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Content Warnings: Punishment, Spanking, Teasing.

Grimmauld Place, 6:00 PM:


Pain would cleanse her. That was what Bellatrix had said. It had been so long, and yet it felt like yesterday. That crazed woman carving her hand with that silver knife. The sting, the humiliation, the stench of Greyback hunching over her. The lust in the man's eyes. And then a flash of red, and she was saved by the most unlikely of rescuers. Her two best friends, and Dobby? The house-elf. A house-elf had more compassion and bravery than half the wizarding world. How could they deny elves the most basic of rights? And then his hands were back on her breaking her free from her thoughts, cool palms on her own feverish skin, grounding her to reality. Grimmauld Place. Home. She was home. She was home with her dominant, and she was safe.

"Sir?" She asked, her voice small and timid. She knew she was taking a risk with speaking out, but he had warned her not to speak in sentences, hadn't he? It wasn't a full sentence, not really. She could probably skate by unpunished. Especially with what she was about to say next.

"Yes, Miss Granger?" Harry asked, carefully pushing her knee-length skirt up to her waist, doing his best not to crinkle or roll it. He knew the girl liked to occasionally store clothes for future use, so as not to increase Kreacher's workload, and he wasn't about to spoil the mood for something as trivial as a crease. He carefully tucked the skirt in its own waistband, gently palming an ass-cheek. A thong. She certainly was feeling cheeky tonight. She had been mortified when he had bought it for her as part of a set on her birthday and had refused to accept it until he reminded her that he was the only one who'd be seeing her in them.

Can you imagine me in something this scandalous? Hermione Granger?

She had told him she wouldn't disobey his orders to wear them, but would never put them on of her own volition. How wrong she'd been...

Why yes Miss Granger, I can certainly see you in something this scandalous, he thought as he wordlessly pulled the panties down her stockinged feet, down her creamy thighs, stopping when he reached her knees. Far enough. She could dress quickly if they ran late and Luna decided to drop in. One could never quite predict that girl's actions. "Yes, love?" He asked, picking up the ruler from the arm of the armchair, delivering a sharp swat to her right cheek, watching the flesh jiggle with supreme satisfaction.

"I-" She started, before groaning in surprise. He was in a playful mood. Fuck. Her cunt was already growing wet at the teasing, and she knew she'd be dripping by the time he was done. And given the mood he was in... "I love you... One!" She squeaked out, knowing he'd call her out if she didn't count.

"I love you too little one." He murmured, gently pushing her legs apart, delivering the next swat straight against her pussy, bruising her puffy lips. "Pretty sure I love you is a sentence, Miss Granger. Or am I wrong?"

"I-Two!" Hermione shrieked, her fingers flailing and desperately digging into the soft skin of her back. The urge to reach back and caress her hurt rump was great, but her brain was screaming at her to stop, that her dominant was in the mood to punish any transgression, and covering her ass might certainly count as one. He had never punished her for it before, but he was being a bit of a twat, and she never presumed to predict his actions. He always surprised her.

Harry didn't say a word after that, but he didn't have to. Nothing needed to be said, for, in six short months, they could understand each other through body language, such was the strength of the nature of their relationship. He moved lower, delivering the next smack to her ample thighs, waiting for a moment to allow the girl to count, before shifting to her left cheek. She was soft, supple, like putty under his hands. The soft mewls that escaped the girl's lips with every spank only served to add fuel to his raging erection, and it was only supreme self-control that stopped him from dropping the ruler and taking his princess right there on the couch. She had been a naughty girl, and she needed to be punished. Pleasure... That would come later.

"F-five." Hermione whimpered, her voice breaking as a familiar burn settled into her ass with the fifth swat. He... Sir. Sir, her mind reminded her sternly. He was her dominant, and she needed to address him with respect, even in her head. Sir wasn't holding back, and she hated how deep into subspace she was slipping. All she wanted was his strong arms around her, his hand in her hair, telling her it was okay, that he loved her, that... "SIX." She screamed, the ruler back against her dripping cunt.

"I-I won't cuss again Sir, I promise. Never again..." She sobbed, gasping when she felt his cool palm against her bruised ass, gently kneading the flesh. "I- Seven!" She started, before stopping. She didn't even know what she was begging for. It hurt, it hurt like little else they did, and yet she didn't want him to stop. She was dripping, far more aroused with this than with anything else they did. Was she broken? Why did she crave pain?

"It's okay little one. Just three more. No extra ones tonight," Harry murmured reassuringly, letting the girl cry. It wasn't just the spanking, it was the stress, the tension, everything bad she brought home from the office. It wasn't a punishment, it was therapeutic. A good cry helped get rid of the tension, and he could already see the girl's body go limp. "Can you be a brave little Gryffindor for me?" He asked softly, bringing the wooden ruler flat against her entire ass as the girl nodded.

Eight. Nine! TEN!

Pain. Pain was good. Pain was real. Harry was real. Harry loved her. She was a smart, successful witch, sobbing into a couch because her boyfriend had disciplined her, and she had loved every second of it. Merlin, she was a mess.

She had no energy left, no agency. She simply lay there, waiting for her dominant to get the aloe cream. The last part of their ritual. The best part, a small voice in her head spoke out. Her dominant would take care of her. She had nothing to worry about, not tonight at least.

"Should I floo Luna and let her know we'll be late? I think a warm shower is warranted after a long day, don't you?" Harry asked, dipping his fingers into the salve, smearing a thick layer of it onto her ass. Her skin was now blotched with maroon and purple, and the girl wouldn't be sitting properly for at least a few days. The salve had been one of Luna's inventions. It cooled skin, and dried fast, ensuring that it didn't stain clothes.

"I... I think we can take a shower after we come back? Ron and Lavender are coming over too, and you know how he gets when he's hungry." Hermione requested softly, allowing the man to pull her limp body off the couch, and into his chest. His hands were back around her. Where they belonged, her brain crowed, the girl melting into his chest.

"Ronald is worse than a Hungarian Horntail when he's hungry. Alright. We'll leave in a minute," he murmured, gently rubbing her back, allowing the girl to snuggle into his chest.

"Are you just happy to see me sir, or did you put that ruler in your pocket?" She teased, giggling softly as she pressed kisses into her shoulder. Damn subspace. It made her act decidedly unHermionish.

"Merlin little one. Don't remind me. I'm treating my erection like I would a zit, ignoring it in the hopes that it'll go away." Harry groaned, his strong arms pushing under her, gently lifting her up and settling her down on the couch, her legs hanging over its arm.

"Hey! Ouch..." She squeaked as she was lifted up, her ass screaming her protest as it was pushed against the cushion.

"Sorry. You stay there and rest while I go get dressed for dinner. I don't trust myself around you right now. As you said, we don't have time to mess around," Harry muttered, sounding almost like a child who had his candy snatched before he could take a single bite. Damn Ronald and his eating habits. The boy seriously needed to stop giving him blue balls. He still hadn't forgiven the redhead for interrupting his first-time trying clamps with Hermione, all because Puddlemere United had won a game. He needed to have a discrete word with Lavender, he thought distractedly, pulling his t-shirt over his head, before pulling on a simple white shirt. The longer they spent snogging, the less time Ron would have acting like a third wheel with him and Hermione. They loved him, and he was fun to hang out with, but he was at that point in his life where he'd much rather spend the afternoon fucking his little kitten, than watch Quidditch.

"Wear the blue jeans I got you last month. They look good with a white shirt." Hermione called out with a tired voice, breaking Harry out of his thoughts. The girl was splayed out on the couch, watching her dominant with a tired but content smile. She decided against changing clothes. Her work clothes were nice enough for a dinner party; besides, her legs were more akin to jelly than anything solid and that didn't seem to be changing anytime soon.

"Yes ma'am," Harry murmured with a smile, bending over to pull his pajamas down his legs, stepping free of them before straightening and grabbing the jeans from a coat hanger, quickly pulling them up to his waist.

"Now you're just mocking me, Harry..." She murmured, undecided whether she wanted to stay in subspace for the dinner or not. She was quickly pulling free, but one word from her dominant, and she'd be back underwater. "Help?" She asked softly, motioning towards her legs, her knees forced together by her panties.

"Yeah. Sorry about that. You never know with Luna, and she's seen more of your body than I'm comfortable with," he murmured with a laugh, padding over and grabbing her arm, pulling the girl to her feet.

"It hurts." She whined, shooting Harry a pout as the man bent to pull her panties back up cursing Ron and his stomach as he caught a whiff of her arousal. She was dripping, inviting, just waiting for him to fill her up, and he couldn't do anything about it.

"That's the point of a punishment Miss Granger. The next time you feel the urge to cuss, remember your stinging ass." Harry smirked, winking at his girlfriend as he tugged her skirt free from the waistband, allowing it to fall back down, covering her ass. "Ready?"

"You'll need to hold my arm, sir. I don't think I can walk," Hermione murmured, giving up after one shaky step, reaching out to grab Harry's arm.

"Of course. It's the Floo, so you need to hold on tight anyways," he murmured, taking her arm and helping her out of the bedroom, slowly leading her back down the stairs towards the living room, and the large ornate fireplace. The walls looked bare and diminutive without any portraits (The girl having finally figured out a way to take them down. He had burned most of them, and had been quite happy to do so.) and the couple made their way to the living room in comfortable silence. He grabbed a pinch of the bright green powder from the bowl on top of the fireplace tossing it into the grate.

The man pulled the girl into his chest, before dragging her into the tall green flames, giving her one last smile as the flames enveloped them. "The Rook!" He shouted, and braced himself as the floor fell under them, dragging them away from their home.

The Rook:

"Oh good. Harry and Hermione are here," Luna murmured serenely, running into the kitchen, watching two of her friends sprawled out on the floor in front of the fireplace, gently brushing soot off their clothes. "Everyone is waiting for you. Were you busy playing with your pet Harry?" She asked, tilting her head confused as the boy rapidly turned several shades of red.

"Uh-Yeah. Um, my pet was being a handful," Harry mumbled, hoping that anyone else listening in thought that he was talking about Hedwig. Only Luna knew about their secret, and they had decided to keep it that way.

"Oh. I hope you knocked the Nargles out of her. That's what causes her to misbehave, you know?" Luna asked, completely serious, before shooting the couple a bright smile, "Well, come on! Everyone is waiting and dinner is getting cold!"


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