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This story is more of a slow burn than my short stories. It's Harry/Hermione, an AU, and takes place in the immediate Post-War period.

I am experimenting with longer stories, so any feedback is welcome!

Content Warnings: Handcuffs, Teasing.

Chapter 1:

 Bedroom, Grimmauld Place:

Just a friend? She had never been just a friend. He loved her. He knew he did. That was the only thing in his life that he was sure about.

Mudblood! Filth!



Him... A flash of green light.

"No!" Harry exclaimed bolting upright. A groan emanating from the mass of bushy hair struggling to get out of his arms brought him back to reality and the man loosened his grip, letting the girl in his arms move from the awkward position she had been trapped in. Nightmare. Well... nightmares. It always started on the night they kissed and quickly morphed into a hit reel of the worst moments in his life. Perhaps he needed to give in and see that muggle psychiatrist that Hermione went to. At least when she stayed over, he didn't scream while asleep. Thank Merlin for small mercies.

"You know Harry, when I said I wanted to experiment with breath play, this is not what I had in mind," Hermione murmured coughing, amber eyes blinking sleepily as she leaned forward, placing a kiss on his cheek. "I don't mind being trapped in your arms Mr. Potter, but breathing is important... even when you're asleep." She murmured with a smile, pulling her boyfriend down to her chest, gently pushing her fingers through his hair. Messy as ever. Some things truly never changed. "Nightmare? Same one? I'm here Harry. I'm right here. Can't you hear me?" She asked softly, shifting so he could hear her heartbeat. "I'm real Harry. The nightmare isn't. I'm real." She murmured, gently pulling the boy back down to the bed and climbing on top of him, legs moving to either side of his waist as she straddled him. Her weight was comforting. She had discovered it was the quickest way to bring him back to reality.

"Mione?" Harry whispered, the wild look of desperation in his eyes subsiding as he groaned softly, "You're sore. You need rest. I'll be okay." He whispered, gently pulling the girl down into his chest, "Yeah. Same nightmare. I really thought I was past this." He whispered, sighing as the girl slipped off his body, only to cuddle into his side.

"Daddy..." She whispered, reaching out to cup his cheek, turning his face towards her.

She was extremely worried, Harry realized, shooting the girl a tired smile. That was a title she rarely used, and never outside the bedroom. Only during their most intimate moments, when he had stripped her down to her most vulnerable self, to the scared little girl who had to give up her own parents, the girl who had been mocked her entire life for her intellect, the girl with whom he had finally found happiness...

"Don't worry Mione. I promise to take the first appointment that your muggle doctor gives me. I just don't know how to... talk to him about Voldemort and torture and that night in the mansion." He whispered, hands pushing underneath her shirt, his cold clammy palm making contact with her feverish skin. Warm. Real. Beautiful.

"He's a squib. Very disconnected from the magical world, but I promise you... he'll understand. And help." Hermione murmured, leaning to place a kiss on the corner of his lips, "Now, unless you want a sore and very cranky princess tomorrow, you better put me to bed."

Purpose. Taking care of her gave him purpose, the girl realized as he laughed, pulling the blanket back over them. His entire life had been engineered towards a single goal. Defeat Lord Voldemort. Now that it was done, he had no idea what to do with his life anymore. So he took care of her. He cooked, he cleaned, and he remodeled his house. Purpose and a sense of control. Two things that had always been lacking in his life. They were made for each other, she thought wryly, resting her head back on his chest, his heartbeat bringing a sense of security that few other things in the world did for her. The boy who craved control in his life, and the girl who couldn't spend more than a minute without searching for the next authority figure in her life. And to think it all started with a kiss. A kiss and a flock of birds...

Empty Classroom: (6th Year)

"Birds, huh?" Harry asked, gently closing the door behind him, marveling at the quality of the girl's spell work. Even as upset as she was, it was perfect, the flock of yellow canaries chittering around her head in perfect unison.

"Y-yeah. I just... felt like practicing. Party over?" She hiccupped, furiously wiping away her tears. Harry couldn't see her like this. She wouldn't allow him to see her like this. A hormonal teenager, pining away after a boy. A boy who was currently shoving his stupid tongue down the throat of a girl she could never compete with. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

"Got too noisy for me. I'm guessing you saw what I saw?" Harry asked, pushing himself on top of the bench the girl was occupying. Stupid Ron. Which boy in their right mind would choose Lavender Brown over Hermione Granger?

"Not that difficult to miss Harry. He looked like he was eating her face. In the middle of the common room." She muttered bitterly, twirling the birds around the two, before allowing them to return to flying aimlessly.

"Yeah. Ron needs to work on his kissing..." He mumbled, unsure how to react to the girl's words. Yes. His best friend needed to work on his kissing, but with his other best friend! Not Lavender Brown. "At least she wasn't crying..."

"You do realize you aren't a bad kisser Harry." Hermione hiccupped, trying to stifle a giggle as she turned towards him with a watery smile, "Cho just..."

"Yeah. I know."

"You don't have to stay. I just... To be rejected by the boy you thought you liked for the very girl who takes every opportunity to call you an unattractive know-it-all..."

"It's attractive. Um. Your intelligence." Harry murmured before he could stop himself. Where was he going with this? He was just trying to make his best friend feel better, right? That was all. Yep. That was all. She was his best friend. He was and had never been attracted to her. No sir. Absolutely not. "I mean. I'd rather listen to you talk about SPEW than have to tolerate Lavender giggling at the latest issue of Witch Weekly. Your intelligence is attractive to me," He murmured, his eyes widening as the implications of what he had just said dawned on him. Attractive to him. TO HIM?!

"Hermione I-" He continued, desperate to fix this before he irreparably broke their friendship. Ronald. She liked Ronald. And he... liked her. If his life wasn't complicated enough this year, now he felt as if he were well and truly fucked.

"Like me?" She asked, raising an eyebrow. She was upset, not a moron. The girl could see where he was going with this, even though Harry was taking painfully long to get there. The Boy-Who-Lived liked her? She had never been able to separate the legend from the person. The friend from the authority figure that most books portrayed him as. So, she just pretended that she wasn't attracted to the goofball that she pretended was just her best friend. Nothing more. She never had a crush on her best friend. No ma'am. So, she shifted her attention to the next boy she thought she had even the barest of chances with. Someone she liked and thought she could grow to love. "Harry, I don't need your pity."

Now or never boy, his mind screamed at him, pushing, prodding, basically dragging his body towards the girl.

Ronald Weasley. You better be damned sure you're making the right choice, the boy thought gulping as he closed the distance between the two. For I'm about to cross a line here, and I doubt there'll be any coming back if you regret the choice you've just made.

"Not pity. I mean it. I dunno. I just... I can't explain it, Mione. I like you... I've always liked you. Somewhere down the line, I convinced myself and everyone that we were just friends, and that attraction was simply what friends feel for each other." Harry murmured, pausing inches away from her face, vivid green eyes locked with warm amber ones.

"Funny... That's how I'd explain my feelings towards you Harry Potter," Hermione replied, shooting the boy a bitter smile, "If you're going to kiss me, you better do it before you lose your balance."

"I don't want us to snog just yet... I want this to be right..."

"Then let us make it right..." Hermione whispered, gently brushing her lips against his, before she pulled away, smiling nervously at him. Her first kiss. Her first kiss with her first crush.

"Are you sure I'm not horrible? Maybe I have garlic breath and I don't know it." Harry teased as the girl shifted, resting her head on his shoulder, "Every girl I kiss seems to cry." He continued as the girl let out a shaky laugh, simply swatting the boy with her hand.

He said nothing more after that, simply allowing the girl to nuzzle into him as the two looked at the birds fly around them. After nearly five years together, no words were needed. They would figure out their new dynamic come morning. For now, the two simply enjoyed each other's company. Their lives, their relationship, and even their own selves would drastically change over the next two years, but for now, they only existed in their perfect little world, and Harry would not have it any other way.

They were friends, they said. Well, that was still the truth, wasn't it?

Grimmauld Place, 9:00 AM:

As far as nights went, it wasn't the worst he had had, Harry decided, gently shifting so as to make sure that he didn't wake the brunette snoring in his arms. Their session the evening before certainly hadn't been one of their gentler ones, considering they had been experimenting with a wooden ruler and the various places it could be applied on a submissive's body. The more the boy thought about it, the more he realized that he had to do something about his night terrors. He didn't have the heart to make Hermione sleep in a separate bedroom, and he couldn't keep her awake at nights like he had the night previous. She had a job, he didn't. He spent his days working on some tiny project or another around the house, while she spent hers taking care of exploited magical creatures. Out of the two of them, she was the one who needed a good night's sleep, and he was utterly failing in his duty as a dominant to fulfill her needs.

"Feeling guilty about keeping me awake at night?" Hermione whispered sleepily, giggling as the man's eyes widened in surprise.

"I- Did I wake you?" he murmured, gently disentangling himself from the girl, rolling over, before groaning as his feet hit the cold floor.

"You are much more disruptive when you're shifting around guiltily Harry," Hermione murmured, clamping a hand to her mouth as she yawned. "But it's okay, I'm already running late for work," she continued, unable to help the slightest bit of disappointment creeping into her voice. No soak for her, then, she thought, as she reluctantly pushed the blanket away from her body. She would simply have to break out the old arse pillow. It had been months since she had felt the need to use it, the pillow lying neglected on her desk at work since Harry had gotten a sense of her pain tolerance, and an idea about the amount the girl could take before the punishment rendered her non-functional the next day.

"How did you know?" Harry asked, getting to his feet and turning to the nightstand, grabbing his spectacles and jamming them on top of his nose.

"We've been in some sort of relationship for nearly three years Harry. Friends for another six. I'd be disappointed if I couldn't read my dominant like a book." She murmured, clambering over the mess of blankets and pillows to press a kiss to his bare back.

"You sure about that?" Harry asked, grinning as he looped the worn-out pink fluffy cuff around the slender wrist of the hand she had on the bedpost, before looping the other one around the bedpost itself, quickly locking the cuffs. It was the oldest toy that they had in their chest of naughtiness (Harry could swear Luna's names got weirder by the day, but that particular name had stuck, and the two had gotten used to calling it their chest of naughtiness). They hadn't even bought it; it had been part of one of Hermione's Halloween costumes, having dressed up as a police officer one year and the couple had simply repurposed it.

"Hey!" She exclaimed, turning towards her hand with a frown, before turning her gaze back towards Harry. "Harry! As much as I would like to spend the morning with you in bed, I'm late for work." She whined, the cuffs serving as an immediate catalyst to push her into subspace, even as the girl fought it. She couldn't skip work and spend the morning with her dominant, even though a small irrational part of her brain really wanted to immediately submit. She had to be an adult. She couldn't miss work... She had finally secured a meeting with the Goblins to discuss the condition of dragons in Gringotts! "I can't skip work, sir. Can you please let me go? Pretty please?" She whispered, adopting her little voice as her eyes widened, the girl batting her eyelashes as innocently as she could. Aha! You're not the only one with tricks Mr. Potter.

Puppy eyes. The girl wasn't messing around, Harry realized, resisting the urge to let her go with a kiss to her head and a pat on her bum. "I'm not making you skip work Miss Granger. The world won't end if you go in an hour late," Harry said sternly, pushing the girl back down on the bed. "I want you to rest while I get us breakfast and draw you a bath." He murmured, padding over to the couch and picking up the shirt he had discarded the previous night.

"Haaaarryy! I have goblins coming over. Do you know how hard it is to get goblins to come to the Ministry?" Hermione groaned, throwing her head back down on the pillows in frustration. The meeting was after lunch, but she had to prepare. Everything needed to be perfect! She didn't need rest! There were dragons that needed saving, and nobody else in the Ministry cared about it enough to harangue the Goblins like she would. Harry was being very infuriating, the girl decided and was definitely abusing his authority. "You're acting like an ass," she muttered grumpily, crossing her free arm over her chest to signal her annoyance at the whole situation before her eyes widened as she realized what she had just said. Oh no. OH NO.

"What was that Miss Granger?" Harry asked softly, his voice low and measured. The man had paused at the entrance of their bedroom, a foot already outside the door, before he turned towards the girl, eyebrows raised.

The Dom voice. He had used the Dom voice. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. The man never raised his voice with her. Never had he shouted, nor spoken in anger. His voice simply went an octave lower, the tone assuming an air of command. It never failed to send a shiver down her spine... and aroused her more than any other physical attribute of her boyfriend.

"I didn't break the rules... I didn't cuss at you... Well... Not technically?" She offered meekly, knowing the defense wouldn't work. She wasn't allowed to cuss, period. "I didn't call you an ass. I said you were acting like one," she mumbled, using her messy curls to hide her face.

"It shall be ten with the ruler after you get home from work Miss Granger. I'll administer them before we leave for Luna's for dinner," Harry murmured, raising a finger to silence the girl before she could open her mouth to argue. "I could stand here arguing with you, or I can get us breakfast so you can leave for work as soon as possible," he pointed out, raising an eyebrow as the girl nodded in resignation. Damn. Now I'll really need to get the arse pillow, she thought, sighing as she flopped back onto the pillows in frustration.

Grimmauld Place, 6:00 PM:

Bloody Goblins. Bloody, stupid Goblins. Bloody, stupid heartless Goblins. I wonder how they'd feel about being blinded and shackled in a dank, smelly cavern, she thought savagely, dumping her briefcase on the kitchen table, and coming face to face with a highly surprised Harry.

"I take it the meeting didn't go well?" Harry asked, wiping his hands clean on his 'Kiss the Cook' apron, slowly walking towards the girl, his brow furrowed with concern.

"Said there were genuine security reasons requiring them to keep dragons. Asked me to talk to the families with high-security vaults and get them to sign off on the proposal to free the creatures," Hermione mumbled, melting into her boyfriend's arms. "Fat chance they sign off on a proposal granting a creature its due rights. Stupid goblins. Very smugly pointed out that Ministry law did not apply to goblin lands."

"They're just bitter because we broke into their bank, trashed the place, and stole a dragon," he whispered, gently rubbing the girl's back. "We'll get them around. YOU will get them around. I believe in you."

"Really? It's just so hard Harry..." She whispered, tears springing to her eyes. What had they fought for? What had their friends sacrificed their lives for? For things to go back to how they were? To return to the Status Quo? They were fighting for a better world, or at least that was what she had believed, until six months at the Ministry had slowly stripped all hope from the girl. Nothing had changed.

"I know little one... But if it was easy, Kingsley wouldn't have given you the job, would he? Hermione Granger, the girl who does the impossible every day," Harry murmured, gently peppering her face with kisses, till the girl giggled, pushing his face away.

"You are far too good for my ego Harry James Potter," Hermione murmured, gently latching her lips onto his, her tongue begging for entry. She would tackle the dragon problem later, with a fresh mind. Right now, she needed Harry.

"Mhm... I..." Harry murmured, groaning softly as their tongues dueled for dominance, his arms tightening around the girl. "I love you, Hermione Jean Granger." He gasped, pulling away for air as the girl gazed at him through half-lidded eyes.

"Sir? Can you punish me? I'd like to get it over with, and I don't want to be late for Luna's dinner party," she whispered, nuzzling into Harry's chest, trying to shut out the world. Being an adult could wait. Hermione wanted... No, she needed her Dominant.

"Of course," Harry said, taking her hand and calmly leading her out of the kitchen.

"I liked it better when life was uncomplicated..." Hermione murmured in a small voice, trying to fight back the tears that threatened to make a reappearance. Anxiety coiled in her stomach, and all the girl wanted to do was curl up in Harry's lap while he read to her. Everything set her on the edge after her experience in Malfoy Manor...

"I think our life was never uncomplicated love. You saved me from killer plants and deadly potions when we were 11." Harry smiled, leading the girl up the stairs to their bedroom.

"You saved me from a troll Harry." She shot back, smiling despite her mood.

"Pure bravado. Plus, Ron helped," Harry murmured, gently bending the girl over the armchair, pulling her arms behind her back.

"Pure stupidity. You charged a troll, Harry. Head-on, without a plan. Very attractive," Hermione mumbled, her eyes fluttering shut as she buried her face in the felt, waiting for him to come back.

"My stupidity was attractive? Who are you and what have you done with Hermione Granger?" Harry asked with a smile, picking up the cuffs from their place on the nightstand, before pulling open the bottom drawer to retrieve the wooden ruler, and padding back towards the girl. They truly did keep the strangest assortment of items in their drawers.

"No. That you would put yourself in danger without any pause for me. What girl could ask for more? My knight in shining armor." She teased, groaning as the man pulled her arms behind her back, "I really should have given those cuffs away along with the rest of my childhood toys," she muttered, testing the locks. Firm as ever. She really should have brought the arse pillow home.

"For every sentence, you utter after this Miss Granger, I add one to the total count. Speak at your peril." Harry ordered, gently rubbing her rump. Merlin, she was beautiful.

"Shall we begin?"


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