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Hi everybody! Here are the research materials for the video on the Kubrickian themes of A Clockwork Orange. This one almost became a Kubrick Files episode, but it favored A Clockwork Orange enough to work in this series on the screenwriting of ACO. 


You can see in the notes that there are some quotes by Kubrick about how our society is structured that really seems to ring true today. Perhaps the most interesting is when he says:

"Certainly one of the most challenging and difficult social problems we face today is, how can the State maintain the necessary degree of control over society without becoming repressive, and how can it achieve this in the face of an increasingly impatient electorate who are beginning to regard legal and political solutions as too slow?"  

The Ludovico treatment ignores the roots of the problem of people like Alex and, instead, employs a sort of band-aid to the issue. As crazy as it is to think of the Ludovico treatment as an actual solution, it still requires heinous crimes to be committed first. I could imagine a sequel to the story that involves a type of Ludovico treatment being given to all children before they've even done anything wrong. These themes are what makes A Clockwork Orange so timeless and engaging. 

Thank you so much for your continued support!



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