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Content Warnings: Harry/Pansy/Hermione Short Story, Semi-Public, BJ, Hand Job, Exhibitionism, Humiliation, Cum Play, Teasing.


Harry didn’t bother looking up from the Prefect patrolling schedule he was trying to perfect. He didn’t have to. His visitor had entered without knocking and proceeded to sit in the chair directly opposite him with a huff. Only two people entered his office without knocking, and out of those two only one ever sighed. His other best friend preferred far less subtle ways of expressing his displeasure.

“Harry.” She huffed again, and he peered at her from the top of his glasses, an eyebrow raised inquisitively.

“You do remember, don’t you, that I was never quite good at Occlumency, let alone Legilimency? If you don’t tell me what the problem is, I’ll have to just have to guess.” He chuckled when her frown deepened at the amused tone of his voice. “Ron?”

“Yes. Your best friend,” Hermione hissed, dumping her satchel on his desk with enough force to make the ink pot shake.

“You’re both my best friends,” Harry reminded her mildly. He set the ink pot securely in its holder, finally setting the quill down in favor of locking his hands together. He rested his chin on his fingers, grunting softly. “What’d he do now?”

“He was chatting up Lavender all evening.”

“I thought the two of you decided to actually break up this time? That’s the impression I got from him when we talked last week. If you aren’t a couple anymore, it shouldn’t bother you when he flirts with someone else. It usually doesn’t when the two of you are on one of your breaks. What changed? Is it the fact that you know this break was pretty much the end of the road for you two?”

“Maybe you’d know what’s going on if you talked to your ‘best friend’ more than once a week,” she replied, using air quotes to frame the two words.

“Ron and I talk every day. You and I talk nearly every hour for that matter. Just because I refuse to get in between whatever is going on between the two of you doesn’t mean I’ve been neglecting my duties as a friend.” He grunted softly again, sinking lower into his chair.

“Maybe we feel neglected because you spend the majority of your time with your little Slytherin redemption project these days.” The venom in her voice was highly uncharacteristic of her. “Where is she anyway? She had detention with you tonight, didn’t she?”

“She’s serving it.”

“I don’t see her.”

“She’s polishing a broom handle as her punishment. I’m pretty sure she’s deep into the task at this very moment.” His hand disappeared under the desk, fingers burying in the long silky black hair of the girl studiously bobbing her head up and down on his cock.

“You just give her the task and trust her to do it?”

“I check the handle once detention is over. I know what a newly polished broom handle looks like Hermione.” He rolled his eyes. “She hasn’t let me down even once. She’s a good girl.” He grunted softly when Pansy swirled her tongue around his sensitive tip in appreciation for the compliment.

Will Hermione pick up on the odd choice of words? I wonder…

If she had, she didn’t comment on it. “I don’t know what you see in her,” she said instead.

“Everyone deserves a second chance, and she’s working very hard for hers.” He shrugged. Until they were both ready to go public, that was all anyone needed to know, even his best friend. Nobody had any right to demand an explanation for his affection for Pansy Parkinson.

“Speaking of second chances, why did the two of you break up this time? As I said, the way he talked about it, it seemed pretty final this time, but every time I ask him the reason he is uncharacteristically quiet. Not a single complaint about you, which is highly unlike him,” Harry asked quickly, before Hermione could ask him more questions about his fondness for a certain Slytherin.

He kept his hand buried in his pet’s hair, not that she needed it. She went about serving her punishment with her usual enthusiasm, if anything, the arrival of the other girl had prompted her to turn her punishment of being gagged by his cock for the duration of her detention into a blowjob. She had to know she would be punished later that night for breaking the parameters he had set for her detention, but he was equally sure that she didn’t really care. Not when she had a way to upstage Hermione Granger.

Sometimes he wondered what life would be like if all the people he cared for got along. He probably wouldn’t be getting his brains enthusiastically sucked out of his dick by his beautiful kitten, considering the only reason it was happening was that her distaste for Hermione was stronger than her fear of breaking one of his rules.

He sighed as she took his entire length down her throat, quietly spluttering and drooling around his thick shaft. Her nose was buried in his crotch and she held herself there without any prompting on his part. He grunted, the combination of the slight friction provided by her tongue and the feel of the velvet walls of her throat squeezing his dick transporting him to heaven. He lost track of his surroundings and the other person in the room, sinking deeper into his chair and sighing loudly.

“Harry? Harry? HARRY!”

He shook himself free of the pleasant dreamscape he lost himself in every time his princess worshipped his body. He stretched, disguising the moan escaping his lips as a yawn.

“Sorry. I’m exhausted. I had no idea being Head Boy was so much work,” Harry mumbled, tugging on Pansy’s hair to pull her free of his cock. He glanced down at her surreptitiously, only for his gaze to be met by her dark eyes looking up at him with determination and mischief. It was almost like she wanted to be caught, and judging by the fantasy she had shared with him a week ago, he wouldn’t be too surprised if that was the exact result she was working towards.

“Want me to finish that schedule for you?” The excuse appeared to have mollified his friend’s suspicions, and he collapsed back into his chair, trying to control his urge to pull Pansy up over his knee for the amused hum at his feeble explanation.

“You never let me dump my work on you before the war, Mione. Don’t go getting soft in your old age,” he teased, picking up the quill to give his free hand something to do. Pansy had shifted her attention to his balls, closing her lips around one of the cum engorged globes. She began to suck, applying the barest of pressures on the testicle, and he had to pretend to yawn again.

I might be the only person in the world who wishes for a less dedicated pet.

“You sure? You look pretty tired.”

“Positive,” Harry replied. It wasn’t like he could get up and go anywhere, and thus needed a good excuse to be seated at his desk until Hermione left. The seemingly never-ending Prefect’s schedule seemed as good a reason as any. “Just keep me awake by telling me what’s going on between you and Ron.”

“It’s embarrassing.”

“I gathered as much. He transformed into a beetroot when I asked him the reason.”

“We just… aren’t compatible.” Harry raised an eyebrow again. He pulled Pansy away from his balls, letting her struggle for his cock vainly against his grip. “In bed.” Hermione finished.

Harry chuckled, and her frown deepened. “Just because you’ve decided to live like a hermit.” Hermione scowled, “Doesn’t mean the rest of us don’t have needs.”

“You think I’ve given up on sex?” He had to grip the edge of his table as the girl under the table twisted free from his grip, wrapping her ruby-red lips around his throbbing cock and impaling her throat on his shaft without hesitation, almost as if she was reminding him that sex with her was unlike anything he had experienced before. Her amused dark eyes flickered up to look at him. Her lips turned, and he knew she was grinning. If only his best friend knew just what kind of sex life he had…

Pansy Parkinson didn’t have a bratty bone in her body except when she was around Hermione Granger. Then, it took her all of two seconds to transform from an obedient princess to a playful kitten.

“You broke up with Ginny. You’re not dating anyone. You just spend your evenings studying or going on walks with Parkinson.”

“I broke up with Ginny because we weren’t compatible…” His breath hitched as Pansy pulled away, swirling her tongue around his tip to lap up the precum leaking out. If Hermione Granger brought out the playful kitten hidden in her, bringing up Ginny was a sure shot way to ensure her possessive side awoke and stuck around the entire night. Harry knew he would be waking up with lipstick stains dotting his body and her nail marks on his back. Reminders, that he had a dutiful pet who doted on him, and he didn’t need anyone else. “And who said I’m not dating someone else?”

“Are you dating someone else?” The look on her face changed to one of horror, “are you dating Parkinson?”

“I’m not dating Pansy.” It was the truth, more or less. They hadn’t formally labeled their relationship. They’d never even gone on a traditional date. Even their walks were part of the daily routine she had to follow as per the rules he had set for her.

Pansy had started to speed up, bobbing her head up and down on his cock at a determined pace. Desperate for his approval, desperate to please him. Terrified that he actually was dating someone else and would leave her. He didn’t need to be a legilimens to know what she was thinking. He knew her better than anyone in the castle, even herself.

“You got me. I’m not dating anyone,” Harry admitted, although it was more for Pansy than Hermione. He set down the quill, both his hands disappearing under the table. One buried in her hair while the other grasped his shaft, slapping her cheek with his cock when she pulled away for air. He quickly continued to disguise the quiet sounds coming from under the table. “But we’re here talking about you and Ron. What’d he do, wear his Chudley Canons jersey during sex? The shirt stays on,” he said, trying and failing to sound like his best friend.

“Merlin,” Hermione huffed, clearly too preoccupied with her own problems to notice what was going on right under her nose. “I’d be more than happy with that. In fact, I’d have loved to roleplay as the cute cheerwitch who rewards her favorite keeper after the match or something. All the trashy novels Parvati keeps lending me have rotted my brain and given me unrealistic expectations I guess.”

Harry forced himself to pay attention to what her best friend was saying. Pansy had slipped free of the ribbon he had used to secure her wrists and was rolling his balls in her hands as she continued to force herself to take as much of his cock down her throat as she could with every movement of her head. “Come on Hermione, the roleplay idea isn’t unrealistic.” He used his hand in Pansy’s hair to pull her free of his dick, ignoring the quiet, annoyed huff. His other hand grabbed her chin, guiding her to the testicle her hand wasn’t playing with. She quickly got the idea, drawing it into her mouth and slowly sucking on it.

In fact, it’s downright tame.

“He wasn’t for it?” His breathing was growing heavier with every passing minute, and he knew he was about to cum any second now. And as preoccupied as his friend was, he doubted she would miss something as explosive as that. He pulled Pansy away from him again, and she voiced her silent displeasure by squirming against his grip.

“Nope. The shirt literally stayed on during sex Harry. We had a schedule. Twice a week, in his bed, in the same position. I kept trying to make it work. I even got Lavender to agree to a bloody threesome to spice things up. A fucking threesome. He said he ‘respected’ me and her too much to do something like that. And then he goes and chats her up.”

Pansy stopped squirming. There was no muffling the gasp from under the table. Luckily, Hermione had been concentrating on shredding the parchment in her hands and only looked up at the sound.

“You gasped?” She frowned.

“Yep. I did.” He pushed Pansy back down on his cock to muffle any more compromising sounds. She happily acquiesced, sighing softly as her mouth and throat were stuffed again.

“You don’t gasp.”

“And you don’t propose threesomes, much less talk about them with me. First time for everything I guess?” Harry asked weakly, his hand gripping the edge of the table. There was no holding it back now. Pansy had pulled away, wrapping her slender fingers around his shaft. She started to pump, her other hand fondling his balls. He sneaked a glance at her, and she grinned, shifting ever so slightly to the left to make sure her face would get the full blast of his load.

“What do you think I should do?”

Thank Merlin for Ron Weasley and his incredible daftness when it comes to women.

His best friend seemed far too lost in her thoughts to notice his sweaty, red face or heavy breathing. Not to mention the quiet groans he was trying to kill before they escaped his lips.

“I think you should let Ron go before it ruins what little friendship the two of you have left,” Harry said quietly. He hissed as Pansy tightened her grip on his shaft, beginning to pump harder. “The two of you just aren’t compatible. No point having massive rows over it.” He dug his nails into the bare skin of his thigh, biting his lip to stifle his moan as his orgasm rocked through him. “And-” He grunted, collapsing back into his chair as his balls tightened and cock twitched, shooting a thick rope of his seed straight onto Pansy’s waiting tongue. “And you should find someone who enjoys the same things as you do.”

“The unrealistic and frankly somewhat dangerous stuff I secretly love to read about in those novels? A threesome?”

“If that is what makes you… happy.” He glanced down for a quick second, watching ropes of cum shoot out of his twitching cock and coat the entirety of Pansy’s face and tongue. She noticed him looking and quickly wrapped her lips around his cock, swallowing the last few loads. “Yes.”

‘Cum Extra.’ George needed to work on the name but damn if it wasn’t a wonderful product.

“Thanks, Harry. I needed to hear that.” Hermione picked up her satchel and got up to leave, and Harry breathed a sigh of relief.

Fuck, that was close.

And far too exciting for their health.

Pansy pulled away with one last kiss to his cock, and he knew it was a promise that this wouldn’t be the last time she’d put on such a performance for him.

He smiled at Hermione, who had paused at the door and turned to look back at him.

“And what about you, Parkinson? Do you have any advice for a ‘judgmental bitch’?” She asked, using the taunt Pansy had called her a couple of times in moments of frustration.

Harry’s denial died in his throat at the look on her face.

‘Don’t insult my intelligence by denying it. I know she’s there.’

That was what it seemed to say.

“Be easier to hear you if you come out from under the desk,” Hermione added.

He sighed and pushed his chair to one side, allowing a red-faced, cum-covered Pansy Parkinson to emerge from under his desk. She haphazardly did up the buttons of her blouse before turning to look at the woman who terrified, annoyed, and aroused her in equal parts, giving her a sheepish wave. “Hi.”


I had to divide the short story into 2 chapters when it morphed into an outtake of Secrets We Share. Hermione joins the fun in Chapter 2. Harry is going to get creative to help her friend with all that unresolved tension and frustration, and help her get over her dislike of Slytherins.


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