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Content Warnings: BJs, Gags, Cum Play, Teasing, Nipple Play, Clamps.

“Well, tonight was a wash,” Pansy muttered, nuzzling deeper into Harry’s neck. She tightened the hold of her legs around his waist, enjoying genuine closeness and warmth for the first time in her life. It almost made her forget her red, welt-covered, and painfully throbbing ass. Almost.

Harry rolled his eyes, not that the exhausted girl in his arms could see it. They’d waited for their mark in the common areas and by the bar till four in the morning, but nobody had passed through that fit their criteria. Tonks had participated in a few communal activities while continuing her patrols, but by and large, they had been too worried about missing their target to properly enjoy themselves. “You gave us the intel, kitten.”

“And look what a mess you made of it. I bet my spanking spooked him away. Only an Auror could be such a meanie after all,” Pansy shot back, leaning up to kiss his jaw.

Harry turned to Tonks with an exasperated expression.

Tonks shrugged. “Hey, you buy the brat, you own the brat. It’s your problem, darling,” Tonks said with a massive grin.

“I hope you had a great time,” the concierge manning the front desk said with a polite smile.

“Thank you, we did. Can you tell me if there were any incidents at the club?” Harry asked nonchalantly.

“Not that I’m aware of, sir. Would you like to report a bad experience?” the girl asked, frowning.

“No, not at all. I just saw two men get into a heated discussion over an unclaimed submissive and I was worried their fight might have turned more… physical when they left the dance floor,” Harry lied smoothly, before continuing to deflect attention away from his questioning, “Do you know of a kink store nearby?”

“We actually have one in-house, sir. We even offer trial rooms for our more discerning customers.” She glanced at Harry’s well-tailored, expensive-looking suit, clearly pegging him as someone who could afford to splurge.

“Nothing but the best for my kitten. Please.” Harry gestured for her to lead the way.

The concierge smiled and led them down the hallway that led to the private sex dungeons. Except she paused in front of the first door on the right, painted green in contrast to the black of the kink rooms. “This is one of our three trial rooms,” she said, unlocking the door and leading them inside. “Everything is identical to our kink rooms except there is no couch or bed and there are price tags attached to everything. Should you like something, there is a shopping cart by the door. You can bring your purchases out to me and I will bill you,” she explained with a smile, ushering them inside before shutting the door behind her as she left.

“Harry, I have to go pick up Teddy from my mother’s at seven. What’re we doing?”

“We have three hours.”

“I’d like to get some sleep before I have to feed an irritable toddler who will inevitably be hopped up on sugar because my mother has somehow gotten it in her head that the way to spoil her only grandson is to give him everything he wants,” Tonks grumbled, pulling up a stool and slumping down on it with a quiet sigh.

“Look, the club closes at five. Let’s just stick around here for a bit to be safe. I’m thinking we might have spooked him.”

“See? Told you it wasn’t my fault,” Pansy said as Harry set her down in the middle of the dimly lit room.

Harry gave her a look that plainly said, ‘Be quiet or I will spank you so hard your ass will feel it in the next century.’

Pansy promptly shut up.

“Go on,” Tonks murmured, running her hand through her thick hair once it was back to its characteristic bubblegum pink.

Harry walked around the room, studying the items on display in the racks nailed to the walls. “I think we made two big mistakes. One, obviously stemming from our fear of missing the man, was our reluctance to participate in any of the ongoing sessions. Two, Pansy and I looked like a couple tonight. Not you and me,” Harry pointed out, pulling out weighted clamps from their slot on a rack. He weighed them in his hands before walking over to Pansy.

“Can you cast a spell to make us aware of any humans in the corridor outside, Tonks?” Harry asked, gently undoing Pansy’s backless dress.

“Sure thing. And you know, the latter was only because you can’t trust your snotty little brat to keep her nose out of trouble,” Tonks pointed out before pulling out her wand.

“Hey!” Pansy blurted out in indignation before clamping a hand to her mouth and looking at Harry with big eyes.

“Don’t worry. She’ll behave at the next stakeout. And we’ll have enough backup so we won’t have to worry about him escaping,” Harry murmured, leveling an intense gaze on Pansy. She whimpered and bit her lower lip to stifle a moan, a trickle of arousal leaking out of her pussy as his large hand began to palm her pert breasts

“I presume we’re here because you think our death eater friend did arrive at the club but was either spooked by us or not interested because he didn’t see targets fitting his mark?”

“Bingo,” Harry answered, gently pushing the loop of the clamp around Pansy’s stiff rosy peak. “I’m curious to see if he’s smart enough to let one night go or if his compulsions are so great he’ll pick any random target now that the coast is seemingly clear. You checked the private rooms before we left, right?”

“Yep. All clear. So if he wants to follow his usual pattern, he’ll have to walk down that corridor with his victims.” Tonks gestures to the shut door. “And we’ll be waiting here, hiding.”

“It’s a long shot and I don’t like putting unsuspecting people in danger but it’s better than having a death on our hands because we left early.”

“I’ll set up the sneakoscope,” Tonks said, getting up with a sigh. She rummaged around in her purse, setting up their usual stakeout tools on the shut door.

“Hands behind your back, Miss Parkinson,” Harry ordered, slipping the other clamp around her stiff nipple before tightening them both.

“Oh, Merlin! Sir, I thought I had finished my punishment!” Pansy gasped, bending over in an effort to relieve the sudden pressure on her breasts.

“Not by a long shot, Miss Parkinson,” Harry whispered, running a hand through her sleek black hair. “Too much? Do you need to safeword?”

“Green,” Pansy replied, taking a deep breath before slowly straightening and locking her arms behind her back, a determined expression on her face.

“How’d you get this idea?” Tonks asked, watching with an amused smile as Harry toyed with their partner. She kept her wand clutched in her hand, ready to spring into action at the first sign of their target.

“I didn’t. I just wanted to buy a ball gag because we’re taking Pansy home-”

“Hey!” Pansy blurted out before miming zipping her mouth shut, locking it, and throwing away the key when Harry turned to her with a raised eyebrow.

“When the lady at the entrance suggested trial rooms I guessed they’d be next to the private play rooms so I ran with it,” Harry explained. He pulled out his wand and set it on top of a cupboard where it could be easily accessed should the need arise.

“You obviously knew this from your vast, vast experience of kink clubs,” Tonks teased.

“You’re never going to let this go, are you, Nymphadora?” He strutted over to her with a pair of floppy cow ears, gently fixing the hair band on her head.

“The fact that you were out there railing cute Muggle girls while pretending to be on pizza runs and I actually believed each and every one of your excuses? Never,” Tonks grinned, reaching out to grab his crotch. Her eyes brimmed with fire as she juggled his balls in his hands, letting him know Pansy wasn’t the only brat he had to worry about. “Do you want to call me Nymphadora again, sir?” she asked sweetly.

“You know, it doesn’t quite sound right,” Harry mumbled, grunting quietly as Tonks slowly rolled his balls between her fingers. “How about annoying pain in my ass?”

“I can live with that,” Tonks teased with a playful smile.

“What am I, then?!”

“You’re annoying pain in my ass part two,” Harry said, giving Pansy a deadpan look. To her credit, she had maintained her position without shifting or fidgeting, even though he knew a part of her really wanted to annoy him as much as he could.

“Say, Pansy, can I ask you a question?” Harry asked, fetching items from around the room and dropping them into their shopping cart.

“Yes, daddy?”

“How long have you had a crush on me?”

“You know how some girls want attention and act like total dicks to you because they don’t know what else to do?”

“Pansy, darling, you’ve been a total dick to me since our third year in Hogwarts.”

Pansy replied with a sheepish shrug.

“That long?!” Harry asked in surprise, frozen in place with a ball gag in his hands.

“Don’t worry sweetie, it’s not just him. All men are blind idiots. I had to smack my tits in my dearly departed husband’s face before he got the clue,” Tonks said cheekily.

“Maybe I should get two ball gags,” Harry muttered, walking over to Pansy with the new gag in hand. “Because I don’t see any other way for getting some blessed peace and quiet in my own damn house.” He pushed the bright red ball between Pansy’s obediently parted lips, unable to help himself as he drew comparisons between his two lovers. Tonks was bratty by speech and by nature, never too shy to reach out (quite literally) and take what she wanted. Pansy loved to talk a big game, but at the end of the day, when push came to shove, she seemed to love being daddy’s perfect princess. It was strangely endearing.

“Do I have your permission to take pictures, princess?” Harry asked, twisting the belt of the gag to ensure the leather didn’t chafe against her skin.

Pansy blushed but nodded slowly, looking at him with big, scared eyes.

“They’ll just be there for the three of us. You can keep the pictures in your custody if you want to. I want to remember the first night all three of us spent together,” Harry whispered, leaning in to kiss her cheek.

Pansy’s lips curled into a smile around the gag and she nodded again, more confidently this time.

Harry moved to grab the vintage polaroid perched on top of a cabinet, only to be stopped in his tracks by Tonks’ harsh whisper.

“Three people. Out in the Atrium,” Tonks whispered, pulling out her wand and crouching by the door, her eye fixed on the sneakoscope she had attached to the door.

“Pansy, listen to me,” Harry said urgently, completely changing tracks. He strode over to the dark-haired Slytherin, hastily cupping her cheeks. “No matter what happens, you don’t leave this room. If we leave the club, you go home. Do you understand?” he asked sternly.

Pansy pouted but nodded slowly, his tone of voice making clear that there were certain areas in which he wouldn’t tolerate any disobedience from her.

“They’re coming.”

Harry grabbed his wand on the way over to where Tonks was kneeling. He leaned against the door, looking down at his old comrade and now lover. “I’ll open, you cover,” he whispered, reaching out for the doorknob only for his hand to be slapped away by Tonks.

“Don’t be stupid. I’m on the sneakoscope. You won’t even know if these are our targets,” Tonks hissed, a single bead of sweat making its way down her forehead as she kept her eye pressed into the eyepiece of the quietly whizzing instrument.

Pansy had silently taken off her clamps and was in the process of pulling her dress back up her body, all while staring at her lovers with concern. It was her intel that had brought them to the club and as much as she was trying to pretend otherwise, she knew she would be the only one to blame if things went sideways.

Combat magic wasn’t her forte, and as much as she wanted to help, she knew she’d just get in their way if things actually escalated into a fight. No, the best thing she could do was get dressed, buy the things Harry had picked out as an apology, and go figure out where things had gone wrong.

“Talk to me Tonks,” Harry growled, tightening his hold on his wand.

“Three people. Hooded. All have their hands tucked into their sleeves. Normal kink or weird shit?”

“Definitely weird shit. On the count of three?”

Tonks nodded.

“One. Two. THREE!”

Tonks pushed the door open and Harry sprung out, his wand leveled squarely at the three shrouded figures standing in the hallway. “Expelliarmus!”

Tonks pulled him out of the path of the jet of bright green light just in time, shooting a blind Stupefy to provide cover.

“Expelliarmus?! Seriously, Harry!” Tonks hissed, her brow furrowed in concern.

“Please tell me you warded the building.” Harry ignored her hissed admonishment.


“We have until they leave the premises to catch them then,” Harry grunted as he clambered to his feet and set off in pursuit. Tonks glanced back at Pansy for a brief second before she joined her partner, leaving the morose Slytherin alone in the suddenly cold playroom.


“And you see, your Papa Harry was a big bad meanie right from Hogwarts.”

Tonks pushed open the door to the kitchen, her heart in her throat, only to come across Pansy sitting cross-legged on the floor with her son in her lap.

“I didn’t recognize your voice,” Tonks whispered, exhaling softly. She made her way to the fridge to grab an ice pack to slap onto her bruised eye.

“Well, your kid will only eat the applesauce your mother made if I pretend the spoon is a broomstick and regale him with stories in a funny voice. Where’s da-Harry?” Pansy asked, looking around in concern after she had fed Teddy another spoonful.

“The Ministry. He’ll be home in a bit,” Tonks replied. She slumped into a chair with a sigh of relief, the ice pack pressed against her throbbing skin.

“I’m sorry.”

“No. Don’t apologize. This was our fuck up, not yours. You provided the best intel you could source. After two years of catching incompetent death eaters and senseless assholes like Greyback, Harry, I, and the rest of the department got complacent,” Tonks muttered. “We were completely unprepared for tonight. These people are not amateurs. Not by a long shot.”

“What’ll you do now?”

“Start an investigation the proper way. You know, once we’ve gotten some sleep and Harry finishes getting chewed out by Kingsley.”

“He won’t fire Harry, will he?” Pansy asked fearfully, pulling Teddy onto her lap. She had always thought she wasn’t one for children, but there was something quite endearing about the turquoise-haired tyke.

Tonks rolled her eyes under the ice pack. “Please. No Minister is going to the public with news that they fired the Boy-Who-Lived. Not Kingsley, not anyone. But he’s going to light a fire under our asses, and rightfully so.” Tonks dumped the bag onto the table and got up with a sigh. “Alright. Knowing my mother, she was up all night playing with Teddy. Time for bed. You too Pansy, you look like death warmed over.”

Tonks picked up her son, who immediately smiled and began babbling, his hair changing color to match his mother’s. “By the way, what’d you tell my mother?”

“I told her you and Harry hired me to be the new live-in nanny.”

“Smart,” Tonks chuckled. They climbed up the stairs to the bedroom Tonks now shared with Harry in comfortable silence, Teddy fast asleep by the time they reached its door.

Tonks carefully set him down in his crib before gesturing to the large king-sized bed. “Hop in. Do you want a change of clothes?”

Pansy shrugged. “What do you think happened?” she asked, watching Tonks tiredly limp to her wardrobe, pulling out a loose shirt and shorts she thought might fit the tiny Slytherin.

“I don’t think it’s one person. I think it’s an entire society.”

“A society?”

“I think they’re trying to reform the Death Eaters. It’s basic speculation at this point, but all three people we chased today were magic.”

Pansy caught the clothes tossed in her direction. She followed Tonks into the bathroom, staring at the gorgeous older woman as she began stripping without hesitation.

“You did good, princess. Your intel might have been flawed, but you clued us into a massive problem that had been brewing undetected right under our noses,” Tonks whispered. She grabbed Pansy’s chin and tilted her head, gently kissing her. “Now, be a good girl and change. Harry told me to make sure you were in bed before he got home.”

“Do you think he’s mad at me?” Pansy asked, nervously chewing her lower lip. Her delicate dance with Harry, the culmination of an entire year of careful efforts had blossomed into a beautiful flower the night before. She couldn’t bear to see it trampled because she hadn’t dug deep enough in Malfoy’s office.

“At you? No. At himself? The man we love has this bad habit of forgiving the worst mistakes by others but holding onto the smallest ones he himself makes forever.” Tonks patted her cheek with a small smile. “Now get changed and get into bed before I spank you myself.”

“Yes ma’am.”


“I don’t know who’s more adorable asleep, Pansy or Teddy.”

Tonks popped her head around the shower curtain, grinning at the sight of a shirtless Harry leaning against the sink and dabbing dittany onto the cut on his chest.

“I didn’t hear you come in.”

“I was quiet. I thought you’d all be asleep.”

“Trust me, I’ve thought about getting out of the shower for the last ten minutes, but it’s the first long hot shower I’ve gotten in a month!” Tonks pulled aside the curtain completely, giving Harry a full view of her glistening, naked body through the hazy steam that was rapidly filling up the bathroom. “So, what’s the verdict?” she asked, slowly massaging her scalp.

“We still have our jobs.”

“Kingsley was never going to fire us.”

“We went way off script here, Tonks. We didn’t even recognize the witch taking us for a ride.”

“What’d you mean?”

“Every single concierge in that club is male,” Harry replied, slowly peeling off his trousers and tossing them into the laundry basket.

“But the one we… oh. OH!”

“Yep. It was a trap and we happily walked right into it. They probably expected to catch us with our pants down. Literally,” Harry muttered, balling up his boxers and throwing them in a perfect arc to join his trousers in the bin.

“What if we’d said no to the room?” Tonks asked, gesturing for Harry to join her in the shower.

“I’m pretty sure that girl thought up the entire plan in the spur of the moment.” Harry climbed into the shower with a sigh, closing his eyes and letting the hot water wash away the grime and sweat from their night and subsequent chase. “If I had to guess, they probably intended to ambush us by the front door.”

“We’ll be prepared next time.”

“So will they,” Harry muttered with a sigh.

“Enough talk about the case. It’s not going anywhere. Let me do something to make you feel better,” Tonks whispered, grabbing the railing for support as she slowly and carefully sank to her knees. She reached back blindly to reduce the flow of water before gently wrapping her hands around Harry’s semi-erect cock.


“Hush. You deserve this. You are a good man, Harry Potter. The world’s problems aren’t all yours to fix,” Tonks murmured. She leaned forward to kiss his sensitive tip, drawing out a hiss from his parted lips. “What color do you like my hair?” she asked, looking up at him through her thick eyelashes.

“Pink… it suits you…”

Tonks grinned. She held his shaft in place with her hand wrapped around his base, slowly leaning forward and running her tongue up his length. Again and again, she repeated this action, gently pushing the rough surface of her tongue against his sensitive skin, coaxing his cock to life all while keeping her eyes locked with his.


“Oh, sir. It’s been so long since I’ve gotten to properly worship a cock. Don’t deny your needy kitten the opportunity?” she pleaded teasingly. She didn’t bother waiting for his answer, slowly wrapping her pink lips around his tip as she expertly swallowed inch after inch of his cock, swirling her tongue around its girth. She traced the pulsating veins pushing out from his skin, enjoying the quiet hisses of pleasure that escaped her lover’s lips whenever she grazed one with her teeth.

Her lips curled into a grin when his hand buried into her luscious pink locks, the man slowly pushing her down on his length until she had swallowed it all, her nose buried in his crotch. She drooled around his cock, the saliva leaking out of the corner of her lips and making its way down to her chin only to be washed away by the water.

She slowly pulled away, staring at him with dark, lust-filled eyes as she broke free of his cock, only a thin trail of saliva connecting his tip to her lips which too was broken within seconds. “Go as fast as you want, sir. No gag reflex and I’m currently in the mood to be used and used hard,” she whispered, her chest heaving with every breath she took. Her large, tear-drop breasts quivered with her breathing, the rosy peaks capping each mound stiff and erect with arousal.

“I thought you wanted to make a baby…”

Tonks laughed, a happy grin on her face for the first time since they’d entered the club. “I didn’t mean right away. We have a lot of things to do before we think about a little brother or sister for Teddy. Besides, you make a baby in bed, you fuck your desperate little kitten in the shower.”

“I can live with that,” Harry grunted, tightening his hold on her hair.

“Fuck, yes,” Tonks groaned, his nails scraping against her scalp causing a shiver to run down her spine. “I missed this.” She kept her mouth open, moaning in approval as Harry pushed her down on his cock without warning.

Harry used his hold on her hair to piston her up and down on his throbbing manhood, a quiet moan escaping his lips as his tip hit the back of her throat and pushed down to be enveloped by its fluttering walls.

“Shtressh reliefh,” Tonks mumbled around his cock, before his ever-increasing pace made all talking impossible. All she could do was swirl her tongue around his tip, catching every drop of precum leaking out of him and reaching out with his hands to cup his balls and continue the dance they had started back in the club.

“F-fuck… Tonks… so good,” Harry whispered, his knees buckling at the gentle squeeze to his cum-engorged balls. She rolled the orbs between her fingers, looking up at him with mirth and unbridled lust as he fucked her face.

He pistoned in and out of her mouth without pause for a few minutes, desperate to forget the debacle of the night and to lose himself in the pleasures of the flesh.

Tonks reached out to shut the shower before grabbing his thighs for leverage, a thick coat of drool quickly coating her cheeks and chin once the water was no longer there to wash it away.

He was close. She could see it. She closed her eyes and subtly altered her throat, causing the walls to increase their fluttering and clamp down around his cock as he pushed into them, almost stimulating an orgasming pussy.

He’s already… Tonks thought. Thinking had steadily become harder for the exhausted witch, the haze of Subspace that came with the careless way Harry dominated her not doing anything to make matters easier.

He’s already… fucking it like one, she thought with an internal giggle, her eyes flying open in shock as he came undone with a cry.

“You’re… amaze… amazing, kitten,” Harry whispered with a strangled moan as her throat trapped his shaft in place, leaving him no choice but to shoot load after load of his seed down her throat.

Tonks swallowed most of it with a valiant effort, but his cum soon filled her mouth and leaked out of her parted lips, causing her to choke and pull away.

“You cum too much, sir,” Tonks teased once she had swallowed the cum in her mouth, wiping the seed dribbling down her chin with a tired chuckle.

“Can’t seem to do anything right these days,” Harry replied with a rueful smile, sighing as he emptied the last of his load onto her breasts.

“Oh, that wasn’t a complaint. That was a delighted observation,” Tonks replied with a happy grin. She accepted his help in getting to her feet, leaning into her dominant’s chest and floating away in the pleasures of Subspace while he washed them both.


I think Harry's wand is personally offended if he uses something other than Expelliarmus lol. As for Tonks, I sat down and thought of all the fun ways she could use her Metamorphagus abilities. I feel like she has a lot of untapped potential. 



A great wrapup to the short series. It feels like a good place to leave off while also providing room for coming back. Great work on the dynamics between the three of them!

I am lord dems

I really hope you expand this into a full-blown long fic. We have the relationships of harry, tonks, and pansy to explore. The neo death eaters to fight and take down. The reactions of others when the relationship of those three finally come out.


Would love more of these characters together