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Content Warnings: Food play (Whipped Cream), Breast and Nipple Play, Teasing, BJ/Deepthroating.

Hermione Granger had decided a long time ago that her boyfriend's best features were his vivid green eyes. They were gorgeous, expressive, and seemed to provide a window straight into his soul. She still maintained his eyes were beautiful, but if asked to choose his best feature now, she'd be hard pressed to pick them over his lips. For they were fire, they were love, they were everything she could have ever wished for.

"Pleash..." she mumbled, a deep-seated need to be loved and cherished being awoken within her as Harry's rough, chapped lips grazed against her skin. In all her years at Hogwarts, nobody had expected her to get this type of attention from other students. Was she so broken that she craved the most superficial of validations? Perhaps everyone wanted the things that they never had. Lavender had once told her that she craved to have people looking at her as more than just another pretty blonde, and Hermione- Well, Hermione had days when all she wanted was for Harry to treat her like a pretty princess. Being deprived of sight, hearing, and voice was wonderful for meditating on one's thoughts she mused, whimpering as Harry's tongue started to sloppily clean up the cool material he had dumped on her breasts.

This was the most exquisite of tortures and the man was intent on drawing it out till his submissive reached her breaking point. After a year together he could read her body well but still kept an eye on her hands, knowing he'd need to stop the moment she felt she could take no more. He paused, teeth poised to clamp down on her stiff pink teat when he spied the girl raising her arms, only for her to thread her fingers through his unruly hair desperately pushing him down into her bosom as she mewled. Smirking, Harry set to work, his teeth clamping down on the nipple, the hex he had used on her amplifying the sting and driving all coherent thought from her mind. A shrill scream escaped the girl's lips as her nipple devolved into nothing more than a flash point of red-hot pain and yet when Harry pulled away to look at the girl, he could only see a lazy smile adorning her face.

She was floating, floating away in the sea that was subspace, unburdened by thought or worry. Her hands mindlessly pushed his face down on her other breast. It still needed to be cleaned and she craved the pain, the pleasure, and everything else Harry thought fit to give her. He pulled away to let the girl settle down, well aware that her competitive streak had translated itself into the bedroom, and the girl wouldn't ask him to stop. Not until she was past her breaking point and couldn't physically tolerate it anymore, and Harry had no intention of pushing her that far tonight. They really needed a non-verbal way for her to ask him to slow down, he realized as he picked up his wand, reversing the Muffliato with one lazy flick.

"You okay kitten?" Harry asked softly, relieved but not surprised when the girl nodded rapidly. There was a time when he'd spend the entire night overthinking every action of his, unable to believe he'd hurt her as he had. But he knew she wanted it, she wanted him, all of him. The good, the bad, and the painful. "Need me to slow down?" he asked, laughing as her cheeks got even redder, the girl shaking her head shyly.

Hermione Granger was not good at communicating her desires. Harry Potter was very good at reading them.

If he had to guess, she didn't want him to slow down, and she certainly didn't want him to stop, but she wanted him to take his time, to let her savor every sensation. His lips, his teeth, and his tongue. And so, he took his time, lazily running his tongue over her other breast, his cock twitching with every whimper and moan. He continued licking even after he had cleaned off all the whipped cream, only pausing as he felt her shake under him, heralding the onset of another earth-shattering orgasm. The second of the night for her, certainly nothing new. That was their usual when they made love, and the man had pushed her up to five the time they had tried overstimulation. She could certainly handle three, especially since he planned to have her sleep in and rest the next day.

"Do you want to cum for me princess?" Harry asked, his smile growing when the flush on her cheeks deepened. She loved it when he called her princess, and he saved it for special occasions. Usually for when she had been especially good, or for when he was feeling particularly loving.

"Pleash?" she asked softly, ignoring the tears leaking from the corner of her eyes. It wasn't a demand. It was a request, and Hermione was extremely happy with how she sounded. Tonight, she was nothing more than Harry Potter's submissive, and like everything else in her life, she planned to be perfect at that.

"Of course," Harry whispered, his hand caressing her cheek for but a second before it made its way down between her thighs, a lone finger pushing between her slit. "Cum for me. Cum for me my perfect little goddess." He whispered, pumping the finger in and out of her for a minute before he pulled out in favor of rubbing her clit, his teeth clamping down on her other nipple.

Pain. Pleasure. Pain and pleasure. Through the haziness of it all, Hermione realized he had called her with a pet name he had never used before. His goddess. She was nowhere close to being a goddess, but then, she wasn't a slut either. But she was his slut, and with the moment of clarity that came only at the height of pleasure, she realized she could be his goddess as well. She would be his everything.

She moaned softly as the man kept rubbing her clit, letting her ride out her orgasm even as he pulled away from her breasts. Just as well, the small, minuscule part of her that was still capable of rational thought told her. Her nipples felt like they were on fire, and she wasn't sure how much more she could take. If he had continued, she simply would have sucked it up and taken it like a good girl, for she refused to use the safe sign and let Harry stop the session before she got him off. She really needed to talk to him about coming up with a way for her to non-verbally convey the need for him to slow down.

"Galleon for your thoughts?" Harry asked with an amused smile, gently pulling the drool-soaked snitch out of her mouth, returning two out of her three senses to normalcy. Only Hermione Granger could be capable of both enjoying an orgasm and thinking coherently, he thought as he pulled the blindfold away from her eyes.

"If I'm your goddess does that mean you're not going to look at any other girl, ever?" Hermione asked, her voice raspy. She blinked a few times in rapid succession, getting used to the normal light of their bedroom before she looked up at him with big brown eyes, hoping he wouldn't realize what she had been really thinking. She didn't need another lecture on the importance of the safe word and when to use it, not when she could see his cock pushing through his pants, practically begging for her attention. "You know, since that would upset me, and upsetting your patron goddess is never a good idea," she added with a cheeky grin.

"Is that so?" Harry asked, raising his eyebrow at the sudden change in her demeanor from submissive to bratty. The new pet name seemed to have awakened something within her, and Harry knew they would end the night in a very different mood than the one they had started with.

"I do declare. Harry James Potter, you will make your goddess very cross if you look at another girl," she said as she pretended to be upset at the fact that he hadn't outright accepted her demand. She crossed her arms over her chest after he had pulled her up into a sitting position. The movement had the slight complication of making her hands brush against her still stiff nipples, and the girl yelped, dropping her arms to her side and looking up sheepishly as her dominant laughed at her predicament.

"For someone who calls me their goddess, you're very mean to me, Harry Potter," she said with a pout, trying to ignore the flutter in her chest as the man lifted her up with ease, setting her down on the floor next to the ottoman before kneeling in front of her.

"I will never ever look at another girl little one. I can't make any guarantees about Ronald though. I definitely think there's a connection there and I should explore it someday," Harry whispered, his eyes twinkling.

First, whipped cream, and now banter?

He truly was in a playful mood, and Hermione realized she was suddenly in the mood to give back as good as she got.

“If you do that, you'll make your goddess very sad and very lonely. She'll have to find solace in the arms of another lonely soul," she said, continuing quickly before her love took the wrong meaning from her statement, "perhaps sir, you'd like to come home to your goddess on Lavender's knee," She finished sweetly, giving him her biggest, most innocent smile. The cheeky little bastard that was the flip side of her submissive nature had awoken, and she wanted to play.

"I-uh..." Harry mumbled, his cheeks bypassing pink and red and shooting straight to scarlet as images of Hermione and Lavender snogging decided to drive out everything else in his mind. They did share a dormitory for seven years. Did they? No. She had to be teasing him.

"You can be a cheeky brat at times, you know?" Harry mumbled after a few seconds of complete silence where he had tried to suppress all sorts of raunchy images popping up and Hermione tried her best not to giggle. That she decided, would be pushing it too far. "I'd punish you for that if it didn't turn me on so goddamned much." He grunted, pushing his lips against hers as if to show her just who it was she needed to be snogging.

An arm wound around to her back to support the girl as he pressed into her, their lips locked in a fierce kiss, her tongue dueling his for dominance. He liked this nature of hers, although he'd never actually tell her that. Good dominants didn't actively encourage their submissive to be brats, however much it might turn them on. And it turned him on. A lot.

"Was your tongue really what you wanted to shove into my mouth, Mr. Potter?" Hermione asked, gasping for breath as she pulled away from their heated kiss, tilting her head back to allow him access to her slender neck and creamy skin. She groaned as his teeth brushed her still sensitive skin, claiming her the way he usually liked to do. The girl at the shop had been very surprised at the amount of foundation Hermione seemed to go through, and she had finally broken down and told her that no, her boyfriend wasn't abusing her, it was quite the opposite. Her boyfriend loved her very much, but she was a lawyer and she couldn't very well go to work covered in hickeys, could she? The girl had simply grinned at her, and now kept a bottle ready the moment she saw Hermione pop into the shop.

"N-not fair." Hermione gasped; her eyes fluttering shut as she struggled to keep her hands by her sides. She was playful, and she liked being playful, but she'd never be disobedient. Harry hadn't told her she could move her hands, and until he did, she was supposed to keep them by her side whenever he made her kneel.

"Why is this not fair little one?" Harry asked, chuckling quietly as he licked the rapidly blooming bruise in the crook of her neck.

"I should... I should be marking you. The stupid girls stare at you, not me," she said grumpily, her mind flashing back to their trips to Diagon Alley, Quidditch Games, or any possible location that had even a single magical female. At times even muggle women stared, all of them apparently deciding the absence of a ring on his hand meant he was fair game. It made Hermione feel decidedly violent.

"Then why don't you mark me?" Harry asked as he pulled away from her, his voice calm and expression inscrutable.

"I-I can?" Hermione asked, blinking at him in confusion. Could she? She had never given him a hickey in their six months of experimenting with their new lifestyle. Scratches on his back? Sure. A hickey? Never. Could she? Was this a test? Even if it was, she decided to go right ahead and give him one. He'd understand. It was Harry. He had to understand why she wanted to do this.

"Of course, little one. It goes both ways you know? You are mine, and I am yours. I will never ever look at another woman till the time you'll have me, but if you feel better covering me with hickeys, mark away," Harry said, giving her a fond smile.

"I want to. I don't like it when they stare at you. I know you don't do anything to solicit those stares, let alone encourage them, but I still don't like it," she mumbled, trying to ignore how petty she sounded. Was it petty? Probably. Did she care? Not in the slightest.

"I know. So, come here. Give me a hickey and claim me as yours, you cheeky goddess," Harry whispered, pulling her onto his lap. He groaned as she brushed against the bulge in his crotch, eliciting a giggle from the submissive.

"We need to do something about that before it explodes and ruins a perfectly good pair of jeans sir," she whispered as she leaned into the crook of his neck, breathing in his scent and trying to commit it to memory.

"In a second. This first," he murmured, his eyes fluttering shut as she placed a gentle kiss to his pulse point, the throbbing increasing under her soft lips.

"I've never given anyone a hickey." She admitted softly, her pride unable to admit what she really thought. What if she did something wrong? What if he didn't like it?

"It's okay kitten. Just do what I do. You'll be okay," Harry murmured, his arms winding around her back partly to support her and partly to prevent her from pulling away from him. She needed this, and he was more than happy to give it to her.

Hermione gave him a small nod; glad her face was hidden in his neck and he couldn't see the worried expression on her face. Even though she had been slowly warming up to the idea of spontaneity, she really didn't do anything spontaneously. She liked to read, research and practice before she tried anything new, but she didn't want to wait a week to claim him. She wanted it now. So, she wrapped her lips around his warm skin, gently sucking on it. She smirked as the man groaned when she sunk her teeth into his skin, his arms quivering for once. She continued to kiss and suck, her smile only growing with every little sound he made, every twitch of his cock under her helping her realize just how much he was enjoying it.

She was fighting air, and the air was winning. Reluctantly, she pulled away to breathe, observing the mark she had left on his tanned skin. If he wore a t-shirt, and he usually did, the mark would be visible to everyone. "You're not allowed to cover it up. You don't have a boss. Meaning you don't have to act all professional and decorous. Thus, you're not allowed to cover it up," she muttered, grinning at him triumphantly as she pushed herself off his lap, pulling her hands behind her back and looking up at him as he stood.

"I'm not?" Harry asked, raising an eyebrow as he undid his belt, tossing the leather onto the bed. His jeans were next and the man pulled them and his boxers down to his ankles. He breathed a sigh of relief as his shaft sprung free, unable to stop himself from chuckling as it smacked his submissive's cheek.

"Well, Mr. Potter, if you plan to act in so rude a manner with me, I do think I would like something in return," Hermione whispered, her brown eyes big and innocent as she looked up at him. She wasn't feeling particularly innocent at that very moment, but Harry had spent all night making her very happy. It was only fair to return the favor.

"Rudely?" Harry asked, gently grabbing his shaft and starting to pump, letting it grow to its full size, which admittedly didn't take long. "I don't think I've been very rude."

"My face is a mess. My breasts are a mess. I'm a mess, sir. And now you're going to have your submissive wrap her pretty little mouth around your big fat cock as you shove it down her throat. I think that's plenty rude, don't you?" she asked, even as she stuck her tongue out for him, ready to receive his tip as he guided himself closer to her open mouth.

"Would you like me to stop Miss Granger?" Harry asked softly, his tip centimeters from the tip of her tongue.

"I never said I didn't like it when you were rude to me Mr. Potter," Hermione whispered before she opened her mouth for him once more, keeping her eyes trained on his and her arms locked behind her back. He didn't like her using her hands during a blowjob. It was one of the few acts where he liked complete control, with little to no input from her.

She groaned as he pushed inch after inch of his cock into her mouth, reminding herself to relax her muscles and breathe through her nose. Her gag reflex wasn't so bad when she actively reminded herself to relax, but she still hadn't gotten the hang of it. The cheeky voice in her brain reminded her to ask Harry if they could practice more.

"F-fuck." Harry groaned as her lips wrapped around his tip, the warm cavern of her mouth welcoming his shaft without any resistance. He saw the corners of her lips curl up into a smile, and he knew she was enjoying this. She liked to see the effect she had on him, and had encouraged him to let loose on many occasions. Which he did. Often, and despite his best intentions to control himself. "You're a very naughty goddess Miss Granger," Harry whispered, a hand pushing itself through her hair, using her head to push her down on his cock.

If Hermione was in any condition to speak, she'd have reminded him that he liked it when she was naughty. But she wasn't, considering her mouth and tongue were otherwise occupied and the girl could barely breathe, so she was content with looking up at him and enjoying the sight of the control he had so carefully built up crumble in seconds, the man giving into his base urges.

Harry, while mentally completely capable of speech, realized his tongue would not cooperate as his words were lost in a loud groan when the girl suddenly and very enthusiastically started to suck on his cock, swirling her tongue around the shaft as best she could. He gave up, pushing his other hand into her hair before he pushed her down on his shaft further, his hands shaking as he felt her nose bury itself in his crotch.

He was her dominant, yet at that very moment, she held all the power and Hermione loved it. She drooled around his shaft as he pushed the last inch of its length inside her, the girl unable to breathe anymore. The first few times she had tried to deepthroat him, she had panicked at the very real possibility of choking, but as the trust grew, the panic subsided. They learned her limits, and she knew that while she'd take a risk and push past them on occasion, Harry never would.

She kept her eyes trained on him even as his closed, her mind slipping back into the haze of subspace brought on by oxygen deprivation. No more witty quips or cheeky retorts. Just a desire to make her dominant happy, to give him the same pleasure he had given her.

He pulled her away, pulling out of her throat and most of her mouth, letting her gasp for air for a few seconds before he pushed down again. In and out, in and out. Just enough oxygen to keep her conscious and comfortable, nothing more. She gasped and drooled and sucked, grinning when the man moaned as her teeth grazed against his sensitive skin. He hated it when she did that to his tip, loved it everywhere else. A distinction she had made sure to remember.

"F-fuck. Close... Was aroused since the spanking," Harry mumbled, unable to believe how quickly she had brought him to the edge. He usually had more self-control, but it was rapidly slipping away from him and not even the image of Snape scowling at him could bring it back.

He bunched up her hair in his fists, using his grip to face-fuck her to the best of his ability. He groaned as he opened his eyes, finding that her warm, brown ones were still locked onto his face, silently encouraging him to cum, to lose that last bit of control he was holding onto and give her his seed. He stubbornly held out for a few more strokes, pulling her away from his cock only to ram it back down her throat, letting the girl drool and gag around his length as she tried to keep sucking.

Ignoring the urge to shut his eyes, he finally gave in as the tension in his stomach became too much to bear, coming inside the girl's mouth with a loud groan. The girl dutifully held still, letting the seed dribble out of her mouth as she swallowed to the best of her ability. It was messy. Harry liked messy, so she didn't particularly care. She sighed as he pulled out of her, knowing he liked to finish on her face. Her previous cheeky grin returned as she felt dollops of the warm liquid splatter on her nose and cheeks, a few ending up on her forehead and hair.

"You owe me a shower, Mr. Potter," Hermione murmured, swallowing the last of the cum in her mouth.

"And a glass of water. You okay?" Harry asked softly, looking down at the mess he had made. Her face was a mosaic of tears, remaining make-up, and his cum, and yet the girl had a huge cheshire grin on her face that helped allayed the twinge of guilt he had after every session. She had liked it. By the look on her face, she had liked it very much.

"I am sore, my throat is raw and I'm sticky everywhere," Hermione admitted, maintaining her position till he helped her up. Rules. They weren't for just when it was convenient. "But there is nowhere else I'd rather be at this very moment. I love you."

"And there's no one else I'd rather have sharing this with me than you," Harry murmured, reaching out with a hand and helping her to her feet. I love you too.



You've done it again! I've always thought that it wouldn't be unusual for their to be a pretty little submissive hiding behind Hermione's drive to be the perfect, knowledgeable witch. Not only do you portray that amazingly, but you also connect Harry and Hermione's dynamic with their love for each other so well!