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Content Warnings: Threesome, Exhibitionism, S&M, Spanking, Orgasm Denial, Squirting, Bondage, Teasing.

“You knew?” Harry asked, a hand instinctively reaching out to take one of Pansy’s.

“I’m not an idiot, Harry.”

“I’ll just-” Pansy pulled her hand free from Harry’s, making a move to leave.

“Pansy. Sit.” He kept his eyes locked with Hermione’s, waiting for her reaction to the stern order.

“My usual place, sir?” Pansy asked softly.

“Yes. But facing Miss Granger.”

“Yes, sir.” She turned on her heels, kneeling on the rough stone floor in her usual spot next to his chair. Only, this time, as per his instructions, she did not face him, but rather, the door and the girl standing by it. She kept her head bowed, letting waves of her long black hair fall forward and cover her cum-soaked face.

“How much do you know?” He asked, gesturing to the chair Hermione had vacated. He could feel Pansy start to tremble next to him, knowing every single anxiety and fear she worked so hard to keep buried was making its way to the surface, destroying the tranquility of her subspace. He reached out, gently stroking down her spine with his thumb.

“All of this is pretty self-explanatory, isn’t it? Her? How could you?” Hermione turned to grasp the door handle. “Seems pretty rich to let your girlfriend do anything she likes. After all, detention is just a nice fuck session with the Head Boy, right?”

“She’s not my girlfriend. Hermione, if you leave through that door and make me choose, you won’t like the choice I make. So sit. Talk.” Harry gestured to the chair again.

“What’s there to talk about?” She still moved to sit on the chair, her eyes flitting over to the kneeling Slytherin. She licked her lips and as her pupils widened, he knew the significance of what she was seeing was slowly dawning on her.

“Have you read the third book of that series Parvati is obsessed with? The ‘Dark Romance’ series I think,” Harry said, his hands disappearing under the desk. He lifted himself slightly, just enough to pull his boxers up to cover himself. “The one where the vampire keeps the cute witch as his pet. Except, I’m not a vampire.”

“He Caught Me Thusly.”

“Yep, that’s the one. You loved that one, didn’t you, pretty flower?” Harry asked, pushing Pansy’s hair out of her face. She replied with a sheepish nod.

“Pansy’s your pet.”


“Why her?”

“Why not her?”

“You know who she is. What she’s done.”

“We built a statue of the man who bullied you, me, and Neville for years. Allowed the literal torture of students during his tenure as Headmaster. If he gets a chance at redemption, why can’t Pansy?”

“He paid a price for that redemption. Parkinson isn’t dead.”

“His sins were greater. Pansy is serving a punishment that is in proportion to her crimes.”

“What, by sucking off her boy… master when she’s supposed to be serving detention?”

“That wasn’t the punishment. I got… excited,” Pansy admitted quietly, her voice hoarse.

“Why don’t you tell Hermione what your real punishment was? I think she wants to know more,” Harry said, studying his friend with shrewd eyes. He was a shit Legilimens, but if there was one thing he knew well, it was body language. And everything about her friend told him she was interested in their dynamic, and if he were a betting man, he’d even wager she was aroused by it. Hermione was subconsciously leaning towards the kneeling girl, studying her posture with wide eyes, her breathing growing ragged and irregular.

Mione, you naughty witch. Is this what you wanted to do to Ron?

He shuddered. He did not need a mental image of his best friend in a gimp mask, or one of those steel cock cages George had shown them during their last shopping trip.

“I can’t. Please?” Pansy squeaked, turning to look at him with wide eyes.

“How are you ever going to have a threesome and let another girl touch you if you can’t even talk about something like this with one?” Harry asked, raising an eyebrow.

“I had to kneel on the floor without a cushion and have my mouth gagged by sir’s cock for an hour for turning in my verbal report late,” Pansy said after a minute of hesitation, chewing her lower lip worriedly. “Please don’t tell anyone.”

“Our secret is safe with Hermione. She won’t tell anyone.” It wasn’t a question. He turned to Hermione, the look on his face making it clear it was a condition for the continuation of their friendship. “In fact, I am sure she wouldn’t mind sticking around for your spanking.”

“Spanking?” Hermione’s squeak sounded more aroused than outraged.

Harry chuckled, bending to whisper in Pansy’s ear. Her face turned several shades of red darker, but she gulped, nodding after a minute.

“Please Mistress Granger,” she said softly, reaching out to secure her hair in a ponytail. Her dominant had commanded her to do so, and while she probably preferred to keep it free to be able to hide her messy face from the other woman’s intense gaze, she was wise enough to know she was already in enough trouble and it wasn’t the best of times to start ignoring direct orders. “Will you stay for my spanking? It would only be right for you to see that I receive the punishment I deserve for my actions.”

Harry watched Hermione lick her dry lips, leaning further towards Pansy. She was staring at the perfect posture, the hint of cleavage peeking out from his pet’s halfway unbuttoned blouse. Her eyes flicked up to her face, pupils widening further at the sight of his cum still clinging to her skin. The obsession with rules, the utter need for control, it was all starting to make a lot of sense.

Ron, you poor bastard, you could have been having the best sex of your life.

As things stood, he now had a chance to fulfill his pet’s fantasy.

One man’s loss is a pet’s gain.

“You’re okay with… me watching?” Hermione asked without taking her eyes off Pansy.

“If it finally gets you to stop thinking that I give her preferential treatment and am not strict enough with her.” All three people present in the room knew that wasn’t the real reason he wanted her to stick around.

He reached out to grab Pansy’s arm, pulling her to her feet. The chair was pushed away from the table and he scooted forward in it to make sure she could comfortably lie over his lap. “Why don’t you sit on the desk, Mione? You’ll get a much clearer view.” He leaned forward to grab his wand, waving it and pushing the piles of books and parchment against the wall. “Gagged or ungagged?” he asked, looking up at his pink-faced kitten.

He watched with amused eyes as she sneaked a glance at Hermione, quickly turning to look down at the floor before she thought he’d notice. “Ungagged, sir.”

He nodded. “Keep it on the desk,” he said, passing his wand to Hermione. She had moved to sit on his desk, her legs dangling over the edge. She was watching their every movement with hungry eyes. He locked his eyes with hers and smiled, his hand moving to the small of Pansy’s back and gently but firmly pushing her down over his knees. He shifted, a leg moving to rest on top of Pansy’s, trapping them between his own and pinning her in place. He extended his right hand towards her head, clicking his fingers once. Pansy obliged without hesitation, moving both her arms behind her back and resting her wrists in his waiting hand. He closed his fingers, pulling both wrists together, gently tugging on her arms till they were taut and pinned behind her back.

“Is Park-she spanked every detention? The two of you know exactly what to do,” Hermione asked, and Harry smiled as he watched her subconsciously squeeze her thighs together. She was incredibly aroused by the sight in front of her, even if she didn’t realize it yet.

“How often are you spanked pet?” Harry asked, turning to look at Pansy. He watched as a trickle of his cum rolled down her nose, hanging off her even as she tried to catch it with her tongue. He turned to push her skirt up to her waist, chuckling when he realized Hermione was watching her struggle to lap up the cum with enraptured eyes. “Pet?” He squeezed an ass cheek to draw her attention.

“Hmm?” Pansy asked, turning as best she could to look back at him. The movement had the effect of causing the sticky cum to flick around and hit her cheek, and she smiled angelically. He had never made it an official rule, but she made it a point to ensure not a single drop of his seed was wasted.

Good pet.

“Mistress Granger wishes to know how often you’re spanked. And since you made me repeat the question, this particular spanking will last for three minutes instead of two.”

He watched her blush, hesitating to turn to look at the woman seated on the desk. Even the deep subspace she was quickly slipping into didn’t seem to be enough to cut through the awkward relationship between the two women.

I can cut the sexual tension between these two with a butter knife.

Hermione hadn’t taken her eyes off the trapped girl for a single second. It was like he didn’t exist, only Pansy did. “Well?” she asked, and he raised an eyebrow as he watched her hop down from the desk and kneel next to Pansy. He watched as she grasped the poor Slytherin’s chin, making Pansy look at her.

“If you’re going to be a good Domme Hermione, you need to learn basic etiquette. Preferably NOT from one of those trashy novels,” he warned, pulling Pansy’s simple white cotton knickers down her legs.

“I’m not-” Hermione turned to look up at him in surprise, almost like she couldn’t believe her own actions. The burning desire in her eyes and her heavy breathing betrayed her intentions, and Harry knew there was nothing more that she wanted at that moment than to be a Domme. Her denial died in her throat at the look on his face.

Don’t insult my intelligence by denying it.

“What etiquette did I break?”

“She’s my pet, Mione. Just because I am willing to share her on occasion doesn’t mean you ever get to touch her without permission. And never when I’m not around,” Harry explained, his hand grabbing Pansy’s ass possessively. “She’s mine. Do you understand what that means?”

Hermione nodded. “I think I do.”

“Good. Now, pet.” He turned to Pansy, who had stayed obediently silent while the two dominants toying with her conversed. “Answer Mistress Granger’s question.”

Pansy nodded, moaning softly as he began to massage her abused globes. The bruises from her last spanking hadn’t faded completely, and he knew she hadn’t used the salve he had given her for them. She never did. She’d once told him she liked looking at the pretty marks he left on her.

“Master spanks me every night, Mistress Granger. I acted like a foolish lovestruck idiot for seven full years, and now Master is helping me work through all the punishments I have accumulated.”

“Every night?” Hermione asked, and her breath hitched. While her voice expressed shock, the excitement in her eyes and the way she seemed to barely restrain herself from touching Pansy again let him know she very much liked the idea of her being spanked daily.

Harry nodded at Hermione, motioning for her to move and sit against the left-sided drawers of his desk so she could easily watch Pansy’s ass while he spanked her. Hermione licked her lips and smiled, giving Pansy’s pretty cum-stained face one last look before she crawled over, using the drawers as a backrest.

“Every night. I told you she was working hard for forgiveness,” he murmured, massaging Pansy’s pert, bruised ass. Unlike his best friend, who nature had blessed with a perfect hourglass figure as she grew, Pansy had stopped growing in both height and curves after her fifth year. The only thing that had changed since then had been her face (puberty had helped soften her features and left her a face with statuesque perfection) and more recently, her hair (which she had grown down to her lower back on his request).

“She’s perfect, isn’t she?” Harry murmured, grinning as Hermione leaned forward to look at the faded maroon and purple bruises dotting the alabaster skin of her ass. Pansy had once told him that Slytherins might as well be vampires given the amount of sun they got. Her skin was proof of that statement.

Hermione nodded mutely, leaning back against the wooden desk. She didn’t bother pulling down the skirt that had ridden up her legs, a hand instead disappearing between her legs. “I think Mistress Granger shares Daddy’s interest in spanking tiny, petite princesses,” Harry chuckled. Hermione blushed a dark red, but his words didn’t stop her from what she was doing. She continued to pull her lacy red knickers down her legs, carelessly tossing them to one side.

Bold choice of underwear.

Hermione had continuously surprised him throughout the night, and it seemed she was in no mood to stop. And to think his friend could have had the best time of his life if only he’d kept an open mind. He ran a finger along Pansy’s glistening slit, his smile growing at the wetness and quiet whimper that greeted him.

“Are you ready?” he asked, squeezing the wrists he had trapped with his hand.

“Yes, sir,” Pansy nodded, peeking at Hermione through her hair. Hermione hadn’t waited for them to start, lazily pushing the tip of her index finger inside her cunt even as she kept her eyes on them. They were putting on a show for his best friend, and he was determined to make it a good one.

She was doing the same for them, he realized. He watched Hermione spread her legs when she noticed Pansy was watching her, giving them both an unobstructed view of her thick thighs and the slender finger pushing her puffy lips apart as it was slowly pushed into her cunt. Harry felt his cock twitch at the sight of a trickle of arousal dripping down from his best friend’s cunt to the floor.

“Three minutes, yes master?” Pansy asked softly. She had turned her head to rest her cheek on his lap, shyly watching the effortless show Hermione was putting on for her. Hermione grinned, moaning softly as she buried the entire finger inside her cunt.

“Three minutes.” Harry brought his open palm down on her left cheek with as much strength as he could muster. The loud SMACK echoed around the sound-proofed office, and Pansy cried out, instinctively squirming on his lap.

Hermione groaned, her eyes flickering over to the bright red handprint left behind on the whimpering girl’s ass cheek. “Y-you don’t make her count?” she asked, spreading her legs as far as she could, her pussy on full display. He could smell her arousal. Or was it his pet?

Both, he thought with an internal chuckle. He had two very horny women on his hands.

“Sometimes. Right now, she’s very distracted, which means she’ll get it wrong, and I’ll have to keep adding to her punishment,” Harry explained softly, bringing his palm down on her other cheek. SMACK. The flesh jiggled for a moment, a second handprint now etched on poor Pansy’s already sore ass. “Do you want to tell Mistress Hermione what you’re distracted by, pet?” He asked, wishing he had an extra hand. There was something quite sensual about running his hand through her hair to comfort her in between spanks.

“I-nothing?” Pansy offered weakly, her cheeks turning dark red.


She was rewarded with three hard spanks in quick succession for her lie, one on each cheek, and the third squarely on her cunt.

“Da-daddy! Please! I’m sorry!” She hiccupped, tears streaming down her eyes.

“What-” SMACK. “are you-” SMACK. SMACK. He had shifted down to her thighs. “distracted by?” He finished, raining blows on her ass with his palm as the quiet tears turned to sobbing.

He paused, giving Pansy a minute of reprieve to work through the stinging pain radiating from her ass. His eyes turned to Hermione, the stern expression on his face breaking into a smile at the sight of his best friend desperately pumping two fingers in and out of her cunt. She moaned quietly as her thumb rubbed her clit, tearing her eyes away from Pansy’s bright red ass when she realized he had stopped.

“Why’d you stop?” she asked with a quiet groan of disappointment. A small puddle of her arousal had pooled under her legs, and his cock stirred back to life as the heady scent hit his nose.

“Because she needs a minute,” Harry murmured, massaging Pansy’s ass. “And because if I kept going, she’d have cum, and like she’s already been informed, she doesn’t get to orgasm till Sunday.”

“She…” Hermione moaned, her hips bucking. “She cums from the spanking?”

“What are you pet?” Harry asked, using the minute of reprieve to take off his tie and use it to bind Pansy’s wrists together. He used his newfound freedom to push her hair out of her face, giving both women a clear view of each other.

Pansy was smart enough (or deep enough in Subspace) not to hesitate this time. “I’m a masochist, Mistress Granger. I get off on pain,” she admitted.

“Good girl. Shall I continue?”

“Yes, please, master.”

It was a rhetorical question. She knew he liked to hear her admit how much she wanted the pain. How much she craved it.

Hermione’s moans grew louder as she watched him resume spanking Pansy’s ass, thighs, and pussy for another minute without a single break, rendering the girl a bawling mess. By the end of it, she was sobbing and mumbling incoherently, promising to be a good girl for him.

The mascara and tears streaming down Pansy’s cheeks intermingled with his cum, leaving her face a ruined mess.

Harry gently pulled the girl up to his chest, his attention pulled away from her by Hermione’s loud groan. He watched his best friend undo the buttons of her blouse with shaky fingers, her thumb desperately rubbing her clit in search of that elusive orgasm. She was lost in her own world, her eyes closed, not even realizing that the spanking was over.

Harry let Pansy catch her breath while he freed her wrists. “Good girl,” he whispered, kissing her forehead. He bent, whispering instructions in her ear before gently pushing her off his lap.

Pansy didn’t bother getting to her feet. She crawled over to Hermione, gently wrapping a hand around her wrist and pulling her fingers out from her weeping pussy. “Can I take care of you, Mistress?” Pansy whispered, licking Hermione’s fingers. Pansy’s eyes sparkled with barely suppressed arousal as she cleaned Hermione’s fingers.

“I-” Hermione’s eyes opened, and she looked up at Harry for permission.

“My idea,” Harry responded, getting up from the chair. He sat down next to Hermione, pulling his curvy friend into his lap. His ankles locked around hers, pulling her legs apart. “You wanted a threesome, didn’t you?”

He watched Pansy crawl in between their legs. She wasted no time, locking her lips around Hermione’s pussy as she began to eat her out.

“I-” Hermione moaned, her hips bucking at the sudden bliss. “Had something a little different in mind,” she breathed.

“We’ll have a more traditional threesome one day. For now, just enjoy,” he whispered. His hand slipped into her unbuttoned blouse, pinching and twisting the stiff nipple poking through her lacy bra. Her moan turned into a groan and he grinned. His other hand pushed between her thighs, lazily rubbing her clit as Pansy ate her out with the same dedication she had while sucking his dick.

Hermione didn’t even last a full minute, a shrill scream escaping her lips as the powerful orgasm rocked her body. She groaned, squirting all over Pansy’s face and his fingers. Neither of them stopped, and he kept rubbing her clit while Pansy lapped up her juices as she rode out her high on his lap.

Hermione fell back into his chest, gasping for breath.

“My little Slytherin redemption project isn’t so bad, is she?” He asked teasingly.

“No…” Hermione rasped, her voice hoarse. She looked down at Pansy. She was kneeling between their legs, her head on Hermione’s thigh. Her face, hair, and clothes were a sticky mess, a mixture of the two dominants' cum, her own tears, and make-up, but she had a content smile on her relaxed face. Hermione reached out to touch her cheek, smiling as Pansy leaned into her hand. “She’s perfect.”


“Come,” Hermione murmured, frustratedly running a hand through her messy hair. She had graciously offered to finish the detention reports so Harry could have the night off to celebrate his six-month anniversary with Pansy.

She knew it wasn’t the work that had her in a pissy mood. Normally, she didn’t mind it. It was Harry and Pansy. She loved them both with all her heart for including her in their dynamic, but she knew she’d never truly be a part of it. She could ‘dom’ Pansy on occasion, but she wasn’t her Domme. Nights like this one made that fact abundantly clear.

She needed someone to dote on, a pet of her own to love, cherish, and punish. Unfortunately, it seemed dating opportunities as a Domme were rather sparse. Those who were interested in the dynamic were already taken and those who weren’t taken… Well, she had no desire to share a bed with Ron again.

“Well?” She huffed, looking up at the door in annoyance. Whoever had knocked had pushed open the door slightly but made no move to enter, almost as if they were deliberating whether they wanted to see her. Her prompting finally caused the person to push the door open.

“Yes?” she asked, looking at the tiny blonde girl. She remained frozen at the entrance to her office, like a deer caught in headlights. She took in the Slytherin uniform and the slightly familiar face.

Pansy’s friend?

Her heart jumped in her throat at the terrified expression on the girl’s face.

Did something happen to them?

She walked into the office, shutting the door behind her with shaky hands.

“Uhm. I… I’m Melissa Rivers. We… uh… we’ve never talked, but we had Potions together for six years and I’m Pansy’s friend. And, you see the thing is… well…” she trailed off.

Hermione resisted the urge to ask the girl to spit out whatever she had come over to say.

“Okay. Did she send you over?” Hermione asked, trying her best not to sound testy.

“Well… I ran into Pansy and… Harry Potter in Club Black last week…I-I have been thinking about the lifestyle for a while now, and they were incredibly kind…”

Hermione frowned. Where was she going with this story? She knew Harry and Pansy probably had the kink club as one of their stops for the night. “Are they in trouble?”

“What?” Melissa squeaked. “No! No. They uh… As I said, I’ve been looking for someone, and they told me you were looking for a ‘Slytherin Redemption Project’ of your own?”

Hermione smiled. “Why don’t you take a seat sweetie, so we can get started?”


I'm experimenting with longer chapters and more detailed descriptions. Let me know if you enjoyed this story!



This was excellent. The direction you took it was a great change of pace.