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Content Warnings: Deflowering, Kink Room, Cum Play, Teasing, Cuffs, Mating Press.

His apartment (if it could even be called that), was at least three times bigger than the dingy flat she shared with Ginny. She tightened her hold around his neck as they climbed up the stairs to the second floor, peering at her lover through half-lidded eyes.

My first orgasm with a man was on a kitchen counter, she mused tiredly, pressing her sticky thighs together in an effort to quieten the ever-increasing demands of her aching womanhood.

“What’re you thinking, pumpkin?”

Hermione blushed at the amused tone of his voice. Even now, doing something as casual as asking her an innocent question, he sounded completely in control. Her swollen pink lips parted in a breathy moan as she thought back to the page-long pet play clause in her contract.

He doesn’t need pet play to have me eating out of the palm of his hand.

“I just can’t believe my first orgasm was with Harry Potter,” Hermione mumbled, burying her face in the crook of his neck to hide her silly grin. Britain’s most eligible bachelor had cooked her pancakes and then railed her right on the kitchen counter. She wondered what the tabloids would make of that.

Skeeter will have a field day.

“Please tell me you’ve cum before this.” Her blush deepened with Harry’s chuckle and she squeaked indignantly.

“I… I’m not some sort of prude, alright? I’ve touched myself. I read a lot. How do you think I knew about every little fantasy you’ve listed in that contract of yours?” Hermione asked with a pout, gently nipping at his perfect jawline as punishment for mocking her. “This was just my first time with a man.”

“I never said you’re a prude who thinks sex is evil, my sweet kitten.” Harry paused in front of the third door on the left once they had reached the second floor of the penthouse, reaching out to grasp the golden doorknob.

The handle glowed for a second, the locking charm recognizing his presence and unlocking the door.

“I already have one of those in my life. If I wanted my sugar baby to be similar, I’d just get Ronald,” Harry muttered, rolling his eyes. He missed her silent splutter, slowly carrying the tiny girl into the dimly illuminated playroom. “No luck with that ex of yours?”

“Uh… he… uh… had a similar attitude to sex as uhm… Ronald,” Hermione mumbled, glad for the darkness. The shadows cast by the small fire merrily burning in the fireplace obscured her heavily blushing cheeks.

Because they’re the same bloody people!

She wondered how long she could keep the charade up. Ginny had told her some sugar daddies (usually the married kind) liked their sugar babies to be a secret, although nothing Harry had done so far suggested that was how he wanted their relationship to be.

If she was being honest, it wasn’t how she wanted their relationship to be either.

Is it a crime to want to put on a pretty dress for dinner with a handsome man who’ll probably make me cum three times in a row? She thought petulantly.

All her life, she had been the smart one. Ron had been more interested in copying her homework than snogging her. It was time, as Ginny put it, for a makeover.

“His loss,” Harry murmured, setting her down on her feet. The genuineness in his voice made butterflies flutter in her stomach.

She clung to his side, looking around the room with wide eyes. “Is this the playroom?” she whispered, smooshing her thighs as much as she could. She was pretty sure she could spot an oiled whip gleaming in the orange glow cast by the flickering candles floating in the air and the fact that it turned her on was utterly terrifying.

‘You’re a kinky bitch, Granger. You just don’t know it yet.’

“Why do you always have to be right in matters like these, Gin?” Hermione mumbled under her breath.


“Oh!” Hermione cleared her throat. “Uhm, nothing. I uhm… can I explore?” She added hastily, sucking her lower lip into her teeth. There was something tantalizing about the room, like it was a forbidden fruit denied to her all her life. A fruit that was now within her grasp. The handsome devil on her shoulder tempting her to take a bite certainly wasn’t helping matters.

“Go right ahead,” Harry replied, slowly popping open the buttons of his ruined shirt. He smelled of her, her arousal marking him from chest to knees.

Hah! Take that, stuck-up leggy blondes with the fake boobs. Score one for the nerdy bookworm, she thought, slowly trailing her fingers over the firm leather of paddles of various sizes that hung from a rack on the wall.

She kept an eye on her sugar daddy, subconsciously licking her dry lips when he pulled off his shirt and tossed it to the floor. His skin was tanned and crisscrossed with tiny white scars. She had a sudden desire to return to his side and run her hands over his firm chest and the toned abs that she could not pull her eyes away from.

“Like what you see, Miss Granger?” Harry asked huskily, and she suppressed a shiver of excitement.

He doesn’t miss a bloody thing, does he?

“Maybe,” Hermione answered hoarsely, busying herself with the top drawer of a cabinet to avoid his heated gaze. She pulled out with a shiny heart-shaped buttplug, her slender fingers tracing the pink jewel set in its hilt.

“You… you want me to wear one, don’t you? To train my ass for you?” Hermione asked, her cheeks now resembling a beetroot. “Can I… can I choose the color?” she mumbled.

“What was that?” Harry asked, peeling off his cum-stained trousers.

Hermione took a deep breath.

“Can I choose the color of the jewel on my buttplug?” Hermione asked, forcing herself to be audible. “I’m sorry, I’m not used to talking about stuff like this. You’d have loved Ginny. She’s probably done everything in this room at least once,” Hermione muttered with an embarrassed laugh.

Harry’s strong arms snaked around her waist, pulling her into his chest. She groaned at the feeling of the firm shaft pushing into the soft flesh of her ass. “I don’t want Ginny, Miss Granger,” he growled, his breath hot on her skin. He pushed her legs apart, his fingers ghosting over her slick labia. Hermione moaned and moved her hand to grab his arm for support, a giddy smile forming on her face as he twisted his wrist to intertwine their fingers together. “I want you.”

“Well… oh, god… oh, yes!” Hermione moaned, her knees buckling as he buried his index finger into her tight pussy up to the knuckle. Her slickness made entry easy, but even that calloused finger gently pumping in and out of her sheath left her with a full feeling that made her feel she’d never be able to take the mammoth that was Harry Potter’s cock. “S-she already has… sugar daddy. So you’re stuck with me,” Hermione mumbled, spreading her legs to give him easier access to her core.

“Good. Stuck with you is a good place to be,” Harry whispered, lazily fingering her. “Are you on birth control?”

“Hmm?” Hermione asked stupidly, her brain numb to everything but the delicious pressure building up in her belly.

“The birth control potion, darling. Do you take it?”

“Oh!” Hermione blushed. “N-no. I never had any reason to.”

“That’s not a problem. I keep some in my potions cabinet,” Harry murmured, pulling out of her pussy and slowly walking over to a cupboard next to the fireplace.

“Ah! Please, sir!” Hermione groaned in frustration as the finger was withdrawn from her pulsating core.

Harry looked at her strangely. “You want to get pregnant?”

“What?!” Hermione squeaked, the note of alarm in his voice finally driving away the lust-caused haze. “No! Yes, to birth control!” she added quickly.

“What was the please for?”

“Uhm… for your fingers?” Hermione mumbled with an embarrassed groan. Harry Potter seemed to have the unique ability to make her act like a hormonal cock-crazed teenager with a single look or touch.

“Getting desperate, are we, princess?” Harry asked with an amused chuckle, walking over to her with a vial of a bright green potion she had seen Ginny take a million times. She parted her lips obediently, swallowing the bitter liquid he dribbled onto her tongue.

“It’s your fault,” Hermione muttered petulantly, crossing her arms over her chest.

Harry raised an eyebrow, an amused expression on his face. “My fault?”

“Yes! Your fault! Mr. Harry Potter with his beautiful eyes and gorgeous abs and that crooked grin! You promise to fuck a girl all day and do you fuck her? No sirrrrr!” She whined desperately as he pushed his thumb between her lips. She obediently began to suck on the digit, her big brown eyes peering up at him through her thick lashes. “you keep toying with her. So I do declare, this is all your fault,” she mumbled around his thumb, gently swirling her tongue around his calloused skin.

She whined louder at the indulgent look he was giving her. “Sir,” she added, begging silently with her eyes. “Please.”

Harry silently grabbed her wrist, walked up to the open drawer full of potions, and dropped the empty vial inside before shutting it. “I can’t wait to have you over my knee, Miss Granger,” he growled, pulling her to the large bed that dominated the center of the room.

“Now?” Hermione asked, her eyes wide. She’d heard her roommate get spanked through the paper-thin walls of their apartment. It sounded… painful. The thought of a bright red, stinging bum caused a trickle of arousal to leak out of her pussy.

“Soon.” With that he carelessly tossed her onto the bed, watching the gentle jiggle of her pert breasts with lazy satisfaction.

She watched him stroll around the room, whistling happily as he searched the various cupboards for something.

“What were all the other potions in the drawer?”

“A variety of things,” Harry answered, kneeling and rummaging through the bottom drawer of a cabinet. “One of the advantages of owning a Potions company, Miss Granger, is that you get to play around with some very fun ideas,” Harry muttered, pulling out two identical pairs of cuffs. Each cuff was made of black leather with a silver buckle, the two cuffs in a set connected to each other by a short chain.

“Can we try them out?” Hermione asked, burning with curiosity.

“All in good time, kitten. The room and its contents aren’t going anywhere.” Harry walked up to the bed, dropping the heavy cuffs on the red satin sheets next to her.

“Relax,” he whispered, gently grabbing her ankles. “Leave your body loose for me.” He gently bent her legs at the waist, pausing and pressing his lips against her soles when she cried out in discomfort. “Let loose, darling,” he murmured, massaging the muscles of her thighs with his free hand as he slowly contorted her body into a mating press.

“Now I know why my friend kept telling me to take up yoga,” Hermione said with a teary chuckle. She obediently followed his quiet command, wrapping her arms around her bent legs and grasping her ankles to secure them in place. “This was a lot easier in my dream.”

“You’ll get there. There’s a reason you have an exercise clause in your submissive contract.” Harry winked, securing each ankle to the wrist of the hand holding it using the cuffs. She was now trapped in position, her legs spread and puffy pussy on full display for her new lover. Her luscious brown hair was spread around her head like a halo and Hermione could see the large tent in his boxers twitching gently at the sight of his adorable lover.

“You’re a lot kinder than I thought you’d be,” Hermione whispered, marveling at how comfortable and wanted he made her feel.

“I’m a dominant, Miss Granger, not a heartless bastard,” Harry murmured, ducking his head to hide the faint pink on his cheeks. He neglected to mention that he had thrown his own rule book out of the window when it came to her and was treating her unlike any other submissive he’d had before. “No matter what I do, whether it be using you like a toy or paddling your ass raw, I don’t want you to think I don’t care about you,” he muttered, pulling his boxers free of his legs. He sighed in relief as his erection sprang free, taking a second to massage his throbbing manhood.

“At the same time,” he growled, switching gears. “I don’t want you to forget one unshakable truth. Who does this belong to?” Harry asked, gently smacking her pussy.

“AH!” Hermione’s legs trembled, her hands losing their grip on her ankles. Not that it mattered. The chains connecting the cuffs snapped her legs back in place, ensuring she remained in the mating press no matter what. “Y-you, sir!” she breathed, bucking her hips to push her pussy up towards his cock.

“What are you?” Harry asked, climbing onto the bed, the mattress creaking under his weight. He loomed over her, his cock inches away from her weeping slit.

“Y-your pretty little princess,” Hermione answered with an angelic smile.

Harry chuckled. “Exactly. And don’t you forget it,” he murmured, caressing her cheek with his thumb. “I want to claim you, Miss Granger,” Harry growled, slowly guiding his tip toward her needy womanhood.

“Please, sir. Claim me,” Hermione begged.

Harry smashed his lips against hers in a heated kiss, their tongues dancing together as he slowly sank into the tight warmth of her pussy. Unlike with the handle, he did not stop when he felt resistance. He ripped past her curtain and deflowered her with one firm thrust, her needy scream muffled by his mouth.

Hermione had never felt anything like it before. Her entire body quivered as he slowly pushed into her virgin pussy. Her walls burned as they stretched to accommodate his impressive length.

“Y-you won’t fit!” she cried out, tears leaking from the corners of her eyes. She didn’t know if they were due to the all-consuming ache and burning spreading like fire through her core or the mind-numbing pleasure that accompanied it. All she knew was that after their night together, she’d never be the same.

“That would be a first,” Harry grunted, burying his face in the crook of her neck. “I don’t have a giant’s dick, Miss Granger,” he teased, clamping his lips around the pulse point on her neck. He began to gently suck on the skin, sinking his teeth into it to leave a large and very prominent hickey.

“Oh! Oh god!” Hermione wailed as he buried himself in her snug snatch up to his base. She could feel him in her belly, the position he had contorted her body in meaning it felt like he was fucking her very womb.

Pain. Pleasure. She had no idea what she was feeling anymore. Her nerves were fried and her mind was in a pleasant daze. “Please! You feel so good,” she begged, her desperation destroying her inhibitions and making her act in a decidedly unHermioneish fashion.

“What’s the magic word?” Harry grunted, trying to conjure up images of his greasy Potions professor to compose himself. Her walls had clamped around his shaft like velvet iron, her tight, warm core, unlike anything he had ever experienced before. Just sheathing himself inside her had brought him to the very edge of orgasm and he desperately tried to replace his angel’s beautiful face with that of Snape’s sneering one in his mind to make sure their night didn’t come to a premature (and extremely disappointing) end.

“Please?” Hermione squeaked, looking at the muscular man on top of her with big brown eyes, her pupils blown with lust.

“The other magic word, Miss Granger,” Harry murmured, thanking Snape in his mind. Now that he was no longer teetering on the brink of explosion he started to shallowly rock his hips, grinding inside her.

“Unghhhh, please! Please please please,” Hermione begged, her lips parted in a pant, every gentle thrust of his causing his tip to brush against her G Spot. “Uh!” She desperately tried to rack her brain for the word. She wanted more. She NEEDED more. And she wouldn’t get it until she gave him what he wanted.

“SIR!” she screamed with a triumphant grin on her face, bucking her hips to meet his thrusts.

“Good girl,” Harry whispered. He palmed her petite breast, gently squeezing the soft flesh as he captured her lips once more. “My girl,” he murmured, slowly pulling out of her. He ignored her needy whine, peppering her sweaty face with kisses as he pushed back inside her aching pussy.

“Yours,” Hermione keened, her chest heaving with every breath. Harry was quickly building up to a steady pace, pumping in and out of her pussy with the same impeccable control and precision he displayed everywhere else in life.

She idly wondered what it would take for him to lose control.

“Is this like your dream, Miss Granger?” Harry asked, grunting with every thrust. He was fighting to remain steady, his well-timed thrusts slowly turning erratic with every passing minute. He could feel the coil tighten in the pit of his stomach and knew no conjured images of greasy professors would be enough this time.

“M-much… better,” Hermione gasped hoarsely, her lips parted in a continuous moan. Everything else ceased to exist, leaving only her impending orgasm and the gorgeous hunk of a man on top of her to occupy her mind. “This… this real,” she mumbled, groaning as she felt his last thrust somewhere deep inside her.

“Good. Cum for me, princess.” The tenderness in his voice combined with the utter roughness with which his fingers treated her body was enough to make her come undone and she orgasmed almost as if on command.

“Yes! Thank you, sir! I’m coming!” Hermione shouted, her back arching as the wave of pleasure hit her. Her mind went gloriously blank as she slumped back down on the bed, her pussy gushing all around the cock still pistoning in and out of her, drenching it with her cum.

Harry collapsed on top of her the minute her fluttering walls clamped down around his throbbing shaft. He didn’t have the ability or the will to hold on any longer. “F-fuck… this is the best… you’re the best…” he mumbled, weakly thrusting inside her.

In the end, all it took for Harry Potter to relinquish control was an exceptionally bright and utterly adorable witch.

He gave up all efforts to rein in the situation, pressing feverish kisses to her shoulder as his balls tightened and he exploded inside her.

“So much better than my dreams…” Hermione whispered, a happy grin plastered on her face. She could feel his seed in her, his sticky cum filling her with an unfamiliar warmth she already knew she’d be addicted to.

I wonder if his seed will feel just as good in my ass as it does down my throat or in my pussy, she thought tiredly, her entire body going slack as a wave of exhaustion hit her.

Harry was no better, slumping down on top of her as he tried to catch his breath. He was still sheathed inside her, enjoying the velvet embrace of her still fluttering walls as the two rode out the last dregs of their orgasms.

“Sir?” Hermione whined after a few minutes of quietly enjoying post-orgasmic bliss. “I’m cramping,” she mumbled. While she was loath to break the tension between them, the ache in her thighs was getting to be too persistent for her to ignore.

“Sorry, kitten,” Harry whispered, pulling out of her with a quick kiss to her cheek. He slowly rolled off her body, pushing himself up to a sitting position on the edge of the bed. He ran a hand through his messy black hair, taking a second to admire his lover. Her pussy was slightly agape, her lips parted with a thin trickle of his cum leaking out of her and tracing its way down her ass. He reached out and unlocked her wrists and ankles, allowing her to shift her tired body into a more comfortable position.

Her legs immediately clamped together and she blushed when she saw the amused expression on his face.

“What’re you doing?” He asked, lying on his side next to her, propping his head up with a hand.

“I like having your cum in me,” Hermione replied, biting her lower innocently.

“Maybe we should invest in some pussy plugs so you don’t have to walk with your legs clamped together all day, every day,” Harry teased, tracing her large pink areola with his finger. She shivered, subconsciously turning her body in his direction to increase the pressure on her skin. “I plan to have my seed in you… often.”

“How often?” Hermione asked teasingly.

“Well, you owe me three orgasms a day this month in lieu of me waving the trial month and letting you move in right away,” Harry whispered, his eyes gleaming mischievously. “And we’re still on orgasm number two for today, kitten.”

Oh, shit.


“The prodigal genius returns.”

Hermione dropped her key in surprise, turning in alarm to see Ginny lounging on their threadbare couch, lazily munching on day-old popcorn.

“Merlin! You nearly gave me a heart attack,” Hermione muttered, shutting the door to their apartment before bending to pick up her key. “I thought you were only coming back after lunch with him.”

“He had an early business meeting. Didn’t even cook me breakfast after I gave him two sloppy BJs yesterday.” Ginny held up two fingers. “Both in the back of Muggle taxis, mind you. That merits pancakes at the very least.”

Hermione turned pink at the mention of pancakes.

“Anyways,” Ginny muttered through a mouthful of caramel popcorn. “Don’t try to change the subject. You were supposed to be home last night. I thought yesterday was only an interview.”

“It was!” Hermione protested. “I was home,” Hermione lied, limping over to the couch and slumping down on it. She pulled Ginny’s legs into her lap and began to absentmindedly massage her soles. “I stepped out for coffee.”

“Granger, I know the walk of shame. Fuck’s sake, I invented the walk of shame. The messed up sex hair, the crumpled clothes, and that massive fucking limp. How many times did he get you off?” Ginny asked shrewdly.

“Is it that obvious?!” Hermione asked, blushing furiously.

“You might as well be walking around with a massive billboard that says ‘I got dicked down to within an inch of my life’,” Ginny said with a chuckle, tossing popcorn at her best friend. “So, how many times did he get you off?”


“Inquiring minds need to know. Come on. I tell you everything about my sex life.”

“Three,” Hermione mumbled. She cleared her throat, repeating the number, louder this time. “Three.”

“In one night?!” Ginny grinned, holding her hand up for a high-five.

Hermione pressed her palm against the redhead’s sheepishly.

“So, tell me everything. How is sex with the Boy-Who-Lived?” Ginny asked conspiratorially.

Hermione sighed. There was no escaping her best friend. The only way out was through, so she launched into a heavily sanitized version of her night with Harry Potter.


I'll be honest, this fic is turning out to be even better than I expected. The chemistry between these two just... flows. Which was a worry for me, because I started out with them not being close friends. Any ideas for what the potions in Harry's stash do? Do you want one of them to temporarily turn Hermione into a nekomini for when they are in the mood for pet play? Oh and, Ginny and Hermione banter ftw! Lol.



Potion ideas: Bodily changes, Lactation, Increased or reduced sensitivity depending on where you wanted to go with the BDSM.


Temporary nekomini? Yes, totally. Not really much for lactation/cowgirl (not really sure what to call it). But petplay with Hermione as a kitten sounds super fun. Perhaps a bit more focus on painplay (as long as you are comfortable with it of course). Or more explicit teasing/edging. To put this story apart from Together we're harmony? The idea of Hermione ealking around filled with Harry's seed was also rather interesting. I wonder though, Harry was described as being fairly scarred, which seems odd to me. Canon Harry was forced to do chores, as well as abused by the Dursleys. Followed by numerous scraps and injuries from the bigger named ones to just the ones he could have reasonably gotten just from their close encounters with danger that were too minor to mention. In comparison this Harry doesn't seem to have any reason to be more scarred than your average person.


Ooh! Thank you for the suggestions! As for the scars, I didn't want to imply heavily scarred although it may have come across that way. He has a few more than average though, the reason behind which will be revealed in future chapters!


There is a pretty interesting opportunity to focus a fair bit on the learning and training aspects of the dynamic as well. Unlike Together We're Harmony there is a distinct difference in experience between Harry and Hermione. But unlike His Forbidden Flower there isn't the soulbond to smooth things over? And the gap in experience isn't as huge, there will still be new things for both of them. I have to say, Harry being enamoured with Hermione is really sweet.


That's 1 thing I really wanted to write in this fic. Cause most Harry/Hermione just go, yeah, we were best friends and we're a couple now. The level of affection doesn't noticeably change. For this I really wanted to have him enraptured by her.


It's great to read, looking forward to how they will realise that they are in love and how things change!


Oh there's so many good choices for the potions... Lactation is an obvious one, the Neko idea is almost a must-do given how it rhymes with canon, but then there's other ideas like hyper flexibility, sensory modification (temporarily double both pleasure and pain), or a wit dulling potion. Just imagine the fun they could have with a combination of lactation, wit dulling, and perhaps a temporary breast expansion. She could be his perfect breeding cow for a day and would love every second of it. Truly great chapter and a fun story!