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Content Warnings: BJs, CMNF, Cum Play, Teasing, F/F, Lingerie.

Harry walked into his room to find Narcissa by the window, staring out at the dark sky with a pensive expression on her face. He cleared his throat quietly, the door creaking as he shut it. “Hi,” he murmured awkwardly, his cheeks pink.

Narcissa was dressed in a sheer black nightgown, although where she found it, he did not know. It clung to her curves, accentuating the swell of her heavy breasts before dropping down to her flat belly and ending just above her knees. Her long blonde hair was open and draped over a shoulder, and Harry’s fingers itched with a sudden urge to caress the cascading curls. She was one of the most beautiful women Harry had ever laid his eyes on. She turned to look at the man now in the room with her and gave him a small smile.

“I like you much more when you smile,” Harry blurted out before he could stop himself.

Narcissa responded with a sad chuckle. “I have not been kind to you, have I? I must apologize. I did not have much to smile about during our previous encounters, and I’m afraid my husband’s hatred is infectious.” She walked towards him gracefully, almost like she was floating on air. “I was blinded by it. I was blinded by the promise of love and a family,” Narcissa said with a dejected shrug, almost like she had accepted her lot in life. In her mind, serving the man in front of him was no different from serving Lucius. At least here, she would not have to watch the corruption and destruction of the person who had, for some time at least, been her proudest achievement.

“Where did you find that?” He gestured to the gown she wore. He was burning with questions and wanted so many answers from her. Things that were better left alone until she had settled in and the sting of betrayal had somewhat faded. So, for the time being, he settled for the more obvious inquiries.

“The back panel of your closet hides a secondary cupboard. I used it as a stash for things I wanted to hide. This… this used to be my room once upon a time. I grew up here,” Narcissa explained, unable to hide the pain in her face. “I always dreamt of coming back. I guess one should be careful of what they wish for.”

“I’m sorry.”

“I’m not upset with you, Harry. I’m… I guess I am mostly upset with myself. I’ve made many mistakes in my life, and sometimes I fear the regret will swallow me whole.”

“You can sleep in this room,” Harry offered, feeling a strange sense of kinship with the woman. Like him, she too had lost everything. The least he could do was be kind to her. “I’ll move into the room Mrs. Weasley is preparing.”

Narcissa scowled. The redheaded matriarch's behavior had grated on her nerves ever since her arrival. She appreciated Sirius opening their home to the Order, even if she did not agree with Dumbledore on many things and would probably never see eye to eye with him. But they were the only ones actively fighting against the Dark Lord, and thus, were the only hope for Draco.

She knew she had lost her son, had seen it with her own eyes when he did not react to her being kicked out and bartered away, and yet, a mother’s hope knew no bounds. She wondered if he knew he was the reason behind her current predicament, that she had angered the Dark Lord by her continued refusal to let him take the mark and risk his life for his new master.

Does it matter if he knows or not? She thought bitterly.

In the end, he had chosen Lucius and the Dark Lord over her.

“You do not have to move. But neither will I.” It was still her house. Marriage… Concubinage… nothing would change that. She was a Black, and she would be one till the day she died. And she was under his authority. Which meant that as long as he stayed within the tenets of their bond, only he could dictate what she had to do. “Not unless you ask me to.”

“I don’t want to make you do anything you don’t want to,” Harry replied honestly.

“Then we shall share this room. I won’t need much space, I didn’t bring a lot with me,” Narcissa said with a humorless chuckle. Perhaps, one day, she’d find her situation funny. Till then, she would settle for annoying the woman who had taken over her home. It made her feel marginally better, imagining the redhead’s fury at Harry’s decision to let her sleep in the same bed as him. Molly Weasley’s demand that she stay as far away from Harry as possible simply made her want to be the best concubine the man could ever ask for, if only out of spite.

“Okay,” Harry murmured, shifting nervously on his feet.

“I suppose you are upset with your Godfather for putting you in this position. Family can be… strange. I did not think he would care about me, not after all this time. Not after everything I did to him.” Narcissa murmured, stepping closer and pausing inches away from him. They were close enough that his hot breath tickled her soft skin, and she shivered involuntarily. “I suppose the one silver lining in all of this is that the Dark Lord will be enraged. He might even punish my husband.” A note of amusement crept into her voice. “After all, he was ordered to humiliate me, to destroy me without outright killing me. Can’t spill pure blood without good reason, can he?” Narcissa laughed hollowly. “And my inept husband tried to achieve that, only to make sure I end up impaled on Harry Potter’s cock. The Dark Lord will be furious at his utter incompetence,” Narcissa murmured, reaching out to push a stray fringe of black hair away from Harry’s eyes.

Harry blushed, glad that the darkness hid the redness of his cheeks. The candles had flickered out due to the wind blowing through the cracks in the windowsill, and Kreacher had not bothered to light up a fire. It was cold, but Naricssa stood in front of him in her flimsy nightgown, completely unbothered. “I don’t… I’m not going to impale you on… I’m not going to… I’m not going to sleep with you,” he stammered, unable to believe that’s what she expected to happen.

Narcissa laughed, and for the first time, he saw some life in her frigid gray eyes. “Harry Potter. What an enigma. No wonder you continue to confound the Dark Lord,” she whispered, running her fingers through his hair. “You do know why concubines are bought, yes, dear?”

“I didn’t buy you to take advantage of you,” Harry said hotly, upset that she would even think that of him.

Narcissa wordlessly took his hand and led him to the bed. She sat down on the edge and pulled him down next to her, resting her chin on her hand and studying him with curiosity in her eyes. “No? Why did you buy me, then? Because your godfather asked you to?”

“Well, yes, but I would have bought you even if he had left the decision to me,” Harry said, his expression stony. “I didn’t buy you to take revenge on you, or to humiliate you, or… or as some sort of twisted vengeance against Malfoy. Greyback was bidding on you. I’ve heard stories about him from Remus. I-”

“You bought me to save me,” Narcissa said softly, cutting him off.

“Maybe,” Harry said, blushing. After Cedric, after how helpless he had felt nearly all summer, it had felt good to be in control, to do something meaningful and good.

“What if I don’t want to be saved, dear?” Narcissa asked, raising a perfectly shaped eyebrow.


“Is this not just humiliation in a different form? Bought as a concubine, and released within, what, less than a week? They will say I am not good enough. That I was not good enough to be Lucius’ wife, and I wasn’t even good enough to be Harry Potter’s concubine. Surely that must mean the problem lies with me.”

“Who’s they?” Harry asked, thoroughly confused.

“The families. All twenty-eight of them, or what remains of them anyways.”

“Their opinion doesn’t matter! You’ll be free!”

Narcissa laughed bitterly. “Harry, when you take up the mantle of leading the Black family, you will realize that their opinion is the only thing that matters. Say, for argument’s sake, that you free me. What then?” Narcissa challenged, plowing on before Harry could speak. “What do I do for the rest of my life? Stay locked up in this mausoleum with Sirius, both of us drinking our way to an early grave? As a free woman, I will be of no use to him, to this family. I will never be able to reconcile with Andy. I will never be able to make things right with Sirius by working to make sure his name is cleared. He will be hunted for the rest of his life. By freeing me, you condemn him to a miserable existence. Do you see any of his friends in this so-called Order trying to prove his innocence?”

“And you will be able to do it as my concubine?” Harry challenged.

Narcissa gave him a feral smile. “To the world, I will be in bed with Harry Potter, heir to two Great and Noble Houses. I will whisper sweet nothings in his ear. I will often be the last person he sees at night and the first he wakes up to every morning,” Narcissa replied, shaking her head. Had no one taught him the basics of politics? How did he not see the advantage this would give her? “Do you have any idea how much power that gives me?”

“No,” Harry answered honestly.

Narcissa resisted the urge to snort. “We need to work on that honesty, dear. It’s going to land you in a world of trouble one day.” She looked at his crestfallen expression and smiled. “I personally think it's endearing. Always be honest to those you love, but hide your true intentions when it comes to the outside world. You never know who’s waiting to plunge a dagger in your back.”

Harry nodded, hooked by the unexpected lesson. There was so much he did not know, did not understand. His summer alone and the dementor attack had been a rude wake-up call. It felt good to have someone actually give him answers instead of evasive excuses and empty platitudes.

“These families… they’re bigoted and rotten to the core, yes, but their real ideology is power. They follow the Dark Lord out of fear and greed, not because they believe in his cause. He doesn’t even have a real cause anymore. He is fixated on some object in the Ministry and keeps trying to get Lucius to bribe people for access to it,” Narcissa muttered, huffing in frustration. It annoyed her that she did not have better information for Harry, but her ex-husband had not seen it fit to let her sit in on meetings. All information she had had been gathered in secret, through careful spying and questioning of house elves. “You give them an alternative that guarantees their stranglehold on power will not be diminished, and they will fall like dominoes. The Dark Lord is just one wizard. He may be powerful, but he is nothing without their wealth and influence. Use them to fight him, and not only do you beat him, but you also diminish their power. After the war, who will remain to stop you from making the changes you want to make?”

Harry nodded. It was smart, it was devious… it was exactly how a true Slytherin would think.

“Now, if I am to convince them to defect, I need to claim to have direct, unrestricted access to the other side’s figurehead. What better way to do that than for them to think I am his favorite?”

“This is all very convoluted,” Harry muttered, massaging his temples. He could feel the onset of another one of the headaches that had plagued him all summer.

Narcissa laughed. Despite her legal situation, she felt freer and happier than she had in years. She could not even remember the last time a man had spent time listening to her instead of just barking orders at her. Harry also seemed to value her advice, which was strangely endearing. “Politics usually is, Harry.”

“Why are you helping me?”

“I’m helping my family. I’m making sure we survive,” Narcissa replied. “I’ve lost too many… I’ve lost too much,” she murmured, her breath hitching. She angrily dabbed at her cheeks, forcing herself to regain her composure. “And I’m a Black. We don’t take charity,” she said haughtily, straightening her posture. “I will pay off my debt to you.”

“The six thousand galleons?” Harry asked thoughtfully. “That was technically Sirius’ money.”

“My life,” Narcissa corrected gently. “What do you think Greyback would have done to me? It may have been Sirius’ money, yes, but he could not have saved me without you and it is to you that I owe my debt.”

Harry shivered at the thought of the fate Narcissa would have suffered at Greyback’s hands.

By the time he had refocused his attention on Narcissa, she had effortlessly shrugged off her nightgown and sat next to him with the silky garment pooling around his waist, utterly in the nude.

He had no intention to stare. Staring was disrespectful, and he had just promised her he didn’t want to use her.

And yet…

His breath hitched as he took in her angelic face, her long blonde hair draped over a shoulder and tumbling down to her massive chest. Her heavy breasts swayed with every breath, and Harry’s rapidly hardening cock throbbed at the sight of the rosy peaks capping the creamy mounds.

“I’ve never been looked at like this,” Narcissa whispered, spreading her legs to give him a glimpse of her shaved, pink core.

Harry groaned and summoned every last bit of self-control he possessed, reluctantly tearing his eyes away from her body. “I-I’m sorry…”

“No…. Harry… the desire I see in your eyes… it’s intoxicating,” she whispered. She had been neglected for years… a trophy in a cabinet, locked up and gathering dust. That had all she had been for the man who had previously held power over her. She leaned in closer, her breath tickling his skin as she slowly kissed along his jaw, her hands moving to unbutton his jeans.

Harry’s body reacted to her and he groaned quietly, leaning into her touch, his resolve rapidly crumbling.

“Do you want me to take care of you?” Narcissa asked, the silk nightgown sliding against her skin as she stood. It pooled around her ankles and she was finally naked, shivering under Harry’s heated gaze.

“Yes,” Harry whispered, unable to help himself. He watched with wide green eyes as Narcissa kneeled between his spread legs, her fingers digging into the waistband of his jeans. He raised his hips on instinct, allowing her to pull them and his boxers down to his ankles.

Narcissa bit back a gasp as his cock sprung free and smacked her cheek. She was close to him, granted, but had not thought he’d be big enough to…

“I’m sorry.” Harry groaned loudly as the pressure on his shaft was relieved. “I didn’t mean to do that.”

“Harry, dear,” Narcissa whispered, heat pooling in her core as she stared at his massive manhood. She wasn’t an expert in cocks by any measure, having seen just one other in her lifetime, but she was certain he was huge. Or her ex-husband had been far too small.

Both those things can be true, she reminded herself, experimentally grasping the base of his shaft with her hand, her fingers barely able to wrap around his girth.

“I have been disrespected and humiliated a million times in a million different ways in my marriage. I never thought a man would apologize to me because his manhood is too big,” Narcissa teased, suddenly in a playful mood. She was a neglected kitten who had found a partner at last, and she focused all her attention and energy on him.

“There’s nothing wrong in wanting me, Harry,” Narcissa whispered, keeping her gray eyes locked with his as she wrapped her other hand around his shaft as well, and slowly began to pump it. “I’m flattered that someone still finds me desirable.”

A part of her was doing it to prove just that. That there was still someone who wanted to fuck her, that she wasn’t just damaged goods.



“You’re beautiful,” Harry breathed, his cock twitching in her hands. Her slender fingers were squeezing his shaft with just enough pressure to drive him wild without it being painful. Her gentle, slow pumping drew out another moan from his lips, his balls tightening. He had neglected taking care of himself all summer, but if this was the prize for his wait… it was worth it.

Narcissa beamed, the simple compliment meaning much more to him than years of fake praise. She leaned forward and rewarded him with a kiss on his sensitive tip.

She giggled when Harry groaned and instinctively bucked his hips, trying to push his cock past her closed lips and claim her mouth.

She looked up at him through her thick eyelashes, her soft, pink lips gleaming with the precum staining them.

“Do you-”

She tried to talk dirty, tried to talk like the women in her novels did. But her brain would not cooperate, and the words remained stuck in her throat.

She blushed and made up for her shyness by leaning in and wrapping her lips around his cock. She looked up in alarm at his loud groan, wanting to make sure he was alright before she did anything else.

“Teeth… sensitive tip, it’s alright,” Harry grunted, bucking his hips to push himself into the warm embrace of her mouth. “Don’t stop,” he ordered, burying his hands in her luscious golden curls. He slowly pushed her down on his cock, his arousal only increasing as he watched her gag and drool around his girth.

It was by no means Narcissa’s first time polishing a wand, but she had never had someone go so deep, or taste as good as Harry did.

Narcissa moaned around his cock, a gag reflex she didn't know existed kicking in as his tip hit the back of her throat. Her eyes flew up to look at him, a panicked expression on her face.

And then he buried his fingers deeper in her hair, the gentle pressure on her scalp inexplicably calming her down within seconds. Her lips curled into a smile around his cock and she slowly pulled herself free, looking up at him with a mixture of gratitude and surprise for the second time that day.

“Sorry…” she mumbled, surprised that he hadn’t punished her for her ‘incompetence’.

“It’s okay. This is… honestly today is the first time I’ve felt good all summer,” Harry admitted, a faint blush on his cheeks. “We don’t have to go any further.”

Narcissa shook her head and dived back in with a determined expression, swallowing up inch after inch of his cock. This time when he hit the back of her throat she gagged and drooled but did not stop, doing deeper, deeper, her lungs burning from the lack of air. She shifted her hands from his thighs, wrapping them around the part of his cock she couldn’t make herself swallow.

“F-fuck… you feel so good,” Harry swore with a loud groan. He stared at her, unable to tear his eyes away from her red cheeks and pink lips glistening with a combination of her drool and his precum. Her throat bulged with his cock, a sight Harry had never seen before and one which he found to be far too hot.

Narcissa began to bob her head determinedly, using her hands to pump the part of his shaft she couldn’t swallow as she did.

It was sexier than any wet dream or fantasy he’d ever had, and Harry tried to concentrate on everything from Snape to Walburga in an effort to stop himself from finishing embarrassingly quickly.

It worked… to an extent.

Her lips were too soft, her throat fluttering around his cock and clamping down on his shaft every time she went down on him feeling too good for him to hold on for as long as he would have wished to. She gazed up at him through her eyelashes, the very image of an innocent, curvy goddess.

Narcissa hollowed out her cheeks and began to swirl her tongue around his girth, tracing the veins snaking through his shaft. In the past, she had done it to finish her ordeal as fast as possible, but even through the haze of unexpected pleasure clouding her mind she knew that wasn’t the case with Harry. She liked his quiet grunts of pleasure and his hold in her hair, silently coaxing her to go deeper. A part of her wanted him to come undone, and for her to be the reason it happened.

“Narcissa… you should… I’m going to… OH!” Harry yelled as he erupted with a roar, his vision darkening as the most powerful orgasm he had ever experienced washed over him.

Good Pureblood girls swallow, Narcissa reminded herself, bracing for an unpleasant load that never came.

Harry’s seed flooded her mouth, and it was nothing like the cold, congealed mess she had come to expect. It made her feel warm and fuzzy, and when she swallowed her first mouthful, the salty taste felt unfairly good.

She instinctively pushed herself down on his cock, wanting more without even realizing it.

In that, she would not be denied.

Narcissa moaned around his shaft, a trickle of arousal leaking out of her neglected pussy and streaming down her thighs as she swallowed another mouthful of his delicious cum.

She stayed in place, valiantly swallowing everything he had to offer except for the tiny amounts that leaked out from her parted lips and dribbled down onto the sheets.

“Y-you didn’t have to do that,” Harry rasped breathlessly.

Narcissa slowly pulled away from his cock, her lips curling into a small smile. “I wanted to,” she answered simply. She unwrapped her hands from around his cock, resisting the urge to lick her fingers clean. Dollops of cum stained her skin and lips, and she fought to keep her composure and not give in to her desires. “Why don’t you go take a shower? I’ll change the sheets and get the bed ready for us to sleep in?” Narcissa suggested, knowing if he stayed it was only a matter of time before she gave in and licked his cock clean.

Not something a proper Pureblood wife would do.

“When I can feel my legs again,” Harry said with a breathless laugh. They stayed like that for a few minutes, enjoying the silence and the pleasure they had brought each other. After some time Harry bent, kissing her forehead before he stood and padded over to the bathroom to shower, leaving Narcissa alone with her conflicted thoughts.

In the end, she gave up on analyzing her surprising behavior. Her entire life was upside down anyways, so what did it matter that she was naked and kneeling in Harry Potter’s bedroom, sucking his cum off her fingers?

When Harry emerged from the bathroom, Narcissa was still in the nude, apparently having decided against wearing her nightgown again. Not that it would have provided her much protection or warmth against the chill settling in. It was a cold, rainy night, and even with the windows shut and a fire blazing the lack of clothes was not prudent.

“How did you light a fire?” Harry asked, glad for the warmth and light provided by the flames flickering behind the grate in the fireplace.

“I asked Kreacher to do it for me.” She was seated on the ottoman in front of the vanity, cursing under her breath as she tried to push a hairbrush through her long blonde curls. She quietened the minute she registered his presence, straightened her back, and turned to him with a small smile.

“Harry,” she murmured. “How was your shower?”

Harry bit his lip, his cock already stirring back to life at the sight of her heavy, perfectly tear-drop-shaped breasts quivering with every breath. “It was good,” Harry murmured, trying (and failing) not to stare at her naked body. “It’s cold. You should probably wear your nightgown again. Or maybe something warmer from your stash of clothes?”

Narcissa frowned. “You don’t like-”

“I do,” Harry said hastily, cutting her off. His cock twitched at that exact moment, almost as if to remind him just how much he liked it. “I just don’t want you to catch a cold.”

Narcissa blinked, stunned into silence. Her comfort had never been a consideration in how she dressed. Although she and Lucius had long maintained separate bedrooms, he had always demanded she sleep in the nude. She might even have enjoyed it if it had been genuine, but he simply did it to show the power he had over her. He could have her whenever and however, he wanted. Not that he ever cared to exercise that power. His mistresses were young, simpering idiots after all, and much more amenable to worshiping his worthless cock than his proper wife had been.

“Lucius always wanted-”

“I’m not Malfoy,” Harry said mildly, dragging a stool behind the one she was seated on. “I think we’ve established that by now.”

His crooked smile made her feel lightheaded. “I don’t have anything warm. The clothes I hid in that stash are all as risqué as that nightgown. Bella had a bad habit of taking whatever she liked from Andy and me, so I had to make that to hide my favorite things. Took most of them with me after marriage but my mother made me leave those clothes behind. Apparently, my husband wanted a wife, not a concubine. Now I finally have an excuse to wear them,” Narcissa said with a giggle. He made her feel warm and safe, making her forget her place and how she was supposed to act.

“Sirius lent me this brush, his spare hair kit, and some toiletries. My cousin always had better hair products than I did and I see that hasn’t changed,” Narcissa groused, unexpectedly in a playful mood. Her time with Harry was nothing like what she had expected. She watched with curious eyes as he padded over to his cupboard and rifled through the hangers. He was dressed in a faded gray shirt and shorts, and now that he was finally wearing clothes that actually fit him…

Narcissa bit her lip to stifle a groan, heat pooling in her core.

“All of Dudley’s clothes are going to be a tent on you. Here. This is warm and should fit you fairly well.”

Narcissa stood and accepted the Quidditch jersey from him, quickly pulling it over her head. “Fitting,” Narcissa murmured, turning around to study the ‘Potter’ emblazoned on the back of the red jersey. It was warm, soft, and contrary to what she had expected, smelled very nice. Wood polish and peppermint, if she had to guess.

“Thank you, Harry. This is perfect,” Narcissa murmured, sitting back down on the ottoman. She sighed and picked up the brush, wishing for the millionth time she had her wand. But the Dark Lord had wanted her humiliation to be complete, which meant stripping her of her very magic. “You can go to bed. I’ll need some time. It’s been years since I’ve brushed my hair without magic, and I’m struggling to adapt.”

Harry gently grabbed her wrist, taking the hairbrush from her hands.

Narcissa froze. “I-if you're fine with it,” she murmured, trying not to panic. Her old habits kicked in as she went into survival mode. “Sir,” she added quietly.

“Let me,” Harry whispered, sitting down on the stool behind her.

Narcissa sat with her back as straight as a rod, frozen in place as Harry began to brush her hair, slowly working out the tangles in her blonde curls.

“What are you doing?” Narcissa rasped, unable to believe what was happening.

“Hermione’s hair may be shorter than yours, but it tangles just as badly. Actually, it’s much worse with her,” Harry replied, gently grasping her shoulder to keep her in place while he increased the pressure applied by the brush to deal with a particularly stubborn knot. “I’ve helped her a few times and she always uses a traditional brush and not magic so I thought I’d help out.”

“Why?” Narcissa asked, blinking in confusion.

“Do I need a reason to take care of my concubine?”

To that, she had no answer.

So she simply closed her eyes and leaned back into his touch, feeling, for the first time in nearly two decades, that someone cared about her.

It took him barely ten minutes to do what she had been struggling with for nearly half an hour. Once he was done, he silently secured her hair in a simple ponytail. He placed the brush on the table before taking her hand and helping her to her feet. “Which side do you want?” he asked with a playful smile once they reached the bed. She had changed the sheets and the pillow covers while he was showering, and cleared out the mess on the nightstand. It now felt like a proper bedroom, one she was more than happy to share with him.

“Uh-” Narcissa paused, unable to decide. It was yet another choice that had never been offered to her. When she slept alone, it did not matter. When she had been forced to share a room with Lucius due to societal obligations… she tried not to think about the time he had snuck that vapid bitch he had been fucking into their hotel room. She had spent the night on the terrace of the building, laying on a thin blanket and gazing at the stars. “You can take the right side because you’ll need the nightstand for your glasses.”

“Will do. Goodnight, Cissy.” Harry leaned in and kissed her cheek.


She watched him stretch as he padded over to the bed and climbed in with wide eyes, her heart hammering in her chest.

As she climbed into the bed and cocooned herself in the blanket, she decided she was going to fight for one more person.

Harry Potter.


“On a scale of one to ten, how jealous are you right now?” Tonks asked with a grin.

Hermione gave up. She had been trying for an hour to read the book in her lap, only for her to stare unblinkingly at the words without actually registering anything. She looked up at the pink-haired Auror leaning against the doorway and glared at the woman half-heartedly.

“Zero?” Hermione said unconvincingly. “Why would I be jealous? Oh, the new pants?” Hermione pointed to the tattered, paint-splattered denim shorts that she had never seen Tonks wear before. “They’re nice but not really my taste.”

Tonks rolled her eyes. “I’ve owned them for three years now. Are you upset, Mione?” Tonks challenged, raising an eyebrow.

“About what?”

“Playing thick is weird, Granger, especially from someone as smart as yourself. About Narcissa-”

“Get in and shut the door!” Hermione hissed urgently. “Do you really want Mrs. Weasley to explode again? You know she has been on a hair trigger since You-Know-Who arrived.”

Tonks chuckled and she kicked the door shut with her foot before padding over to where Hermione was sitting. “Is that what we’re calling her now?” Tonks asked, amused.

“Well, I know someone who’s been acting like her entry into this house is nothing short of the apocalypse. I’m pretty certain I overheard Mrs. Weasley grumbling about how we’re all going to be smothered in our sleep.”

Tonks took the book from Hermione’s hands and ignoring her sounds of protest, closed it and carefully placed it on the coffee table next to the armchair. The Black Library must have been cozy, once upon a time. The large fireplace had a fire burning but had no grill. The carpet was threadbare, the books and shelves dusty and the three tables dotting the room were starting to show their age. Despite all of it, the room was warm, comfortable, and secluded, which was more than what Tonks could say for most of the rest of the house.

“You know she won’t do that,” Tonks said, taking Hermione’s hand and pulling her to her feet.

“Yes, of course, I know-”

“She’ll just slit our throats,” Tonks said cheerfully. “Much quicker. Might make more of a mess, but nothing a cleaning spell can’t handle, eh?”

Hermione stared at Tonks, horrified, until she realized the older woman was joking. “Hah. So funny,” she huffed, before giving in. “I’m not jealous. I’m upset. Upset that Harry has to deal with all of this on top of everything else.”

“Oh, yeah. He has one of the hottest fucking women I’ve ever laid my eyes on sleeping in the same bed as him.” Tonks rolled her eyes. “That poor, poor man. So unlucky.”

“Stop teasing me,” Hermione grumbled.

“Stop trying to avoid my question. Or lying. Because you and I both know all Narcissa has to do is grab our chins, give us that look and we’d both be very good girls for Miss Black.”

“What look?” Hermione mumbled although she knew precisely what Tonks was talking about.

“You know. The, ‘I’m a goddess and you’re going to worship me look’. I don’t know about you, Granger, but I’d definitely worship her,” Tonks teased with a smirk.

“How are you not upset? You know who she is… what she’s done!” Hermione asked heatedly.

Tonks sighed and shook her head. “I’m not my mother. I see no point in holding on to what happened in the past. Hermione… she was married to that fucker for what… two decades?”

Hermione nodded. “Give or take.”

“She gave him an heir, did everything right, and was, by all accounts, the perfect wife. Yet, at the first hint of rebellion… he was ready to sell her off to be a werewolf’s broodmare to save his own skin. The misery that must have been her life until Harry bought her is punishment enough for me. Hell, having to look at Lucius Malfoy every day for twenty years is enough punishment to cover just about every crime in this world.”

Hermione giggled and peered up through her eyelashes adoringly.


“You have a really unique way of looking at things.”

Tonks blushed. Praise from Hermione felt different… more meaningful. “So,” Tonks said, taking Hermione’s hand and leading her to the nearest table. Tonks placed her hand on the small of Hermione’s back, bending her over the books scattered on the table’s surface. The action caused Hermione’s skirt to ride up a few inches, revealing more and more of her tanned, soft thighs. Tonks sighed, groaning quietly at the sight in front of her.

“You know what’s better than a girl playing with your pussy, Hermione?” Tonks whispered, burying her hand in the girl’s bushy hair. She had kept her hair open, the brown curls tumbling down her back. Tonks much preferred this look on her. Tonks firmly grabbed a thigh, her fingers leaving bruises on Hermione’s skin as she spread her legs.

“Tonks!” Hermione moaned, her breath hitching. She hadn’t fought back, hadn’t asked Tonks to stop even though she knew they were in an unlocked, unwarded room that anyone could walk into. The idea of Harry somehow walking in, of watching her sprawled out over a table while Tonks fucked her silly…

A gush of arousal leaked out of her, staining the simple white cotton panties she wore. They were comfortable… sensible… boring. Merlin, she was tired of being boring.

Hermione spread her legs further, letting the smell of her arousal hang heavy in the air.

“You’re a little tease,” Tonks growled, feeling dampness between her own thighs at the sight of the rapidly growing wet spot on Hermione’s panties. “You didn’t answer my question.”

“Hmm?” Hermione asked, her attention focused on the gentle pressure of Tonks’ fingers as they dug into the waistband of her panties and pulled them down to her knees.

“What’s better than a girl fingering you, Granger?” Tonks drawled, teasing Hermione’s gleaming slit with her finger.

“I… I don’t know?” Hermione mumbled, groaning and bucking her hips in an effort to get the finger teasing her inside her needy core.

“The man you love joining you both while she’s doing it,” Tonks teased, her grin growing at Hermione’s wanton moan when she pushed her fingers inside her tight pussy. “And we’re going to make it happen. I already have a plan…”


I really liked the concept of this story because it allowed me to play around with a rather unexpected pairing set. Chapter 3 is already out and Chapter 4 will be posted in 15 minutes! It was both supposed to be posted yesterday but you won't believe this, I had to change half of Chapter 4 because I planned and wrote something in my head but forgot to actually include it in the chapter so half the chapter didn't match the other half. Writing do be like that, sometimes the funniest things will delay an update!


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