly. “Can you do it for me? Please?”

Harry beamed. “Of course. Cissy, my wand.”

Narcissa silently retrieved Harry’s wand and placed it in his palm before retreating to her place by the fireplace. She was trying and failing to keep her composure. The ease with which Harry had taken Hermione in hand was so hot that if Narcissa had any less self-control she would have been sprawled out on the floor with one hand stuffed in her mouth and the other in her pussy.

Harry pushed Hermione’s nightgown up to her flat stomach and pulled away slightly to give him the space to work. He ran his fingers through the neatly trimmed soft, curly hair on her mound, giving her a reassuring smile. “You’re gorgeous, Mione.”

“Be gentle,” Narcissa urged as Harry pushed the tip of his wand against Hermione’s skin. “You don’t want to hurt her. Control your magic.”

Harry nodded and carefully removed a strip of hair, dusting it away. Hermione tried her best to stay still to make sure he didn’t accidentally nick her skin but she was too ticklish and as the spell brushed against her skin she squealed and instinctively tried to slap Harry’s wand away from her mound.

“Mione!” Harry said sternly. The rough growl caused a trickle of arousal to leak out of Hermione’s damp folds and stain the bed sheet below her.

Hermione Granger had a kink for authority figures and had spent many idle moments fantasizing about the day Harry would be the one to assume that role in her life.

Now that it was finally here, it was everything she had imagined and so much more.

“I’m sorry!” Hermione gasped, spreading her legs further to give Harry greater access to her mound and pussy.

“Cissy, climb on and hold Hermione’s hands.”

“Yes, master.” Narcissa sauntered over to the bed and winked at Hermione behind Harry’s back. She squeezed past Harry and crawled over to the headboard of the bed, leaning against it. She pulled Hermione’s head into her lap and grabbed her wrists. She pulled Hermione’s hands over her head and pinned them in her lap.

“Isn’t a concubine supposed to obey the wife too?” Hermione asked, playfully straining against Narcissa’s grip on her wrists.

“Someone has been doing her reading.” Narcissa grinned and nodded in approval. “In an ideal world, yes. A concubine belongs to both the husband and his wife. But as you’ve pointed out, you’re not Harry’s wife. Yet.”

Harry took advantage of Hermione’s distraction and carefully removed another strip of hair. He grinned when he looked up, only to see Narcissa smirk and wink at him.

“When you do become Lady Potter-Black I’ll be happy to obey you,” Narcissa whispered, a shiver of excitement running down her spine at the thought of being shared by both Harry and Hermione.

Harry simply rolled his eyes fondly at the playful banter between his girls. He gently ran his wand across Hermione’s mound again and again, carefully removing all traces of hair from it. Once he was done he summoned water and cleaned her skin before patting it dry with the napkin Narcissa held out for him. Next came the soothing lotion and Hermione moaned loudly as Harry’s fingers gently massaged the cool liquid into her sensitive skin.

Hermione was dripping by the time he was done, arousal leaking out of her wet slit and running down her thighs to add to the rapidly growing wet spot on the sheets below her. She looked at him with glazed, vacant eyes, her mind lost in a haze of pleasure. A quiet whine escaped her lips when his hands withdrew and she bucked her hips, desperate to have his hands on her, in her, claiming her, ravishing her.


“Yes, Cissy?” Harry asked, unable to look away from Hermione. She was sprawled out on the bed in between them, her hair arranged around her like a halo. Her breasts quivered with every breath and the only reason Harry could look away from their hypnotic swaying was to stare at her pink folds. The puffy lips that guarded her virgin pussy were gleaming with the arousal staining her skin, inviting, begging him to claim her.

“Do you promise to take care of her and keep her happy?” Her voice was serious and tinged with the barest hint of sadness.


“Then she’s yours.” Narcissa let go of Hermione’s hands as Harry reached out and grabbed her shoulders, pulling the tiny girl into his lap.

Hermione gasped as Harry’s rock-hard shaft pressed into her belly. It was as if Narcissa had read her mind, plucked out every single fantasy from it, and made them come true.

“Are you mine?” Harry asked, caressing her cheek with the back of his hand.

“Yes.” Hermione shivered under his intense gaze and although her voice was quiet, she did not hesitate. She was his. She would remind him every day of that fact.

Harry wordlessly flipped her around on his lap and pushed her onto the bed on her hands and knees. His hands shifted to the neckline of her nightgown and he easily ripped the thin fabric, tearing the gown into two pieces that fluttered onto the bed and left her completely naked.

Narcissa knew she was supposed to leave, to give the young couple their privacy like Tonks had done. It was why she had booked two rooms in the first place.

But her body would not cooperate and she stayed frozen in place, her breathing growing heavy as she watched Harry bury his hand in Hermione’s brown curls and pull her petite body flush against his chest. He was much more confident in his actions than he had been the first few times she had taken care of him. She hadn’t even needed to do anything special, just show him the man he could be.

Her fingers toyed with the buttons of her blouse while her free hand slipped into her unbuttoned skinny jeans, the older woman shamelessly staring at and aroused by the passion of the young couple.

Harry wrapped his arm around Hermione’s waist to keep her pinned against him. His other hand moved to grasp the base of his shaft, carefully guiding his throbbing manhood to her dripping slit.

“We can wait,” Harry whispered.

“I’ve been waiting for more than a year,” Hermione whined. When he still hesitated, she pouted and bucked her hips, trapping the tip of his cock between her plump pussy lips. “Take me. Claim me,” she begged. She moaned quietly as Harry buried his face in the crook of her neck and slowly kissed his way down from her jaw to her pulse point.

“I think Cissy likes watching us,” Harry murmured against her skin.

Hermione’s eyes fluttered open and she stared at Narcissa. The older woman was leaning against the headboard, her legs spread wide open. She was biting down on the collar of her blouse to muffle her moans as she desperately fingered her needy pussy, unable to tear her eyes away from Harry and Hermione for even a second.

“Do you want to stay?” Hermione asked, struck by a sudden flash of inspiration. “Watch us?”

“Yes!” Narcissa released the collar, her unsuppressed moan echoing around the room. “Please?” she begged, breathing heavily.

“You can stay if you promise to obey Hermione.”

“Do you want me to obey her, or obey her?” Narcissa teased, unbuttoning her blouse just enough to give them both a tantalizing peek of her braless cleavage.

“Treat her like you treat me.”

Narcissa grinned and pushed herself off the headboard. She got on all fours, and Harry and Hermione’s eyes shifted to the gentle swaying of her heavy breasts as she crawled over and paused in front of Hermione.

She cupped Hermione’s cheeks and pulled her closer, brushing her lips against hers for a chaste kiss.

“I-Uhm-What?!” Hermione squeaked.

“Harry told me to treat you like I treat him. I spend most of my time worshipping his body or between his legs,” Narcissa said innocently. She pushed a hand between Hermione’s spread legs and used a finger to gather up some of the arousal coating her thighs. “You might want to stop teasing her, darling, or she’ll flood the room.”

Hermione turned red as she glanced down at the mess she had made.

Harry didn’t need any more encouragement. He slowly lowered Hermione down on his shaft, his push inside her tight pussy eased by the slickness provided by her arousal. It was still a snug fit, her walls burning and aching as they were stretched to their limit by Harry’s girth.

Harry slowly pushed inch after inch of his cock inside her, pausing only once his tip brushed against her hymen. Hermione squealed as a jolt of pleasurable pain shot up her spine. She was breathing heavily and her legs were trembling, her limp body only supported by Harry’s hands.

“Give her a minute,” Narcissa murmured, moving closer. Hermione was now sandwiched between her two lovers, both of whom buried their faces in the crooks of her neck. They kissed down to her pulse points. As one they clamped their lips over it and sank their teeth into her soft skin, gently sucking hickeys onto her tanned skin.

“I- OH GOD!” Hermione screamed, her mind overloaded with the sensations bombarding it. Pain. Pleasure. This feeling of being whole. She squirmed helplessly between her two lovers, her wanton moans filling the room.

“Now,” Narcissa whispered. Her hands shifted to Hermione’s flat stomach, caressing it and waiting to feel the inevitable bulge. She pulled away from her neck only to capture her lips once more. Her tongue brushed against Hermione’s plump, bruised lips and gained entry within seconds. Their tongues dueled and Harry watched the two women kiss passionately, completely oblivious to the world around them.

“HARRY!” Hermione’s muffled scream was drowned out by Narcissa’s lips. Harry pushed deep inside her, taking her flower with one firm thrust. A flash of pain consumed Hermione but by the time Narcissa had pulled away her lips were parted as she panted and moaned quietly.

Narcissa unbuttoned the rest of her blouse and let it hang limply off her shoulders, her heavy breasts jiggling as they bounced free. A thin trickle of saliva connected her and Hermione’s lips. They were putting on a show for Harry and he was enjoying every second of it.

“How’re you feeling?” Harry asked, breathing heavily. He had paused to catch his breath and to let Hermione recover but even the slightest of shifts caused his cock to brush against her G-spot, drawing a wanton moan from the aroused bookworm.

“Good,” Hermione breathed, a silly smile on her face. Heat pooled in her core and a strange tension coiled in the pit of her belly. “You’re so BIG!” Hermione moaned loudly as Harry sheathed the last couple of inches inside her.

Narcissa wordlessly lowered herself, her back arched and thick ass pushed up in the air. She gently pressed her lips on the very top of the small bulge in Hermione’s stomach and slowly began to trace it with her lips, peppering Hermione’s sweaty skin with kisses.

“Spank her,” Harry whispered. He began to slowly rock in and out of Hermione’s tight pussy, pulling out until only his tip remained inside her before slamming back in. Every thrust elicited a loud and needy moan and by the time he had established a rhythm Hermione was breathless and hoarse.

“W-what?” Hermione asked, unable to think clearly. Every thrust, every time Harry’s heavy, cum-engorged balls slapped against her thighs caused the tension in her belly to tighten even further.

“Narcissa was naughty.” Harry glanced at the curvy blonde. Narcissa’s face was buried between Hermione’s thighs and she was slowly kissing up her leg, lapping up the arousal leaking out of her pussy. “Spank her.”

Hermione giggled deliriously and reached out to gently smack Narcissa’s ass.

“Harder, love,” Harry murmured. To drive his point home he pulled out of Hermione before ramming back in with the strength of a bull. He picked up the pace, pistoning in and out of her tight core as fast as he could.

“Harry!” Hermione shrieked. His rapid thrusting combined with Narcissa clamping her lips onto her clit and massaging her sensitive nub with her tongue was finally too much for the poor girl. She went limp in Harry’s arms, seeing stars. The coil of tension in her belly exploded without warning and she screamed as she squirted all over Harry’s cock and Narcissa’s face, coating them both with her cum.

Hermione’s walls clamped down on his shaft and relentlessly milked him for his seed. Harry knew he wasn’t going to last long but he stubbornly held on until Narcissa withdrew. The sight of her angelic face covered and gleaming with Hermione’s cum was too much for him to bear. Still, he kept thrusting, watching with wide eyes as Narcissa smirked and gathered the cum smeared on her skin with a finger and deposited it on her lips.

Narcissa leaned closer and captured Hermione’s lips, sharing her own arousal with the girl. The two women playfully swapped the cum, relishing it between them, letting Harry enjoy the show.

It was finally too much for Harry to bear and he erupted inside Hermione with a loud groan, filling her belly with ropes of thick, warm seed.

All three of them collapsed onto the bed together, utterly spent. Harry stayed sheathed inside Hermione, enjoying the way her fluttering walls gently massaged his throbbing cock.

“What now?” Narcissa whispered once they had all somewhat recovered. Hermione had snuggled into her side and Harry’s arm was draped over her waist, trapping her in place. She didn’t know the last time she had felt so happy.

“Well,” Hermione said, feeling uncharacteristically slutty and wanting happiness for the friend that had made it all possible in the first place. “The Book said two concubines, right?”


So, I know this Chapter was supposed to be up yesterday but sometimes updates are delayed by a day or two for the funniest reasons. Like thinking you've included a detail but not actually writing it resulting in a chapter that makes no sense and has to be reworked. I hope you enjoyed the improved chapter! Espresso tier and above Patrons get to vote for extra chapters of stories every month (this story won last month, hence the extra chapter!) so if you want to read more chapters of your favorite stories every month, remember to sign up and vote in the polls!



Loving this story.


Any updates on a new chapter! Really enjoying the story!

Kevin Thunder

I hope this is continued. It's a banger.


Loving this story, this chapter was a lot of fun


This is a whole new level of fun. I'm liking Cissy this way as opposed how she used to be. An amazing story and I'm looking forward to reading the next chapter