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After months of job searching, Ralph had finally landed a plum and lucrative career as the personal assistant to the owner of a successful accounting firm. Oddly enough, he hadn't yet met his new boss, only interacting with various supervisors and managers during the hiring process.

"Ms. Khones will be with you in a few minutes. She left instructions that she wants you to sit in her chair at her office desk" The office secretary said as he arrived for his first day of work.

The request was odd, but Ralph wasn't going to complain. His boss's office was large and the desk was huge. The chair he was instructed to sit in was almost as large as a couch.

About half an hour later, a truly huge black woman entered the room. She had to be almost seven feet tall and over 500 pounds, a lot of it in her wide hips and bulging ass. Her hindquarters alone was almost bigger than Ralph's entire body.

"Hi, I'm Angie Khones, your new boss. Do you remember me?" She said with a twinge of anger in her voice."

"No..." He said surprised and confused at the question.

"Of course not." She said with a sneer. "It was over two decades ago when we last met. You bullied me in grade school so much that I gained an eating disorder. It took me years to get my life together though I still haven't gotten my weight and diet under control."

She began to move towards him in a threatening manner and Ralph began to tremble in fear.

"Look I don't any trouble." He said.

"Trouble?" Khones said with a laugh. "Hiring you is both my forgiveness and my payback. Today you get to have the easiest job in the world as my personal seat cushion!" She declared as she turned around and hovered her huge ass over him.

Before he could try to run away, Ms. Khones sat on him, forcing him between her cavernous butt cheeks. She felt pleasure as she vaguely felt him struggling underneath her heavy bulk and listened to his muffled pleas for freedom.

"By the way, I ate a large breakfast burrito and about a pound of spicy curry this morning, so apologies if it gets a little smelly down there." She said with a chuckle.


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