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Noah had just broken up with his girlfriend and had been depressed about it for over a month. His friends, hoping to get him to move on, suggested he go to a strip club. Knowing he had a thing for heavy girls, they pointed him towards an establishment called Plump Pumpers.

Noah arrived at the club and it was everything he could dream. There was plenty of plus sized girls performing on stage and giving out lap dances to men who openly flaunted their fetish without fear. However, Noah had never been to a strip club before in his life and decided to sit alone in the back of the club for now.

However, a 300 pound, bottom heavy stripper saw Noah sitting at a table and immediately recognized that he was first timer. She also saw him fiddling with a wallet he had stuffed with singles that he was too nervous to use. 

"Hey there honey." She said approaching. "You look lonely back here. How about I give you a little private dance?"

Before he could say anything, the stripper turn and engulfed his face and upper torso in her wide ass. She proceeded to spend the next minute twerking against her hapless patron, who took out bunch bills and stuffed them into her thong, having seen people do it on TV. 

By the time she had finished, Noah had emptied his entire wallet into her thong strap. The stripper got up and thanked him for his patronage. As she waddled off to count her earnings, Noah sat there with a moist bulge in his pants and, having completely forgotten about his ex and his depression, began to think how he had to come back here more often.


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