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  In February, I start with instant loss 2 koma of Ruby the dragon🐲, and then put out some stories that I've been accumulating while I was still working on the Genryu🐯's series of 🐻. Please enjoy this month as well!



だいぶルビーさんのデザインを変えました。なるべくエラそうで自信満々に見せたい…。I have changed Ruby's design again. I want to make her look as arrogant and confident as possible...
デザインの悩み跡。結局決まらないまま一枚絵を描き始め、結果満足いく感じになったのですが、特定の演出を目的にすると制限ができていいのかもしれませんね。(素人考えですが) The trajectory of the design problem. In the end,
I started to draw the main picture without making any decisions, and the result was satisfactory. As a lesson learned, perhaps it is better
to limit the purpose and decide on a direction. (just an amateur thought.)
ケガの描き込みをするかどうか悩みましたが、ブレーキかけちゃいました。あまり深刻に考えないで欲しいので…。I wondered whether or not to contain the expressions of injury,
but I put on the brakes. I don't want you to take what happened in my painting too seriously.
ドラゴンて長くて難しいよな~と思いながら描いてました。I was thinking that dragons are so long that difficult to draw while drawing this.
OC dragon guy
OC minotaur guy
OC hyena bard
poor OC hyena bard



Love instant loss!


Yay! Ruby! I love watching her prideful expression be defeated!


She should be beheaded by goblins and cooked


Oh gosh this is gonna be a hawt month! Ruby is so cute and beautiful can't wait to see her instant loss hehe~ And also I have a silly question will you be taking requests or commissions soon in the future I have some ideas lols like more of Sceptile and Noivern


Thank you! Maybe I won't be taking requests soon, because I have other works to concentrate on. Sorry!


Okdokie! That's totally fine, I'm still looking forward to what you have cooking for this month 🥰


Psst, have you seen Ramona from Unicorn Overlord? https://e621.net/posts?tags=ramona_%28unicorn_overlord%29


Thanks. Sorry for the infrequency of updates, I really want to upload every time I finish a work ^^;


Do not be sorry, I understand. I will be happy with any and all updates you want to show us, because I really love your art!


I love the stars around the head!


I also love how you make fat breasts bounce, it's so nice... <3


Instant loss is the best! Love it so much