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Content Warnings: Praise Kink, Spanking, Teasing.

“I guess this is goodbye.”

Hermione looked around the empty apartment. All their personal effects had been packed and carted over to their respective sugar daddy’s houses. What they didn’t want or need had been sold or discarded. The lease was officially up, and this would be the last time they’d be in the apartment before Ginny handed over the keys to their landlord.

“Salut.” Ginny raised the bottle of wine in her hand up in the air, before tilting it and spilling a tiny amount on the floor. She raised the bottle to her lips and sipped, shrugging at the disgusted look on Hermione’s face. “Booze is booze.”

“Aren’t you dating a man who owns three different vineyards? Do you seriously need to drink uncorked box wine that has been in our cabinet for the last three months?”

“One, I’m not dating him. I bet his parents want him to marry someone respectable and with lineage or some bullshit,” Ginny snorted, offering the bottle to her best friend. When the offer was denied, she walked over their threadbare couch (the only piece of furniture they hadn’t been able to sell) and flopped down on it, sighing as she sipped in the wine. “Two, he’d dump my ass if he ever knew I wasted perfectly good wine. Ergo, we drink!”

“You say there’s no feelings and you’d never date him… and that this is all make believe but sometimes I think you don't believe the words coming from your own mouth,” Hermione said with a small smile, flopping down on the couch next to her. It would be their last time just lounging about on their couch in their apartment, gossiping about everything and nothing at all. Hermione dabbed the corner of her eye, determined not to be sentimental in front of her highly pragmatic best friend.

“Please. He fucks well and he pays better. That’s all there is to it.” Ginny morosely swirled the liquid in its bottle, spilling some more on the floor.

“Right,” Hermione muttered with a fond roll of her eyes.

“You don’t think we’ll grow apart, do you?”

The question was quiet, the redhead’s voice barely audible. Hermione’s eyes widened. Unable to help herself, she lunged at her best friend and wrapped her in a hug, holding her as tightly as she could while Ginny playfully slapped her arms and tried to push her away.

“Never letting you go, Weasley. You were my first friend. We have our parchments, plus Harry won’t mind me borrowing Hedwig.”

“Besides, you’ll probably want to meet every single day to blab about the newest sexy thing your hottie introduced you to,” Ginny teased with a smirk.

“IF he does anything sexy with me,” Hermione groused, flopping back onto the couch with a pout.

“Uh oh, trouble in heaven? Things were going splendidly last week. Merlin, I was going to ask you to slow it down the next time we met. You know, keep him wanting to come back for more?”

“That’s the problem! He likes me.”

“Honey, in the sugar baby business we call that an advantage.”

“No, you don’t get it. He likes me and he got carried away and dumped me in the deep end of the pool.”

“That he did. I’d have told you to run like hell but he actually ensured that he knew your limits, that safewords were in place and that you knew exactly what was about to happen. He ticked all the boxes and you seemed into it so who am I to say it’s wrong?”

“Except he thinks it’s wrong. That’s why we’ve spent the past week going over rules and protocols and limits and everything of that nature.”

“So… let me get this right. Your Sugar Daddy realized he made a mistake, was humble enough to correct himself and has spent a week putting your safety and comfort over his own desires. And you… have a problem with that? What, he’s not gonna pay you until you two start having sex again?”

Hermione grabbed her purse from the floor and fished inside it, pulling out the card Harry had given her. “He doesn’t pay me. I can use this wherever, he didn’t put any limitations on me. I just have to give him an account of all major expenditures at the end of every week,” she mumbled morosely.

“You’re a strange woman, Granger. You’ve struck gold and you act like you’ve been sentenced to death. Fuck’s sake, someone like Vane would happily kill you for this job. Why the glum face?”

“Okay, you know that phase you went through in your sixth year when you discovered sugar quills? And sure, they might not have been the healthiest thing for you, but you kept sucking on one cause you couldn’t quit them?”

Ginny smirked, a look of understanding on her face. “Ahh. Now I get it! Except you don’t want to suck sugar quills, you want to suck-”

“Gin!” Hermione said hotly, interrupting her with a slap to her shoulder. “But yes. We haven’t done anything since the morning after I moved in and it’s driving me crazy,” Hermione mumbled, her cheeks a dark red.

“Hermione Granger. Sex-crazed. Who’d have thought?” Ginny teased.

“I’m not sex-crazed!” Hermione crossed her arms over her chest, staring grumpily at her best friend. “I just found a thing I like and a man I like doing it with and I’d like to keep…”

“Doing it?”

“It’s not funny!”

“It’s a little funny. So, what, you guys don’t do anything at all?”

Hermione shrugged. “Physically? Well, I mean we kiss, and every night we cuddle by the fireplace but that’s just him reading to me. Nothing happens. After we read and talk, he carries me up to bed.”

Ginny hid her smile behind her hand. “Let me get this straight. You cuddle, he reads to you, and he puts you to bed every night. And you think I’m the one developing a proper relationship with my sugar daddy?”

“Gin!” Hermione glared at Ginny. “It’s nothing. He’s just being nice to me because he probably feels guilty about the first couple of days.”

“Alright, alright.” Ginny threw her hands up in surrender. She set the open bottle down on the floor, turning to face the overwrought brunette. “Let me ask you a question. Have you told him?” she asked, her voice turning serious.

“Told him what?”

Ginny sighed. She reached out and patted Hermione’s hand, a fond smile on her face. “Have you told him that you’re ready for sex? That you want to have sex with him?”

“I have to tell him?” Hermione squeaked, her eyes wide.

“Yes, you have to tell him! He’s not a fucking mind reader, Granger! He probably feels like you felt pressured to sleep with him after his generous terms-”

“Actually he didn’t-”

“The exact details don’t matter.” Ginny waved her off. “The thing is, he’s not going to have some magical epiphany that you’re desperate to sleep with him.”

“I wouldn’t say desperate-”


“Okay, okay.”

“You either tell him, or you show him. Telling him is simple, but boring. If you want my advice, put on something sexy and seduce him when he gets home.”

“He’s working late at the Ministry today. Some special Wizengamot session his dad needs his help with. He’ll probably be back home after midnight.”

“Even better. Go surprise him at lunch. I bet he’ll be glad for a break from dealing with those tedious old farts. Plus, you’ll get a free tour of the place you’ll be working at in three years.”

Hermione grinned, lunging forward to pull Ginny into another crushing hug. “Thank you,” she whispered. “You’re a lifesaver, Gin.”

“Now will you share this bottle of wine with me?”

“Not a chance in hell.”


It wasn’t too difficult to find the Potter offices on the floor that housed all the offices for officials of the Wizengamot. The name ‘Potter’ was known throughout the Ministry (and the wider wizarding world for that matter), and whoever she asked helped guide her in the right direction.

Once she reached the door titled, ‘James Potter’ in neat cursive, she took a deep breath and rapped her knuckles against it. She hadn’t found a door with Harry’s name on it, so she guessed her best chance at finding his working space was through his father’s office.

An older blonde woman with kind blue eyes pulled open the door, smiling politely at Hermione. “If you’re here with a petition or request, I’m afraid you’ll have to drop it in the box.” She pointed to the mailbox next to the door. “I’m afraid Lord Potter is busy in Wizengamot all day and won’t be taking any meetings.”

“Oh. No! I’m uh… I’m Harry’s…” Hermione paused. What did she call herself? She doubted Harry wanted the world to know he had hired a sugar baby.

Will it be presumptuous if I pretend to be his girlfriend in public?

“Oh, you’re here for Harry! He should be back soon, come, I’ll drop you to his office, you can wait there for him.” The woman slipped through the door and shut it behind him, offering her hand to Hermione. “I’m Marlene. I’m James’ legislative director. I know what you’re thinking, and yes, usually his assistant would do all this but today is a crazy day and Topher is off running errands.”

Hermione nodded, instantly put at ease by Marlene’s friendly demeanor. “I’m Hermione. Hermione Granger,” she said awkwardly, knowing it wasn’t a surname that meant anything in these halls of power.

“So, how long have you two been dating?”

“Not too long. A week,” Hermione answered, not bothering to correct her. If she wanted to presume they were a couple, that was on her.

Marlene led her to an unmarked door right next to James Potter’s office. “It’s not technically an office. We just partitioned some space to give him a working area. No name plaque because people just came to gawk at him and he got very annoyed,” Marlene explained, pushing open the door for Hermione and letting enter the cramped space.

“Alright. Harry should drop by for lunch soon. I’d love to stay and chat, but I have to get something for James because I’m pretty sure I heard him tell Topher he’d be eating in the chamber itself. It was nice to meet you Hermione!” With a smile and a wave Marlene left, shutting the door behind her.

Hermione scooted around the piles of paper littering the floor, walking over to the crowded desk and clearing a place on it to set her plan in motion.

She had changed into a blazer, white blouse, and pencil skirt for the occasion, clothes very similar to the ones she had worn for her interview.

She quickly stripped down to her underwear, looking at her bra and debating with herself for a second before she decided it too had to go. She pulled the blazer back over her bare torso, buttoning up its lowermost buttons to ensure that she was technically clothed but that the looseness of the blazer still provided tantalizing hints to her dominant the minute he walked in.

Once she was confident enough in her appearance she jumped up on the desk and turned to face the door, crossing her legs and leaning back on her elbows. She adopted the most sultry expression she could think of, her full, blood-red lips morphing into a pout as she lowered her eyelids for the half-lidded gaze that Ginny swore drove men crazy.

She didn’t have to wait too long. The handle turned within five minutes, and she cleared her throat, determined to knock the socks off her lover.

“Hey,” she whispered, adopting a seductive tone.

“Anyways, I think it’s a bloody travesty.”

“Dad I agree but you can’t…” Harry’s voice trailed off as he registered her greeting and the sight of her on his desk.

It took Hermione a minute to realize what was happening. Harry wasn’t alone. With him was a man who looked remarkably similar to him, only with square glasses and a hint of gray in his messy black hair.


“Oh my god, I’m so sorry!” The mortified, half-naked girl hopped to her feet, scrambling to duck behind the desk to hide herself from view. “I wanted to surprise you,” she mumbled, peeking out at the two men with scared eyes.

“Dad, mind stepping out for a minute to allow Mione to get dressed?”

James chuckled. “Sure.”

Harry and James walked out of the office, Harry shutting the door behind him as he left. Hermione sprung to action the minute they were gone, quickly pulling on her skirt. She abandoned her bra, haphazardly buttoning up her blouse before pulling the blazer back on.

“Mione, you decent?”

Hermione nodded.

He can’t see you, idiot.

At this point, all Hermione wanted was to find a deep, dark hole and to never have to show her face to society again.

I have to face the firing squad, she thought glumly. She cleared her throat. “Yeah…”

Harry walked back into the office, an amused smile on his face. The smile confused her. Why wasn’t he enraged? For that matter, why wasn’t his father?

“Dad, meet my girlfriend. Hermione Granger.”

Hermione shyly shuffled over to the elder Potter, extending a hand that was grasped in a firm grip. “It’s nice to meet you, Hermione. I’m sorry to interrupt your lunch plans, but Fudge ended today’s session early and my son neglected to mention he had such a beautiful woman in his life. I thought his office would be empty.”

“She was the smartest student of our year. Got a full ride to study Magical Law. She aims to argue in front of Wizengamot one day,” Harry said, sauntering over to his desk and dumping the file in his arms on it carelessly.

“Beauty and brains. It truly is a pleasure to meet you, Hermione.” James brought the hand he was still grasping up to his lips. “I won’t take any more of your time. But Harry, I expect you and Miss Granger over for dinner soon.”

“Sure thing, dad.”

James smiled at her one last time before leaving.

“Are all Potters just pathologically nice?” Hermione asked, turning to Harry with a scared expression on her face. She was chewing her nails, a nervous tic from her childhood that she still hadn’t managed to kick.

“No. Why?” Harry walked over to her, wrapping his arms around her slender waist. He pulled her into his chest, his chin resting on her head.

“He obviously hates me. I bet he was just being nice for your sake. I’m so sorry. I wanted to surprise you, but now you’re going to dump me and I’ll never get to intern at Wizengamot. My life is ruined,” Hermione wailed into his chest.

“Why do you think he hates you? Just because you were sprawled out on my desk? Darling, his best friend is Sirius Black. We’ve walked in on completely naked people doing much worse in his office. He even hired one of those people. I doubt he’s going to have a problem with you interning here.” He grasped her chin, making her look up at him. “As for the dumping, remember what I said?”

“If I make a mistake, I get punished. I never get abandoned,” Hermione whispered.

“Do you think you deserve to be punished, Miss Granger?”

Hermione nodded shyly.

“Then I’ll punish you once we get home. Let me just pack the papers I need to take with me.”

“We’re going home now? What happened to the session?”

Harry shook his head despondently. “Fudge, in a typical display of cowardice and incompetence, adjourned Wizengamot early. There’s no reason to send investigators to Albania, he says. There’s no reason to even discuss what’s happening in Albania,” Harry growled, slamming files into his briefcase. “If you want to know what’s gotten my father enraged, it’s him. Not you.”

Hermione walked over and wrapped her slender arms around him, resting her cheek against his back. “What can I do to help?”

“Honestly, just being around you is enough. Come on, let’s get out of this land of snakes and fools.” Harry hoisted his briefcase, offering his free hand to her.

“I’m sorry about calling you my girlfriend. It’s just that my dad doesn’t know about my dating situation…” Harry paused. “Regardless, I should have cleared it with you first,” he said, the two of them walking down the hallway towards the elevator.

“It’s okay. I don’t mind pretending to be your girlfriend in public,” Hermione said with a smile. It would certainly make things like dinner dates much easier. Not to mention the dinner with his father if they actually went through with it.

They fell into a comfortable silence as they walked into the elevator, Hermione leaning her head on his shoulder as it ascended to the top floor. Harry led her to the exit, the two stepping into separate booths and allowing the sinks to magically transport them to the Muggle side of the entrance to the Ministry of Magic.

She grasped his hand again once they exited the booth, both of them walking out into the deserted alleyway together.

“Hold on tight,” Harry whispered, waiting for her to cling onto him before apparating them away to the doorstep of the apartment they now shared.

Hermione silently followed him into the house she now considered home, gently taking his briefcase from him and carrying it to the cabinet he usually stored it in.

“What do you want for lunch?” Harry asked, pulling off his suit and carelessly tossing it onto the armchair. He slowly unbuttoned the cuffs of his light blue shirt, carefully folding the sleeves up to his biceps to ensure the safety of the shirt.

Hermione bit her lower lip, trying to summon up the courage to tell him what she wanted. “Can…” she cleared her throat, turning to him shyly. “Can we have my punishment, first, please?”

Harry smiled and nodded, moving to sit in the middle of their couch. He gestured for her to kneel in front of him. She obeyed without hesitation, knowing exactly he wanted after a week of kneeling on his bed every morning.

Hermione walked over to the small space between the couch and the coffee table, slowly sinking to her knees. She locked her arms behind her back, her back straight and head bowed.

“What were you doing in my office, kitten? I thought you were going to spend the day with Ginny,” Harry murmured, running his fingers through her hair. He liked her wearing her luscious brown hair down, something she had quickly picked up on. Nowadays, she tied it up in pigtails or a ponytail, or simply kept it open, easily accessible to him should he want it.

“I spent the morning with her. We were talking, and she reminded me communication is a two-way street.”

“Something we’ve talked about all week, yes?”

“Mhm.” Hermione nodded, her cheeks pink. “I just thought that based on your experience I should defer to you. You obviously had a reason to wait.”

“Yes, sweetling. Your comfort. I realized I was putting my desires before it-”

“You weren’t! I liked everything we did!” Hermione exclaimed, unable to help herself.

“A good girl doesn’t interrupt me while I’m speaking, Miss Granger,” Harry murmured, his hand shifting to a pink cheek, gently pinching it.

“I’m sorry, sir,” Hermione whispered, a shiver of excitement running down her spine at the barely perceptible sting. A promise of things to come.

“Even if you liked it, it doesn’t change that I should have eased you into this lifestyle. Which I didn’t.”

“Maybe I should punish you for your mistake too, sir,” Hermione giggled, filled with an unknown courage. She wanted this. She wanted him. And she had to tell him exactly how much she needed his hands on her body and his whispers in her ear again.

“And what would my punishment be?”

“You have to take me out for ice cream every day for a week.”

“You can just buy it with the card I gave you, sweetie. I won’t stop you.”

“It’s different when you buy it for me,” Hermione explained with an angelic smile. His thumb was perilously close to her lips. Consumed with a sudden burst of inspiration, she twisted and sucked his thumb into her mouth, looking up at him with big brown eyes as she swirled her tongue around the digit.

“Then, kitten, we have a deal. A week of Ice Cream dates. I’ll pick you up every day from your classes.”

Hermione released the thumb with a ‘POP’, giggling quietly. “You don’t have a car, sir.”

“Correction, I haven’t had a reason to use my car yet.”


“Anyways, as I was saying before we got sidetracked, you need to share your desires with me, Mione. I’m not a mind reader,” he murmured, running his wet thumb over her lips. Hermione went cross-eyed trying to track the thumb, resisting the urge to capture it between her lips once more.

“Ginny said the same thing.”

“Miss Weasley is a wise woman. You should follow her advice. Now, do you know what your punishment will be?”

Hermione shook her head shyly.

Harry didn’t bother answering his own question. He picked up a throw pillow and set it down on the portion of the couch next to him, before holding Hermione’s gaze and patting his thighs. “Now?”

“A spanking?” Hermione squeaked, her heart hammering in her chest. He had promised to spank her disobedient ass on a few occasions now. For it to finally happen…

My first spanking, she thought giddily, far more excited than she was afraid. Maybe Ginny’s right. Maybe I am a brat and a masochist.

She took his help in getting to her feet, slowly draping her body over his knees. He adjusted her until her cheek was resting comfortably on the throw pillow, her ass raised high up in the air for easy access. Harry shifted one of his legs to rest over hers, trapping them in place.

“Arms behind your back, kitten.”

“Yes, sir,” Hermione murmured, her chest heaving with excitement. She pulled her trembling arms behind her back, sighing and closing her eyes when she felt his hand wrap around her wrists, leaving her hands just as trapped as her legs were.

Harry pushed her blazer up to her chest, gently tugging her blouse free from the skirt. “I never noticed these before,” Harry whispered, tracing the faint scars on her lower back. “How did you get them?”

“Do you remember our Flying Lessons in the First Year? I couldn’t accept that I was bad at something and snuck out for a lot of unsanctioned practice. Got into an accident and decided flying wasn’t for me,” Hermione lied. She’d uttered the same lie a thousand times. There might come a day when she would tell Harry the truth, but for now, the white lie would have to suffice.

“A good decision,” Harry chuckled, thankfully not pursuing the matter any further. He tried to push her skirt up, giving up when he realized it was impossible. Instead he unzipped it and pulled it down to her knees.

“You’re magnificent,” Harry whispered, his eyes fixed on her firm, round ass. It almost felt like a crime to have her cover it up with the simple white panties she wore.

“Me, or my ass?” Hermione asked, wiggling her ass playfully. The more she was immersed into the lifestyle, the more her confidence grew.

“I think it’s safer for me not to answer that question.”

Hermione’s giggle morphed into a moan as he rested his heavy hand on her ass, gently massaging the firm cheeks.

“S-sir,” she gasped, her effort to press her legs together foiled by his pinning leg.

Guess there’s no hiding how much this is already turning me on. She buried her face in the pillow, glad to have something to hide her blush and stifle her moans.

Harry chuckled and pulled her panties down to the level of her skirt, grinning at the slight glint that gave away her already aroused state.

“What is this, Miss Granger?”

He raised his hand, bringing it down on her right cheek for a gentle spank.


“Ah!” Hermione cried out more in surprise than anything else. “It… it’s a punishment, sir,” Hermione mumbled, even as a trickle of arousal leaked out of her and traced its way down her thigh.


He shifted to her left cheek, delivering a spank of roughly the same strength.

“And why are you being punished?”


He alternated between her two cheeks, increasing the force of his blows with every spank. A faint outline of a pink handprint bloomed on her right cheek, the shocked girl involuntarily thrashing on his lap in a futile attempt to escape.

“I… oh god!” She groaned as the last smack landed on her cheek, her firm flesh jiggling slightly with the force of the impact. “Because I accidentally flashed half my body to your father?”

“I don’t care about that. You’re being punished because you tried to suppress your desires. All that’s going to cause is frustration and the failure of our arrangement. Do you want it to fail, baby girl?” Harry whispered, angling his hand to access her pussy. He brought his palm down on her slick slit in a firm slap, the sound of flesh hitting flesh reverberating around the room.


“Oh! Please, sir! I’ll be good!” Hermione begged, her body jolted forward with the force of the spank. A pleasant sting was spreading through her rump and core, detaching her from the worries of everyday life and carrying her away to the freedom of Subspace. “I’ll be your good girl! I promise!”

“You didn’t answer my question, Miss Granger.”


He brought his open palm down on her cheeks with enough force to leave bright red handprints on her unblemished skin.

“Pleaseeeee!” Hermione begged, a strangled sob escaping her throat. “I don’t want it to fail. I don’t want it to fail. I like you, sir!”

“I like you too,” Harry whispered, gently kneading her stinging flesh, giving her the time she needed to recover.

“Is it bad that I like this?” Hermione asked innocently. Her pussy was leaking like a faucet, thick trickles of her arousal dripping down and staining the black wool of his trousers.

Harry chuckled. “It’s not ideal for a submissive to enjoy a punishment, but your extremely sore ass tomorrow morning will make up for any excitement right now.”

He tightened his grip on her hands and legs before he raised his hand, delivering a flurry of blows to her ass without a break.

“Who’s my good girl?”


“I am!”


“Who’s my smart kitten?”


Hermione bit back a sob as his palm landed on her pussy, her chest heaving as she struggled to breathe. Her ass cheeks were now bright red, having turned into two pinpoints of flashing pain that drove out all her thoughts and left her mind happily blank.

For someone who spent as much time overthinking as she did, it was a freedom she’d soon get addicted to.

“Who’s my smart kitten, Miss Granger?”

“I-I am, sir,” Hermione sobbed. Tears streamed down her cheeks, staining the velvet fabric of the pillowcase as she reveled in her cathartic release.

Despite her sobs and the bright red ass, her thighs were slick with her arousal, a huge damp spot on Harry’s trousers letting him know exactly how much his punishment was turning her on.

He decided against pushing her any further, leaning forward to pull out his wand and summon a bottle of lotion.

“Are you excited about tomorrow? Second year of Magical Law, that must be thrilling,” Harry asked, gently drizzling the lotion onto her bruised and stinging ass. She hissed as the cold liquid splashed against her skin, wriggling playfully on her dominant’s lap.

“I get to meet my friends. I get new courses. I can’t wait,” Hermione murmured, a pure happiness in her voice that made Harry’s heart skip a beat. His sugar baby was a precious flower, and despite his own rules of emotional detachment, he knew he’d already go above and beyond to protect her.

“How are you feeling?” Harry asked, mainly to distract himself from his own thoughts.

Hermione sighed as his expert hands massaged her aching ass. She pressed her face into the pillow, a peaceful expression on her tear-stained face. For the first time in her life she wasn’t overthinking, she wasn’t worried about anything, and she was on the lap of a man who inexplicably made her feel safe like no one else ever had. “Content. I feel content,” Hermione whispered.


While tempting, I didn't want to write a faultless Super! Harry because that just makes him a Gary Sue. So, while he is kind, generous, and caring, he is also impatient (something he picked from his godfather). He is also too hard on himself, a result of feeling that he was the reason his mother died. Harry and Hermione are going to grow together, learn to love and communicate, cause I feel that's what'll make this story interesting, instead of Harry just having all the answers. I also can't wait for Hermione to be properly bratty with Harry. His reaction to it is going to be priceless.



Absolutely lovely. Every relationship needs a Ginny to go "But did you *tell* them?" This relationship is based on money but probably healthier than 90% of actual relationships. 😁


Loved everything in this chapter. Especially the ending (sweet, fluffy, and with a fun spanking!). As well as the mystery of Hermione's past. Hopefully she will get herself properly dicked to satisfaction after that. :P