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Hi everybody! I thought I'd surprise you all with a freebie video on the final duel scene in Barry Lyndon. Thanks so much for your continued support-- it really means a lot! Hope you like it!


Barry Lyndon | The Final Duel [Scene Breakdown]

The final duel in Barry Lyndon is one of my favorite scenes in all of Kubrick’s work. You could say that the sequence actually starts in the previous scene where Bullingdon challenges Barry. This beautiful composition of a grieving Barry alludes to one of the “Marriage A-la-Mode” series paintings by William Hogarth, which BFI notes is referenced in the original novel. The dueling theme music begins when Bullingdon asks to speak with Barry Lyndon and carries over into the dueling sequence. Support this channel on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/cinematyler Twitter: http://twitter.com/cinematyler Facebook: http://facebook.com/cinematyler Tumblr: http://cinematyler.tumblr.com This video essay was written, edited, and narrated by Tyler Knudsen. The Kubrick Files Ep. 3 - Kubrick's Cameras - https://youtu.be/kfNB4YepvTA Sources: https://cinephiliabeyond.org/stanley-kubricks-barry-lyndon Time Magazine [Dec 15, 1975] Stanley Kubrick Archives [Barry Lyndon by Rodney Hill] How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love 'Barry Lyndon’ By JOHN HOFSESS Kubrick on Barry Lyndon An interview with Michel Ciment American Cinematographer interview with John Alcott Stanley Kubrick Exhibition Book - Interview with Ken Adam Six Kinds of Light John Alcott - https://youtu.be/_E8C-3MU00g DP/30: Leon Vitali on Kubrick - https://youtu.be/BhXLE4xUy7w Leon Vitali. How to structure a duel - https://youtu.be/c98TLStRHrY Music: “Modum” by Kai Engel


Giant Sparkplug

Great video! I also love the build-up of tension and the shading the music gives the scene. It reminds me a bit of the deaths of Private Pyle and Hartman in FMJ. The shot that kills Hartman is jarring, but the constant synth chords in the score keep the tension going to Pyle's death.


I really enjoyed this video.


Thanks! I can totally see the parallels with FMJ. It's interesting how musical the scenes feel with their crescendos and rests-- it's as if the background music is acting as this atmospheric pace that links the story turns together.


Check out how miraculously that musical idea works in The Shining, esp. in the scene with Danny sitting on Jack's lap ("You would never hurt mommy and me, would you?"). The way the hairpin turns and harrowing insinuations in Bartok's music cling to the subtext and the dialogue in that scene is amazing from beginning to end. And of course it happens throughout the movie.

Giant Sparkplug

I've always like Kubrick's use of music in his movies. Lolita's "theme", open & closing of Strangelove, everything.


Totally. The scene in A Clockwork Orange where Alex attacks the droogs comes to mind as well.