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Hi everybody! Sorry for such a long delay since the last video. Things were kind of weird in July (went to California for two weeks to get married). The next video is pretty much done. I'm just waiting on confirmation from a sponsor and then we're good to go with the early access. I think you'll like it-- it's one of my favorite stories from film history and it really deserves a dramatic telling. Stay tuned!

Thanks so much for your patience and your continued support!




<img src="https://c10.patreonusercontent.com/4/patreon-comment/eyJ3IjoxNjAwfQ%3D%3D/FaSV1LfvdhRaTRk8RsTAhPW8HBeGDoTGEUTLD3MR9K-RZZ2YjBy7E6GBSQ50t1us.png?token-time=1647734400&token-hash=-POIgZEO7rHorzFcqSapazJLSeAbNu_ScPF3FM2NPd8%3D"><br>Thanks! It was such a great time, but I’m so relieved that the planning is finally over, hehe. I always wanted to get married in the jacket from The Prisoner tv series. I managed to find a perfect replica from a company that owns the original!

