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Content Warnings: Fingering, Virginity! Loss, Teasing. 

Since Harry had no idea how long it’d take them to decipher the clue inside the egg (and since lunch with her parents had taken up most of their afternoon), he had suggested they meet up outside the Prefect’s bathroom after curfew to minimize the chances of being interrupted. Daphne had readily agreed, if only to avoid the incessant stares and whispers they were attracting from all students and even some of the less discreet teachers. Everyone that is, except for Hagrid. He had not made an appearance the entire day and his hut appeared to be empty when they made the trek back to the castle after spending the day in Hogsmeade with her parents.

For now, Harry pushed his sensitive half-giant friend out of his mind. He kept pacing in front of the wacky wizard aptly named Boris the Bewildered, a keen eye on the parchment in his hands as he tracked his girlfriend making her way up the stairs. He’d given her his Invisibility Cloak to facilitate her leaving the Slytherin Common Room without rousing anyone’s suspicions, but it did leave him only the Marauder’s Map as a defense against Filch or any of the patrolling Prefects.

“Oh, good. You’re here,” Harry muttered without looking up from the map as Daphne strolled down the hallway to the bathroom. “I was starting to worry Filch was going to stop chasing Peeves on the fifth floor and resume his rounds before you got here. There aren’t even any alcoves or good hiding places in this part of the floor.”

Daphne pulled the part of the cloak covering her head down to her neck. “How did you know I was here?” she asked, a small frown on her face. “Scratch that, how do you know any of that?”

“Oh, I was… am, tracking him on the map. I was tracking you too, just to make sure you don’t get in any trouble on the way here,” Harry answered, showing her the Marauder’s Map.

“So much for having a semi-normal boyfriend. It was good while it lasted. Turns out the Boy-Who-Lived is a massive perv,” Daphne said with a cocked head. She sheafed through the parchment, studying all sections of the map of the castle.

“Hey! I didn’t make it. It was made by my father and his best friends. I just… inherited it,” Harry protested. He craned his neck to see what she was looking at, only to be pushed away with a gentle smack to his shoulder.

“Well, I guess my boyfriend’s father and his friends are massive pervs. Because this map can only have one use.”

“It facilitated the most elaborate pranks in the world and helped them escape without getting caught?”

Daphne laughed. “Cute. I mean… look at Granger and Krum going to town in the library. I bet she’s being a bad, bad girl for him,” Daphne chuckled, her fingers tracing the two dots that were so close together in the library that Hermione seemed to be on top of Krum. Which, Daphne mused, might very well be the case.

Harry turned red at the unexpected titbit of information about his friend. “Now who’s being perverted?” he asked hotly, snatching the map from her hands.

“Just doing some research, dear,” Daphne replied with a kiss on his cheek. She pulled the cloak from around her body and stuffed it in her satchel before walking up to the egg resting against the legs of the statue. “They’d be a great couple to go on a double date with,” Daphne said nonchalantly as she waited for Harry to utter the password to unlock the door to the bathroom.

Harry walked into the bathroom behind her, his mouth opening and closing in surprise. He shut and bolted the door shut once they were inside, before turning to her with big eyes. “Double dates?!”

“I am glad to have the old Harry back because whoever had taken over his body when we met my parents this morning was freaky,” Daphne teased, walking over to the edge of the pool-sized bathtub and carefully setting the egg and her bag down on the cold marble floor.

“What’d you mean?”

“You were talking like an eighty-year-old man,” Daphne muttered, kneeling next to her bag and carefully pulling out her bag of toiletries. She secured her hair in a messy bun before starting to arrange everything they’d need for their bath together.

“I just wanted your parents to like me.”

“You think we talk like that when we’re alone.” She didn’t phrase it as a question. She looked up at it with a raised eyebrow, seeking confirmation of her statement.

“... maybe?” Harry mumbled, blushing.

“Darling, not all Pureblood families are the Malfoys.”

“I’m starting to get that, yes,” Harry said with a laugh. He moved to sit next to her, staring at all the bottles she was laying out by the edge of the tub. “W-why do we need two shampoos?”

Daphne looked at him strangely. “The bottle in your hand is a conditioner, Harry.”

“Oh, right! Conditioner! Good ol conditioning. What… what are we conditioning?”

“Maybe Tracey is right. Maybe love does turn people into idiots. I swore I’d never love a man who doesn’t know his shampoo from his conditioner, but here I am,” Daphne muttered with a fond roll of her eyes. “What’s in your bag? Where are your toiletries?”

“Uh… a change of clothes? I just thought I’d use the stuff in the bathroom,” Harry said, pointing to the rack with bottles of shower gels and shampoos.

“You’re very lucky you’re cute and have great hair, Harry Potter,” Daphne whispered, crawling into his lap. She cupped his cheeks, gently pulling him in for a kiss. She parted her lips at the first swipe of his tongue across them, immediately giving in to his advances. She moaned softly as his hand moved to cup her large breast, her lips curling into a giddy smile when she was forced to pull away for air.

A giggle shattered the atmosphere and they jumped apart, both of them searching around the large, dimly lit room with wide eyes until they both settled on the golden-framed painting of the mermaid set on one of the walls. “Oh, hello!” she giggled, batting her eyelashes at Harry. “If you’re here about the egg you should take a bath, you know?”

“Right. Uhm… thank you? Uhm…”

“Millie!” the mermaid said with a radiant smile.

“Thank you, Millie. We plan to do just that,” Harry murmured, awkwardly turning the taps closest to him. Each tap seemed to carry warm water mixed with different sorts of bubble baths and Harry kept walking around the pool trying out different ones until he found one he thought Daphne would enjoy. He let the water fill, steadfastly trying to ignore the mermaid who kept giggling and batting her eyelashes at him.

“You know, you seem overdressed for a bath. Most people wear far less. Look at what I’m wearing!” Millie giggled again, pushing her hair out of her way to reveal that she was, in fact, not wearing anything at all.

Harry made the mistake of looking up only to look away just as quickly when he realized the mermaid was naked, his cheeks turning a dark red. “Y-you’re right, Millie,” he stuttered. “It’s why once Daphne is done changing-” Harry gestured towards the screens that separated one part of the room from the rest. “I’ll go and change into something… less.”

Harry was saved further embarrassment by Daphne walking out from behind the screens with a determined expression on her face. He stopped stuttering, mostly because the sight of her seemed to have rendered him utterly speechless.

She had let her hair down again and it was tumbling down her shoulders as she strode towards him. She was wearing what could only be called a swimsuit by the most generous of definitions. The tiny triangles of her dark-green bikini struggled to hold her large breasts and barely managed to cover her nipples. Her bosom bounced with every step she took and Harry had to force himself to shut his mouth before he started drooling. Her panties were no better, the girl wearing what was essentially a slightly more modest thong.

“Harry,” Daphne whispered, pausing in front of him and leaning up to kiss him. “The nice mermaid is right. You’re far too overdressed. Let me help with that,” she whispered, her eyes burning with determination as she grabbed his crotch without hesitation, her fingers slowly pulling the zipper down on his trousers.

“Daph…” Harry breathed, his eyes still fixated on the gentle sway of her breasts as she sunk to her knees. Harry watched with wide eyes as she pulled his trousers down to his ankles before starting to massage his rapidly hardening cock over his boxers. “Daphne! What’re you doing?” He finally snapped out of the spell when she leaned over to kiss his cock, gently grabbing her shoulders and pulling her to her feet.

“What, I’m not good enough to give you a blowjob, Potter?” Daphne glared, her attempt to angrily stomp away foiled by him grabbing her wrists and pulling her into his chest. “Maybe Millie can give you a satisfactory one,” she mumbled into his chest.

“Daphne are you… jealous?” Harry asked, chuckling quietly. Which, given her angry kick to his shin, probably wasn’t the best response. He doubled over in pain, balancing himself on one leg while still making sure he didn’t let go of his girlfriend. “She’s a painting, Daph.”

“It’s not about the stupid painting,” Daphne muttered, blindly gesturing to the empty frame behind her. Millie had seemingly gotten bored once she realized she wouldn’t have any attention from Harry and appeared to have left in search of greener pastures.

Harry frowned at the pain in her voice. This was something that had clearly been bothering her for a while. He gently led her to the edge of the tub, making her sit in his lap as they dipped their feet into the warm water. “What’s it about, then?” Harry asked softly.

“Never mind. It’s stupid and irrelevant.”

“Nothing that upsets you is irrelevant. Tell me. Please, princess?” Harry cooed, gently kissing her bare shoulder.

Daphne shivered in his lap, before sighing. There was no denying him when he used that voice. The princess in her just wanted her daddy to hold her and tell her everything would be okay, and it seemed she would have her way. “I… I saw her batting her eyelashes at you and acting like an enraptured fangirl and I realized that I’m not anything special. That if I need to keep your attention I’m going to need something more than my dry wit and quick insults,” Daphne chuckled tearfully. “Guess that’s why I destroyed my swimsuit. But you don’t even want me.”

“I don’t want you if you feel forced to do this, Daphne,” Harry whispered, turning her slightly so she could nuzzle into his chest. “Why do you say you’re not special?”

“You were the first boy I kissed. The entire day… everything we did… I kept getting the feeling that you would also be the last. If we have sex tonight… it will be my first time. It will probably be a magical and special experience and I’ll spend all day tomorrow recounting every small detail and feeling to Tracey,” Daphne whispered, closing her eyes as she forced herself to be vulnerable for once in her damned life. Putting up her walls once more, declaring him an idiot and a casanova, and storming out would have been so much easier, but she reminded herself of her mother’s parting words:

‘He’s a good man, darling but I want you to think about something. Walls may keep us safe, but they also keep people outside. You’ve kept everyone, even us, outside. Are you ready to let someone in?’

She was.


“But it won’t be special for you. It’ll just be another night you had sex,” Daphne whispered. “Which is stupid, I know. Everyone I know says it’s good to have a partner who knows what they’re doing for the first time. Merlin, Tracey’s first time was such a horror show, I should be glad mine will probably be sexy and amazing and exactly how it is in the books.”

“What happened during Tracey’s first time?” Harry asked, gently rubbing her back.

“Tracey didn’t know anything. Ernie acted like he knew everything and proceeded to try to stick his pompous cock inside her butt because he thought it was her vagina for fifteen minutes before Trace called it quits.”

“Wait. Ernie tells everyone he and Tracey lost their virginities to each other. That’s what he told Meg when she told him she didn’t date virgin underclassmen,” Harry said with a small frown.

“Yeah. He only stopped after I threatened to chop his balls off and feed them to Fang. There’s a reason why all the girls in our year give him a wide berth.”

“I promise I know where your vagina is. If we do have sex, it’ll be good, Daph,” Harry murmured, kissing her head.

“I know!” she exclaimed grumpily.

“Uh… and that’s bad? Uhm… I’ll cum within ten seconds and leave you completely unsatisfied.”

“That’s not what I want either,” Daphne muttered, groaning in frustration. “I want it to be your first time but I also don’t want it to be your first time. And yes, I know that’s illogical, but that’s your problem now, daddy.”

Harry lapsed into silence as he mulled over her words, trying to understand her core problem. He broke out into a grin once he finally understood and he gently grabbed the silent girl’s chin, tilting her face to make her look up at him. “Good thing our first time together is going to be just as special for me as it will be for you. It’ll be the first time I have sex with my girlfriend,” Harry whispered, gently laying her down on the white marble floor of the bathroom on her back.

“How is that any different from the first times with all your other girlfriends?”

“I’ve never had a girlfriend before. I don’t know how to date. I don’t… before you, I had no idea what romance was,” Harry admitted, making a pillow out of towels for her. “Every experience I have with you is special, Daphne. It’s new and unique,” Harry whispered, slowly unbuttoning his shirt.

“What about Abbott?”

“We met once a week for stress relief last year. That’s not a relationship.”


“One kiss after a Quidditch Match that did nothing for either of us?”


“Both of us just wanted to get the fumbling and groping and learning over with.” Harry shrugged. “I didn’t love any of them.”

“You love me?”

“No, my moon and my stars. I think you’re an insufferable pain in my ass,” Harry whispered, bending over to capture her lips. “Yes, I love you. I didn’t even realize when it happened, but I love you,” Harry mumbled, shimmying out of his boxers. “Just because I’ve had sex before doesn’t mean this will be any less special.”

“C-can we wait a bit?” Daphne whispered, her back subconsciously arching to push her body toward him.

“We can wait for as long as you like, princess.”

“I just want that stupid mermaid to come back so I can show her you’re mine.”

“Again, darling, she’s a painting.”

“That didn’t stop Ernie from trying to get frisky with Helen.”

“Let’s… let’s not talk about other men. Kinda ruins the atmosphere,” Harry teased, his eyes sparkling playfully. He grabbed her ankles and spread her legs apart, slowly crawling in between them.

“Daddy?” Daphne asked quietly as Harry undid the string that held the two halves of her panties together.

“Yes, princess?”

“What if I’m shit at it?”

“Then we’ll just have to keep doing it, again and again, to make sure you improve.” Harry winked, tossing the tiny piece of fabric to one side. Daphne rolled to her side to let him take off her bra, sighing in relief as the pressure on her sensitive breasts disappeared.

“I’d just like to point out that if it’s bad it’s probably because you’re too big. Maybe you’re the one who’s a half-giant,” Daphne chuckled nervously, her wide eyes staring at Harry's impressive erection. His throbbing manhood was resting on her flat belly, big enough that she could feel her skin sag under its weight.


“Yes, sir?” Daphne squeaked, crossing her eyes to stare at the fingers pushed between her lips. She obediently opened her mouth to let them inside.

“Another word and I’ll spank your wet bottom and send you straight to bed. Do you understand?” Harry growled, turning his fingers to coat them in her saliva.

Daphne nodded, her heart pounding in her chest. She was giddy with excitement at the sudden turn of events and with the ease with which he had taken control.

Harry pulled his fingers out of her mouth and leaned over, burying his face in the crook of her neck. “In ten minutes' time,” he whispered, slowly pushing his soaked fingers inside her tight pussy. Her walls clamped down on them, with even two fingers making her feel stuffed. “You’re going to be very glad I know what I’m doing.”

“I-oh! Yes, please!” Daphne moaned as the rough skin of his calloused thumb brushed against her clit.

Harry rolled off her and to his side, propping his head up with his free hand so he could watch her face as he continued to slowly finger her. He didn’t attack her in a frenzy, taking his time to build up, to slowly tear down her defenses one by one as he helped the uptight girl finally put herself first in her life.

“Ohhhh…. Ah! Daddy!” Daphne turned to look at Harry, blushing with embarrassment when she realized her mouth was open and her tongue was hanging out, the girl panting like she was in heat.

“Cum for me, baby girl. Do you touch yourself?” Harry asked, steadily increasing the pace of his fingering. He bent his thumb, gently scraping his nail against her sensitive bundle of nerves.

“YES!” Daphne screamed, her eyes flying open at the jolt of pain delivered straight to her core. Her back arched before her body slammed back into the ground, her muscles no longer having the strength to support her. “Never… feels… so good…” she mumbled, laboring for every breath.

“Have you touched yourself thinking about me?” Harry asked, slowly curling his fingers inside her to stretch out her walls.

“N-no. Never,” Daphne lied, moving a shaky hand up to her sweaty forehead to push her hair out of the way.

“How many times?” Harry growled, squeezing her breast harshly.

“Oh! Sir, I’m sorry!” Daphne squealed, looking at Harry in an entirely new light. He was her fun and goofy boyfriend, and she loved that part of him… but this… she blushed when her arousal flooded her pussy and trickled out of her after staining his fingers.

“How many times, little one? I won’t ask a third time,” Harry whispered, trapping her earlobe between her teeth and giving it a gentle tug. He was pressed into her side and Daphne could feel his erection against her thigh.

“T-three. First time after the Yule Ball proposal,” Daphne mumbled, biting her lower lip to stifle her moans.

“You’re going to tell me when you touch yourself, Miss Greengrass. This pussy is mine. You’re mine. And I’m going to claim both tonight, do you understand?” Harry asked with a low growl. He gently pulled out his fingers and climbed on top of her, certain she was now wet enough to be able to take him with relative ease.

“Y-yes,” Daphne nodded. Her wide gray eyes flickered down to his cock, its tip now rubbing against her wet slit.

“Look at me. Don’t look down. Keep looking at me,” Harry whispered, gently grabbing her wrists and pinning her arms over her head. He slowly pushed inside her, his tip splitting her lips as her walls burned and ached on being forced to stretch to accommodate his massive girth.

“Who’s my perfect little princess?” Harry whispered, keeping his eyes locked with hers.

“I-I am, daddy,” Daphne whispered, spreading her legs as far as they would go.

“You don’t sound very convinced.”

“I am, daddy!” Daphne groaned, a delicious burn spreading through her core.

“Who is going to be my collared kitten?” Harry asked, taking shaky breaths as he tried to keep control over himself and over the situation. Her walls clamped around his shaft like velvet iron, demanding his seed even before he had claimed her virginity.

“I am, sir!”

“Who’s my naughty little brat?” Harry paused as his tip pushed against her curtain, his eyes searching her face for signs that she had changed her mind. Instead, Daphne took a deep breath and nodded, her quivering pink lips curling into a small smile.

Harry tightened his hold around her wrists before he pulled out of her slightly. He pushed back inside, only this time he did not stop when he encountered resistance, pushing past it slowly but firmly.

“I-it hurts!” Daphne sobbed as a trickle of blood leaked out of her stretched pussy. She was eternally glad that Harry was experienced enough to pause and let her get used to his size and presence, patiently kissing away the salty tears on her cheeks while he held himself inside her. “Daddy?”

“Yes, darling?” Harry asked, kissing her nose. “Do you want to stop for the night?”

Daphne shook her head. “C-can you keep going?” she asked as the stinging subsided into a pleasant, throbby aching.

“Who’s my naughty little brat?” Harry asked again with a grin. “Who’s getting their disobedient-” Harry groaned as he sank into the velvet embrace of her snug pussy, her walls fluttering around him. Every thrust deeper inside her stretched her walls more, yet only seemed to make her feel tighter. He wasn’t sure he could go any deeper and he still had a good two inches left. “Who’s getting their disobedient ass spanked tomorrow?” Harry asked, his chest heaving with every breath.

Daphne was no better, her head turned to her right with her lips parted in a continuous moan. Her tongue was lolling out, drool dripping down from it into a small pool forming by her face. Her stiff nipples had started leaking with thin trickles of milk running down from the rosy peaks.

“I-is it… oh god! Please!” Daphne’s eyes flew wide open as his tip brushed against her g-spot. “Please! Do that again, please sir!” Daphne begged, her entire body shuddering with pleasure when Harry pulled out slightly only to push back inside. “Is it Abbott? I feel like she has a hard… oh! Merlin! Hard time… following… instructions…” Daphne forced each word out in between moans.

“What about you?” Harry teased, burying himself in the crook of her neck. He kissed his way down her neck, clamping his lips around her throbbing pulse point.

“I’m your… sweet angel,” Daphne mumbled. “Ah! Oh, god! Please, sir!” Daphne squealed when Harry pulled out of her only to push back in. He had soon established a steady pace, her hips moving in time with his thrusts. Her fingers immediately moved to thread through his messy black hair when he freed her hands.

“Touch yourself,” Harry whispered, collapsing on top of her. He kept pistoning in and out of her, his speed turning erratic as he got ever closer to his long-awaited release. “I want you to cum with me.”

“O-okay…” Daphne pushed her trembling hand between her spread legs, clumsily rubbing her clit as her lover kept slamming deep into her belly with every thrust. His primal grunts awakened something deep inside her and she rubbed her clit feverishly as the coil in the pit of her stomach tightened.

“S… so close,” Harry grunted, desperately thrusting into her tight, wet core. “I’m going to… Daphne!” Harry collapsed on her pillowy bosom as he thrust deep inside her and came with a loud groan. He tried to pull out of her, only to be stopped by her legs wrapping around her wrist and pushing him deeper inside her. “What about the keeper and the… it feels so good!” Harry blacked out for a second as the second wave of his orgasm hit him, his initial worries of having to pull out of her completely forgotten.

Daphne kept rubbing her clit, but it was only after the first drops of his cum sprayed against her walls that her body came undone, her back arching with pleasure. “Haaaaaary!” she moaned, her arousal leaking out of her stuffed pussy.

“Silly daddy,” Daphne giggled tiredly after she had caught her breath. He was still sheathed inside her, his twitching shaft slowly dribbling the last of his cum inside her already full pussy. “The keeper has to catch all the quaffles.”

“What happens when one slips by her?” Harry asked, rolling off her with a quiet groan.

“Well, it would be a problem if I didn’t go and start myself on the contraception potion first thing after lunch,” Daphne replied with a small chuckle, sighing in contentment as Harry rested his head on her chest.

“You asked Madame Pomfrey?”

“I did. You should’ve seen me act,” Daphne said, a tinge of pride in her voice. “She couldn't wait to hand me a month’s supply and by next month my mail order will arrive,” Daphne murmured, absentmindedly playing with his hair as he lazily sucked on her breast.

“I feel like we’re forgetting something,” Harry mumbled through a mouthful of milk. All it took were a few sips and he was completely revitalized, all his previous tiredness vanishing within seconds.

“If we are, it couldn’t have been very important,” Daphne bummed happily, eager to enjoy the ache between her legs and the tired bliss that only deeply satisfying sex could create.

“I thought you two came here to figure out the egg.”

Harry turned his head in the direction of the morose voice, his eyes bulging at the sight of the ghost sitting cross-legged next to their bags. “MYRTLE!” He yelled, shielding their naked bodies as best he could. “What the hell are you doing here?!”


Kinda wacky how it's canon that Myrtle is a voyeur. Anywho, the long awaited moment is here! They're in a relationship, Daphne is a brat, Harry doesn't know what conditioner is, everything is good and happy in the world. I can't wait for the fun and drama the Second and Third Tasks will bring. Not to mention... Daphne still doesn't know about Sirius! You can expect more Story Updates later today and tomorrow so I can finally eliminate the backlog that my sickness caused!



I love the way this is turning out.


Love this story


Absolutely wonderful work. Been looking forward to this for a while and it did not disappoint!


This needs to be tagged as "The Greengrass Stories"