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Content Warnings: Masochism, Bondage, Anal, Teasing, Exhibitionism, Voyeurism.

Life Debts were weird.

Some days you paid yours off by cuddling your master while he read to you. Other days led you to a cozy tent in the middle of a dark, cold forest, kneeling next to your boyfriend while he tried to defuse the idiotic situation playing out in front of him. Prudence perhaps dictated that she get up and intervene. But if there was one thing that more than a year of close proximity to Harry’s immature best friend had taught her…

Sometimes (oftentimes) it was wiser to let him rant and rave about whatever was bothering him. Trying to reason with him only flamed his grievances, something that her master had sadly not yet understood.

She watched Ron storm out of their tent and into the thunderstorm raging outside. A small sigh escaped her lips when their bookish friend ran up to the entrance, desperately screaming his name. For someone as smart as her, the brightest witch of their generation sure was dumb when it came to matters of the heart.

When you have a choice of two men, who picks the one whining about the lack of good food in the middle of a war?

Katie’s eyes shifted from the tent’s entrance and settled on an enraged Harry. No matter the circumstances, he had always been there for her. First as a friend and teammate, and then, when her life had taken a drastic turn the year before, as her new master and eventual boyfriend.

She doubted Malfoy had even the faintest idea of the events he would set in motion when he imperioused her in the bathroom of the Three Broomsticks and handed her that ancient necklace. She doubted Burke from Borgin and Burke’s had even told him anything more than what the necklace did. All Malfoy had wanted was a slave, someone to do the dirty work he was too chickenshit to do himself.

A thrall was so much more than that, however, and had she ended up bound to the cowardly Slytherin…

Katie shuddered. She refused to even think about how close she’d gotten to a life of misery and involuntary servitude.

It wasn’t to be, however. She had accidentally touched the necklace before Malfoy could complete the ritual and sheer luck placed Harry in her immediate vicinity. His intervention had saved her life, but there was no stopping Malfoy and no undoing the curse once the ritual was completed. The idiot had just missed one tiny detail. A detail she had come across when she had begun her research into thralls to understand her new life. For a successful binding, the binder had to have skin-to-skin contact with his would-be thrall. The ritual could be conducted by anyone, but the person actually touching her would be her master. And that person had been Harry.

In his haste and greed to gain a powerful new weapon and kill Albus Dumbledore in a single stroke, Malfoy had given her unfathomable power and bound her to the Dark Lord’s worst enemy. She wondered what punishment You-Know-Who had thought up for such a monumental fuck-up.

She shook herself free of her thoughts when she spotted Harry striding to the entrance of the tent, seemingly intent on going after his juvenile best friend. But she was sure he had left the safety of their wards and apparated away already, and it would be foolish to try to pursue him.

“Harry,” she called out softly, shuffling on her knees to face him.

Harry paused, the look of anger on his face melting away when he turned to his thrall. “I’m sorry,” he said softly.

“Don’t be. Unlike Ron, I am more than happy with where I am, and who I’m with.” Katie tilted her head to look up at him, her pale green eyes filled with adoration and respect. Her eyes shifted to the Horcrux around his neck. She understood the burden he was carrying, what he was trying to shield them from. How it affected him much more than it did them, and yet he insisted on being the one to shoulder it for as long as he could. He needed a break, she decided, and the small frown on her face turned into a smirk. “Although if you’re officially taking complaints, I’d like to register my disappointment at the lack of attention from my master these last few days,” she teased, tilting her head playfully. “He hasn’t spanked me for three full days, can you believe it?! Such neglect will not stand!”

Her smile grew at Harry’s quiet chuckle. She watched as his shoulders sagged, the tension slowly seeping out of his body. He padded over to her and reached out with his hand to grasp her chin.

“Feeling neglected, are we?” he growled, his thumb pushing between her soft, pink lips. Katie parted her lips, drawing his thumb into the warm embrace of her mouth. She began to suck on it, her eyes alit with a playful twinkle.

“Mhm.” Katie gently nipped at his skin. “It’s been five days since my master has properly claimed me. I’m beginning to feel he doesn’t need his thrall anymore,” she moaned.

“I need you like I need air, Katie Bell.”

“Prove it,” Katie whispered, looking up at him through her thick lashes as she kissed each of his fingers in turn.

Harry groaned quietly, the throbbing in his pants intensifying.

“Be a good girl and wait for me in bed. I’ll be back as soon as I’ve made sure Hermione is safe,” Harry ordered, breathing heavily. He reluctantly pulled his hand away from her. There was just one person as important to him as Katie was, and she was currently getting drenched in the rain, calling after someone who would not return anytime soon.

Katie nodded and watched him slip out of the tent and disappear into the darkness to retrieve their distressed friend. She slowly got to her feet, stretching out her sore muscles before padding over to their bed.

Harry slipped through the curtains surrounding their bed, groaning quietly as he massaged his forehead. He could feel the onset of a headache and the malevolence radiating from the necklace he wore certainly did nothing to help. The only silver lining in the storm of clouds surrounding his life was the petite chaser perched on the edge of his bed, looking up at him with an impish smile on her face.

“You know what Ronald needs?” Harry grumbled, pulling his shirt over his head and tossing it carelessly into their laundry basket.

“To remember he’s a grown-ass man fighting a war?”

“I was going to suggest a firm kick up his ass but yeah, that’d be good too. He misses his mother’s cooking.” Harry rolled his eyes, clearly agitated. “What is he, five?”

Katie smiled and slipped out of bed, slowly padding over to her master. She wrapped an arm around his waist, her slender hand pushing into his pants. As his thrall, she was well-attuned to his emotions and knew exactly what he needed.

“As much as I agree with you, I’d prefer it if you concentrated on my ass instead of Ron’s, sir,” Katie breathed. Her hot breath tickled his skin and Harry shivered in her arms, trying to ignore the whispers in his head urging him to give in to his desires. Tied to him as she was, she could feel it too. “There’s a darkness in you, sir. If you won’t let me share the burden-”

“You’ve carried enough cursed necklaces for one lifetime,” Harry cut her off firmly.

“Then let me be an outlet. Otherwise, it will keep eating away at you,” Katie whispered, slowly pumping his cock, coaxing it to life. It had been yet another thing the redhead always griped about. While he and Harry wore the accursed object, Harry made sure to keep it as far away from his partner as possible. What the man had been too immature to see was how Katie helped Harry shoulder the burden, keeping it from overwhelming him. And how, if given the chance, Hermione would have done the same for him had he not let their initial romance fizzle out as fast as it had. Katie hadn’t missed the glances the bushy-haired bookworm sneaked at her collar or the longing gazes whenever she watched Katie serve Harry.

I doubt Ron would even know what to do with genuine submission and devotion, Katie thought with a snort.

“It’s been a hard week,” Katie murmured. The fingers of her free hand danced over his tanned skin, jumping from one scar to another. “Ron’s been an ass but he doesn’t deserve your attention. He made his choice,” Katie whispered, slowly undoing his pants and letting them pool around his ankles. “But your princess has been a very naughty girl and I’m sure her master’s firm hand teaching her some manners would do her good, sir.”

Katie grinned as she finally felt the dam break, the emotions he had been trying to bottle up breaking free. Harry turned and roughly pushed her onto the bed, his eyes fixed on the gentle bounce of her bosom.

He stepped out of his pants and padded over to her, his eyes clouded with lust and something darker. A force that demanded to be fed. It wasn’t just the Horcrux, Katie suspected. That was just bringing out something already present in her boyfriend. Just as becoming his thrall hadn’t turned her into a masochist, it had simply brought a hidden facet of her nature to the surface.

Harry climbed on top of her, easily pinning her tiny body to the bed with his much larger frame. He grabbed her wrists and pinned her hands to the bed on either side of her head, his fingers digging into her tanned skin with enough force to leave bruises in their wake.

“You’ve sassed me all week,” Harry growled.

“I have,” Katie affirmed, biting her lip.

“You’ve talked back.”

“Mhm!” Katie spread her legs, her pussy already glistening with the arousal dripping out of her and staining her simple white cotton panties.

“You’ve messed up simple orders.”

“I have,” Katie breathed, her chest heaving. “I’ve been such a bad girl, sir.”

Harry leaned closer and captured her lips for a bruising kiss. His teeth clamped down on her lower lip and he gently tugged, drawing a wanton moan from her throat.

Oh, how she needed this. How she craved the pleasure and pain only her master could give her…

By the time Harry pulled away for air she was completely lost to Subspace, gazing up at her lover through half-lidded devotion-filled eyes.

“How’s your ass?” Harry asked, burying his face in the crook of her neck.

Katie sighed dreamily. He truly was the best of both worlds. A caring, loving boyfriend and a strict master. “Better,” she giggled. “The bruises have nearly faded. I thought that paddle was going to break my bum.”

Harry nodded, pulling away from her. His dark eyes roved over her toned body. Katie held his gaze, determined not to shy away from him.

“You’re mine.” Harry’s hand wrapped around her neck, his thumb tracing the band of protective leather around it. A collar made especially for her and imbued with every ward and defensive charm known to a curse breaker. A symbol that her life wasn’t her own anymore. Not that she wanted it to be.

“Now and forever,” Katie confirmed. “I’m yours.”

Harry grabbed the neckline of her shirt, his biceps straining as he ripped the thin fabric apart with ease. Katie sighed as her breasts bounced free, her eyes flickering to the ruined garment hanging off her arms for a second before shifting back to Harry. She hadn’t bothered with a bra. She never did. She knew Harry secretly liked to watch, and she enjoyed his gaze following the gentle sway and bounce of her deceptively large breasts as she worked around the tent. Even now his eyes were fixed on her nipples, the rosy peaks turning into stiff nubs in the cold winter air.

Harry rolled off her. Before she could object he had grabbed her arm and pulled her into his lap. His arm wrapped around her slender waist, pinning her back to his bare chest. His feet hooked around her ankles, roughly pulling her legs apart. Katie groaned as the slight friction she had managed to generate by rubbing her thighs together instantly disappeared.

Her jeans were next, vanished with a lazy flick of Harry’s wand. Katie shuddered as his wand pressed against her crotch. He slowly traced her slit, slicing her damp panties with a carefully placed Diffindo.

“M-master,” Katie panted, her poor brain already overloaded by the gentle sting to her pussy delivered by the spell. She was only half aware of Harry carefully setting his wand on their nightstand before grabbing the tattered pieces of her underwear and carelessly tossing them away.

She was now completely naked except for the stockings on her feet, the gorgeous collar around her neck, and the tattered remnants of her shirt hanging from her arms. She shivered in his arms as his fingers ghosted over her glistening pussy lips, gently bucking her hips in an effort to get them inside her.

“I like you like this,” Harry breathed, his free hand lazily massaging her large breasts.

“I know you do,” Katie giggled. The month they’d had the Dursley’s house all to themselves after their departure had been the best days of her life. She had rarely worn anything other than flimsy sundresses (often getting away with wearing even less than that) while she worked around the house, allowing her dominant to bend her over and ravish her wherever, whenever he wanted. “Maybe I should start dressing like this again,” she teased.

“I doubt Hermione would like that very much, doll,” Harry breathed. His palm was smeared with her arousal as he gently rubbed it against her pussy, providing the needy girl with some much-needed friction. “One day.” One day after the war they’d go back to Grimmauld Place and make it their home. And a place where they could live their lives how they wanted.

“I think she’ll surprise you if you let her,” Katie mumbled under her breath.


Katie’s eyes flew open at the hard slap delivered straight to her pussy, a strangled scream escaping her throat. Her hands instinctively flew to protect her vulnerable core, only to be roughly pushed away by his free hand.

“Hands on my thighs. Count them out,” Harry growled. The palm that had spanked her had returned to rubbing her stinging pussy, providing the perfect jolts of pleasure in between the pain radiating from her core.

“Yes, sir,” Katie moaned, a single, fat tear leaking out of the corner of her eye and streaming down her cheek. It washed away a bit of her mascara with it, leaving a thin trail of black down her cheek. A year of being with him meant that she knew very well what he liked by now, and had abandoned water-proof makeup long ago. Her hands meekly grasped his thighs, fingers digging into his skin as she drew strength and courage from him.

She was afraid, as she always was at the start of a punishment. But the fear and the pain were aphrodisiacs for the masochistic thrall, elevating her pleasure to levels she could never manage to achieve by herself.


“Two!” Katie groaned, her trembling legs straining against the ankles locking them in place in an attempt to close and protect her throbbing core. His palm had landed squarely on her pussy, the sharp slap sending jolts of pain racing up her spine.

His fingers split her lips, slowly pushing inside her. They traveled up until they located her clit.

“SIR, PLEASE,” Katie screamed, shuddering violently as his fingers teased the sensitive nub with gentle strokes.

“Please, what?” Harry asked in a low hiss, his voice filled with dark amusement.

“Please!” Katie shrieked. His fingers had pinched her clit, tugging on it gently. Her vision blackened as he began to twist the throbbing nub slowly. Her nails dug into his thighs with enough force to leave marks in their wake.

“Words, you silly girl. Use your words,” Harry teased playfully. He pulled his hand away from her and Katie used the momentary reprieve before the punishment inevitably started again to gather herself.

“Please fuck me,” Katie begged hoarsely. Tears streamed down her cheeks as his palm made contact with her pussy once more. Katie groaned at the bruising spank, squirming helplessly in his lap.


“F-four… FIVE!” Katie moaned. Her hands flew from his thighs to her bruised pussy, trying to massage her pinkening lips in an attempt to soothe the harsh stinging.

Harry gave her a minute’s relief, making his way down her neck and along her shoulder as he peppered her sweaty skin with kisses. His hands gently grabbed her wrists and pulled her hands away from her core, chuckling at her desperate cry when she was denied relief.

“Hands away, love. You just have to bear one more spank. You can do that, can’t you?”

Katie nodded, tears freely flowing down her cheeks.

“You’ll be my brave thrall and keep your hands away? Otherwise, I’ll just have to keep going until you learn,” Harry murmured, setting her hands on his thighs.

“Yes, sir,” Katie confirmed hoarsely. “I can take one more spank. My hands will stay away.”

Harry lazily rubbed his palm against her weeping pussy, letting her juices smear his skin. Katie relaxed, her breathing slowing down.

Harry placed his free hand over her lips, muffling her needy whimpers. “Once the war is over, I’m going to give you the life you deserve,” Harry whispered, pulling his palm away from her pussy.

I already have everything I need, Katie thought, giddy with a mixture of pleasure, pain, and sheer happiness.


Katie screamed against the hand covering her mouth. His palm had delivered a slap with enough force that she felt it deep in her core. Her labia seared with white-hot pain, wiping her mind blank.

“Who’s my good girl?” Harry asked as he pulled her into his chest. He wrapped his arms around her and cuddled her, knowing exactly what she needed after a hard punishment.

“I am,” Katie hiccuped. Her face was streaked with tears and mascara trails. She rested her cheek on his broad chest, savoring the steady thump of his heartbeat echoing in her ears. “Is that a wand in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?” Katie giggled after a few minutes of comfortable silence. His massive erection had created a huge tent in his boxers and was poking into her thigh.

“Think you can take me?” Harry murmured, his fingers tracing her red, stinging pussy lips. She shivered in his arms.

Katie leaned up and pressed her lips against his in a chaste kiss, pulling away with a quiet moan as his fingers plunged into her aching core. “Claim me,” she whispered, grinding against his hand.

Harry gently pushed her off his lap and set her down on unsteady feet. She let him mold her body as he wished, his hand on her upper back bending her at the waist.

Harry grabbed her wrists and pulled her arms behind her back. “Since you can’t seem to follow my instructions I’d better do something to get your hands out of the way,” he teased, using the ropes dangling from a hook attached to the tent’s roof to bind her wrists together and secure her arms behind her back.

She was now trapped, bent over with her arms behind her and her legs spread, her dripping slit on full display for him. Her dark hair formed a curtain around her face, obscuring her surroundings from view.

She could hear slight rustling and correctly deduced he was getting undressed. She strained her ears, picking up the slight scraping as Harry pulled their secret chest out from under their bed. It housed all the toys they had picked up during their travels (and a surprising hidden stash they’d discovered in his godfather’s bedroom). She wondered what he had in mind for their session, shivering with anticipation.

Harry dug through the trunk until he located what he was searching for. He smeared the silver ball with a healthy amount of lube before tossing the large bottle back into the chest.

Katie’s eyes widened when the cold metal ball of the anal hook was pushed against her puckered hole. She whined, squirming helplessly. “H-haaaary!” Katie groaned. The ball slipped inside her ass, the walls of her tight hole burning as they stretched to accommodate the large orb.

Harry silently dragged the other end of the hook up her spine, the rough rope scraping against her soft skin. She was forced to pull her head back and look up when he attached the hook to the ring in her collar. She was completely immobilized and at his mercy, two things she enjoyed very much.

Given her vantage point, her eyes were directly facing the tiny crack in the curtains surrounding their bed. Her lips curled into a huge grin as she spotted an amazing sight.

Hermione was splayed out on the rug in front of her, her eyes closed, completely unaware that Katie could see her.

The girl had her shirt pulled up to her chin, leaving her torso completely bare. She held the edge of her shirt in place with her teeth, using it to muffle her moans. Katie was enraptured by the stiff brown nubs and large areolas on her pert breasts, suddenly wondering what it would feel like to watch Harry suck on them. Hermione’s legs were wide apart, her skirt pushed up to her hips, and her wet pussy on full display for Katie. Katie watched with growing satisfaction as Hermione desperately plunged two fingers into her pussy. She had clearly been spying on them and had been unable to resist temptation.

Lesser girls would have been jealous. All Katie could think of was how much she wanted Hermione behind the curtain with them, rather than all alone outside.

Operation ‘Get Harry the Perfect Wife’ is a go, she thought giddily.

Her planning was interrupted by Harry grabbing her hands in an effort to help her stay upright, threading their fingers together as he impaled her pussy with one fluid thrust of his hips. His throbbing manhood plunged deep into her belly, drawing out a wanton moan from her lips. The stinging intensified as her walls stretched to accommodate his girth.

Harry gave her a mere minute to compose herself before he began to piston in and out of her with the strength of a bull, overcome with the primal urge to claim his thrall.

“HARRY!” Katie moaned, her lips parted. She was panting, a trickle of drool leaking out of her mouth and hanging from her swollen lips. She suddenly wished her hands were free so she could pull the curtains apart to nullify their noise-canceling charms. Hermione deserved to hear them. She needed to hear them.

Katie’s attention shifted back to the show in front of her. Her eyes locked with Hermione’s, both girls blushing wildly when they realized they were aware of each other’s presence.

Hermione turned red with embarrassment but she was far too aroused, frustrated, and flat-out horny to truly care. She kept her eyes locked with Katie’s as her fingers desperately plunged into her tight pussy in a poor imitation of what was going on in front of her.

Katie nodded her head as much as she could given the device trapping her in place, encouraging Hermione to turn her attention to Harry.

Hermione’s warm brown eyes shifted from Katie to Harry, an involuntary gush of arousal squirting out of her pussy and soaking the rug in front of her at the sight of the magnificent man. His hair was messier than usual. Sweat dripped from his forehead, the small beads rolling down his skin and splashing on Katie’s back. Her hand shifted to toy with her stiff nipple as her eyes drank in the firm muscles of his chest and abdomen, itching to trace every curve.

Katie was close. She could feel it. Her walls fluttered around the cock plunging deep inside her every few seconds. His tip grazed her G-spot with every thrust and Katie’s moans grew louder with every passing second. Both girls stared at each other, silently egging their counterparts to climax.

“Please…” Katie begged, lacking the strength to speak any further.

“Let go,” Harry grunted, squeezing her hands.

Katie did just that.

“HARRY!” Katie screamed, swaying on unsteady feet as she came. Her arousal gushed out of her, soaking his cock and streaming down her thighs to drench her blue stockings. Hermione tumbled over the edge within seconds of her, squirting and drenching her hand, legs, and the rug below her with her juices.

Harry soldiered on for a few more thrusts, but it was impossible to hold on for any meaningful amount of time with Katie’s walls clamping down around his length. He pushed deep inside her and came with a loud groan, filling her up with his seed.

Katie was only half-conscious by the time he pulled out of her, the girl whining at the sudden emptiness in her throbbing core. She happily stayed suspended in position, enjoying the steady trickle of Harry’s cum leaking out of her gaping pussy and tracing its way down her creamy thighs.

“Harry?” Katie called softly once she regained her voice. She suddenly remembered the girl outside the curtains and was determined to bring her into the fold.

“Yes, love?” Harry was seated on their bed, his skin glistening with sweat. He pushed his messy hair away from his eyes and got to his feet with a groan. He was still panting for breath, his movements slow and tired.

“Can I get some water? I’m parched.”

“Of course. Do you want me to-”

“No,” Katie answered, anticipating his question. “I’m quite enjoying the position I’m in.”

Harry nodded and kissed her head before walking around their space, collecting the clothes he had discarded.

Hermione watched Harry get dressed with wide eyes. She scrambled to her feet, unwilling to let her best friend catch her in such a compromising position. In her hurry she forgot to clean the evidence she left behind, the rug still damp and stained with her juices.

Katie sighed at the empty space she saw when Harry slipped through the curtains. Hermione had fled and she realized that if she wanted her plan to succeed, she’d have to be much more direct…

Katie suppressed a smirk when Hermione locked eyes with her, blushed heavily, and quickly busied herself with making cocoa. It had been a week since the ‘incident’ and Hermione had taken to walking on eggshells around both of them.

Their bookish friend was trying their level best to avoid them, preferring to spend most of her time by the fire outside their tent. Hermione pretended she did it in the hopes that Ron would return, although the half-hearted excuse didn’t convince her and it certainly hadn’t convinced Harry. She hadn’t told him what had happened, but he was perceptive enough to realize that something was wrong.

“I’ll take the first watch!” Hermione squeaked. She hugged her mug of cocoa to her chest, carefully protecting herself against any spillage as she scurried out of the tent.

Katie chuckled and shook her head. She turned her attention back to the book in her hands, trying to pick up the passage she had been reading before she’d been distracted by Hermione. But her mind wouldn’t cooperate, drifting away to the lonely girl sitting all by herself next to the fireplace every few seconds.

She sighed and snapped her book shut, slowly getting to her feet. She made her way out of the tent and to the warmth of the campfire, sitting down as close to the merry flames as safely possible to ward off the cold. Harry’s absence in combination with the unseasonably cold winter was doing her no favors.

Hermione refused to look at her. “You should rest. You and Harry can take the second watch,” Hermione mumbled, her cheeks pink. She squirmed when Katie shifted to sit closer to her, but made no effort to move or leave. It didn’t seem her body was capable of such an endeavor. It betrayed the secret desires she was too shy to voice, inviting Katie to take charge and finally break the impasse of the previous week.

Fate’s funny, Katie thought, her amused eyes studying the cute bookworm. Harry’s going to get the perfect family because his archrival and his best friend both consider women as unfeeling objects created for their convenience.

Hermione squeaked when Katie grabbed her chin and turned her head, her big brown eyes staring at the athletic girl with a mixture of shock and shy desire.

“Let’s address the elephant in the room, hmm?” Katie asked, studying her fellow Gryffindor with amused eyes.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Hermione mumbled, her heart hammering in her chest.

Katie rolled her eyes. “Did you like what you saw?” she asked bluntly, her hold on Hermione’s chin making it impossible for the girl to look away or leave.

Hermione’s cheeks turned the shade of tomatoes. “I… I… Uhm-” she stammered, seemingly at a loss for words.

“Look. If you did, things are going to be significantly simpler. Our lives… all our lives will be much better,” Katie said bluntly. “The strain of this hunt is getting to us all, but it’s much worse for Harry. You know that. Do you know what’ll help? Him knowing he can bend me over and rail me in a sundress anywhere in the tent.” Katie shifted her thumb to Hermione’s lips to prevent her from speaking. “Let me finish.”

Hermione nodded mutely.

“He’s… Merlin, he’s creative. But the fact that we are confined to the tiny area around our bed is starting to grate on both of us. Ron’s gone though, and I don’t think he’s coming back. Now, if you liked what you saw when you were rubbing one off while watching us… well, that makes things simple.”

“Katie I swear… it was a moment of weakness… I promise…” Hermione mumbled, terrified of losing the two friends she had left in the world. She blinked in confusion when Katie laughed.

“You think I’m angry?”

Hermione nodded meekly.

“I’m not angry, Granger,” Katie said with a snort. “If anything I’m flattered I’m hot enough to masturbate to. Well, me and Harry,” she corrected herself.

“Most girlfriends would go ballistic if someone stared at their naked boyfriend,” Hermione said, now thoroughly confused.

“I’m not most girlfriends,” Katie pointed out with a shrug. She finally let go of her chin and leaned back, using her elbows to support herself as she stared up at the stars dotting the beautiful night sky. “He loves to talk about everything we’ll do after the war. About marriage and a family. All the things I can’t give him.” Despite her best attempts to keep her tone neutral, the hurt was evident in her voice.

“I’m sure Harry will understand if you don’t want children,” Hermione suggested cautiously. It wasn’t her place to wade into their relationship, but the raw hurt in Katie’s voice was too much for her to ignore completely.

“You know, for someone so insanely intelligent, you can be thick sometimes, Hermione Granger,” Katie muttered. “I’d love nothing more than to start a family with Harry. Katie Potter, fuck, I’ve doodled that in my journal for the past three years. I’d finally worked up the courage to ask my handsome Quidditch teammate to the Yule Ball in the hopes that it would lead to more… he asked Parvati as I was walking up to him.”

“That turned out to be a disaster.”

Katie chuckled and turned to look at Hermione with a small smile. “Trust me, I was secretly over the moon.”

“Why didn’t you try after that?”

“I planned to. After I joined the DA. I was going to ask him out the day he helped me conjure a Patronus for the first time. But then… Cho.”

“Right. That was a disaster too.”

“He really did have shit luck with girls, didn’t he?”

“Perhaps because he was always meant to end up with you?” Hermione suggested, reaching out to grab Katie’s shoulder. She squeezed it gently, unsure what else she could do to comfort the girl.

“Maybe. Life did have a weird fucking way of putting us together. Making me his thrall. Can’t marry him and can’t give him a family,” Katie muttered, turning to look at the night sky once more.

“We can change the law once we-”

“It’s not a law. It’s the ancient magic the cursed necklace was imbibed with. Can’t have your thrall’s children running around mucking up the inheritance for your legitimate heirs, hmm? Well, those ancient geezers thought they had the perfect solution. I can’t have children. We can get married for show, but that’s all it’ll be. For show. Magic won’t recognize it and our union won’t be entered in the Book of Genealogy in the Department of Mysteries.”

“I’m sure we can-”

“There’s no solution, Hermione.” Katie tilted her head to study her, a small smile returning to her face. Things could be much worse, Katie decided. “Well, there is one. Harry gets a wife.”

It took Hermione a minute to process what Katie was trying to imply. Her eyes widened and she squeaked, “Me?!”

“I want it to be someone who’ll treat me as an equal. Someone who’s just as kinky as we are so we don’t have to be tame around her. Someone whose name isn’t Romilda Vane, because I swear to Merlin I’ll strangle that stupid harlot if she smiles at me condescendingly one more time,” Katie muttered with a scowl. “And maybe… someone who doesn’t mind Aunt Katie spoiling her children rotten,” Katie added in a low voice.

“Me?!” Hermione repeated, sounding like a broken record.

“Yes, you.” Katie scooted closer, eliminating the little distance that remained between them. “Judging by the massive stain you left on the rug in front of our bed you obviously liked the show. And it’s obvious to anyone with eyes that you have a crush on Harry. Why didn’t you make a move on him?” Katie challenged.

“Because I’m me,” Hermione murmured, her cheeks warm. “Plain old Hermione. Why’d he want me?”

“God. The two people I desire are both oblivious morons. Harry doesn’t notice you making eyes at him and won’t believe me if I tell him. And you, you’ll just keep staring at him like a kicked puppy instead of doing something. No wait! Worse, you’ll go after a man you don’t actually like and make yourself miserable in the process.” Katie groaned dramatically as she pushed herself to her feet. She dusted off her jeans before grabbing Hermione’s arm and pulling the girl up with her. “Guess you’ll see just how much he wants you when you’re bent over his desk and he’s railing that tight, virgin pussy of yours.”

Hermione hadn’t thought it was possible for her blush to deepen. “I… H-how… Did you know?” she mumbled, meekly letting Katie pull her back into the tent.

“I’ve seen Ron kiss a girl. I doubt he even got to second base during your brief fling with him back in Grimmauld Place,” Katie snorted. “The only other person you went out with after your Yule Ball date with Krum to my knowledge is McLaggen and Mione if you let him-”

“I didn’t!” Hermione squeaked. “I couldn’t even hold hands with him. He was disgusting.”

“So I was right?”

“Yes,” Hermione confirmed in a whisper. Despite her embarrassment, her eyes couldn’t help but wander to Katie’s ass. She’d worn tight acid-washed jeans, leaving her firm butt, toned after years of Quidditch on full display.

“Like what you see?” Katie asked with a smirk.

Preoccupied as she was with staring at her friend’s ass, Hermione hadn’t even realized they had walked through the curtains that surrounded Harry and Katie’s bedroom. Katie paused in front of their bed and turned, catching Hermione staring at her before the shy bookworm could avert her eyes.

“What on that brilliant mind of yours?” Katie closed the distance between them. Her arms snaked around Hermione’s waist, pulling the shorter girl closer to her.

Hermione bit her lip to stifle her moan, unable to look up and meet Katie’s eyes.

“Thinking about the time you accidentally walked in on Harry belting my ass?” Katie guessed.

Hermione nodded silently.

Katie chuckled. “Wondering what it feels like? I wonder what you’ll enjoy more. Harry punishing you himself… or making me do it,” Katie whispered, her lips dangerously close to Hermione’s.

“I’m not… I don’t like girls… I’ve never…” Hermione stammered, trying to come up with a convincing denial. She didn’t like girls. She certainly didn’t want to spend her life as the couple’s submissive!

Katie closed the remaining distance and pressed her lips against Hermione’s for a gentle kiss. She took advantage of the quiet moan that left the younger girl’s lips to push her tongue into the warm embrace of her mouth, dueling and subduing her tongue within seconds, beating her into submission effortlessly. “Want to change your answer?” Katie whispered as she pulled away, a thin trickle of drool connecting Hermione’s swollen lips with hers.

“Yes,” Hermione murmured, a resigned expression on her face. She was tired of denying her desires. Tired of being the mature one. Tired of trying to bring herself to love a man who had picked his mother’s cooking over her.

What was so wrong about wanting to be pinned between a gorgeous couple while they explored and ravished her petite body?

“All of it?” Katie asked, quirking an eyebrow.

“All of it,” Hermione confirmed with a determined nod.

“The wife is submissive to the thrall. This is a new one. Don’t think I’ve ever come across such a case in all my research.” Katie smirked. She squeezed Hermione’s pert ass before pulling away, chuckling at the squeal her action elicited. “But then,” Katie continued as she bent to pull out their secret chest of goodies from under the bed. “Nothing about our relationship is traditional, so why should this be? You be the cute submissive wife and I’ll be the sundress-wearing, leather jacket-donning thrall who belts your ass on occasion. Would you like that?” Katie asked, popping open the lid to the chest.

“Do you think it’ll work?”

Katie shrugged. “No clue. But I think you’d be stupid not to give it a try,” she said with characteristic frankness. She straightened with a sigh and walked over to the bed, plopping down on it and dragging the chest over to her with her foot. “Look, you have two options. Ron is a sure thing. I’m sure he’ll turn up eventually and be very sorry for what he did. That’s what he always does, right? He’s not a bad guy. He’s a pretty decent friend most of the time. But he’s been coddled and babied all his life and he has a lot of growing up to do. Go with him and you’re guaranteed a nice vanilla life, a lifetime of mothering him, and being a mediocre version of your brilliant self to avoid making your insecure husband jealous.”

“What’s the other option?”

“Harry and me. We’ve had threesomes before and I enjoy watching him with other women, but we’ve never been in a serious throuple. I don’t know how things will turn out, but ask yourself this. How many times have you touched yourself to the fantasy of being in my position? I’ve seen the way you stare at my collar. How hard did you cum that night?” Katie smirked. Both girls turned to look at the large stain on the carpet behind Hermione.

Hermione didn’t need to say anything. The answer was right in front of their eyes.

Katie grunted in triumph as her blind fishing expedition in the chest finally bore fruit. She pulled out a neatly folded costume.

“What’s that?”

“It’s what his favorite character from that Muggle thing he loves wears. The last time I wore this, I came five times in a single night. We only stopped because we were both dangerously dehydrated. Put it on, we’re going to give Harry a night he’ll never forget.”

Hermione nodded. “Thank you, Katie.”

Katie’s eyes roved over Hermione’s creamy skin as she slowly started to strip. She drank in the sight of her pert breasts, the creamy mounds quivering with each anxious breath. “Trust me, doll, the pleasure’s all mine.”

That night, Harry would return from his shopping trip in the nearby Muggle village to find both his thrall and his future wife perched on the edge of his bed, waiting for him. And their lives would never be the same.

After all, what chance did Voldemort have against the power of true love?


I'll be honest, I didn't think a Harry/Katie/Hermione ship would work until I wrote this story. Katie has the perfect playfulness needed to pull both Harry and Hermione out of their shells. It was fun to write a Life Debt that didn't involve Fleur or Gabrielle and honestly Katie is so rare and underrated, she needs more fics that pair her with Harry. Given how much time they spend together on the team it won't be surprising for a romance to develop. 


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