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Maximilian was a tubby elven noble who was on his way to magic college. His parents wanted him to travel with an escort but he was determined to prove his independence. He also disregarded the travel instructions he was given, mapping out his own path through woodlands that others considered dangerous.

As he traveled, he heard loud footsteps and, seemingly out of nowhere, a giant troll woman leapt in front of his horse. She had blue skin, large tusks coming out of her mouth and wild, unkempt hair. She was at least nine feet tall and weighed over half a ton, with large, flabby breasts, a bulging, saggy gut and a wide, dumpy rear.. She was completely naked aside from a few pouches crudely tied around her waist. The scars on her frame showed that she was experienced in battle and that Maximilian had no hope of trying to fight or escape her.

She scanned him and recognized his family crest as being belong to nobility.

"Well, well,  a noble elf bratling wants to pass through the woods. If you want to get through my forest then you'll need to pay my toll." She said. "I'll take the most valuable thing you have with you."

Maximilian grimaced. Would she taken his super expensive magic tomes? Or maybe his trusty, thoroughbred steed?

She sniffed the air then she leaned close to Maximilian and smell again.

"You have an unspoiled scent around you. You've yet to put seed in a woman." She said.

"I...I have so!" Maximilian said, blushing and covering his crotch.

The troll woman laughed and grabbed him, ripping off his robes and carrying him away naked under her arm.

"My toll for you is a night in my camp! The other women of my tribe will be so jealous to know I taken the virginity of an elven noble!"

Maximilian shouted his complaints she carried him off, and those shouts quickly turned into pleasured moans and orgasmic screams that echoed through the woods all night.

The next morning, the troll escorted Maximilian to the forest's edge and back to the path, telling him that if he was free to travel her woods whenever he wanted, as long as remembered to pay the toll.


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