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Content Warnings: Roleplay, Breeding, Teasing. 

“This is strange.”

Tracey cocked her head. “What’s so strange about it, Potter? It’s Christmas morning and we’re sitting by a makeshift fireplace in an empty classroom giving you gifts. Completely normal. This is what I do every year,” she said sardonically. She picked up the bottle of warmed butterbeer in her hands, taking a sip with a content sigh.

“It’s because Harry isn’t used to presents from anyone but Hermione, me, and the Weasleys,” Susan replied with a giggle, leaning up to kiss his jaw. She was happily ensconced by the warmth of his body and she wriggled, burrowing deeper into his chest.

Harry leaned back against the wall, handing Susan the bottle of butterbeer they were sharing. “I’m also not used to having presents being handed to me in person. Usually, Hermione, Ron, and I sit at the foot of my bed and open our gifts together,” Harry murmured wistfully. He had no clue where Hermione was. His best friend had gotten secretive over the past week, spending more and more of her time in the library and brushing his questions off with irritated glares. As for his other best friend…

“Still nothing from Ron?” Susan asked sympathetically.

Harry shrugged. “He refuses to talk to me but he got me a box of chocolates, so I’m taking that as a positive sign.”

“Maybe Padma will knock some sense into him at the Ball,” Daphne murmured, a small frown on her face. She had grown close to the quiet Ravenclaw ever since their cooperation during the First Task and the last thing she wanted was for an immature manchild to hurt her. There were only so many of them she could handle, and she already had her plate full with ruining the life of a certain Draco Malfoy.

“I still can’t believe she said yes.”

“I cannot believe he asked her properly,” Fleur added, shuddering at the memory of Ron’s ramshackle proposal to her.

“Her sister called in a favor.” Daphne scowled. She didn’t particularly like Parvati Patil, and she especially did not like how the vain girl shamelessly used her sister when needed and ignored her all other times. “She wants to go with Seamus. Ronald and Seamus got into some weird pact and Seamus told her they could go together if she got Ron a date.”

“I don’t think that’s the only reason she said yes. I think she said yes for Harry,” Susan observed shrewdly.


“She sees how much you miss your idiot-”

“Asshole,” Daphne muttered.

“Idiot,” Susan said again, holding her girlfriend’s gaze. “She sees how much you miss your friend. We all do. I think she’s going to try and get him to stop being a wanker at Ball. I won’t be surprised if he approaches you after she talks to him.”

“You really think she can do that?”

“If anyone can, Daph, it’s her. That girl understands what makes people tick far better than anyone I know. It’s uncanny.”

“I just don’t want him to hurt her,” Harry murmured, tightening his hold around Susan.

“If he does, I’m sure Daphne will be happy to chop off a certain something with her trusty butter knife.”

“As tempting as that sounds, sweetling, for now, I’m going to concentrate on gift-giving.”

“Still weird.”

“Well, get used to it, darling,” Daphne murmured with a smirk. “I have every intention of pampering the man in my life.”

“You know, when you say it, it sounds ominous as fuck, Daph.” Tracey ignored her best friend rolling her eyes and turned to Fleur.

“Where’s your sister?”

“She is getting ready,” Fleur replied, her cheeks pink. She wasn’t used to the richness of butterbeer, nor was she accustomed to having such an informal group of friends. People usually kept her and her sister at arm’s length. Everyone thought she was haughty and snobbish (and while she wouldn’t admit it, it was partly true), but her standoffish nature was mostly because she had no idea how to make a friend. She could flirt with someone for days, but to actually create a friendship? That, she had no experience with. For her, her sister’s real Christmas present had been acceptance into her new boyfriend’s friend circle.

“It’s noon. Why did she start six hours before the Ball officially begins?” Harry asked, a confused expression on his face.

“I don’t know. Maybe because Skeeter has been running articles non-stop for a week slandering everyone from the French to Veela?”

“That ‘orrid woman!” Fleur scowled darkly. “I have already written to Papa and he intends to lodge an official complaint with your Minister.”

“Good. Someone needs to bring her down a peg and our government is too scared to do it,” Susan muttered, her cheeks red. The Hufflepuff was slow to anger, but the quickest way to get her to that point was to threaten or badmouth those she loved. Something everyone in their group was well aware of. “Every time my Auntie tries to do something, she is blocked by Umbridge.”

“This Umbridge sounds like a piece of work,” Harry muttered, taking Susan’s hand. His thumb rubbed circles on her palm, causing her to sigh and flop back into his chest.

“Oh, that woman is vile. Thank your lucky stars that you’ve only had to hear about her from Susan. Daphne and I met her once and I felt like I had to shower for a week to cleanse myself of that encounter.”

“Tracey is right. Anyways, as I was saying, Skeeter is running daily hit pieces on her, Harry. She needs tonight to be perfect. And I don’t mean romantically,” Daphne said, looking at her boyfriend meaningfully. As miffed as she had been at not headlining the Ball with Harry, her annoyance had turned to incandescent rage after the very first article about him and Gabrielle had come out. She enjoyed a healthy rivalry with the other blonde in Harry’s life ever since the day they got together, but the way she saw it, that was a family matter. She saw Skeeter coming for Gabrielle no different than a personal attack on her. From the day of the first article, she made it her life’s mission to ensure that every single eye would be on Hogwarts’ second champion and his radiant date for the entirety of the Yule Ball. Unlike Malfoy, Skeeter was mostly out of her reach, but she planned to make sure that every other unbiased reporter in attendance had nothing but glowing praise to write about Gabrielle Delacour. “Which, in fact, brings me to my gift.” She picked up the large box and slid it toward Harry.

“Ooh, are we finally starting the gift-giving? Let’s go!” Tracey said, rocking excitedly.

Harry shrugged and grabbed the box, tearing away the wrapping paper. He pulled away the lid to reveal a bespoke tuxedo, white shirt, and tailored pants.

“For tonight.”

“I already have dress robes. Mrs. Weasley got them for me.”

“Yeah, I saw them last week. Throw them in the fire, wear that tonight.”

“What’s wrong with what I already have?”

“You look a bit like a priest in them, darling,” Susan whispered, patting his chest.

“Wait, seriously?”

“Seriously. It won’t matter if Gabrielle looks like a literal fairy if you’re standing next to her looking like a vicar. Chuck them, wear these.”

Harry nodded, giving Daphne a thankful smile. “This looks tailored.”

“It is.”

“How did you get my measurements?”

“I have my ways,” Daphne smirked.

“Alright, now that Harry has been fashioned with the correct armor for the night, it is time we give him his weapon before sending him off to battle,” Tracey said dramatically, tossing Harry a small box.

Harry caught it with ease. He chuckled as he peeled away the paper, revealing that the sassy Slytherin had gifted him a box of condoms.

“What’re those?” Susan asked, looking at the box in confusion.

“Muggles use them to prevent pregnancy. Where did you even get these? It’s not like you can walk into a store in Hogsmeade and buy a box.”

“Well, I think it’s the worst kept secret of Slytherin that I’m a half-blood… in fact, the only bloody half-blood in the entire house.” Everyone responded with sympathetic smiles. Tracey’s blood status had not made life easy for her in Slytherin. “My father is a Muggle. And bless his heart, he tries, but there are some aspects of magic he is… blissfully unaware of. So, he pulls me aside one hot summer afternoon before the year starts and says…” Tracey put her hands on her hips, using her uncanny imitation skills to imitate her father. “Tracey, darling, you are a young lady now. And being a young lady comes with… urges. I know your mother has had a talk with you but I want you to be… safe.” Tracey rolled her eyes fondly. “And he slams that box of condoms in my hand and walks away looking like a beetroot.”

“Well, Trace, thank you. As a blossoming young man, I know I have certain… urges.”

“Urges? Is that what we’re calling it?” Tracey snorted. “Please, Potter, you can’t resist dicking down every girl who bats her eyelashes at you. I’d say your biggest kink is a damsel in distress.”

Blonde damsels in distress,” Susan corrected with a playful grin. “We got together after I saved his ass and snogged him.”

“I’m not a damsel,” Daphne scowled, glaring at everyone, daring them to disagree.

“Mine and Gabrielle’s gift,” Fleur said, tactfully changing the subject.

Harry opened Gabrielle’s present first, grinning at the sight of the broom bristles it held. “The bristles on my Firebolt were singed by the Horntail. I’d have needed to have them replaced before next year’s Quidditch Season,” Harry explained in response to Daphne’s questioning look. “She got me genuine Firebolt replacements. These had to have been bloody pricey,” Harry whispered, running his fingers over them reverentially.

“They were. She cares about you, Harry Potter,” Fleur murmured, a small smile on her face.

“And you got me… pajamas!” Harry pulled out the soft nightwear, studying the dragon-patterned pants.

“Now you can return the ones you took from my sister,” Fleur teased with a smirk.

“You took Gabrielle’s jammies?” Tracey gasped dramatically. “Harry, why?!”

“Daphne told me to get an item of clothing!”

“I meant something like a scarf, Harry,” Daphne chuckled. “You don’t steal a girl’s jammies. That’s just bad form.”

“Fine.” Harry threw his hands up in surrender. Susan was looking up at him with sparkling eyes, ready to join the argument. He doubted any man had the wherewithal to win against the combined might of Fleur Delacour, Susan Bones, and Daphne Greengrass. “I’ll return them tomorrow.”

“Good boy,” Daphne teased, unable to help herself even if she knew it would earn her a spanking. Or maybe she did it precisely because she knew it would get her over his knee. She’d stopped trying to figure out her own motives a long time ago and accepted the fact that her mind was a messy and wonderful thing.

“Well, that just leaves Susan. What’s your gift for Harry, Susie dearest?”

“Oh. I didn’t know we’d be giving him the gifts here,” Susan mumbled, her cheeks pink. She had the gift on her, but there was no way in hell she was sharing it in front of everyone else. She hadn’t even talked to Daphne about it, far too scared of her reaction to bring it up. “So I just sent it to him.”

“Happy coincidence. Daphne wanted to hand deliver the tux to make sure Harry wore it tonight so I thought I’d give him my gift by hand too. For that extra dramatic flair.”

“And there was no way for us to get Harry his gifts,” Fleur added with a shrug.

“What did you give him?” Daphne asked curiously. Susan rarely kept secrets from her. She knew what her girlfriend had gotten everyone else with the exception of Harry, whose gift she insisted needed to remain a surprise.

“A book,” Susan squeaked, her blush deepening.

Daphne narrowed her eyes. It was obvious that Susan was lying, but it was Christmas and so she let the matter lie. What kind of gift had to be lied about? Or was it simply because they were around other people? She made a mental note to ask her during the Ball.

“Well, Fleur and I have to get going. We have to pack some lunch for Gabrielle, then help her get ready,” Daphne said, getting up with a sigh. She walked over to Harry and Susan and bent, kissing both of them in turn.

“Au revoir. This was… nice. Thank you, Harry Potter,” Fleur said, flashing him a happy smile. She waved at the cuddling couple before walking out of the classroom to join Daphne.

“I don’t have anything in particular to do, but I think going to the Common Room to poke fun at Malfoy and Parkinson will be fun… so I’m gonna go do that,” Tracey said with a grin, jumping to her feet.

“Do you want to go down and have lunch?” Harry asked, breaking the comfortable silence Tracey had left in her wake. Susan was still in his arms, happily laying her head on his chest. Her eyes were closed, a small smile on her face as she listened to his heartbeat.

“I don’t feel like moving,” Susan murmured. “Can we have a picnic? I mean, we already have nearly everything we need. A thick rug, pillows and blankets, a roaring fire…”

“Of course, darling. But on one condition.”


“Tell me the secret behind your gift. Because it wasn’t in the pile at the bottom of my bed, so I know you were lying to Daph. What’s the big deal?”

“Uhm. The gift is in my bag. It was an impulsive decision and now I’m worried it’s too weird to give you,” Susan mumbled, burrowing deeper into his lap.

“Whatever it is, I’ll be happy. It’s a gift from you, Susan Bones. You could give me a used tissue and I would treasure it.”

“It’s not a used tissue.” Susan giggled. She slowly got to her feet and walked over to the bag that sat on a chair in one corner of the room. “Promise not to laugh?”

“I promise.”

Susan opened the bag and dug around in it, pulling out a gorgeous, bright yellow summer dress.

“As beautiful that is, love, I don’t think yellow is my color,” Harry said, his eyes twinkling mischievously. “What if you wear it for me?”

“It’s meant to be for me.” Susan glared at her boyfriend. She reached into her bag and pulled out a flesh-colored lump with two straps.

“What’s that?”

“Uhm, Fred and George made a new product. A girl can strap this onto her belly and she’ll appear to be pregnant. It’ll be virtually indistinguishable from a real belly.”

Harry looked at her in stunned silence.

“I knew it was too weird. I thought we could Roleplay… it doesn’t matter. I’ll tell Fred I couldn’t bring myself to test it,” Susan muttered, trying to push the toy back inside the bag.

“Put it on. And the sundress,” Harry said, his voice a low growl. He got to his feet, carefully pushing his gifts to one side. “Yes. I know it’s years away, but I agree. I’d love to Roleplay this with you,” he whispered, walking over to Susan and pulling her into his arms.

“You were looking at me… and you were quiet… and…” Susan whispered, melting into his embrace.

“Susie, I was quiet because I was thanking my lucky stars that Fred and George chose a life of pranks instead of becoming Dark Lords. Some poor man is going to get a heart attack in the next few months. Those two shits have the most devious brains in this entire castle,” Harry whispered. “Uh, don’t tell Daphne I said that.”

“Your secret is safe with me… husband.”

Hearing her use that title sent a shiver down his spine.

“You put them on. I’ll pop out and get Dobby to grab us some food.”

“I’ll draw the curtains. You can be a husband returning home to his lonely, horny, very pregnant wife.”

“What about hungry?”

“She’ll be hungry for something,” Susan mumbled, her cheeks red.

Harry nodded and slipped out of her grasp. He walked out of the classroom and shut the door behind him, trembling with anticipation.


It took some getting used to, but as Susan ran her hands over the smooth surface of her belly, she couldn’t make out anything that gave away the fact that it was fake. It had molded perfectly onto her skin, the straps magically disappearing. All she had to do when she wanted to get it off her body was to say the code word, handily written on a piece of paper in her bag. She quickly pulled on the summer dress, the soft fabric stretching over her round stomach. All that was left was to pull the curtains on the sole window in the room, shrouding it in darkness.

If she had to guess she looked four months pregnant, give or take a few weeks. She had asked Fred for a more advanced model, and the redhead had seemingly come through for her. Hiding her happy grin behind her hand she cleared her throat and called out quietly. “Harry?”

Harry entered the now-dark room carrying a picnic basket, his eyes immediately drawn to Susan’s pregnant belly. He shut the door with his foot, casting a locking charm on it before pushing his wand into his pocket with a shaky hand. “Mrs. Potter,” Harry whispered, his voice hoarse. He knew they’d legally end up being Mr. and Mrs. Bones, but in their little fantasy world anything was possible, and he wanted to spend a night with Susan Potter.

“Mr. Potter,” Susan purred demurely. She had kicked off her sandals, walking towards her husband on bare feet. “You’re late. Your son and I missed you,” she whispered, leaning up to press her lips against his.

“Son?” Harry croaked, his eyes as wide as pennies.

Commit to the fantasy, idiot, he scolded himself. They’d talked about it a million times. They’d even roleplayed being husband and wife on occasion. It was the perfect Christmas gift, and he was determined not to ruin it because of poor acting.

“James,” Susan winked, running a hand over her swollen abdomen. “I bet he’ll have your eyes and my hair.”

“I just hope he’s nothing like his namesake, otherwise his mom and dad won’t be getting a single moment’s rest,” Harry teased, his eyes twinkling. He set the basket of food down on the floor, wrapping his arms around Susan’s waist.

He hoisted her up without warning, drawing a surprised gasp from her lips. He set her down on the thick rug, right next to the warmth of the fireplace.

“Do you think I’m beautiful like this? With a huge belly that’s only going to get bigger and swollen ankles and achy boobs and Merlin knows what else?” Susan asked, chewing on her lower lip nervously.

“I think you’re the most beautiful woman in the world, Susan Bones,” Harry whispered, trailing kisses along her bare shoulder.

“Even if I get cranky and ask you to get me fish and chips at three in the night?”

Harry chuckled. “Even then. Susie, darling, looking at you like this… I don’t find this gross. I find you gorgeous. I find you radiant. I want a family with you. And when the time is right, we’ll have one,” Harry whispered, kissing her nose. “Now, do you still want to play out our fantasy?”

“Yes, Mr. Potter.”

“Alright then, Mrs. Potter.” Harry grabbed the straps of her sundress, gently pulling them down her shoulders. He licked his lips as her large breasts sprang free, his fingers sinking into the soft flesh as he began to knead and massage the freckled mounds.

“I… oh, Harry!” Susan moaned as his hands worked their magic on her breasts. Harry grinned. He moved to straddle her waist, the floaty dress riding up to her thighs.

“I’ve been neglecting you of late, Mrs. Potter,” Harry whispered, bending to wrap his lips around her breast, taking as much of it in his mouth as he could.

“K-keep going and I’ll… I’ll forgive anything,” Susan gasped, her back arching as Harry swirled his rough tongue around her rapidly stiffening sensitive pink nub. “B-but yes. I… missed my husband. Could do with seeing more of him,” she whispered, her eyes fluttering shut as she slumped back onto the rug, her muscles holding no more power to support her. Her pussy was already leaking like a faucet, thick rivulets of her arousal streaming down her thick thighs.

“I’ll be better,” Harry promised. He dived back down into her breasts, peppering her creamy skin with kisses and hickeys, every new mark on her skin drawing out a strangled sob from the frustrated girl. “I love you.”

“I love you,” Susan breathed, parting her legs subconsciously. She needed him inside her, she needed his hands holding her belly as he filled her womb. More than anything, she needed him to live, to grow old with her, and turn fantasy into reality.

“I can smell your arousal, wife,” Harry murmured with an amused smile. He pulled away from her, playfully flicking her flushed, erect nipples with his fingers.

“B-blame you,” Susan stuttered, moaning wantonly as he toyed with her breasts.


“Ever since you knocked me up, Mr. Potter, I’m either hungry or horny,” Susan mumbled, giggling quietly.

Harry climbed off her, gently flipping her over. He grabbed her long red hair, pulling her up against his chest. “And the healer said this is okay, right?”

“I’m pregnant with your child, Harry, not made of glass,” Susan replied with a smirk, deeply enjoying their fantasy. It was such a Harry thing to ask. Of course, he’d be concerned about the safety of his wife and their fake baby.

Harry unbuttoned his trousers, pulling them and his boxers down to his knees. He was already as hard as a rock, the man sighing in relief as his throbbing manhood sprang free. “If I remember correctly my love, making our child was a joint effort. You were… quite the enthusiastic participant,” Harry shot back, pumping his cock to coax it to its full size.

Susan groaned as his hands roughly grabbed her thighs, pushing her dress up to her waist. Her breasts and belly were now bare, and she shivered as a gust of cold air blew against her aching womanhood. She pressed into him, her hands reaching back and grabbing his thighs for support as she rested her head on his shoulder. “I plan to be a very enthusiastic participant in the creation of all our children,” she teased, a lazy smile on her face.

Children?” Harry quirked an eyebrow, a grin on his face. His hand wrapped around his shaft, rubbing his cock against her wet slit. He was in no hurry, and every second spent teasing her was a second longer he got to hear her breathy moans and desperate groans.

“You think I’ll be happy with one?”

“I think we need three. Two sons and a daughter,” Harry murmured, turning to kiss her cheek. She grinned at him, her lips morphing into a shocked ‘O’ as he pushed his bulbous tip inside her weeping pussy. His arm snaked around her waist, disappearing between her legs and down to her clit. She moaned at the gentle pressure on her sensitive nub. Harry simply grinned and kept massaging it with his thumb. His other hand traveled down to the swell of her stomach, marveling at the fact that it felt so real. It felt like her skin, looked like it (right down to her freckles), and even behaved like it would in real life.

“W-what if I want… oh, Harry!” Susan squealed as Harry buried inch after inch of his shaft inside her. “Please! You feel so good! Oh, GOD!” Susan couldn’t help herself. She let out a strangled shriek as Harry brushed past her G-Spot. He knew her body well enough to coincide the moment with scraping his nail across her clit, causing her body to collapse against his as it was overloaded with a potent mixture of pain and pleasure.

“What if you want what?” Harry teased. He was completely sheathed inside her. Despite being in a relationship for nearly a year, every time with her felt like the first time. Her stretched, aching walls clamped down on his shaft, already trying to draw out the treasure it held. He could have moved but chose not to, deciding to enjoy the simple pleasure of being cockwarmed by her wet core while he feasted on the sight of her pregnant body.

“More… children?” Susan croaked, her breasts quivering as her chest heaved with every breath she took.

“I think,” Harry whispered, pulling out of her and gently pushing back in. “Daphne and Gabrielle will want some too.”

“Some, what?” Susan asked, blinking. Her brain was scrambled, and a single thought now occupied it. She needed a hard, satisfying fucking from her ‘husband’. “Harder,” she mumbled, groaning in disappointment at the slow pace and gentle thrusts Harry had decided on.

Harry increased the pressure on her clit, his thumb rubbing circles on the nub furiously as he cautiously picked up the pace, his gleaming cock slowly pistoning in and out of her wet slit. Her pussy juices were now streaming out of her, running down her thighs before forming an ever-growing damp spot on the rug below.

“Harder!” Susan begged, sobbing with frustration. “Please. Pleaaasssse. Harder! Faster!”

“Susie, are you-”

“Not glass, remember?!” Susan asked, reaching out to grasp the hand caressing her belly. “Nothing will happen. Harder, please! Send me to bed satisfied, husband,” Susan ordered, her big blue eyes looking at him pleadingly.

Harry happily obliged. He pushed her down on her hands and knees, a hand moving to bury itself in her luscious hair. His other hand moved to grab her waist, his fingers leaving angry red marks on her creamy skin as they dug into the soft flesh.

“Remember your safe words, darling?” Harry asked, breaking character for a second. Susan nodded.

That confirmed, Harry pulled out of her slick core, ramming back in with as much force he could muster without warning.

Susan’s entire body was pushed forward, her heavy breasts swaying pendulously as Harry kept up the punishing pace, every thrust jerking her body forward only for his grip in her hair to pull her back onto his waiting cock.

Susan was completely out of it, her mouth open and tongue hanging out as she panted and labored for air. A trickle of drool dangled from her chin, her breasts swaying with every thrust. And her pussy… oh, she hadn’t felt an ache like this in months.


Harry playfully spanked her ass with his other palm. “Who’s my naughty little minx?”

“I…I AM! Ah! Don’t… stop!” Susan pleaded. She slumped, her arms suddenly giving out from under her as his energetic thrusting pushed his tip against a spot deep inside her. “Harry!” She cried out hoarsely. His hold on her hair was the only thing keeping her upright.

“I… I’m close,” Harry muttered hoarsely after a few minutes of frenzied thrusting during which Susan’s pleas had petered out, only to be replaced with loud moans and desperate shrieks.

“C-cum… for me,” she said weakly.

“I LOVE YOU,” Harry roared, thrusting inside her one last time, his chest heaving as he exploded inside her. He blacked out for a second, seeing stars as the pure pleasure of his orgasm washed over him, his body trembling violently as his twitching cock shot load after load of his hot, thick seed inside her, filling her up.

He pulled out of her after a few minutes, taking a moment to compose himself before he collapsed on the rug next to her, a happy sigh leaving his lips as his head hit a pillow. “Merry Christmas.”

“Merry Christmas, husband,” Susan replied once she had caught her breath. She lay on her side, and slowly wriggled over to press her back into Harry’s chest. Harry draped an arm over her, both lovers happy to cuddle by the fireplace and enjoy their post-coital bliss and fantasies of the future. “This was the best Christmas ever. Actually, correction. This is the best Christmas I’ll ever have,” Susan mumbled, her eyes closed, basking in the warmth of the fire and the comfort of her lover’s body pressed into hers.

“That’s a bit presumptuous, love,” Harry responded with a chuckle. His finger lazily circled her pink areola, drawing a lazy groan from her lips. “But I do agree this is the best Christmas I’ve ever had. And this gift… maybe it’s because I grew up with the Dursleys, but I’ve always yearned for a big family of my own. Of being surrounded by love and laughter. Your gift gave me a glimpse of that future and that makes it absolutely perfect,” Harry whispered, trying his best not to get emotional.

“It’s the truth. The only way you’re going to top this, dearest, is if you actually knock me up one Christmas,” Susan teased, wriggling her bum playfully against his crotch to cheer him up. She knew how badly he felt the sting of his loss around Christmas, especially with the Dursleys sending their moronic Christmas gifts. One day, she’d make sure they got what they deserved.

They lapsed into silence, simply enjoying each other’s company.

“Do you have the time to hold me for a little while longer?” Susan asked shyly.

“I have all the time in the world.”

“You have to get ready for the Ball,” Susan reminded him quietly. Daphne had been right. It had to be flawless, for Gabrielle’s sake.

“Thanks to Daph, I don’t have to modify my dress robes. Unlike Ron, who is probably still running around like a headless chicken in the dorms, I can start at three and still be ready well in time for the opening,” Harry murmured, kissing her head. “So come on, snuggle bear. Let’s take a nap together. It’s been a while and we’re going to have a late night.”

Susan grinned and slowly twisted, burying her face in his chest. She shut her heavy eyes, letting the safety of his arms and the comfort of his warm seed trickling down her thighs carry her away to pleasant dreams.


I had to take Monday and Tuesday off because of some personal issues, but I'm back with an extra long Chapter as an apology! Susan gets some much needed love and the dominoes are set up for Padma and Harry to get together! I hope Ron finally gets his act together. Skeeter and Umbridge, I honestly can't decide who is more vile between the two. Because of my unexpected time off, you can expect daily story updates till Friday. 



Absolutely love it, top to bottom. It's romantic, kinky, adorable, and extremely hot all at the same time.


Clever use of magic to service kinks. Well done. The idea of Fred and George having a side business selling sex toys is cracking me up