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Hi Everybody! I wanted to give you a quick update. The two main videos that I’m currently working on are:
  • What I Learned From Watching: The Bridge on the
    River Kwai
  • How Kubrick Made 2001: A Space Odyssey – Part 6:
    Jupiter and Beyond the Infinite

I’m also planning another vote video. I’m still trying to work out the kinks a bit. There have been so many great suggestions—I want to figure out a way to do the underdog picks as well as the more popular ones. More soon…

Thank you so much for your continued support!




Looking forward to 2001 Part 6! I haven't watched Bridge on the River Kwai for ages, but I have visited the site where the Burma Railway bridge was built on the Thai / Burma border. Heat and humidity like I've never felt before.


That's amazing! I've been researching this one in the background for months and months and I'm constantly blown away by the harsh conditions that people will endure to create a work of art.


Your photo at the top looks like Telegraph Ave near U.C. Berkeley. Been there a few times. Such a unique area and culture around there. :)


It is! I had to make a trip out there while I was in the Bay Area. I spent so much time out there growing up-- the Pacific Film Archive is wonderful.