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Content Warnings: Anal, Butt Plug, Spanking, Teasing, Semi-Public, Begging.

“Interesting day,” Sirius commented lightly, pouring out hot water into both cups. He dunked a tea bag in each cup, trying his best to forget the person he had picked the habit from. The man was rarely too far away from his thoughts these days.

“You could say so,” Harry murmured, relaxing in the comfortable chair. Sirius had opted to move into one of the many flats available for the teachers of Hogwarts. His godfather had passed it off as a matter of convenience, but Harry knew it was so the man could keep a closer eye on him.

“Tea?” Harry raised an eyebrow at the mug that was pushed into his hand. Not that Sirius had ever cared what he drank, but now that he was of age Harry had presumed he’d stop turning a blind eye to the bottles of Firewhiskey and Tequila that he and Daphne nicked on occasion from the drinks cabinet and just start offering him drinks instead.

“Well, I’d offer something stronger. Merlin knows you need it after the day you’ve had. But didn’t you hear what Snivellus said?” Sirius adopted a high-pitched nasally tone that sounded nothing like his Potions Master. “Remember you’re a teacher now, Black. You’re expected to act accordingly.” Sirius raised his mug in the air as he sank into the couch opposite Harry’s. “To a new year. Salut.”


They sipped the tea in comfortable silence, letting the warmth of the bitter black liquid banish the cold of the dreary, foggy night.

“So,” Sirius started after a couple of minutes of silent sipping. “I hear I’m not the only one who’s attracted Snivellus’ ire on the very first day of school. He gave Fleur detention for a week, didn’t he? What’d she do?”

“Malfoy decided to mock me. Used a few unkind words. Unfortunately for him, Fleur was in full nesting mother mode and chucked a fireball at his hair. Did you know Veela could do that?”

“Yep. Why do you think your father wears such baggy pants in all the photos we have from our summer before the seventh year?”

“Can we please not talk about my father’s past tryst with my girlfriend’s mother? I’m actively trying to forget that particular part of his life.”


Harry frowned at the note of surprise in his voice. “Yeah. Why wouldn’t she be my girlfriend?”

“You don’t call Ginny your girlfriend. I just presumed Fleur would be in the same boat, metaphorically speaking.”

“Ginny doesn’t like-” Harry paused. His complicated relationship with Ginny was a can of worms to be opened on another night. “Why’d you think that? Because of the Bride Price?”

Sirius nodded.

“Well, we talked on the train and the carriage ride to Hogwarts and she doesn’t want to go through with simply paying the Bride Price any more. She wants a full Veela Bond,” Harry replied with a shrug. His frown only deepened in response to Sirius’ quiet chuckle.


“Nothing!” Sirius threw his hands up in surrender. “Just… that’s a lot, Harry.”

“Fleur told me it was simply a purer and more powerful version of the bond the bride price would create.”

“True. But remember, with great power comes great responsibility.”

“I need to stop letting you get those Muggle comics,” Harry muttered, setting the cup down on the table between them. His godfather had gotten somewhat obsessed with them as of late. “You even tried to blow up Snape’s head with your mind during the feast.”

“You wouldn’t be so dour if that had worked. I was trying to do the school a solid,” Sirius shot back, his dark eyes twinkling playfully. “In any case, what I said is perfectly apt for this situation. For example, the bond for the Bride Price is triggered after you two sign a contract and she utters an oath. A Veela Bond is sealed after a three-day magical ceremony in a locked room where you break in your mate.”

Break in?”

“It’s exactly what you think it is. Think back to how you felt after your… experience on the train. Now imagine three full days of it.”

“Holy Merlin’s Balls…” Harry breathed. He opened his mouth, only to close it silently as his godfather’s words registered. “How did you… did you overhear us?” Harry squeaked, blushing.

“Damn. The two of you were that loud?” Sirius asked with a smirk.


“Sorry, sorry. No talk of sexual exploits.”

“That’s our deal, remember? If you didn’t hear us, how do you know?”

“Well, I presumed Fleur would use her Allure to get rid of the lingering effects the dementors had on you. And you’re powerful Harry, but you’re not powerful enough to resist a Veela you love when she has her Allure at full blast.” Sirius chuckled.  “Your father and I learned a lot about Veela during the time we spent in Apolline’s… company.”

“Gotcha,” Harry mumbled. “Is that why you didn't protest when we said we wanted to take a separate carriage?”

Sirius nodded with a silent grin.

“Although… maybe I should have insisted on riding with you two. That way Fleur would be spared our greasy Potions professor's attention. Does it upset you?”

“Her detentions? Not really. I mean, she didn’t particularly care when he doled them out either. She was far more excited about the Quidditch Tryouts tomorrow.”

“I meant her House. I was watching you while she was being sorted. You wanted her in Gryffindor, didn’t you?”

Harry shrugged sheepishly. “I guess I thought she would be sorted into Gryffindor? Hoped even. She’s stubborn, brave, fiery,” Harry murmured, his voice filled with quiet admiration.

“And smarter than both of us put together,” Sirius interjected.

“That too. I guess in a way I’m glad. Sue doesn’t have any friends in her house other than Luna, and I’m slightly concerned about these hunts for ‘Snorkacks’ Sue tells me Luna keeps taking her on in the Forbidden Forest,” Harry muttered. “It’d be good for both Sue and Luna to have someone else in the house to look out for them.”

“How is she?”


“Mhm. And the others? I wanted to check on them but Dumbledore didn’t give me a minute to breathe before the feast started.”

“Well, I’m pretty sure you know Sue’s mostly alright. She spent most of the time on the train with you. Susan and Ginny are pretty shaken up and Madame Pomfrey decided to keep them overnight in the Hospital Wing. Daphne and I took them some food before I came down to meet you. Daphne is… Daphne. She insists she’s fine but I know she wanted to spend the night with me. Not that she’d ever admit it.”

“You could have just told her you wanted to spend the night together.”

Harry snorted. “I did. She told me to go cuddle fuck the Bloody Baron.”

“That does sound like the new Mrs. Black,” Sirius said with a chuckle, setting his mug down on the table after draining it. “Pity we burned my mother’s picture. Daphne would have given her a run for her money.”

“Daphne would have eaten Walburga for breakfast.”

“She’s had to be the woman of the house for a while now, kiddo. She’s the tough one so her sister doesn’t have to be. Give her time. She’ll let you in.”

“I’d wait my entire life for her.”

“Don’t wait on my couch. Go to your dorms.” Sirius shooed Harry with his hands. “As nice as it is to sit around and reminisce, I have lesson plans to prepare.”

“Do you have an idea what you’re going to teach us first?” Harry asked, getting up. He accepted the offered bar of chocolate without question, never one to turn down a gift of the edible variety.

“Uh… Dark Arts are bad?”

Harry’s lips quirked.

“I’m gonna need a little more, aren’t I?”

“Yes, yes you are.” With that Harry left, unwrapping the chocolate bar as he walked down the hallway to the staircase that would lead up to Gryffindor Tower. He bit into the bar, savoring the warmth spreading through his body as he munched on the chocolate. It did wonders to drive away the cold seeping into his very bones, but the feeling was still a pale imitation of what he had felt around Fleur.

I wonder if I’ll need her every time I want to go for a walk or to visit Hagrid.

Dumbledore allowing the dementors onto the grounds made no sense, especially when he was the first to tout the castle as the safest place in Magical Britain. Perhaps there was something to the rumors that Fudge had insisted on their presence.

What a stupid, petty man if it’s true.

A part of him couldn’t help but agree with Fleur that the dementors were payback for the humiliation the Minister had suffered in front of his biggest benefactor. If looks had power, the look Malfoy had on his face when the Delacours told him to go eat dragon dung and presented Harry as their daughter’s protector had certainly been powerful enough to burn the entire Ministry to an ash heap.

I doubt he’s very happy with Fudge right now, Harry thought murmuring the password and stepping inside the mostly deserted Common Room. He could see Oliver Wood and the Twins in a corner poring over what appeared to be Quidditch strategies. He waved at them but then turned and made his way up the staircase to his dorms, too tired to catch up with them.

“Tomorrow,” he murmured, knowing Oliver would start their practices as soon as possible anyways. He pushed open the door to his dorms, carefully walking through the dimly lit room toward his bed.

Seamus, Dean, and Neville seemed fast asleep, the curtains on their beds drawn shut. However, his best friend was still on the floor by his bed, struggling to make his battered rat drink the foul-smelling tonic he had picked up from Diagon Alley.

“Ron,” Harry said carefully. He sank into his bed and began to pull off elements of his uniform, carelessly tossing them in the direction of his dressing table.

Ron grunted, but made no effort to acknowledge him.

“I just wanted to say I’m sorry,” Harry said patiently. His best friend could be prickly at times, and Harry knew he had to be the bigger man if he wanted to soothe the man’s bruised ego. “What you did on the train was uncalled for, but my behavior, even if caused by the dementors, was inexcusable. I should never have threatened you. I’m sorry.”

“And the other thing?” Ron pushed the tip of the dropper into Scabber’s mouth. “Stay still you stupid rat,” he muttered, force-feeding the pet his tonic.

“What other thing?” Harry asked, confused.

“You’re just going to pretend it’s okay for you to snog every girl in the castle?” Ron grunted and released Scabbers, who immediately scampered across the room, evidently eager to put as much distance between himself and the dreaded tonic as possible.

Every girl? That’s news to me, Ron. I’m pretty sure I heard Megan’s giggle from Dean’s bed on the way over. Do you want to interrupt them and ask if I’ve ever snogged her?” Harry looked at Ron strangely.

Is this why he’s been acting like a tool since my birthday?

“Ron, does it bother you that I’m dating five people?”

“Why would it bother me?” Ron scowled, pulling himself up on his bed. “Snog every girl in the castle for all I care. Other guys don’t deserve them, do we? Not when the Boy-Who-Lived is around,” he muttered, turning his back to Harry

“You’re an idiot Ronald. I just pointed out there’s a girl in our dorms who has nothing to do with me. I don’t see Seamus or Neville throwing massive sulks because Dean and I are in relationships.” Harry rolled his eyes, ignoring his friend in favor of quickly making up his bed. “I’m beginning to see why Parvati told you she’d rather blow a troll than go on a date with you.”

Harry climbed into bed, pulling the blanket up to his chin before he pulled off his glasses and placed them securely on his bed. “Women don’t like you because you’re an insecure, jealous prat who thinks sex will give you the cooties, Ron. Not because I’m collecting them like chocolate frog cards. Goodnight.”

With that he waved his wand to pull the curtain around his bed, trying his best to banish Ron’s utter stupidity from his mind.


The Quidditch Stadium, The Next Day:

Harry watched with a huge grin as Fleur landed gracefully on the ground, having seamlessly completed all the exercises the other two Ravenclaw Chasers had assigned her. She hefted his Nimbus 2000 on her shoulder (her parents were shifting from Paris to London and half her belongings were still in transit) and confidently strutted over to where Roger Davies, the Ravenclaw Quidditch Captain was standing with a clipboard.

Harry couldn’t make out what they were saying, but he saw Fleur scowl before plastering a pretty smile on her face. He watched Roger lean in uncomfortably close to her and got up to intervene, before catching himself and sitting back down.

Fleur was a big girl. She could more than hold her own against a pest like Davies.

Fleur mimicked his lean and Harry could have sworn she reached out and grabbed his crotch.

Fleur withdrew and started to walk over to him after a minute, a huge smirk on her face.

“Should I be worried?” Harry asked, watching Davies scurry away towards the Ravenclaw changing rooms.

Fleur set the broom down on the bench next to him before climbing into his lap, completely unfazed by all the applicants and even some of the team staring at the young couple.

“Oui, mon cherie. We will demolish your team,” Fleur teased, nuzzling into his neck.

“I meant should I be worried about Roger?”

“Oh, he won’t be complaining to anyone.”

“So you DID grab his crotch,” Harry said, turning to Fleur with a raised eyebrow. “Maybe I should be jealous, not worried.”

“Sire, he told me he’d never seen anything as beautiful as me before. He said, ‘Baby you get me so hard’. I just wanted to check before I agreed to spend the night with him like he asked me to. I couldn’t feel anything,” Fleur said with an innocent shrug. “Maybe you should be jealous. I bet his tiny needle won’t leave a delicious, warm ache in my belly after we make love like you do, mon amour.”

“You’ve made your point,” Harry muttered, rolling his eyes fondly. “Why’d he run off?”

“Well, sir, I wanted to show him just how hot I was,” Fleur murmured, resting her head on his shoulder and watching the rest of the aspirants go through their trials.



“You can’t just go around burning everyone who annoys you.” Harry tried to hide his smile. He really did. But it was impossible to be mad at her for her actions, especially since the entire castle knew about Roger Davies’ reputation. “Especially the person who will decide if you make it onto the team.”

“Oh, he will. I’m the best Chaser they can get,” Fleur said confidently before adding, “If he doesn’t just because his little ego got hurt, I’ll pay him another visit,” Fleur whispered, a dangerous glint in her eyes.

“You’re a bad, bad girl, Miss Delacour,” Harry said fondly, discreetly smacking the side of her breast.

“Well, sir, it seems we both have a free period. Maybe you could teach this bad girl some manners?” Fleur whispered, biting her lower lip and fluttering her eyelashes at him.

Harry swore.

How the fuck can she get me rock-hard with a single look?

“Come on,” he muttered. He jumped to his feet and grabbed her hand, pulling her out of the stadium. He abandoned his plan to take her up to his dorms before they’d taken five steps away from the stadium. Her Allure was now rolling off her body in gentle waves.

His self-control wouldn’t last the time needed to reach Gryffindor Tower. He changed direction, pulling her into the deserted changing rooms assigned to the Gryffindor team.

He slammed the door behind them and flipped its lock with shaky fingers. By the time he turned, Fleur was sprawled over one of the long benches in the room on her belly. Her back was arched, and her firm, toned ass pushed up in the air toward him.

“Your broomstick, sir. We forgot it in the stadium,” Fleur reminded Harry before moaning quietly as his calloused fingers dug into the soft flesh of her round ass, gently massaging her cheeks. “Ah! I thought I was getting punished, mon amour. This is heaven after a hard practice! It feels so good!” She whined, arching her back further.

“Why would I punish you? I’m proud of you, pet,” Harry whispered, pushing one of his hands into her hair. He pulled her platinum blonde hair out of the messy bun she had secured it in for the tryout, grabbing the tresses and using them to pull her up against his chest. “I just brought you here because you’re dirty and far too excited. You can’t go to class in this state,” Harry growled, playfully smacking her ass.

His eyes widened when she pulled her arm behind her back and deftly unbuttoned his trousers. She pushed her hand into the loosened waistband, her fingers wrapping around his throbbing manhood without hesitation. “F-fuck. You cheeky little minx,” Harry hissed, groaning quietly as she returned the favor by gently massaging his shaft over his boxers.

“I-if you’re determined to take care of my excitement, sir,” Fleur murmured, “I have something in my bag.”

“Special soap?” Harry teased, pulling the satchel free from her shoulder and rummaging through it. Fleur kept herself balanced against his chest with her free hand resting flat on the bench, keeping her upright.

“Darling? Are you serious?” Harry murmured, pulling out the buttplug. The buttplug was small and shiny, and capped by a heart-shaped pink jewel.

“You do not like this, mon amour?” Fleur asked, confused by his reaction. In her rather limited experience, men jumped at the chance.

“No, it’s just that yesterday was the first time we made love,” Harry murmured, his cheeks turning pink at the gentle laugh his words elicited.

“I did not know it was a rule amongst English men to wait for some time to fuck the ass after the pussy is taken, mon cherie. How long? A week? A month?” Fleur asked teasingly.

Harry’s blush deepened. “We don’t have any such rule.”

“Then, sire, you should clean my ass so you can claim it.”

“We don’t have any lube,” Harry protested, his resolve weakening by the second.

“Yes, we do. Veela physiology is amazing,” Fleur murmured, licking her lips. She clambered off the bench on unsteady feet and sank to her knees in front of him, impatiently pulling his trousers and boxers down to his ankles. “It is a good thing you did not wear those silly cloaks, sir,” Fleur muttered, wrapping her hands around his girth. She began to pump lazily, coaxing his cock to its full size. She traced one of the pulsating veins on his shaft with a slender finger, reverentially worshipping his cock.

“I… fuck…” Harry breathed, his eyes fluttering shut as she wrapped her pink lips around his sensitive tip. “H-have Care of Magical Creatures later. Instructions said not to wear a cloak,” he mumbled, burying his hand into her hair. He pushed her down on his cock, letting her slobber around the shaft, coating his skin with a thick layer of her drool. Her heavy breasts swayed every time she rocked her body, the rosy nipples crowning her creamy mounds stiff with arousal. He sighed as she buried her nose in his crotch. He held her there, letting her get used to his presence inside the wet warmth of her mouth.

Before they could go any further, however, Fleur pulled away. She ignored his disappointed moan, her eyes gleaming with excitement as she peeled off her grimy uniform in a playful striptease.

She kept going until the only things covering her body were the gray and blue stockings on her legs and her short heels. She twirled gracefully, resuming her original position. “I’m ready,” she whispered, arching her back and pushing her ass back up toward him.

Harry pulled his wand out of his trouser’s pocket and stepped out of them.

“Oh, mon amour! I can’t wait for you to claim all my holes,” Fleur breathed, moaning quietly as he pushed the tip of his wand against the rim of her tight hole. Her moan turned into a cry at the gentle sting of the scourgify he cast to clean her ass.

“Are you sure?”


Harry didn’t question if she could handle him. He’d come to understand that her confidence was rarely misplaced and if she felt she could take him, she probably could. He cast a gentle buzzing charm on her clit before dropping his wand on top of his trousers and stepping towards her.

“You’re glorious,” he whispered, massaging her round cheeks. He pulled his hand into the air, bringing his palm down onto her right cheek as hard as he could.


“Ah! Sir! Please!” Fleur moaned, quivering with excitement.

“Why the hurry, pet? Let me savor this,” Harry teased, caressing her pink skin with the back of his hand.

“Oh! T-the Allure, sir! It’s not a switch you can simply flip off!” Fleur whined, pushing her ass up in his waiting hand. “Having to spend last night alone was torture. Please fuck me, sir,” she begged, sobbing with pent-up tension.

Harry wrapped his hand around the base of his slick shaft, gently guiding his tip into her tight hole.

Huh. Veela physiology really is amazing, Harry thought with a groan. His lubed cock easily pushed past the initial resistance offered by her puckered hole, the fluttering of her snug walls causing them to clamp around him as they were stretched by the massive cock. The entire experience felt otherworldly and they had barely even started.

“AH! Thank you, sir,” Fleur sobbed, her entire body shaking with pent-up frustration. She was already so full, and he wasn’t even halfway inside her. Her body, while amazing, did have its limits.

“Why the plug?” Harry grunted, grabbing her hips to keep her pinned in place. His fingers dug into the soft flesh, leaving angry red marks on her alabaster skin.

“I… I want to spend all day with your seed in me,” Fleur whined, biting her lower lip to stifle her moans. She could feel him deep in her belly, a delicious ache spreading from her ass as her walls were stretched beyond belief.

“Such a naughty little pet,” Harry cooed, caressing her ass as he slowly stuffed her ass with his cock. “You want my seed filling you up, poppet? You want that belly to swell with my cum?” He whispered, pulling his hand back and bringing it down on her ass as hard as he could.


“I-” Fleur screamed. “YES! I want it! I want it, sir,” Fleur begged, clenching her cheeks. Her walls clamped down around his shaft in a vice-like grip, making it impossible for him to push any further.

“Fuck. So tight,” Harry breathed, his hand moving to her back to steady himself. “Touch yourself,” Harry ordered, his chest heaving with every breath he took.

“Mhm!” Fleur nodded against the cool wood of the bench, her lips parted in a continuous low moan. A thin trickle of saliva leaked out of her open mouth, tracing its way down her chin before dripping down onto the small puddle that had formed next to her face. Her hand desperately pushed between her thighs, her thumb desperately rubbing her already buzzing clit in obedience to her mate’s orders. She was close. So close. She could feel the coil tighten in the pit of her stomach and she clenched her ass as much as she could, desperate to milk his cock of its treasure as she came.

“If you keep clenching your muscles, the spanks are going to hurt more. I doubt you’ll be able to walk properly today,” Harry warned, slowly pulling out of her till only his tip was inside her ass. He pushed back in without warning, causing a desperate shriek to escape her swollen lips.

Fleur ignored his warning, her desire to get his cum overriding all other concerns. “I-Is… OKAY!” Fleur groaned as he slowly started to piston in and out of her tight ass, every push adding to the unbelievable pressure building up in her core. “Please please please,” she begged, furiously rubbing her throbbing clit with her thumb.

It wasn’t like she was going to be able to walk properly anyways. Not with the way he was fucking her ass.


“Thank you, sir!” Fleur moaned, her vision darkening. Harry was pumping in and out of her ass at a regular pace, her saliva doing its work in easing his way in, but doing very little for the fullness she felt with every thrust.


He brought his hand down on her ass once more, and it finally proved to be too much for the poor, overstimulated girl.

“Unghhhh… MON AMOUR!” Fleur screamed as she came undone, collapsing onto the bench. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head as her orgasm slammed into her, her pussy gushing its arousal all over her slender thighs and soaking her stockings.

Her sphincter instinctively tightened around the large shaft stretching it.

“F-fuck! Fleur, I’m going to cum!” Harry warned, pushing deep inside her one last time. His eyes fluttered shut as he exploded, his twitching manhood painting the walls of her bowels with his cum.

Harry swayed, the fury of their lovemaking draining him of all his energy.

A bed and cuddles. That’s how we should spend the rest of the day, he thought tiredly, slowly pulling out of her. A thin white trickle leaked out of her gaping asshole.

Harry grinned as his tired fingers grabbed the plug. He caught a glimpse of his seed inside her as he plugged her, a strange sense of satisfaction building in his chest.

“We need to stop having our firsts in public places,” Harry whispered, collapsing on top of her. He peppered her sweaty back with tired kisses, basking in the warmth of the slowly subsiding Allure. Her Veela magic seemed satisfied after two vigorous bouts of lovemaking.

They lay on the uncomfortable wooden bench for a while, content to simply enjoy each other’s presence. The distant tolling of the castle bells pulled Harry back to reality and he slowly pushed himself off her.

“I’m sorry, my sweet kitten,” Harry murmured in response to her disappointed cry. He tiredly pulled his trousers up his legs, feeling like he was moving his limbs through honey and not air. “It’s Hagrid’s first-day teaching, or I’d happily skip class to be with you.”

“It’s okay,” Fleur mumbled sleepily.

“Are you alright?”

“Mhm. Just tired,” Fleur replied, sliding off the bench and onto the floor.

Harry bent to kiss her cheek and grab his satchel, securing it around his shoulders. “Shower, grab my broom and go rest in your dorms, okay? You can start your Hogwarts learning experience after lunch,” he murmured, kissing her forehead as he straightened.

“Yes, sir,” Fleur purred, happily vibrating at the display of gentle affection after the hard fucking she had received.

Harry left the changing rooms in high spirits, whistling quietly as he hiked down to Hagrid’s hut. His friend (and now professor) was nowhere to be seen, with all the students who had signed up for his class milling around outside his hut.

Harry gave Ron a wide berth, letting Hermione (who seemed to be berating him about something) handle their prat of a friend for the time being. He rolled his eyes at Draco’s fake swooning and Pansy’s shrill screams, walking up to where Daphne and Tracey were standing.

He wrapped his arm around his wife’s waist, pulling her back into his chest and interrupting her monologue on the virtues of having a Niffler as a pet.

“Mhmmmm. You reek of sex and Fleur, darling. I presume the tryouts went well?” Daphne whispered, grabbing his hand and discreetly pushing it into her skirt. She shifted her bag to cover her actions from the rest of the class, giving her best friend a smile that fooled no one.

“I’d tell you two to get a room, but since neither of you has any shame, I’m just going to make myself scarce. Granger looks like she needs rescuing. OI! Granger!” Tracey shouted, making her way toward Hermione.

“What’re you doing?” Harry whispered, groaning quietly as Daphne maneuvered herself to press her firm ass against his aching crotch.

“The game is afoot, dear husband. I finally have a worthy opponent,” Daphne murmured, her eyes glinting with excitement.


I don't like fics where all of Harry's partners get along and there's no tension at all? At the same time I do not like fics where there's a lot of bashing and general unpleasantness. So Fleur and Daphne are going to have a friendly rivalry and poor Harry is going to get caught in the middle. Not that that's a bad place to be, lol. How much do you want to bet it all ends with the two of them making out?



Why’s a married lord sleeping in a dorm room without his wife

Brian Jordan

A question that occurred to me as I read this chapter (still two behind): why is Ron Harry's bet friend? I know it was so and why in the original version but Harry grew up with Sirius here. He would have met any number of magical people in that time. Not to put down Ron or the rest of the Weasley's but how did Ron become Harry's best friend here?

Brian Jordan

Coralary question: If Ron's rat is who it was in the original book, how did... No Forget that. Wormtail would hide in utter terror any time Ron might be at all near Sirius Black.


I think your banter between characters is my favorite part in your stories. The Sirius Harry exchange was gold. That said, Daphne's entitled to be pissed. That's two or so scenes with Fleur and hers was kinda interrupted. Gotta balance your harem Harry.