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Content Warnings: Handjob, Blowjob, Cumplay, Name-Calling, Rough.

“You weren’t kidding when you said you’d made drastic changes.” Harry looked around the attic that housed the Divination classroom, now dramatically transformed from the stuffy, unbearably warm sauna it had been during the days of Professor Trelawney. The new professor had tossed out the pillows and blankets in favor of comfy beanbags and replaced the stuffy oppressiveness with the help of large windows that flooded the room with fresh air, and during the day, Harry presumed, plenty of sunlight.

The light of the full moon that flooded the room seemed to make it even more magical and mysterious, although, nowhere close to as magical and mysterious as the goddess that stood in the middle of the classroom, bathed in silver light. Her white dress had been quietly discarded and now lay pooled up around her ankles. She stood there, legs crossed, bare for his gaze. Her dark eyes were smoldered, drawing him in, demanding he finish what he’d started in the Ministry before they’d been rudely interrupted by that nosey reporter.

Harry had to remind himself to breathe when he turned away from the window and towards the girl, not expecting her state of undress, nor the look in her eyes. She was his goddess, made to be worshipped, ravished, and claimed. He had summoned her and she had answered his call, now it was time to bind her to him.

“This is a long time coming,” he whispered as he walked towards her, taking her offered hand and helping her step out of her dress.

“Only three years. Good thing we have the rest of our lives ahead of us.” Her voice was soft, barely audible, almost as if she recognized the importance of the atmosphere surrounding them just as much as he did.

He leaned, pressing his lips against hers, arm snaking around her waist to pull her closer. His free hand traveled up to her pert breast, gently squeezing, his thumb brushing against the stiff nipple.

“Mr. Potter?”

“Hmm?” he hummed against her neck, slowly peppering the flawless brown skin with kisses.

“How many petite, black-haired girls have you fucked these past three years, trying to get me out of your system?”

“I-uhm… why do you ask?” Harry pulled away from her, frowning. The question felt like a trap, like there was no right answer.

“Just curious about how many girls you’ve been with, trying to live out your fantasies about me. Now that you have the real deal before you, you hesitate?”


“Get over yourself, Harry Potter. I’m no damsel in distress, and definitely no virginal flower whose innocence you need to protect. You want to woo and seduce me? Fine. Do it by the light of day.” She knelt, her breasts swaying slightly, “This and other nights, are ours. Ours to give in to our desires. And I desire very much for you to rail your dirty little cumslut,” she whispered, undoing his belt and trousers, pulling them down her legs.

‘Not everyone wants you to be their hero or their knight in shining armor Harry.’ Minnie, a girl he had briefly taken on as his submissive had once told him. ‘Some of us love you for the slightly messed up control freak that you are. Do me a favor? When you find the one, give her a chance to love all of you. Even the parts you’re ashamed of.’

As Harry looked down at the girl kneeling in front of him, continuing what she had started in the Ministry atrium, he realized that he had perhaps found the one. And she loved every part of him. Even the ones he was ashamed of.

“How do you know all of this?” He groaned softly as she pulled his boxers down his legs, finally freeing the erection that he had been struggling with ever since their kiss in the bathroom.

“Lavender.” Parvati shrugged before moving to wrap her hand around his shaft, “She’s seen you with enough girls in Club Black to have a very good idea about your tastes.”

“And you don’t mind it? Them? The tastes?” he asked, hissing softly as she closed the gap and kissed his sensitive tip.

“Do I look like I do?”

A good question. She very much did not.

“Did you, ever-”


She was now licking down his shaft, his eyes fluttering shut as he nodded at her question.

“No. Like I said, not quite sold on the idea of a crowd. Just because I don’t like visiting a kink club doesn’t mean I’m not kinky Mr. Potter,” Parvati reminded him, her lips wrapping around one of his balls.

“Daddy,” Harry moaned as she began to suck, her tongue swirling around the engorged globe, almost as if she was teasing its treasure out of it. She continued her handjob, pumping his shaft with slow, lazy jerks of her wrist, her dark eyes looking up at her lover with supreme satisfaction.

“Dhadhy,” Parvati conceded, the speech drawing his ball deeper into her mouth, the gentle graze of her teeth against its skin threatening to drive the man crazy. If her plan was to break him down until he gave into his urges, she was succeeding magnificently.

He lost track of time, his surroundings, and all rational thought as she sped up, his hands moving seemingly of their own accord as they traveled down to bury themselves in her hair.

She withdrew, and he let out a disappointed huff, his eyes opening again. She had pulled away slightly, both hands now wrapped around his shaft as she pumped, face turned up to look at him with an impish smile and a sparkle in her eyes.



“Yes daddy?” she asked, her grin growing wider.

At least she likes the nickname.

“I’m gonna cum soon, so if you want-” He grunted, feeling the familiar coil in the pit of his stomach that heralded his coming climax.

“Oh no daddy, I’m a very good cumslut. I want all of your thick-” she closed her eyes as the first dollop splashed against her lips, “tasty”, her lips parted, letting the next dollop inside her mouth. She leaned her head back, letting the last of his cum coat her face, leaving a sticky trail from her hair down to her chin, “seed all over me,” she finished, pulling a hand away from his shaft, using a finger to wipe her eyelids clean. She popped the finger into her mouth, sucking on it as she looked up at him, daring him to do what he had wanted to almost all night. Take her. Ravish her. Claim her.

It was at that moment that the metaphorical dam finally broke. Looking down at the girl sucking her finger clean, her dark eyes watching his every move with feline concentration, did the man in. He did not want to struggle against his desires anymore. He could not struggle against them anymore.

He grabbed her hair, ignoring the surprised gasp as he tugged on it and pulled the girl to her feet. His free hand moved to her throat, wrapping around her slender neck.

“Good cumsluts don’t leave their necks bare,” Harry said, his voice a low growl.

“This good cumslut hasn’t been claimed yet, Mr. Potter,” Parvati gasped out, her eyes fluttering shut as he started to slowly cut off her air.

“We should rectify that.” He used his grip to slowly push her back towards the only desk in the room, her own. Collaring one’s pet was a symbolic ritual, after all, steeped in old and arcane magic. It was best done at a place of significance.

Her desk. His pet.

Every time she used it, whether to teach a class, grade papers or perhaps just enjoy a quiet nightcap, it’d remind her of him. Of them. She wanted him to claim her? He’d do just that.

She seemed to understand his intentions, twisting slightly to allow him to push her up against the desk. Her hands gripped its edges as she clumsily pushed herself up on it, her eyes not leaving his for even a second. He had kept the pressure on her throat throughout their short journey, only removing his hand as he felt her breath grow laborious. They hadn’t decided on a safeword yet, and he had no desire to push her past her comfort zone. Not without her consent, and definitely not without a safeword in place.

“What’s your safeword?” he asked as the girl fell back on the desk, her black hair fanning around her like a halo.

“Safeword?” She looked at him through hooded eyes, a content smile on her face. “Yule.”

“You’ll never forgive me for that, will you?” Harry asked, his hands on her knees, pushing her legs apart to reveal her glistening core.

“Keep working on your apology, daddy, and I just might,” she whispered, groaning at the slap to her cunt.

“That’s for talking back to me, Miss Patil.”

“I should do more of that then,” she teased, biting her lip to stifle her cry at the harder slap her words elicited.

He moved away from her, quickly walking over to his pants to retrieve his wand.

“What’re you doing?” she asked softly, making no effort to get up. She was sure it was the combination of the alcohol and the sheer surrealism of her current situation, but she felt like she was floating without a care in the world and had no desire for the feeling to end.

“For once in my life, not the stupid thing,” Harry murmured, walking back to the desk, cock twitching at the sight of her laid out, bare. Gorgeous. “Were you serious about wanting to be claimed by me?” he asked, pausing between her legs.

“I was. I’m not your typical wide-eyed innocent girl Mr. Po-” her words ended in a strangled groan as the man pushed his wand against her slit, the cold tip pressing against her clit. “I-oh merlin,” she groaned at the sudden and intense vibrations assaulting her core, her head falling back to the desk. “I-I know what it means. It may last a day,” she grunted as he roughly palmed her breast, arching her back to press herself into his hand, “or an eternity. I do not know. But I’d very much like to find out,” she finished, panting at the intensity of the spell on her clit.

He was hard again, ready for round two faster than he had ever been. The very aura of Parvati Patil demanded intensity, demanded that he throw caution to the wind and dive in headlong. This is exactly what he did, taking his hand away from her breast to grasp his shaft, guiding the tip towards her slit. Her complaint was drowned out by his lips pressing against hers, the words turning into a moan midway as he pushed his tip inside her.

Her legs moved, wrapping around his waist, encouraging him to push deeper inside her with the gentlest of pressures. Her arms were soon around him, pulling him closer, clinging to the man as he bottomed out inside her.

Tight. She was so unbelievably tight. He could have stood there for hours, lips locked, simply enjoying the sensation. Perhaps he did, for he had lost track of time long ago. After what felt like an eternity he moved, slowly pulling out before pushing back in, establishing a slow, lazy rhythm. His hand moved back up to her breast, pinching her stiff nipple and twisting it harshly.

His lips had moved to her neck, her gasping and moaning no longer muffled. She cried out when he twisted her sensitive brown nub, interspersing pain in between her pleasure.

Were they even two different things?

Now, however, was not the time for philosophical thought. The girl was an incoherent mess, every part of her body assaulted by a different sensation, moaning, mumbling, and begging for release. He himself could feel the magic and his own orgasm build towards a climax, reducing him to a primal state of desire. All sense of rhythm was lost as he rammed into her tight cunt as hard as he could, his lips on her neck leaving a trail of hickeys as he traveled lower.

“Daddy- I’m com-” Her slim fingers buried themselves in his messy black hair, pulling him up for a kiss. He groaned into her lips as he felt his own climax wash over him, burying himself inside her as he came, his wand pushed against her neck, letting the magic take hold and bind them.

Utterly spent, he collapsed on top of her, his attempt to pull out thwarted by the push of her legs on his hips, indicating she very much wanted him to finish in her.

He slowly rolled off her once she unlocked her ankles, laying down on the desk next to her. The two lovers spent the next few minutes in silence, riding their highs and trying to catch their breath. Harry simply stared up at the starry sky, the girl evidently having used the same spell as the Great Hall for her classroom ceiling. His hand reached out to hers, weaving their fingers together.

“Am I finally forgiven?”

“Depends on how pretty the collar you’ve given me is, sir.”



Damn, that was amazing (and amazingly HOT)! I absolutely adore the fact that Parvati was ready to accept the desires that Harry has been somewhat repressing. Now that he's used her as a cumslut, I anticipate that they'll dive deeper into how Harry likes to dispense pleasure, pain, and denial upon his submissives. Can't wait to read the next chapter!