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Blade Runner wins! I had a feeling, so I started researching

a couple days ago and found some interesting resources so far. I love all of

the movies on this list, so I’ll definitely have to make a point to tackle the

other films at some point and we’ll certainly be doing this again.

Right now, I’m about 8 minutes into an 11 minute video on

how Kubrick and Arthur C. Clarke’s brilliant collaboration began. I’ve been

learning After Effects recently and I forced myself to do this video entirely

in After Effects. It has certainly been a learning experience. I think in the

future, I’ll probably do a rough cut in Premiere and go in and add After

Effects stuff as needed.

Thanks so much for your continued support!




I think Blade Runner (while one of my favourite films) is a poor choice. There is already a 213 min documentary on the making of the film called "Dangerous Days". In addition, significant documentaries exist of "Apocalypse Now" ("Hearts of Darkness: A Filmmaker's Apocalypse", 93 min) and "The Thing" (1982) ("The Thing: Terror Takes Shape", 83 min). I think "Lawrence of Arabia" or "Rear Window" would be much better choices. I wonder if the voters knew of these documentary films? There is very little on "Lawrence of Arabia" (other than newsreels) and "Rear Window" offered some Value Added Content on the Blu-Ray release. Just my 2 cents.


I feel the same way Mr. Crawford does. What more do you need to know about BladeRunner? After reading the book and watching the extensive coverage of the film. But Tyler's work is amazing I am sure he will do amazing job. But let's not waste his hard work on films that have been throughly documented. Thank you for all the hard work on the amazing work_!!


I totally know what you mean and I have seen those documentaries (they are all fantastic). So far, I’ve tended to choose movies that don’t have a whole lot of coverage in the aspects I’ve talked about. One thing that is nice about making videos for YouTube is that I don’t really have to clear all of my sources as I would have to do if I was making something I was planning on selling. Who knows if my 2001 videos could have been done through the proper channels. I’m still trying to decide on the correct approach in order to present a new take on Blade Runner. It has been interesting to see how the suggesting and voting process has turned out on this first try. I remember when I got the Blade Runner suggestion, I immediately turned to my gf and said, “looks like I’m going to do a video on Blade Runner.” I absolutely love Blade Runner, but as you were saying, there is a fantastic 3 ½ hour documentary on its production. That said, I do like the challenge of coming up with something new or more concise to talk about. The thing I still need to work out with these vote videos is how to narrow the suggestions down to subjects people want to see, but also subjects that I probably wouldn’t have done anyway.


Thanks! I've really learned a lot from this vote and I'm kicking around some ideas to make it better next time. I definitely need to figure some way to deal with the obvious front-runners. I may just pull them out and add them to the normal rotation to free up some slots for the next vote. I'd love to get the What I Learned From Watching episodes down to about 10min, so I can increase my output a bit.