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Her skills as an Auror isn't the only thing Nymphadora Tonks brings to Number 12 Grimmauld Place. Armed with a rebellious streak and a strong sense of morality, she sets out to right a number of wrongs.

Freed from a destiny not of her choosing, the only thing Narcissa Black carries out of the ruins of her marriage is a searing desire for revenge. Neither women expect to find love along the way but fate, it can be said, has a strange sense of humor.

(Harry/Hermione/Tonks/Narcissa. Starts just before Harry's trial and Hogwarts starts at 14 in this AU.)

Content Warnings: F/F (Hermione/Tonks), Fingering, Teasing.

Sirius Black was not a happy man.

Cooped up in a house he hated and had tried so hard to escape in his youth, it seemed his only friends these days were bitterness and regrets. From his decision to abandon his cousins and brother when he ran away to his choice of giving up Harry in the pursuit of vengeance, his life was nothing but a series of reckless, impulsive decisions. He often told himself that he had been young and foolish but despite the familiar adage, he was coming to realize that wisdom did not automatically come with age. He had made many mistakes in his short life but allowing the Order to use his ancestral home-

“Didn’t think anyone else noticed,” Tonks said, breaking him out of his reverie. She flopped into the armchair beside the one he was lounging in and passed him a glass of firewhiskey. “Drink up.”

“That I’m effectively a prisoner again? Yeah, seems to have escaped everyone’s attention,” Sirius said moodily, coughing as he downed the amber liquid in a single gulp.

“I meant the oblivious idiots in love in front of us-” Tonks pointed to Harry and Hermione. They were sprawled out on the rug in the half-renovated living room, their noses nearly touching as they worked on their Potions homework. “They’ve barely spent a minute away from each other since Harry got here. Both of them try to find excuses to touch the other-” Tonks smirked at the sight of Harry reaching out to tuck a stray strand of hair behind Hermione’s ear, almost as if he’d heard her and wanted to prove her point. “And when they do the other person blushes and tries to pretend like nothing happened.” She gestured at Hermione’s reaction. “It’s very entertaining,” she murmured, sipping her firewhiskey. “The prisoner thing is entirely your fault.”

“Dumbledore said-”

“Walburga tells me to stop disgracing the Black name every single day. Yesterday she told me to find a shitty Pureblood man and shoot baby after baby out of my vagina as fast as possible to rebuild the Black clan.”

Sirius turned to her with a raised eyebrow.

“Well, not in those exact words,” Tonks conceded, rolling her eyes. “But the point is, old people say batshit things all the time. Doesn’t mean you have to follow them. This is your house. If you want to go out for a stroll, nobody can stop you.”

“What about Dumbledore’s enforcer?” Sirius said darkly, gesturing to Mrs. Weasley rearranging a cabinet in one corner of the room with the glass in his hand.

“Again, YOUR house. She’s a guest here.”

“You forget that I’m still a presumed mass murderer and the Ministry is still after me.”

“I’m one of the people tasked with catching you, remember? I didn’t forget. Do you know what the Ministry doesn’t know? That you’re an animagus. Get Harry to take you out for a walk,” Tonks suggested. “It would do you both some good. You’ll go insane cooped up in this house.”

“That’s not a bad idea,” Sirius murmured.

“And when you’re someplace secluded, turn back into a human and teach your godson how to flirt. Because this-” Tonks gestured at Harry wrapping an arm around Hermione’s shoulders under the pretense of looking at what she was writing. “This is painful.”

“You’re right.” Sirius groaned at Harry’s clumsy attempts to compliment Hermione’s handwriting. “Prongs must be turning in his grave right now.”

“To be fair if I was her I’d just grab his face and snog him,” Tonks said dryly as they watched Hermione climb up to her feet. “So it’s not all on him.”

“I’ll shower and get ready for dinner,” Hermione said. “We can finish the essay tonight.”

“Yeah…” Harry murmured, his gaze never pulling away from the gentle sway of Hermione’s hips as she walked out of the room.

“And if you need any more motivation to break out of your self-imposed imprisonment…” Tonks leaned forward, fished out a folded parchment from the pocket of her jeans, and handed it to Sirius. “I put on a disguise and poked around Wizengamot earlier today to suss out what those old farts are thinking ahead of Harry’s trial and see if I could sway a few votes. Malfoy was handing these out to every man in attendance. I think he gave one to Fudge too.”

“You can’t be serious!” Sirius said sharply, his gray eyes widening as he studied the contents of the parchment. “Is this real?”

“Seems real enough to me. He was praising her the entire time, does that man ever miss an opportunity to make money? He seems like the sort of man who really would sell his own mother for a quick buck. I didn’t even think this sort of thing was allowed.”

“Wife sales and wife swaps are both more common than you think,” Sirius murmured, studying Narcissa’s picture. Age hadn’t changed her one bit. She was just as ethereally beautiful as he remembered. “Be thankful your mother has kept you shielded from the worst aspects of Pureblood culture.”

“Why is he doing this? My mother never talks about her. I thought it was because she hates her just as much as she hates Bellatrix.”

“Andy never talks about her for the same reason I don’t. It’s too painful. Cissa was a bright ray of sunshine in school. All she ever wanted was the love of a man and a family of her own. When her parents arranged her marriage… she was over the moon. Changed everything about herself to please her husband… I guess it wasn’t enough,” Sirius said with a sigh.

“It’s today. In Knockturn. I doubt they’d let me or my mother bid and I highly doubt they’d tolerate my father’s presence. Harry could go with you and bid to get her back if that’s what you want,” Tonks pointed out. She deliberately left out the option of her using her abilities and going disguised as a man. “Or I could organize a raid-”

“Scrimgeour will not authorize it. This is entirely legal and I doubt Wizengamot has changed the law since I last looked at it. I remember the announcement in the Daily Prophet. They married coemptio cum manu on Abraxas’ insistence. Which means she is legally Malfoy’s. I could ask Dumbledore-”

“Do you seriously think that’ll work?”

“Well, he certainly seems to believe in second chances,” Sirius said with a scowl. Snape’s near-constant presence in his house was a lingering thorn in his side.

“Apparently not when it comes to her.” Tonks pointed to the parchment. “Dumbledore was there in Wizengamot and Malfoy wasn’t exactly trying to hide this. Madame Bones even commented on the unsavory characters that populate Knockturn and asked Dumbledore if there was something they could do to stop it.”

“What’d he tell Amelia?”

“Short of bidding herself… nothing. He must be suffering from selective hearing loss because Malfoy made it clear to Zabini that he’s not allowing women to bid. Isn’t she one of the good ones?”

Fuck,” Sirius swore under his breath. “She is. Isodora and Cissy were close in school and she probably wanted to save her friend. Thanks, Tonks.”

“You’re welcome,” Tonks murmured, sipping on the last of her firewhiskey as she watched Sirius walk up to Harry. They had a short, quiet conversation before Harry got to his feet and followed his godfather out of the room.

“Where are they going?”

Tonks looked up from her glass at Mrs. Weasley and shrugged. “No clue.”


Tonks scowled at the use of her first name, but Mrs. Weasley continued undeterred.

“You know what Dumbledore said-”

“Look, as much as I like collars and leashes-” Tonks smirked at the scandalized expression on the older woman’s face. “I don’t keep Sirius on one. I’ve been assigned to guard him and Harry this week. I’m here to keep them safe, not imprisoned. They can go where they want and they don’t have to tell anyone. Not Dumbledore, not me, certainly not you.”

“But Harry-”

“Is his godson. Funnily, Sirius is the only one legally allowed a say in what his godson can and can’t do till Harry’s twenty-one but he seems to be the only one not consulted when decisions are made these days.”

If looks could kill, Tonks would have been knocked dead where she sat.

“I’ve cared for Harry… my son is his best friend. I have a say in his safety-” Mrs. Weasley started, her face turning red.

“That argument is just as logical as my mother deciding Harry’s going to marry me because I have a crush on him and he likes the treacle tarts she makes for him.” Tonks stood up and stretched, completely unfazed by the glare leveled at her. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I think I’ll go take a shower before dinner.”

Tonks walked out of the living room and climbed up the rickety staircase, whistling happily. She had grown up hearing tales about Sirius and his friends. It was good to see some of the old spark that Azakaban had tried to snuff out make a return, even if she suspected he had a long way to go before he became the man he once was.

Tonks paused in the hallway of the first floor as the sound of the muffled but unmistakable moan wafted through the half-ajar door and reached her ears.


Tonks grinned and against her better judgment (or perhaps because of it), she slipped into the room Hermione shared with Ginny and shut the door behind her. She quietly tiptoed towards the bed. The curtains were pulled and all candles bar one had been snuffed out, leaving the room shrouded in darkness. Once her eyes acclimated to the dim yellow light illuminating the room she turned her attention to the short, petite bookworm sprawled on the bed.

Hermione had shed the blue denim shorts she had been wearing downstairs and had pulled the baggy gray t-shirt up to her chin, trapping its edge between her teeth to muffle her moans as she toyed with her slick slit. Her legs were spread wide and her fingers pushed into her virgin pussy for a few quick pumps before her wrist cramped and she had to pull away with a disappointed groan.

“No bra or knickers Granger? You know, I’d say I approve but you should have just jumped your crush downstairs,” Tonks said, clearing her throat to grab Hermione’s attention. “I mean, if you’re dressed like this you might as well take advantage of the freedom it affords,” she pointed out with a smirk.

Hermione paused and turned towards the pink-haired Auror, nearly falling off the bed in surprise. “I-I… I…” she stammered, her cheeks pink. Her fingers pulled out of her pussy and her hand flew down to the blanket at the bottom of the bed, the gleaming digits grabbing and pulling it up to her chin as fast as possible to cover up her body.

“Relax. You’re not the first girl to rub one off the destress within these walls. Hell, you aren’t even the first one to do it today,” Tonks teased, her eyes gleaming. Sometimes you led a horse to water… sometimes you whacked her on the head with a metaphorical newspaper until she got the courage to snog her crush. “I do it after every frustrating Order meeting,” she added with a nonchalant shrug.

“You do?!” Hermione squeaked.

“In the room right behind Walburga’s portrait so she has no choice but to hear me imagine blood traitors, half-bloods, and muggleborns doing all sorts of nasty things to her niece’s daughter.” Tonks grinned. “Why do you think she’s in such a foul mood these days?”

“I don’t… I don’t…” Hermione stammered before giving up and flopping back into the mountain of pillows arranged against the headboard with a quiet huff.

“Anyways, I didn’t mean to interrupt but the door was ajar and you forgot to set up noise-canceling charms. Never forget to set those up. It could have been Molly instead of me out in the hallway and I think we can all do without her blowing a gasket and giving us a lecture on the importance of purity and chastity,” Tonks said, rolling her eyes. “Since you’re… preoccupied-” Her smirk grew as she stared at the rapidly growing damp spot on the blanket. She pulled out her wand and locked the door before setting up a basic privacy charm. “I set one up for you this time around.”

“Thanks…” Hermione mumbled, her cheeks warm.

“The pleasure is all yours,” Tonks said with a wink before she turned to leave.

“No, it isn’t. I’m a bloody failure!”

Tonks turned and looked at the younger witch with raised eyebrows.

“You ever realize the importance of something… someone only when you miss them?”

“Can’t say that I have.”

“I’ve been with Harry… I mean, since the day we met, we’ve barely been apart. Even during summers, we stayed apart for a week or two at most and we exchanged letters almost daily,” Hermione mumbled, scooting over to allow Tonks to sit on the edge of her bed. “This summer was the first time I completely lost touch with him. I couldn’t even write him a letter because of the stupid embargo on communicating with him,” Hermione growled. Her concern for Harry had overridden her love for following rules and respecting authority and she had tried to send him a letter twice a week without fail, only to be caught and reprimanded every time. She didn’t care, not even when Dumbledore had personally asked her to stop and kept trying until the Order finally fetched him from his wretched Uncle’s house. She had always put him first, and she suspected, she always would. “And I couldn’t stop thinking about him. I’ve been-” She gestured helplessly at her blanket-covered crotch. “-all summer.”

“Rubbing one out to the thought of Harry raw dogging-”


“…bending you over a desk and fucking you silly…”

“Mhm,” Hermione mumbled, her blush deepening.

“…pulling you flush against his firm chest, wrapping his hand around your throat and-”

“YEAH.” Hermione squealed loudly, certain that she would spontaneously combust as Tonks set fire to her imagination with lewd scenarios.

“Sorry.” Tonks cleared her throat awkwardly. “The combination of working long hours and spending all my free time doing stuff for the Order means my social life is as dry as the Sahara. I was unfortunate enough to be on guard duty while he mowed the lawn without a shirt on… sometimes imagination is a girl’s best friend, you know?”

“Tell me about it,” Hermione mumbled, crossing her arms over her chest. “Ginny shamelessly flirts with him night and day and here I am, teaching him five functions of a bezoar.”

“Why don’t you?”

“Why don’t I… what?”

“Flirt shamelessly with him. I mean, he’s hot, adorable, and pretty gifted, but I’ve never seen a man as oblivious as him. You could rub your naked tits against his arm and he probably wouldn’t notice,” Tonks muttered, rolling her eyes.

“I don’t… I’m trying to. I got a book-”

“A book?” Tonks snorted. “Are you seriously planning to practice flirting using a book? What, you don't have dorm mates to gossip with? I shared a dorm with Marianne and Trudy, Marianne and her boyfriend never put up privacy charms when he came over so Trudy could hear them and learn. Gods, Hogwarts has changed since I left.”

“Well, Harry was with Parvati last year so I can’t exactly go to her for help, can I? And Lavender’s her best friend. I could try asking Sophia but-”

“Stop.” Tonks sighed and cut her off. “I’ll teach you.”

“You will?” Hermione asked, perking up.

“Yep. The heir to House Black romancing a Muggleborn in her very house. It might just make Walburga mad enough to make her painting explode. Plus it’ll probably piss Molly off which is always something I enjoy doing.”

Hermione sighed. She knew Tonks and Mrs. Weasley had never seen eye to eye, but the friction had only gotten worse as Harry’s trial date approached and tempers in the house flared.

“She’s just trying to keep everything running, you know?” Hermione offered weakly, having no real desire to defend the Weasley matriarch.

“She’s a buzzkill and she acts like this is her house. It’s not. It’s Sirius’ and my mother’s, and one day it’ll be Harry’s. She somehow even managed to convince Sirius to follow Dumbledore’s orders and stay cooped up indoors all summer. I finally managed to get him and Harry to go out for a walk before they both went insane.”

“Yeah, sorry…”

“Don’t be. I don’t have anything against her but she needs to stop ordering me around like I’m her child,” Tonks huffed, then took a deep breath. “Anyways, we went off on a tangent.” Tonks turned on the bed to face Hermione. “Take off that blanket so I can see what I’m working with.”


“You’re never going to get with Harry if you try flirting in this state. Keeping that frustration bottled up isn’t helpful.”

“I can-”

“You told me you’ve been touching yourself thinking of him all summer. How many times have you cum?” Tonks asked bluntly.

“Cum?” Hermione whispered, her eyes wide.


“Once,” she mumbled, ducking her head to hide the blush on her cheeks.

“And how much did your wrist hurt afterward?”

“A lot,” Hermione admitted softly. “But I’ve been following the instructions in the book-”

“There are some things you just can’t learn from a book, Hermione,” Tonks said patiently. “Let me teach you. Would you be more comfortable if I turned into Harry?”

“N-no,” Hermione said firmly. “I want my first time with Harry to be… with the real Harry.”

“That’s understandable, sweetling.”

“You don’t mind?”

“Honestly, my first proper orgasm was with an older girl. Ravenclaw Chaser called Mattie, gods she was hot. I think she’s a reserve for the Holyhead Harpies now. It’s almost a rite of passage in Hogwarts,” Tonks explained with a chuckle. “You probably don’t know because of how insulated you and Harry are. Anyways, you’re cute, I like women just as much as I like men, and yeah… all of that is to say, no, I don’t mind.”

Hermione shyly pulled the blanket away from her, letting the older, more experienced woman study her naked body. “What do I do?”

“Lean forward.” Tonks climbed into the space between her body and the pillows when she did. She leaned back against the pillows and straightened her legs before her arm snaked around Hermione’s slender waist and she gently pulled the petite girl onto her lap. The rough denim of her jeans scraped against Hermione’s soft skin, causing the nearly naked girl to shiver in her arms. Tonks grabbed the hem of Hermione’s shirt and pulled it over her head, tossing the gray garment onto the floor and leaving the shy bookworm without a stitch of clothing covering her body. “Relax,” Tonks whispered, her hot breath tickling Hermione’s skin.

“Yes ma’am,” Hermione blurted. Her cheeks flushed at the sound of Tonks’ chuckle.

Tonks gently grabbed Hermione’s wrists and placed her hands on her thighs before locking their ankles together.

Hermione moaned quietly at the gust of cold air that tickled her dripping core when Tonks pulled her legs apart.

“One day, Harry’s going to ask you to show him what you like. You can’t do that unless you know what you want. That’s what we’re going to learn now, understood?”

“Yes ma’am,” Hermione said breathlessly. The small part of her mind not clouded with lust was telling her that what they were doing was sheer insanity, but she ignored it. She wouldn’t even have considered something like this in normal circumstances, but she was lonely, frustrated, and horny, and in that moment all she could think about was the relief her new teacher could give her. New knowledge was never a bad thing, and there was a lot she didn’t know because of her sheltered upbringing. Things she needed to learn if she was to compete with the likes of Ginny and Parvati.

“Your parents are Muggle Tooth Healers, yes?”

Hermione nodded.

“Use your words, sweetie,” Tonks admonished gently. She reached out with her hand and gently pinched a rapidly stiffening nipple, drawing a surprised gasp from Hermione’s lips. She rolled the rosy peak between her fingers, letting Hermione squirm helplessly in her lap. “Men love it when you’re vocal.”

“Y-yes,” Hermione moaned. Tonks had moved her other hand between Hermione’s gleaming thighs, fingers gently caressing the soft skin of her lover’s labia.

“This isn’t a cavity to be drilled,” Tonks whispered, a nail scraping against Hermione’s sensitive lips. Hermione moaned and bucked her hips, her body desperate to get Tonks’ fingers inside her. “A lesson most men sadly don’t learn their entire lives. This is a treasure chest. Caress it till it opens, then plunder the booty.” Tonks chuckled at her wordplay.

“Be… quick…” Hermione rasped, her throat dry. Rapid fingering was the quickest way to an orgasm. That was what the book told her.

“You have the room to yourself, right?”

Hermione nodded, biting her lip to stifle her moans. When Tonks gently tugged on her nipple, she remembered her teacher’s instructions and spoke breathlessly. “Yes, Ginny’s spending the week with a friend…”

“Then I don’t necessarily have to be quick. Quickies are fun, especially if you’re in a hurry. But sometimes you take your time… savor the cutie squirming in your lap,” Tonks teased, gently pushing her fingers inside Hermione’s virgin pussy. She was unbelievably tight, her walls immediately clamping down around the intruding digits. Tonks kept pushing, stretching her walls slowly but firmly.

“A-Ah!” Hermione groaned, instinctively bucking her hips to push the fingers in deeper. Her walls burned with a pleasant ache, unlike anything she had ever felt before. Her own fingers and technique could never compare to what Tonks was doing.

“Close your eyes,” Tonks ordered, gently kissing Hermione’s bare shoulder. “Have you paid attention to Harry’s hands?”

“Yes,” Hermione mewled, turning red. She had. She had found herself staring at his long, calloused fingers far too often. They were bigger than the ones inside her and in an entirely different league than her own petite digits.

“I won’t change my size but…” Tonks’ fingers buzzed as they slowly pumped in and out of Hermione’s aching core.

“OH!” Hermione’s eyes flew wide open as the ridges on Tonks’ newly calloused fingers rubbed against the sensitive walls of her pussy. “TONKS!” She shrieked, feeling an unfamiliar coil of tension tightening in the pit of her belly.

“Do you think he’ll spend as much time and attention polishing your button as he does with his broomstick?” Tonks asked, her thumb shifting to massage Hermione’s neglected clit.

“Y-YES!” Hermione screamed, rocking her hips in time with the fingers thrusting in and out of her. She had never felt such bliss before and now that she had, she never wanted to go back to the days of clumsily touching herself under the sheets for relief that never seemed to come.

“No, he won’t. Not unless you tell him. What’ll you tell him, sweetie?” Tonks cooed, her free hand lazily kneading Hermione’s pert breasts.


“Please, what?” Tonks asked patiently, increasing the pressure on Hermione’s clit.

“Please pay attention to my clit,” Hermione sobbed, delirious with pleasure. She shrieked as Tonks grazed a nail across her sensitive nub. “Please!”

“And why should Harry do that?” Tonks asked softly. Her own breathing was growing ragged, and she was far more aroused than she thought was possible.

I wonder how open they’d be to me joining occasionally, she thought as a trickle of arousal seeped out of her neglected pussy. It had been ages since she’d felt the touch of someone other than her own fingers.

“Because I want to CUM!” Hermione screamed, her eyes rolling into the back of her head as she came without warning. Her body shuddered with the force of the orgasm rocking her very core and she collapsed into Tonks’ chest, gasping for breath.

“Good girl,” Tonks whispered, watching Hermione’s juices gush out of her pussy and coat her fingers. She gently pulled her hand out from between Hermione’s quivering thighs, holding it up so the girl could see her glistening skin.

“You can use the blanket to wipe them clean,” Hermione said shyly, unable to pull her eyes away from the gleaming fingers. They had been inside her moments ago and had introduced her to an entirely new world of sensations and pleasures.


Hermione watched with wide eyes as Tonks popped one finger after another in her mouth, slowly licking them clean. She took her time, savoring the tangy taste of Hermione’s cum while the girl enjoyed her post-orgasmic high.

“Hmm?” Tonks held out her index finger, the only one she hadn’t licked clean.

Hermione blinked in confusion until it dawned on her that Tonks was offering her a taste. Of her own cum!

She blushed furiously but leaned into her hand with a determined expression, shyly poking her tongue out and pressing it against Tonks’ skin. She gently lapped up the liquid coating her finger. It was tangy… unexpected… but not entirely unpleasant.

“Thank you,” Hermione whispered, allowing Tonks to pull her back into a hug. They cuddled in silence for some time, simply enjoying each other’s presence.

“Can I do something… can I do something…” Hermione stuttered, biting her lip as she looked up at Tonks. “You know, in return?”

“You don’t have to love, but if you want-”

“I want to,” Hermione said firmly, marshaling her courage.

They were interrupted by George hammering on the shut door. “Dinner!” he yelled before running up the stairs to fetch his brothers.

“Saved by the bell.” Tonks winked. “How about we keep that in reserve for tomorrow’s lesson?”


Narcissa Black (it had been ages since she thought of herself as a Malfoy, not that it mattered anymore) was a proud woman. So she stood on the podium with her head held high, dressed in the finest clothes she owned while a room full of men bid on her like she was chattel. She zoned out as she stared at the bright lights focused on her body. She wouldn’t make the mistake of letting her mind register the hungry gazes of the men willing to spend obscene amounts of wealth for her. Paying attention to someone like Greyback and his lecherous smile was the fastest reminder of how far and how fast she had fallen, and she wouldn’t give these bastards the satisfaction of seeing the last daughter of the once Noble House of Black crack.

I am a Black, she reminded herself, unable to help the tiny shiver when the short, rotund auctioneer poked her hips and screeched that she was still fertile.

There were days when she considered herself the unluckiest among her sisters. Andy had gotten freedom, and Bella had gotten love from an attentive master in return for her blind devotion. And her? She’d never had any freedom, and the man she had devoted the best years of her life to had thrown her out to the dogs to save his own skin. She could only hope Greyback would give her the small mercy of death once he was done playing with her.

“A thousand galleons,” the man growled, and she heard his voice tremble with suppressed anticipation. There would be no quick death for her, not unless she found a way to grant herself that salvation.

She wondered where he’d found that kind of money. Had Lucius put him up to this? One last humiliation to please his newly resurrected master?

“Six thousand galleons.” A clear voice rang out across the room as a hush fell over the crowd. The voice was familiar, but Narcissa refused to shift her attention from the lights to the man who was willing to spend that kind of money to debase her. Nott? Goyle? Crabbe? Both those inbred morons had more money than sense after all. The upper range for her had been pegged at five thousand, and nobody had been expected to spend more than that.

“We have a new bidder!” the auctioneer squeaked, his belly jiggling as he bounced on the soles of his feet with excitement. “Would anyone like to go for six thousand five hundred? Anyone?” He poked her hips again. “Supple. Beautiful. Fecund!” he exclaimed, gesturing at her in the most exaggerated fashion he could think of.

“No?” The man deflated a little as he tottered over to his podium and picked up the gavel. “Going once. Going twice. SOLD!” He rapped the gavel over the sounds of disappointed groans. “To the young gentleman in the back row.”

Narcissa finally shifted her attention away from the lights and down to the haunting green eyes of her new master.

Once the formalities were over the stunned woman allowed the nameless auctioneer to lead her off the stage and into a dimly lit room where Harry and his massive black dog were already waiting.

“I want to inspect her,” Harry said. When the man didn’t leave, he added, “alone.”

The man squinted at the promissory note Harry handed him before retreating to calculate his cut. Harry visibly relaxed once the door was shut and slowly turned to face the curvy blonde standing in front of him.

“If you think I’m going to beg for my freedom,” Narcissa said, staring at him with a level of pride only a Black could muster. Her eyes flickered over to the dog for a second. “Or my life. I’m not.”

“I just want you to meet someone,” Harry said softly. Narcissa watched with wide eyes as the dog transformed into Sirius.

“I… I… But…” She gasped, the events of the day finally overwhelming her. “I didn’t know… I’m sorry… Thought it was you… Lucius never said… Only found out after his resurrection when he came to the Manor with Pettigrew…” Narcissa rambled as she hyperventilated, silently begging for forgiveness from the only man who had ever truly cared about her.

“It’s okay,” Sirius whispered. He pulled the sobbing woman into a hug, letting her collapse into his arms.


One of the many joys of taking requests from Patrons is that I get to explore tropes not written before! This story will feature a completely unique take on both Tonks and Narcissa, and the way they get with Harry will not involve Marriage Contracts, Life Debts, or any of the usual tropes. Feel free to join my Discord Server if you want a quicker way to get in touch with me! If you're on the Hot Chocolate or Water Tiers (the two topmost tiers) and you want me to write an idea you like, please reach out to me! If always feel like I'm bothering people so I restrain myself from DMing.



Excellent beginning. Looking forward to seeing more of this!


Oh this is going to be an absolute delight!

Ali G

Oh yeah, this is gonna be a classic 😎

Kevin Thunder

Awesome! Hermione is so cute.


Someone find a way to turn this into a liquid so i can inject if straight into my veins

R. Perera

😍 absolute banger

Kevin Thunder

Hermione is so needy lol. And tiny, apparently. You always make her super petite. I thought Emma Watson's height and body type fit the book description to a tee. I wouldn't say 5'4 is short for a girl.