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  I am happy to be able to draw a fine picture of Ruby, who is doing her best as an all-around livestock. I will continue to update this month with pictures related to this or other doodles. I hope you will enjoy them at the end of the month or when you are free.



I want her to say something strong in any situation. Dragons are a superior race and can even produce goblin pups, wow.
時短を目指し、ラフの段階に時間をかけるようにしてみましたが、結局仕上げに悩み、ラフで長引いた分全体の時間も伸びただけでした。難しい。Aiming to shorten the time, I tried to spend more time on the rough image.
But in the end, I had trouble with the finishing touches as always, and the overall time only increased as the rough stage dragged on. haha
水をうまく描けるようになりたい。 I want to be able to express water better.
頼みごとをする時のワニのポーズ Crocodile pose when asking for a favor
時間があれば描きたい短編マンガ Short manga I would like to draw if I had the time
A barbarian Minotaur I drew as my player character on a TRPG session.



Gosh she's so hot!!! I wanna defeat her in battle and breed her so bad hehe~


Yes! Excellent! I am happy to hear you are happy with this piece. Personally I love it very much, your sense of dynamism when it comes to posing and where to place the camera is incredible as always. Thank you for the food, as they say.