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Hi everybody! Here is a small collection of Kubrick's notes on The Shining. I couldn't make heads or tails of his handwriting, so I got my gf to help transcribe to the best of her abilities. If you have any better ideas about what these notes say, please leave a comment!




[Red text:] Wendy could be “strong”. Enjoy Get satisfaction from Jack’s failure and problems. She doesn’t leave him because she “needs him”. She needs to feel his weakness and frustration. 

[Green text: ]

(Part I) 

So important. It works well. There are some very good scenes in it. – 

1. Job 

2. Accountability? / Accounting? / Accompany? 

3. Dropping Danny 

4. Bike accident 

5. George Hatfield 

6. Critical Mother 

7. The play 

8. See him as a teacher 

Ending Idea: Danny and maybe cook left alone. 

Plan B

Danny left alone at the end. Saved by cook. 

Accomplishes 2 things:

a) less ?suffered?

b) the final missing Jack, comedy as part of the fall??? – does it have more credibility as part of Danny’s fate – cognitive vaccine. Which ?? have been proven to be true? 

· [in black on the side:] { Danny could see them beckoning 

c) The cook can either be left alive w/ Danny. They could talk/ Danny + be ??ed know. Or: the cook could be killed by Jack. Danny is now in a children’s mental hospital. They don’t ?help? him. We have to place them w/ a general?good? foster home + he’ll be all right. [above this sentence in black: ‘about the hotel’]

· [in black on the side:] if Danny were left alone he wouldn’t be believed if he told of the apparitions 

[green text on the left with red check marks:]

Danny could vanish from a locked room after a ?? being called by Jack. 

Tony should have some part in the ending. 




(green fine last time) 

special effect


Wouldn’t it look like


REDRUM –not like that ->



The ground



Get ?crossed!? --> edit: The ground floor windows get covered.

At some point. 

Does Halloran come through a tall window? 

The door is flooded. --> edit: The door is blocked.

Breaks glass and jumps down. 


snow ?sucks? --> edit: 'snow swirls in'




I have to warn you and I have to ask you to discuss this openly with your wife. I wouldn’t want you to change your mind after I’ve left for Florida (N.Y.?) and once I leave you, I expect you to carry out your responsibilities. 


I have to stress the negative aspect of the job because these are all things which will come to mind once you are installed here. 

Watson? doesn’t want to come back and hire somebody else. 

On unrecognized psychosis in the man

It possible someone found about Grady and left. 

Cabin fever

This is important to establish. This is the 1st thing the audience will worry about. 

Ullman should say this. It ? identify/identity ? ? to say it. 


And I think maybe that’s the kinda thing I’ve seen. 

Maybe just like there are people (are special) who can shine, maybe there are places that are special. Maybe it has to do with what happened in them, or where they were built. 

What else could H. do?

You’ve got a quiet? Little boy. 

My number is on the wall. 

Any problems with the kitchen, you shine me, you hear. 

?? any problems you call me. My numbers on the thing?


A) As the ? ?progresses?, the hotel comes to life, lights, music, etc. 

With glossy photo




1 Shot, as seen from the window should be enough

sunny day fun in the snow

Snow Sequence – snow snow snow

sun go out more 


Describes snow drifts!!!! 

20ft deep

Artificial snow?



Part of something else

Good for doubles

Thanks so much for your continued support!




That makes sense. I wonder if it is possibly from the version where Hallorann is demonic. Now that I look at it, the last word looks like 'in.' Something like 'snow ___ in.' If the tall windows were flooded with snow and Halloran (at the top of the window) breaks the glass, all of the snow would come into the room. Maybe it is 'snow swirls in.'


I agree. To my eye, the notes on page 3 describe Halloran entering the hotel through a tall window because the front door is blocked by deep snow. When he breaks the window, "snow swirls in." A couple of other suggestions on page 3: "The ground floor windows get covered" (i.e., with snow), not crossed. Also, "the door is blocked," not flooded.


Somehow I missed this comment. That makes a lot of sense. I added your edits-- thanks!